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, -.. . . .. :c 'k..'� a`A .K*r ,� ' �� � ' `°�'`�� <br /> .. . � .�ttC' �:� <br /> . . . � �,J.�h'�� <br /> 99- at�s�►� _ <br /> B.All future advances from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary under any <br /> promissory note, contract, guaranty, or other evidence of debt executed by Trnstor in favor of Beneficiary executed <br /> after this Socurity Instrument whether or not this Security Instrument is specifically referanced. If more than one <br /> ,,persoa signs this Security Instrument, each Trastor agrees that this Secunty Instrument will secu;e all future , <br /> �ad�►�nces aad future obligations that�are gi�+en�W or in�curred by any'one br'more Ttvstor;oi any oae o'r ma�re Trustor. <br /> ;and.others, All,future-advances a�d other�fnture oblig�taions.ara��ecured by this'Security Instrument even though all <br /> or part may not yet be advanced. All futura,adva�s and athez�future c>bhpations'are secured as if made on the date <br /> of this-Security Instrument.:Nc�thing,in this Security�<.I�shumonE,s�'cons�tute a commit�hent to'�ake additional or <br /> future loans or advances in�ny�amouirt. Any':such commitment must,ba� to in a separate writing. <br /> C.All obligations;Trustor owes to Beneficiary, which may later arisb, to�tent not prohibited by law, including, <br /> but not hmited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement between Trustor and <br /> .Beneficiary. <br /> D.All additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or otherwise protsctit� <br /> the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary under the terms of th�s <br /> Sacurity Instrument. <br /> This Security Instrument will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails to give any required notice of the right of <br /> rascission. ., <br /> . �K� . �i;��v.. � . - .�:.; <br /> � . �� . . .:.:. . . .-�;� � ,fs:x' : , '�. "� .e•: �`'� Qa��?vo.x`�a: ;� � . <br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trustor�agrees that ali paYments under the 5ecured D'ebt wilI be paid when due and in accordance with the <br /> terms of the Secured Debt and this Secunty Inshument. <br /> 6. WARRANTY OF T1TLE. Trustor warrants that Trustor is o� will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyeci by this <br /> Security Instrun�ent s�d has the right to irtevar,�b�►s,�plt��.,," ;"ra�do��Prape�rty to Troetee,in tnist, with power of <br /> sale. Trustor also warrants that tha 1��i�t��m�et'ed,`except for encumbrances of record. <br /> 7. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, de�i of trust, security agreement or other lien <br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Trustor agrees: <br /> A.To make all payments when due and to perforna or comply with all covenants. <br /> B. To promp tly deliver to Beneficiary any nohces that Trustor receivas from the holder. <br /> C.Not to allow any modification or extension of, nor to re4uest any future advances under any note or agre�ment <br /> secured by the lien document without Beneficiary's prior wntfen consent. <br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TI1'LE.Trusto�will pay�1T taxes,assessments,��liens, encumbraaces, lease paYments, grou�"rents, <br /> uatia�, and other eharges relating to.the Property when due. Beneficiary�may rec�ttiare;Trustor to provide to"Beneficiary <br /> copies of all notices that such amounts aze due and the receipts evidencing Trustor s psyment. Ttvstor will defend title to <br /> the Pro�erty against any claims that would impair the lien of tlus Security Instrument. Tnistor agrees to assi�n� to <br /> Beneficiary, as rec�uested b�Beneficiary, any nghts, claims or defenses Trustor may have again4t parties who supply labor <br /> or materials to mamtain or improve the Property. <br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Beneficiary may, at itsoption,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to <br /> be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, any lien,eacumbrance, transfer or � <br /> sale of the Pmperty. This nght is sub�ect to tlie restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. This <br /> covanant shall run with the Property and shall remain in eff�t until the Secured Dabt is paid in full and this Security <br /> Instrument is released. <br /> -- .10. PROPERTY CON3HTIOPd; �����`i����'��: T�t�ir vvi11 ke.e,p the Pi+oparty