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f . . <br /> 1� � e•. .�:��5: �i),i > t 5 .:.,�i i 1i��f ,:1."_�I..T/f_P• • H �.e��k�4';��L�_...__n...o.r»zm _ __ <br /> � s.._ - ......�.r� . .^ . -_E -��- <br /> ( � � <br /> .� --��,9.U�q�9 �� " . _. -- <br /> ` �" �. mu emr�»nc+ +e u�We�n0 MW1i to lM furtMr lWlt tNt tN t�ld irvitor�Nti �tn tn . � ' <br />.-�,�� aut►t �n0 per,MOb potf�f�ton et th�ibow p1nu0�M QeK►lqtd I}wlx�ud pt� tM proflt�tMmt to <br /> ,_=.__ hU ��!�jjJ)�M cVAytt b� �n�ny y►rnt of�n Inrt�l Wn16w on a1d not�ar In tN qrtotxne� - - <br />___._._� o/ �ny' o► tIr eev„xM� or Cae0luon�wnt��nrd iMnln or in tM�Gad ai Trv�ii i�d. +tco to e..�tle <br /> ---- <br /> �_� rttiWnr.+�t of tta G-�ftatary er eny otM�Mldtr of �ald not�, tM Trvaur e��W �vEttltut�trott0l N _ _. ` ____- <br /> �S- -n'J �ny �nd �11 eolt��nd�nse� Ineu�nd, Ineludtnp rxton�bb�ttoray'��uaunt ol tN Ntl9itton 2 � <br />..__.�I,�u�'.��/ ���h ry s►N� dth nry�ot ta thU Trvtt o�v1tA rHqet to tM IndtShdxtt wlQenW 6y wld notf� tN �} �y.�.,_ <br />,-,�.,'�,�" Prot�ottan �n0 rtnt�unu of tM oroputY Mr+1n�QOr�dtterlGE or In a0tdnfn0 pottnffon ol�Hd proqrq -- --- <br /> � -q eltv�ny uU Yfiloh rry b�+Q�u Nnlndter Drortded. K <- --._ <br /> ,�,?� � - <br /> �,�� ,�,� t' lqm tM tu11 q�nt of tM IndtbttOnut �rldeneed Eq u1d mU md tAe tM�r��t tMrwn. tN {� -E. � -_ . <br /> F� i o; p�ent ot �Il otMr naf Mntn provldN for, tlr npysmt of�11 ronUt�tlpattd or erytnded purtutnt to _;a ti _ <br /> �,�� ��t'' xld not� or thU Instrursnt, and upon tN p+�e^t ot �Il other proper eoK�. oMrpe�. eanUfton�.�M �,�}r . <br /> 1��1;r� ��ensa. th0�bov�deto�IGO ProWnY sh�11 6a nlastd�M rcoonr�ytd to ind 1t tM ooat of the Tru�ton {�4�_ ?���,tu <br /> t?2�_6 <br /> Ilr;:r� �. Upm deAuft�in aqy of tha eonvtn�ntt or eonClttonf of th1� Inriruoent or of the nob or tan �� �-- -� <br /> „ �cj�,.� �yrement teeuRd hnby. tM LevftoNry w hp �stlpnf my dtAM notlee�nd dtlwvt rep+rd to tM '>�a,i . .. <br /> � �_��F� �&p�ICY Of ilCUritY t0�tM tndt�t101IIif ittuNd� �Ith6r per�onally or EY�ttonroY Or �9ent vlthDVt b�11W�1i9 U��-?� �ti��'r F. <br />.<:�•7:;?i;�;y:� any �etlan or procesdlnp. or EY�►aateer to De eppotnted bY the eourt.snter upan �M Nt�pottesnim of �•�� �"�7i � <br /> y.n,vh <br /> 7y�7 }k� Ft,�� <br /> -o['fa uld pTOp�rtY or �ny p+rt thertot. �nd du�ny�eb Yhfeh&n�flel�ry demf Oroprr to protat tM seavrllY . <��'���� .