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<br /> �-. DRNNZS 8. . �TSO-k�i�t ZEWSR��i��a�# ��!-= - --
<br /> , �Q2T74sZ8WSiti, br���sbat�d =a�a_�d����d._�f��e���j RON1�h�I/�.D.J.I�MGIcT�T:is-.ZEi+islCl�d.a�2�s�o I�owa
<br />� _ _° ..,�._-_..'."—�.-=i•l' _ _'°�,ff."_�l�IM�'NP�3%=•T.T.:.�_- Vi°;^�- 1l��:��d�S wmn��47�_" ' -�*��T�RS'!�lti��__r_--'__— -... .��..��.-._.
<br /> �' �ERALD'_�Y-.- WbITl�1SPsEWSFCI� : a180 �Cl�'iiA d� aTE�tRY WOITAS?+8WS1CI� �� —
<br /> � I�IND7� WiOET�lSZ8WSI�I; husband and wife: and KP.NN8T8 S. WOZTASZL'�1S�I.
<br /> - � also laiora as Kffi� W�OITl�.SZLFTSiC2, and D88R�r i�i'tiIT1�SZEt�S1Cx, hUSband � .
<br /> - and w#.fe; Grantor, whether ane or more, in consideration of �eis
<br />--- - Dollars= t t10� and cther-good and valuable consideratian, recefpt
<br /> -� - of which is. herebY ackaowl�d9ad., ccaveys ta DII�IS E. - --
<br /> r:_.;:-.:
<br /> �_� rr�a�m�cic�r. RG� J. WOITAS�ZEWSRI; JERl1LD D.. WOITPISZEWS1Ct: attc'�
<br /> W�O � . - .
<br /> ,,..... . _
<br /> R�:D�`� S._,� �� ���` � ,
<br /> ' S t�IId� lA �CO�lIOII t. �i�
<br /> �`r ; frt3.��,�rg ��r--s ,g ': ;::. g�•;4 as: d� �*►� �i 3teb� R+��.. �.. — _.
<br /> ,�"�.• . : :�`. - .•�.7�b �3��,�=o � �Ga�.�..���vnt'g,� ��r-��t�at - � . � r��
<br /> f. :;: :` . 'S�{T � , , ' -:�,:�`� f -=
<br />� 4�<, .�^ ' rc,�� t•.. ::': ''Ir .�� �:e� 2'F"�.�'fl+F�'�.I",�_..�O�U�Y� �ff¢,r'`�8+�t'� 2'F+�,'+'�tG '�'1i1:�•L�1WS� Qiid�'�'fi��r � � --'
<br /> ,., ,A�.,�3L�'tS► ,���t3•ft#.�T;S.t':S'�t' "�. .'�. � , �-; �
<br /> -��� -."''Ss-i�Gt1 ar+c& ��- �:�:��:i��e:�;5au�ii�s:es:i`���ar;t��: t5�?z��:,,•a.}l:��e�:r►g `.zt? Sesi;�a�s,:�. ' ��"'� __
<br /> y• t Z i�� . ..'��,. . ,_ . �.. ' ,� , , '�p,.-,.'"= - - -
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<br /> �J Two (22). T�nip= El�Len �l i�::�r`tfc}�,:�an�e:'f:8ev�tn :€s���`��s�'af the S�':�`:''�I:, ?,a�-, �_
<br /> ,�,,r - Ha{1 County..�ebraska and more g�et�cularly dascrc6c.��as follows: .� ��- �,- ___
<br /> � � Beginning at a point'on tha aest tine of sa�d Soutb ane Nalf of tha Norih- ��,�ys}.:
<br /> wsst Quarter (S} HW�), said potnt being Nine Hundrad Ninety•Eight and Six
<br /> - TentAs (99a.60) feet souslt-af cha.northwest corner of said South_Ona Half _ t L
<br /> � of the Northr+est Quarter (S} Md$); thence aasterly pa�allel with the north . �.: ,<. ;� '<. �
<br /> lins of said South Oae tialf ot the PJorthwast Quarte� (S� NW�), a distance �
<br /> of Two Thousand Six Hundrad focty-Fivn and Fifty-One Nund�edt5s (2.b45.51� ����•:::j..��`:.:"-
<br /> feet to s point on the east tine of said South One Half of the Northwest � , ,... °
<br /> Qesrte� (S} Md}�; thence soucheriy slong and upon the east ltne of sai.d • �{��,_
<br /> � South One Half of ths Northwest Qua�te� .(S} HW�� a dista�te of T11ree tlundred �;�r=T`
<br /> TwentyThrot and Ons Hundredth I323.01� fest to the unter oF sai0 Section ""' `�'.` '',
<br /> fT , i. 'y x.s�.-:.
