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<br /> `�' ,. � --T-T_ ' . __ .. ..... .._ . . , . . . - — .__ . .. ' � . � _ . ' -. . . �
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<br /> Y�1lf��Y �- ` �!. . . t . . . . . . . _. .
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<br /> - .?=��s�tt��-�3Z�1�� -t��-�2sc=�k�tas+�r�s-ast3t�3��7t3�Tk:28�r�f-,-�-ana--i�--- --- f
<br /> , _`__. ' -. .-�TQITaSZLWSK�, -h�sbat�d�attd-��fe: At331t�lI.I! �. �W4ITASZEWSIGI�-alsn known _:
<br /> -_�.a�,��_ -.�,�..� ____...---,_� --- .�.�,r...'�~���.;==_ - _ :>�-_ . � ^: t�: .--�- �_-���=�=`-_ —
<br /> . �.,.: .
<br /> . - ,a7BRa1T,D If. WQ�T1`.S'�.�.�iSIiI:. dlso` kIIOWA_ .�3#3_ JERRY�WQI'1'P►$ZEi�fSICI e. BIId.-.::=:: �.-_::�:=` -.
<br /> LENDA F1oDZTl►SZEWS'I�I�. husband aAd wife:; and,�iNETA S. WaIT�iSZEWSIGir ._:. ,
<br /> a.�wls�jo kna�m. }�a�s ♦� I�CE� t�o}I�Tw1}4.s}�ZEt�ISKZ� and D�k�1� ��WLtZTAS?LWSK=;- bi�/ s'E .: .�-�;�=;,'-:��?
<br /> . W� A.M��� �;�L�t�VL f l�.}GjY�l�� GML VL; F4 .\`.l �VY����Y�.MY.,.Y� �LTiaL'. ::-•'•'h';�,i
<br /> �/ r �..]��� j.�[ !r:.��y��-��;'1��'"� "Q��-�j •'��-.�'`}f�i'�"'-
<br /> 't�:�� '.(r, ���:b�. 7fi�..�.� �!s�.w'; ."".r,�f!-� �:�:^f..,���!Y'.�.Y.�.}� .�__+�. .:7.'i;:r:��:' '`�
<br /> �•n��s::.: �. 3.o ; ad �,'�'s"�c�'ratsaA,. = C ,�
<br /> -.-��. .. .
<br /> _ v :,'•�,c,:�.r �� � -_t#�reb�':-;,''`..��Ca�!'��"��a 'ti."t?31Vey,8 �O DEt�N�S F..� -
<br /> } ..: , '��:��i���;. RONALD J. `�IDITAS78fiSi���,•'�.�ILD D. WOITASZEWSRI; and
<br /> � �' . .������. WOITFiSZEWSRI, Grantees, as tereants in conmen, the
<br /> fQllowing . desrxibed real estate � ias defined fa Neb. Rev. Stat.
<br /> Sec. 7fi-201�, in Hall cctuity, Nebraska: A Part pf the � of the SW�
<br /> - af �ection Tiraaty Tt�o (22) Towaebip Eleven (iI) .I�rth; R�uge Elevea -
<br /> - (Il? �lest of_tha 6th P.Iri. FsII Co Neb=aaka described �s �
<br /> Beginnin at tha sautlfrast corn�r u� sald Esst Orte Ns1f oE eh� Sauth�rest
<br /> Qua�te� �E� Sit,�� ; thenca westerty alortg and upon the south ilne of s�{d Esst �
<br /> Qne flatf �f the Southwost Qu�rte� (E; SW�). a distance oF Tl�rea IlunJrad Faurteert
<br />--- (jt►►.0) teet; thence �eflr_ctin rlght�q0 00' and r�x���l�g north�rty a distance
<br /> =- of ll�raa ilunel��d SevenEy-Fou� ��7��.0� f�et; thence dafiectin�'left 90° 00! and . -
<br /> ��r� rartnt`nnq west��fy. paratioi wfth the°snuth t�rta -of said East Ona italf of tha -
<br /> _ �S�utl�west Quarter (E; SM��. a distanca of Two Nundred Nin�ty-fiva �295.0) Feet;
<br />: ;�° tt�enee deEtecting teft 90 00' and running sautherly A dlstanca of Th'rae Nundred
<br /> Scventy-Fnur (371�.0) feet to a �x�l�t on.the south line of satd East One Haif of
<br /> ��.`u.; the Sauthaest Quarler (E} S4t�); t�ence westerly along and upon th� sauth 1Tne •
<br />---- oF said East One Nalf of die Southwest Quarter (E} SW,�) a distance af Seven Hun- ,
<br />_�- dred taelve an�l Etghty-Six Hundredths (712.86) feet to the southwest comer pf
<br /> �•�°' - sald East One 11�1f of ll�e S�utt�west Quarter (E� SW�); t6ence northerty alang
<br /> _-�`: ' ar�d upon ttie west tine of saiii East One tfalf of the Sauthwr.st Quarte� (E} S1r�);
<br />' +•`� a distance of One Thcausand lilne Hundred Eigfity-Two and Eight Tenths (1�982.80�
<br /> � feet; thenee deFlectlreg right 89° t�5' h9" and running easterly parallel wlth '
<br /> , the norlh li�e of said East O�e 11a1f of the Southwest Quarter �E} SN�). a dis- .