�. <br /> a I�Et: hereot, �nd NtAn r1tA or NttaR t�ktnp postatlon oT aid DroMnl. w»Kt �nd reutre the nnp. , '^� _ <br /> �,rt�. roY�1tH�, luwf, and Proflb tNreof. lrcludinp nnt�aerutG+nd unDStd.and�pplr tM�ue. tqf watt ot �..__.. <br /> 1Lf¢j��� oqr�tlon �nd eolLetion. upon tM fndebtehwi7 tewred EY thU DeeA of irvtt. ald r�nt4 foY�ltist, issa�, s�k��lj x <br /> i�� �M Proflt�. Wtnp her�by ��Nyntd to tM Ba�11NVy �� 1urtMr �eevritY for tM peyxnt uf�veh �-5 �C <br /> "�`� ` tndebtedna�� Ex�rc1s� of rtpM1b under tht� par�pnph dutl not eun or ntre�ny def�ult or not�u of ����t?�sJ;-� <br /> ?._x1i�Yia t . .5�1 . <br />':=>Aie.ik:.i7St! dehult lanundor or inwHd�b�ny�ot dme Wrtumt to�veh notiee but �NII M e�Ldr� to my ripht u�d � ra..,,;.. <br /> � Yl <br /> ;� ''��!;a rondy to d�oLn � dtf�ult uM to uut� rotlea oi dehult to be nwrdcd u Aer�ln�ftrr provlded, W i�h�i�+ Y �..�.. <br /> "'*"�""`�� cw�Ltlr� to �ny otMr Hpht �nNo� re+e� hereunCer. or prorlded b Lr, md�+Y be ex�rcl�ed toneunentty �;[�:,'..t�Y`':';:,_— <br />:-::,,,.,..�- cw y bc:'1+.-. . ,, . <br /> '� ;Z - or Independently, f�ens�� inevrreA by BeneflaUry henuedtr fneludlnp rtston�bU�ttomay'�fea tMll M � t � '; -> � �. <br /> g3 � <br /> I'S'�`� tecuredMreby. � �- -�+ ��.:r t�.�' <br /> {�Sn r <br /> �1 It�i � �li� . <br /> �'' '� �. rn. T.��eor w��M�s. �ro .u••e• �n�e �r N tMll t.n so ar���d �oanew�.n. o..�r w�c :.., 1t�, ;� <br /> �+ _�:�, � tMrtOf. NMn dn. or sMll htl ta p�rPon�ny eorenms or�pne.ment oi iMi Snii"rrsnt Oi ot thi prGt:xr: . r_':,� �^4� .-.. <br /> [ � noH iNVftO MrtEri tM wtfrl IndeUttdntu htreb) eeured eN11 teedl�t�ly MCar Ow. WY�bL.�M + } - -- <br /> ;�ir,•.��. <�7�`�'i. . •gige.� <br /> � ' ':' collteNbU �t tM optlon of tM Den�fleUry o�u�IpnL rp�rdUtt of�turltY. ��d tN EanHlel�ry or -., >,I �{1 _ <br /> `..���;z :.:�,��,; ,�tr�v ...�:.._ <br /> uUqn� aq tnbr�pon ald D�optrly enA eolleet tM rent� eM proHb tNno/. lipon suah Gfault In p�ymnt :•. , -.- <br /> � ' -;;�- or p�rfonunea. uM Eefon o� dt�r sueh entrY. tM irwtn. �etlnp In tN�:eeutfon of thb Tru�t Mbr tM t� �>,`. � ��r¢,t 3;i�-��- <br /> Mtla of d�hVlt N� Eeen reeotEtO. sMll rafl� Co%Of tM del�ult to Nth plrlon Yho is� DartY to tM� i j�54-' <br /> . i Ir-.- �t.i. P{G` - <br /> 7:.-. tnttrwent. K tAe�ddna at aut 1n thU Initrunnt. ��a11 n to sny ptno�Mn Aes rput�ted��y iwda � e7( Afl';= <br />. .y,.,.'