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�� . . . , . �. : _ <br /> . . ,� - " 4 s <br /> , , �!� ���!� r <br /> qpcu eecRiDt ol pwymwt 6!�6e pt[te 6td� 7tustc@ ehp11 Qdfeato'!Re pardnse��tllntsda dgd+roa�e�.►we w <br /> � Fea�tp.Tha t-a�tata tn tGe 7fisstea'.a..4 iEa1!Qa D�s t�evid�lee oS tLe uvftE ot tM ct�tanents mpdpf11qde• � - <br /> 1ti�steecGrll�pptyihe vroceed�ofRAes91elnf8efoUowfnBorder+(�to�llcac{��aapcyenu�oteutrd�t6Rpo�ra4?� •,.,�. - <br /> —�[oBt6opoymeatofiM77ustea'8it�3aitt�Uytrstarr'��d�tb02rt¢d � �5 �. - <br /> ot t�e D�uclpot amoµnt of IAe noro et the tlme of t6e daiprotton ot Aetauit.auA reasonqbte auomeyu'feef�pertnitral — <br /> Ey law�(�)to 611 sums savred 4y t6fe Becority IastrumeaSt ead(c)any e:t¢sa lo tDe pwson or peasons lcgalty eatfpe0 tu <br /> It. <br /> � YJ. Reeooveyaaee. Upon payment ot all cum� cecurod by �hi�3ecvdry tnstio�at. Lendtr thall e!t 7YVStoe to <br /> raonvey Ihe Propetty end shsU wrronder tAb Bewrfty Tnstntment end dl notq evlQtncing dWt acwled�Ihis Becud�Y <br /> Instrument to'hastca•Tiwtoo ehdl roconvey tho Propeity wfinout wartenry eod without charge w Ne penon or percons IegaUy <br /> enNticd to It.Such pason or percon�slull pay any mooidatlon cosu. <br /> 2J.6uDstltuta 4�ustte.Lendu,at tta option, may from time ro time rcmove Trwtee azd appoint e aooeasor ttuslea to <br /> any Tru�tco appolntod herauider by aa Insteument rearded In�he county In Nhfth tN�Securiry inswment la rcoordcd.Wlthout <br /> comeyanca o(the Propeny.tI10 P1CCC530�tNfltO 6IlBII 6UOClCA(0 BII IIIO NfIO.powu end dudes conferted upon 7tustw huciu <br />-- and by appliable Iaw. ._ <br /> � 20.Re4aest for Noticee. Bortower requtsu that copiea ot the noHcea ot detault md sa�e 6e sent to Borcower'e addtose <br />--- whtch la the Proyuty Addresa. <br />-=— 2S.Rldivs ta thts 8ecurlty[nst�umeat.U ono or moro ddon ara ozecuted by IIortowu md ruorded togadu wIN thtt <br /> --- Seadry lnstrument,the covenanb and agramem�ot each cuch ridor shdl be incoryoreted inro and chell emend and supplement <br /> - the coventnu aud egreemena of this Securtty Inshument a�if Ihe rider(e)waro a part of thte Seattiry tnsttument. <br /> -- (Chcetc appliisble box(w)1 <br />;��� Adjustable Rate R(der Condominium Aldu �1-4 Family Rida °--- <br />�-^�^+ �Oraduated Paymem Rida �Plenned Unit AevQopment Rider Blwtticly Payment Rider <br />-;-�i� Uellaon Rider Rete Improvement Rider Second Home Rlder <br /> V.A.Rlda Other(e)[spafty] <br />; ;�� <br />';:?;;i <br />- BY SI�MNO BBIAW,Dorrower occepu end egrces ro the temu end wvenanls conteined in Ihis Searily Insuument end <br />",�� in any rider(U exavted by Borm�ver end recordcd with it. ,, � � �J �--'` <br />�;�S_� Witnesses: �[.H'+-C.�FiL�(�GC�(I/'� ---. <br /> .,�;;� (Q--�^ 1) <br /> ..,__� DUANE A FREDRICK .uofmxr <br />��tPt'� <br /> -'�fi' ���r��-� csw) _ <br /> -"'' � DINAH FREDRI -uanwsr - <br /> :�y� F, <br /> ;,.'s� �;: <br /> :-i:. (ScaU (Soap �;. <br /> - .Ih, -BO'mwer K - <br /> a{� jt... <br /> � STAT6 OF NL+OIUSKA, HAL L Cnunty ss: �•-� <br /> __j' Thc foregaing imm�ment wns ncknowlalgcd 6efurc nx this 1 bTH dey of MAY . �99� er,.� <br /> :..:-7 by . E._:. <br /> _� Wimes my hand and�rotariel sr.�l at GRAND 1 SLANU, NhB- SKA 'n sai Cuunly, hcda fotcsaid. c " <br /> � _: <br /> `� My Commisxlon Expires: ���*,�,�yN�y� � � - <br /> ' �� <br /> NCFIUI/10d.YllflfA Nnla Puhin � : <br /> __`� Ma6RMq91.199A � : <br /> °,� �:�: <br /> �_ <br /> ' ` <br /> i[� I <br /> y�� <br /> � r,w�����• Fotm3028 8180 �i�+ - <br /> F % <br /> t �•.. <br /> b <br /> r ' <br /> c ` <br /> _t._ _s :t>.+:'• . ._ _ -�; -.._ , .-- ......_r- ,.--u�;;�r.-�^:='•._--r-, . i ,,-i�, a;�, <br /> _ '.0 . . '_�. _ _ - . )l'r <br /> .'ir.,.'- . ' <br /> � ._ . -. '' .... " _ ' _ ".` '_ "' " � —_ ' _ ' <br /> �F � _ � - • . - - ._., _ _ . - -::".. <br /> i_�.�.... . _ . . . <br /> ,:.� ` _ ' - - . - �- ' . <br /> _::.i i_: <br /> tii <br /> � r�?�� ` '��x-:�. � .. ' . - ' . � . - <br /> tli- . . - � . - - . . . <br />. �.r . . . . - . . <br /> � 3 ,e -r . 1 _ _ . � . - . ` . _ - - .., ..�..i, <br /> v _ . .� - -`. . ) " . . - - . . - . � <br /> � : � , . <br /> , . � j <br /> 1 - . - . •� . .. <br /> - <br /> , :, ._, v, , .. . _, , , . , �. .. _ .� . ,s ..:.. i _ _ .." . -.. ._ .. 4 . <br />