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� _, . , ,_ ARSfOHhl6NT(IPRlIPf6t�ilh61�"" - ,' ' '�a»'�a����'�,f s+' __ <br /> . . ; � .•--••---•-�• �q .. !3c; ' ,�� + <br /> � tryl¢A88Klf�M`6NiAP�3�NT�B�P hl�mAQ �MIRKf�4�4dt le �+Yo� t� • � ' A(M1dl� <br /> �dno¢1'pdrit/dint0lrMihil►f»pN�toa�ili�eeAeuppteq7pp�lq9'�fip�t0� �P1�01 utt, Fy;olit¢��eR�d asiM 3� ; <br /> • •°Nou M,1n�t�bm�M",at tM IHmi4At�;��Wn by ttw G�1p nb;t[iriln�fCWJit�rt�tb��aWiY„(o�u�� ,r <br /> :BMt�Mtl(M!911MMMrMr}lnuittrtNUndtouliii"tIG[YitOHOM6fEQ�RA6QAVINqpANpLAAy,�00b01ArIPNOy .� ���`n, _ <br /> a�H�i�tr�+ar,:�n:nent�r-.ato�aina��r-���N�,��,9w:,,.�:M,�.�.,,,,:,��.�..,�,�����,���aN _,: , <br /> ,..�...�...,�. , r..,,- . <br /> tn11NIMnt�n0�ooaq4�t� . . : . .. �' <br /> . . .. _ . . ._. �-iS,; <br /> A903 t�.AU89$N i?0lilf� 6RAHD I8L•�.HD. NBBAASiU, 68B83 • - - <br /> . (PfOplry A60tNt) <br /> Wf1NH1lbi1H: '•t,.,. <br /> WNERBA9,¢Onowfr lnO llndtt luw�QtepO thtt My renlD antl prolila�ttAEtit�N�to IM p�OpeBY 6lwutd o0nedtute � : .`--- '� �� -'"'�"' <br /> eCdltlanal woudry to tM txi0n ta tM D�Ym��t ol tM Not« ' <br /> NOW,THBABPORE,B Is�yrNdt�tt ltw 8feudtylnatNmant�Mt16s�R�ndad�ereDy�nd daertwd to lnehdo thetollowlnp <br /> provlHOns: _ <br /> }, AoalMmantotRSnta n�lenda Ronta1Ce11eettenRlant�.8ortoworhsreDyebeoNteryanduneonditionollyaWelq��il :----._-_ <br /> m�ts, IuuN md prollW ol IM proDeRy to B�ndlolery, lsrder�RNt hw� th�dpM, pOwar and wtMHb��9�� <br /> ooritlnu�rta�ol l��Nourlry In�trum�nt to wlpo�lM nn4f,tanuae and proflq ol tR�prop�rry�nd ol�ny panonai proparry -- <br /> IaottW tMnOn wlt�a witlrouf ttRlnp poaaoeelan of tM Dtoperty aflacta0 twr�by.Nndar,�owewr,6are6y conaent0 to - <br /> Bartowu'�aollwtlon�nd ntandon oleuoh wnte,leeuosm0 profib a trtay�aamo and baaoma DaYaaa eo tonp w BortoWa <br /> b nOt,tt tuoh Ilms,ln dekult wltif nepeot to Dsyment ol any InG�DteAne�e seoursA ear�Dy,or In tea pertamana�ot�ny <br /> .pr«m.nt n.nuna.i. . <br /> R �nolntm�nt ot ReeaNar.I}rny event ol dotault In reapeot to the Beourity InatrumonY eheii heve oeourted md be __— <br /> Conllnuln0,Landsr,�e�m�8n of tlpht nnA wlt�aul notice to Borrower or anyone olNminp unAOr Borcowe�,�nA wit�out --_ _ <br /> tp�rdtotNv�lu�olt��tNlle6lataorMelntenetotihs6ortowBlhenln,sh�llMvet�etlqhttotpOrytoeny00utl�avinp ---- <br /> �urleAlollon to�ppolnt e receNer ot l�e propeny. -F�;�:-�:__ <br /> & IUehtto Poea�nslon.In oaee ol defauit In t�e payment of t�e ealC Ddnolpnl Noto ar Intoreat,or eny Dart thar00f,ea It =�___ <br /> E�lIIm6WtB,oNnthlOASa01fUW�Etokoep0�p0A0rtnenyoft�atovaneMSO�lOreamentewnt9lnedlnlhe800utltyinetnY �,.---v.