in�ood condition-- <br /> and make all r�a�s that are rea.sonabi�p necessary. Tiustor shall noC commit or allow any waste, impairment, or <br /> deterioration of the Property Trustor wili keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Trustor agrees that the <br /> nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially change without Beneficiary s prior wnttan consent. Ttvstor will not <br /> permit any change in an license, restrictive covenant or ease�nt without Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustor will <br /> ar <br /> npo�rBeneficiary of demands, proceedings, claims, and actions against Tnistor, and of any loss or damage to the <br /> Beneficiar�r or Be�ficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's option;.entar the Property at any reasonable time for the�urpose <br /> of inspechng the Property. Beneficiary shall give Trustor nohce at the ti� of or before an'inspectionspecify mg a <br /> reasonable urpose for the in�pection. ,Any inspection:of the Property,shall be entirely for Be ficiary's benefit and <br /> Trustor��in no way rely on Beneficiary's inspection. <br /> .. . . � � , � <br /> 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security <br /> Instrument, Beneficiary may, without notice, perform or cause them to.bepe rforme�i. Trustor a�points Beneficiary" as <br /> attorney in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amount_�essary for performance. Beneficiary s rlght tope rform far <br /> Trustor shall not create an obligation'toperform, and Beneficiary's failure to perform will not preclude Beneficiary from <br /> exercising any o f B ene ficiary's o t her ri g h t s u n der t he law or this Security Instrument. If any construction on tha Proparty <br /> is discontinued or not carned on in a reasonable manner, Beneficiary may take all steps necessary to protect Beneficiary's <br /> security interest in the Property, i�luding completion of the construction. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS AND RENTS. Trustor irrevocably grants, comeys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the <br /> benefit of Beneficiary, as additional security all the right, title and interest m and to any and all existing ar future leases, <br /> subleases, and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any rtion of the Property, includiag <br /> any extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions of such agreements(all refe�to as "Lea.4es") and rents, issues <br /> and pmfits (all referred to as "Rents"). Trustor will promptly provide Benefici with true and corre�t cop ies of all <br /> T,eases, Trustor may,collect, �receive, en�oy�cL use;the Rents so�ong a�Trustor is:�ot in defi�`�der .4 w <br /> the terms ���i':d�it3r Ynstrument. <br /> Trustor acknowledges that tlus assignment is perfected upon the recording of this DeEd of Trust and that Beneficiary is <br /> entitled to notify any of Trnstor's tenents to make �ayment of Rents due or to become due to $eneficiary. However, <br /> Beneficiary agrees that only on default will Beneficiary notify Trustor and Trustor's tenants and make demand that all <br /> future Rents be paid directly to Beneficiary. On receiving notice of default, Trustor will endorse and deliver to Beneficiary <br /> anypayment of Rents in Trustor's possession and will receive any Rents in trust for Beneficiary and will not commingle <br /> the Rents with any other funds. Any amounts collected will beapplied as provided in tlus Secwity Instrument. Trustor <br /> warrants that no default exists under the or any applicable laudlord/te�nt law. Trustor also agrees to maintain and <br /> raquire any tenaat to comply with the terms of the I.eases and applicable law. <br /> 13. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS• 'PLANNED UNiT, DEVELOPMEIVTS. Tnistor agrees to'.co ly with flie <br /> provisions`of.any lease'if tlus Security'�nstru�ent is on a'Teas+ahold. If the rty inclucle,s a uiut in a co�mmtum or'a <br /> m <br /> planned unit development, Trustor will perform all of Trustor's duties�er covenants, by-laws,or regulations of the <br /> condomiinium or�lantted'unit development. . ` <br /> - ' . . . ' . "F1�w?�y p f�«� <br /> ��.�� <br /> : IP�ye 2 of 4/ <br /> 019a4 B�t Sytt�na.Inc..$t.Ctoud,Mk (t-B00-9Y7•2341►'Formi RE-0T-NE 10/27lY7 <br /> i 1 <br /> �+ � 1� ����'�, � , <br />., , ��� . .. . . . . ' _ � . . .. .. ....`�. .. .. . . . . <br />