+ �' of dd�utt �M notlee of��1�bY neordlnp utd rt w�t Por notlea Wth tN npbtR of detdi tn the eantr `t �-�., L i� -�J�j� <br /> _ pJ�.:a� <br /> __ �:;.i,;^_;, in Yhfe� tM� imtrunent it retotded. �nd dter tM Lpq of tla rhleh b n9ufred bY Lv�ftv o�IHny the !"4� +p';,, �� r" <br /> y .:i notlp. tM iruftn �Mll Nn tM pOnr t0 tell uld P�'�tY� end 1t tMll be tM TrvstN't Outy to ull i ' .�:'i4�N`y' �f�y.: <br /> + - '+t'' ald propvty (�nd in elis of �ny def�ult of my qrrcNtv, to ni�11) �� DubHe auetfon, to tM hfpkft �� _ � r � _���`.; <br /> "•_� —",L„," !!;_• •�-�•��� ek�' rotlea 01 the tlu. N�of. end oLq of tueh NL. bY e0rertlieoent mt tu� �:�. .° +' ',}": <br /> - -- r-. �. � �E " <br /> �+i6 tNn onc� duHnp aeh of utd flr�rtek� In � nmp�per Wblifhed or dl�trl6utad 1n tM eounty or po t w-- - -- .; �� �A>���T, <br /> `h}�°' tubdhlHOn 1n rhleh�Hd propertr t� �ftu�ted. end oittm notict of aL iHll bo ni1M to each qr�on Yto �F���.;i }7 r�) �nx.� <br /> � 1� a p�rty ta t�1� tnetnrant �t ths addrce: set tortn N_retn. IeM!N N^eNe�.ry er�ny penon on GN1f t -= At� Y.��+.-.`__ <br /> . -� of the &n�HNUy mY 61d �nd pureNa� et weh uL). Sueh feL r�ll 6e helO�t � tulubte Dteu to M �� s� '���1f,.�" <br /> � sdected bY tM BmeffeLry rtthfn xid eauntY or poltHUl subdlNston. Ine Tru�te� t�herebY���rittd te �' �y ' �r:. <br /> � <br /> ����,y y'•, fYNVb �M G11nr to tM O�ttNflr et tuth ��11� wfflNent emvey��c1 ot Af0 ptop�rty. M1Ch Conve)��u �` <br /> �!J,.�..,:; �MII eonptn nNt�1s u to tb MDP�nlny oi Mt�u1t upon Yhfeh the aeeutlon ot tlw pov+r of�d� Mnm f - .'�f'�� . <br /> ::�rr�:: ,:.: pnnted dependr. �nd 1M sNd Trvftor MrtEY eonttttutu �nd�ppofnb tM TrvtttU�� hit �9�nt �M�ttorter L=- ., y}."`' ,. <br /> '"?;.�-."� 1n Act to mk� tuch reNtal� �nA lo netub ut0 conrry�nu �ntl nerebr connanb mE e9Kr� thet t1r ;'-:. - <br /> � � reNdlt to vaG tMll h b1M1�md tueludn upon the trv�tor, �M wld eonnY�nca �Mll be Nfectud to ;� . � � � " <br /> 'y�:'�. <br /> �ir � .-�� y�r efl t9u1tY or Myht of rtdemptlon, honit�i0. donr. rtqht ot �ppr�Ument. �n0�11 other rlyhb�nd . <br /> • _2_ <br /> .�': --... ,,.. ..... . _. <br /> `., �,.. <br /> -. -:� ��-' <br /> _ ;r`:.. �. . <br /> -<. '.� + . . . <br /> •:_F..-p� �'. . . <br /> ,;.'i:ti:::;;.:F'.;?,;,_ -�i. � . <br /> ei �Yt� ' � - � _. _ . ., , ._ <br /> ��ti � �- i s . . . <br /> a : r <br /> t , <br /> i , - <br /> , � � <br /> ., , .<.'r . �. _:. ..�.. . ... .., -, � � .. - � - - - - . ._.. -� - -- ------- <br />