-�'��'� <br /> mmt,thon t�o LenEOy Ite euooeseore or aeelpn&ehnll Oe en0 le hereDy authoriza0 anA omDOwered to take Immodlate ���=—=� <br /> p0la!l610110}ti1B081Ep181111!lSihlrBlndBbodDed�ndt00011eatlhEf9ntOthotafrom,lnAtoepplytAeD���atherlOftOttlE _ - <br /> p�ymeM of the Note. - <br /> 1. Aoollatlon of ttente.laeuea and_Protite.All rante collootatl by Lander or t�e recolva�ahnll 6e eppllad FlBt to psyment = - <br /> ol t�e eoate of manaqement of Iha D�operty end colleatlon ot renls,Inolutllnp,Dut not Ilmited to,recolvor'e teee,promlume on =_ <br /> roaelvefe Dontle and roaaonable attomeyb Poee,an0 then to Ne euma eeourod by tho 8acwlty Inetmmant.Lander end lhe _-- _� <br /> tecelxOr ahs!!�Ile4la tc aecoant onl;/�r tl�oee reMa aMUn11y remiygd: - .-__ <br /> 6. ('pnalruotlonofProvlslone.EaohofthoDroWaloneoontelnodlnthleAealOnmontofRenloRlderandthe8eourltylnstru• - <br /> mant 6�a11, unlose othemlea epoollloally raQUlreA,Da conatruaA In aocordunoa with Nobraeke lew,and In t�e event eny _ <br /> p�ovislon hOroln orthereln contelned ehall bo da[ormineA by o aourtof oompoten[�urletllatlon to bo unenforaeable,tha seme a��.,, <br />- ehall ba aonalrued ee thouqh eua�unenfwoeebla provlslon wom mt o purt heraof or ihereoL =-:,-�- <br /> 9. Etfeot Rltlec HzoeRt ae epeclllaally motllHOU by or Inoonelatant wlth thle Aael nmont ol Rontu Rldarorby any othm "' �� <br /> 9 r_:T..T- <br /> aDD��oeble dder,etl of thn terme and provlelone oontelneA In the urlty Inatrumant e�ali eontlnuo In full fome and elteol. �,;r-.__ <br /> IN WI7NE88 WHEAEOP,Borrowar hae ezaoutad tNe Aselpn nt f Pente Idar t�e Oete Ilrst notad ebova F'� ' <br /> {� . v <br /> � t4 <br /> R i: <br /> OWO! :t;Y>)1..t <br />_ J �D'il%x:.. -._. <br /> . tr �� x�=;�� <br /> F '�1� <br /> 9o„axnr [�i �t a�, -_ <br /> P6NNY S. AVACB I}..t'��:.4!,r�-+�. <br />-° STATEOFN80HA8NA) r�S�i`�S�Sxn: ' <br />- (es: If�t�:�t-J -- <br /> COUNNOFHALL 1 If��-'='�(�!'„"'-,-- <br />- t i ;c "G7 ' <br /> On ln�e 14� day of �Y 19 93,baforo mo,tha un0orolpno0,n Notery Publlo 0uly wmmleelona0 end '+f it,;�s,� _� <br />= qualtllod1or691tloounly,pe�eonallycemo_gp�y��y,{gg..�Ng-p �-:-,�G��;� . <br />' .:i�i:ie:- .�f��l..'. <br />- (HUSBAND AND HIFE) ,to be ihe identkel pmeon(a)whoco name(e)Islere suDaoribed ,;;_:;��t`,li f;:. <br /> to the Iorapoln0 Inslrumont,end hebhellhey ecknovrlod0o the oxecutlon thoroot to be hlMherllholr voluntery aot end daod. ,,;,;2;.,-: <br /> :"i�i°'r,.:- <br />, WltnesamynandanONOledel8oalat ^^••'^ T°rpMp,� ucnnncrp � "f•=`t��`� <br /> .,� 1 i '. <br />- In Ria eouoer. he a�n f0� aiJ. '+;+ �r �t� �` <br /> �P,u� � LXC� ;i;;;,y" . <br /> .,.:�:. .,,', <br /> �.�a�� . . �� ::. . <br />- 6(ilu WWIkrSUU el kks. ' - .�:.+-. <br />.: MY Commlaalon ezPiroe: .9 Wpff%` LC�99, — l f'����>`:-•. <br />- xr�oeonwn " .. .- <br />� <br /> I,a <br />� �--.. -. _ . <br />