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-^ r ` �� . . � -- ° �f -. �Fi � i4 -/ 11�f - !;. ir�� �t�T�{� ii . � <br /> j .. ' �( ..- ' t _ �` f .,� ' _ , Y __ �^ Is _._ 1, , � � ' � �4 �-Y[ . <br /> ( _-. '�Qdn+po�Qle('��u1�1Q�1fIDT0Vlt�G12�11QW0ihCCl��'T!1'�4l0f�0i�(bOp(CQC3lYr{tiQ�11t�11�Wb A ��� i A� - . <br /> „� f I�xt�poW 9r'dere5�te�epar1 dt 1tlo•p(oDedy AlP rrp��oCm:nt�an�edqidopY qrAll n1a0 bo DovQ� Y Q�I�t{��Y i�, <br /> �l�m�e ni►ssu�e�org�lr� �3rr�xoae�hl3$�idtyTnstrumaiiaatM'Pro�W�' — ". ' - <br /> ,, 80�g6`N'f!R`q8Y8NA�tflollk#�xYrlala 11ye.1sWotUiti+��41}�5Y;d6AV0�t4N�9tlUtta�rintfla�IruaU�, :,• . <br /> cd'uVey 1Ae Ptopt'rly,e n d thit T hb i Il u A C B 4 V���wc a q((ot;a l q�m t t u{a e a o t�f j� 8 o h o�a r w{u�t 9 u b�i w 1 1 1 <br /> defuW8�11y.the��teto�fiq ft�y8Irt5141101dI1R»IIGGb1112I1Uf.6qb�D�fO@1!Yl�OIIR1 fAM�10t(00070�1 ` � <br /> •. . 7Yif9 6�hITY iN87riUMt3t�P►'oomblow un1(qtm ooven�m9 fot nallonN Nt4 end rwn�unitotttr ooventql�N'ifh Ilmltp� : <br /> 4eilotlon�6y Jd cQ(aibnroMpstlNitesunttomieear{ItyinalrvmpntoovAingrtAlpropeny � ' � � ` : � " <br /> �{DtIFOAM CtOVONAt�'1'��Yorroww,and k!!�tcuv+n�nt And.aguo u tollotva: - <br /> � �t: e ot Virtdctp4 i�nd tntertut e�V+ymmr tirie Ixte�9aree�.9o'rrowcr s1u11 pY4mpt1Y➢eY.whlh�due,0a ' <br /> pdndp�l oi Intercat on IhD deblAvldEnoe+l by tl�o Noto end anY DiWnymcnf end lete chargw duo uhdet tho7lale, �` � ` � <br /> �,ibede Por 1laacs ond[nsunnce. Bul�at to eypllcablo law or to e wtfltcn wtivct by f.cndot, Oorrower ehaq poy to <br /> l.endcr on tho day mondily paymen�e are duo urdcr the Noto,unNl tho Note I�pald tn full,a wm(`Fundsq fdrr(e)ycarly ta�e� <br /> uM eucssmenG whldi mey etteln prlorlry overthle&auflry Inswment n+9���on the Property:(b)yoerly Ieafchold p�ymente <br /> or giound ronta on�he Properry,if any;(c)yearly hmnM or propeay inv,��erm premiww;(d)yearty Qoa!InareueeQzem�^a: <br /> tf enyi(e)Ycarly mongege Insarance prem!¢7n.[f eny;aod(�cny wm�ppqabla by Hortower to!�.°r.[n 000a�rma�Ldti <br /> t!�piovl5loN of p^,ttg�f�yr 8,in iko af tts parmtaet of mortgtga inr.uaaw prcmluma.'[heso Itew ero calta0'6xY0tiv I9`dU." . <br /> 4enQcr mq,et xny�Ima,ootlect nnd troSd 14u�,i In m xnaurst not�o exaCtd tho maxlmum amouat a t�r tor e fe6tPdly"' <br /> rclatoa mongaga Iwvi may rtqulra tor Borrower'e escrow eorount under tho ftdewl Reat&taro Setttrment Proaduroa Aa ot <br /> i974 ns amridod from Ume co Hme, 12 0.9.C.Seaion 2W I n uQ.('RB9PA9,unlca�another lan chs�eyylies to�l:p Funds <br /> tep a Icsnr• eo, [.endu may, at any Ume,colleet and twlA Fund�In an emount not ro exoeod lhe leuen emount. <br /> I.endcr roqy utlmaro�ho emonnt of�nda due on�he basl�ot arrcnt da�a and reasoreble ea8ma�ea of expenditurw of Nmr3 <br /> Rscrow Itemt or othuwlw in eccordanw wtth eppllceble le�r. <br /> The PuMe �hell be hdd in an Insdtutlon whose deposi�� nro Insurcd by u fedcral egeney. Inst�umeataliry, or enHry <br /> (including 4enda,If Lender b cuch an InsUwtloN or In eny Federel Home Loan Dmk.Lendu ehall 4pyly the FUnd�to p;y thn <br /> &crow