<br /> TWentyiao (2Zj; thence continuing souths�fy. aloog and upon the east line
<br /> of ssid Southwest Quarter (SN�� a distance of Six Nundred SlxtyQScven and ' ��� ' --
<br /> . .. •, r ,�,F,..:�:. ;
<br /> • Thi rty-One Hundredths (667.3t) feet; thence deflecting ri ght 89� 44' S4" and �,=''::='-r:-:';,
<br /> �..
<br /> � �. . running westerly parallel wi th the nnrth lina of sai d Southwest Quacter tSW�� � � ��, ;�_
<br /> - ; . a distance af Two Thousand Six Nundred fo�ty-four and Eight Tec�ths (2,644.80) � ` . r ,
<br /> '; � -� feet to a poiat on the r�est 1 tna af sa(d 5outhwest Quarter �StJ��; thence ;x� -
<br /> •� northerly along and upon the aest line of said SouLhwest Quartar (Su�� a `. ;_ :;. �
<br /> .'� ;�, distance �f Six Hundred Sixty-Seven a�d Thirty-Oae Hundred�tis (6b7•3�� feet ;;: .;` .•<,;';'�s��� --.
<br />• - �l ' �,',�`�y.� �•
<br /> �• to the southwast wrner of said South One Half of the Northwest Quacter (5� ��.�� � .
<br /> . h,:.�; ::�� �
<br /> � <ii N4f�): theRCe continuing northesT�+ atong and upon s.�e aest line of ss�d �F
<br /> � . �: South One Nla3� of fhe Narthwest $,uartnr (S} Mt�� a c�istarrce af Three ��dved �f.�.� ._
<br /> '��' � ,Tv:enty-Po�e:,and Sixty-Nine Hund�=dths �32�.69? feet to the point cf :egianing � ` �
<br /> . :;,r. . : an�'eontai�ning 60.188 acres. +nore or tass, of which 0.752 acres, more or '�
<br /> �.}. �.. , .;; . ..
<br /> ��:� � less, is presently occupted by public road riqht a� way. • � •
<br /> ��`' "+ � arantor ccvenant with �ae�Grantees that �G�antor: " ` ���� " ._
<br /> . '�i ,:�,. � E �•
<br /> }.� , .. i�. •. ` ,:K-. .::
<br /> �,, 1. � are lawful3y seized of such real estate aa�el that it is free �• � ,,.,,.� -
<br /> Eram encumbrances except easements, covenaats, aaid restrictions of ► . �?��. .=
<br /> ' � secords . .� .
<br /> `f 2. have legai power aEV3 lawful author�t�r to convey the same� � '
<br /> �'�`��'�'� 3. warrant and will de£end the title to the real estate against
<br /> .•.jt:.+�F-�: i ' �
<br /> .r-.,,--,,�; � the lawful claims of all persons. ,
<br /> �j ;��: '��k.':�;4 DATED: �L�/►�� �. , 1991. �
<br /> . r�<-ri�;�.;`
<br /> ' � -���`'_��:� � �� � � �- - j� . J ' �� . �
<br /> ' � ' `;�`:-�.'�. ,v,r,u � ,�,p � '
<br /> � �r:� �• . s E. wo tasz sk , also onald J. o taszews , also known
<br /> � ' '�`� �� ' knawn as Dennis woitaszewski Ron woitaszewski
<br /> �.-:.. � . .
<br /> • �`;"•,,'' . � ' �� l ��c+ �1�_
<br /> � '"` ` .--.. K .Wo aszawski ,r Ka hy W tas2ewsk ._ .
<br /> --.-.- .� - u'y' . . � � �, � •s ' � � � ��i y�_��n , - .
<br /> .. �- �,,� erald D- Wo taszew , a?�so Kenn�th S. 'WO tas ewsk , also known
<br /> , � as Jerrlt Woitaszewski� ��er� Woitaszewskf � , �
<br /> . F ,
<br /> . t;4y�.y ,. ' . �`..,. �����.�"��:.:si rL,1.•_.i...� ' •
<br /> � �' . - da woitas�zews �ra wo taszewski �
<br /> :� . . -
<br /> -------.�... �_�_____.__ . _
<br /> _„--- -------- �--= - - � - - _. . _ . . ... , ..- . _ ..._. _- - .. _ .-�-- - - -. . _.. .--- - --- . ._ _ . ._. __ -- ---- --
<br /> �� .-.—--- -� _-- .. - ---- -
<br /> . , ,� . . .
<br /> � :���• -'� .. - - . . ..;�� :
<br /> 'E" '�' �1 III�f .'�.� . , ' - . ' _ � . . . - � .
<br />. .� r ' i �� l�•i. . . . - ' , . . . " ,� .
<br /> � �� �{y+ ,�`^f.;','. . .. . . � ' 11' ,�i11.
<br /> .�F t���y.�� j�� t . . _ — . _. _ _ _ .._._ . _ .. . . —. . . � .. . ,. _ ' " _' ' _. _. . . .. ...
<br /> , ���.
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