<br />� � taRCe af One Tbousand Three Ilundred Tw�n��y-Two and four tenths (1,322.4) Feet . '
<br /> to a poirtt .on the �ast iine of, satd Eas'[ �ne Hatf of lhe Saulhwest Quarter �.�
<br /> ;" (E� SWf�;.'a+ae�ce deftecting �o�;�ct 9�° "E�` 06" araG,�rrunn�ng southeriy along and "• .��:': .� �� :::.. .
<br /> ��' � upon the"eas"E �ttne qf� said Eas2 �,c�e i�atf of the Saulhwest Quarter (E� SWl;) a ;� ,. -,�
<br />...•; �:: c3;stance a� One �h�ausand Nine itundre�f��E�ghty-Five ancl Hi�ety-Six Nundradths ` . �
<br /> ; :��',985.96} .{eet TM_p-�.�he point of begic�ndng and cowtaining 57.G96 acres, more o� -
<br />:. .:;,.�,.: �� }oss� of..�a�lYi:ch q.77$ acres, m�re or less� is prosently occupied by pubiic toad . _
<br /> ���F��;, ' r1ghE of w��: • . _
<br /> ��t' ; �i�rantor covenant with the Grante�s that Grantor: � _
<br /> °,;` . . ;,
<br /> � ,7.'. a�e� 3,awf�t�.ly seized of such real estate and that it is Ere����. - ,. .�;.
<br />:;'•A� `• �rom ��i�ur��ah��es except easemerifis, codenants, and restrictions �f� � -
<br /> . . . . ., ...
<br />. ,,; . reeo�:d::. ...; , .
<br /> � � :.�2i fi�ave. Iegal �ower and lawful authority to convey the same; . , . ' -
<br /> ;;7 �4 uar�a�t and will defend the title to the real estate agains�C =
<br /> `��'' the 2aw��3 claims of all persons. � i
<br />� ` � ��v� � : ,.
<br /> DATID: , 1991.
<br /> � ..
<br /> ` ' '�D�,�„iA L.• �� ii�a.ii.�✓'�/ ' � -
<br /> : � , D�nn�s E. Wa tas wsk , also Ronald J. taszowsk , alsa known
<br /> • known as Dennfs Woitasxewski Ran Woitaszewski .
<br /> - , .
<br />- x. �, .
<br /> � • ,wa�c, �r `� .�1 .
<br /> K�Wo t szews Kat y W tas2ewsk
<br /> _. . . �. .
<br /> ... - - • . r-� Y - -
<br /> = �rald . Wa taszews , alsd Kenneth S. Wo ta awski, also known
<br /> -.� ., •'f� , ^ �� as Jerr� itaszewski. Ken Woitaszewski .
<br /> ..� y �.{�r. ' . . . . .
<br />. .,��;1,�,,�� ,� . . . � . �� � . , .
<br /> �'I'{£�(I, y `j ..}�'Vt+� ,' ` )f ���, �1r�� �i�.d"f_ Y��„iKrr�ii��`�i
<br /> •��r�'�:� '��► � � u�,s.� �r� 4±� ` .De�r:a:tnoxtas����r�s�3 � .
<br /> - -- . . _.....,.. _
<br /> � .. •...----,-..���-:'_..�-- - - --_. - - �- - - - - - .. . . _ . . _ _.. . -- . __ _ . _ . . _.. .__ --
<br /> IfFi.� �. . -/if -� ��. � . . _ _ .. .
<br /> ��t�f�t.�:� 'f,t Ir� .. . , - . . . . . . . ..
<br /> .�� _ . .. . - , . • - � - .
<br /> � � y 'a - ._ . . . . . . . . .. �. _ . . . . _ _.. _ _ _ ._ .. . _ . _ . _ . . _. _. . �
<br /> +: ' �
<br /> ''L; . .
<br />