Itcm+.I.ender may not charge Borrowu for holding end epplying the Aund�,nnnuelly enely:ing Ihe acrow euount,or <br /> vcdfying the Hscrow Item+,unlcss Lendcr payi tiorrower Imerea[on the Funda and Rppllcablo lew permiu Lendu to malco�uch <br /> e chargo. However,Lender may rcqulro Bortower to pay a ono-time cherge[or an fndependent rcal catate�nx rcponing wvlca <br /> used by Lender In anncetfon wlth thl� loen, unles� applicable lew provldca o�henvlw. Unles+ an agtament Is mide or <br /> appllcnble law requlra(ntemst�o bo pald.Lcodu ehNl not be rarylred�o pay Bortower any Intereat or teminga on�he f+und�. <br /> Bortower and Lender:nxy egrce in�vrlting, howover,thet Interest ahell be peld on tho Funda. Lender ahall give to Eortowu. <br /> wlthout charge, an nnnpal eccaunting of the Fands,chowing credi�e end debl�e to tho Pund�and the purposo tor whkh qen <br /> dWlt ro t�e Nuntia w4+made.'�e Funda ere pie6ged m add'nia�wi eavriiy(or etl suma.a.�uiat 6y lhla"cWriy Inntn:r�a. <br /> If�hc Punds hc)d by Lender exasd the emounu permitted to be held by eppllca6le Iaw,Lendu ehall ecoount�o Bortowu <br /> for the oxce.v Fundx in accordance with the rcquircmems of xppllcable lew.If�he emnunt oi�ho Funda held by l.endu N eny <br /> ttme la nol aumcient to pay Ihe Escrow Itenn�vhen due.I.ender may so no�i(y Borrower in wrlltng,and,In such ceso Borrower <br /> �hall pay to Lender thr nmoune necessery to m�ke up ihc deftclenry. Bortower shall make up the doticlency In no moro than <br /> twclve momhly peymema,at Lendcr'a solc dlurctlon. <br />� Upon payment m full ul all aunu securcd by �his Savriry Inswment. I.anJer shell promptly re(uuJ lo Burruwer my ' � <br /> Punda held by I.ender.ff,under paragrnph 21.Lender:hall ecqulrc or ecll the Propeny,Lender,pdor ro�ho ecqulalt(on or ale <br /> of tho Propeny,shell apply any Funds hdd by Lender et tho Ilme of ucquisftion ur sule 4+a ercdi�ogelnat Ih¢wme securod by — <br /> thln Secudry Insnument. -� <br /> J.Appllceqon of Payments.Unless nppllco6le Imv provides aihenvise,all payments recelved by Lender under pangrephn -- <br /> I and 2 shell be epplfed: first,to xny prcpuymem cherges duc under�he Note; second,ro umounla p�yoble under paragreph 2: -" <br /> thl(d,w Imercst due:founh,to principal dua:and Inst,w nny lute charges due under the Note. - <br /> 4.Chery{es; Llenv. Dorrower shell pay ull laxa,arscssmems,cherges, fincs und impositions aUribumblc to!he Pmpcny _ <br /> which may euuin priority over thls Security Imuumen4 and leuxhold poyments or ground rcnts, if nny. Borrower sMll p�y = <br /> tluu obllgetla��s in�he manner providcd in parngmph 2,or if nm paid in tha�mnnner,finnuwer ahall pay�hem on lime dlrMly _ � <br /> ro�he person o�ved paymem.Bnrrmrcr shnll pmmpdy furnish�o Lcndcr nll nmices u(amounts In bc poid under�his para6raph. = <br /> If Borrower makes thcse paynMms JireNy. (k�rm�ver+Iull prnmp�ly fuml+h�n I.enJer nreipts evidencing�he payments. -- <br /> Bnnoxer xha11 promp�ly diuhargc any litn xhiaA has prind�y m•er ihi.S��urity In+uument vnleLS 13orrmvcr. (n)ngrees In <br />