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h ��,��.�.- r�.e�r..�.�.� - - - <br /> ��� . y��� <br /> 93�: .:6SVe�� <br /> �K+r,"}x" , ��{Q����Y 0��.�9�8/L{i�����T� - - <br /> f IJ�l�tl� .:� .. . .... <br /> �Fi*' 'it THISA881QNMENT,mpdathle ��th dnyol �fnv 18 93 , <br /> y� �t �. ''k.��� ��-�ns . _. <br /> F�l�k�;;(' b Davi9 L. Lnrson anA Cetharina H. Isxeon, hueband end wite E,� r;h�� <br /> t4yl�tt?jF. Y -- �'.t`.r��t�"srh{v�. . ,. <br /> ,��. + ���' OZl Linden Avanua ara� Soland, N[i 688�1 . t . - . <br /> � +r realdinp al or heving en omoe et t '-�' y���n.k : <br /> s a' �' <br /> +r`*� �4t (heretn called"Asalgnor�,ro FlrUller Bank Nadonal Aeaoolotlon,Omnh4 Nabreake hp��0 ,;�t¢�„�r,��x'� y <br /> �����rr Ns prinoipal olllce ef Omnhq Nabreska(hereln oalled"Amignee'�, 4� zFiy� <br /> �SiF{l�,{�yhi �1 s PnCa 1 <br /> 1 ,?,t VYITNE88ETH: �' ' `Ry �` "" � <br /> -'--� r F:�4� � -;.. <br /> j ' �"�" FORVALU6RECENED,ASelgnorherabyg rentatraneforeemfess�pnatolheAsalgnoeellotthotlghtlWoend r �����N' <br /> ,{t IMereatofAsalBnorinanOWanYa�dal��oesesandolherlenenaloanOworhaeata2rmadxonwrH�]�t65,t0tiMbae8c6a10S�9t0 � h q� 2,.;: <br /> � � ._� G4'w� �. w`:,. <br /> 'i, , -��. Hali Cbunty, Nebraeka ¢�ndmpi8 ;griydct�iDBd i��'���s �- <br /> Si#� y h.�SoheeduleAhareotwhlchrealesteteshellbereterredtoherelna4eres"Premises",IncNdlng,butno ISm�adtoNetceAairt „�'f' <br /> `��Jf, LeaseorthosecertelnLensea,wMmodificedona,Ifany,deaoriCSdin8cheduleBhereol.coverin�1hePr2mSSa►;toS181harwifh `j r� <br /> '� � p)eny end sll eztenslona a renewala thereoL(2)eny and ellgunrentees of the Lesae'e obfigailons undereny thoreof end '�;2"�� <br /> ' ' i underenyandallexlanalonaorrenewalsotenytheraof,and(s)ellrants,lesues,profitarev�,mues,deposNaearnealmoney r 3 ,` <br /> i��r}�{� paymente,dghta end benetlla now a hereafter adsing from such lease end tanencles orlmr the uae and oxupency of the ��, _ <br /> �d~i Premisea end en end e0 extenalons and renewale thereot Seid leeses and tenancies orotner use of the Promfso5togeNer �,�?r <br /> ;`i r wNhan andallguerenteas,modiflcatlons.extenalona,andrenewalathereofshAllbeaomatimoshereinefterrele�redtoaethe '+1 "�" <br /> A{�i r„ <br /> ,n,�;..I,,'ti ,.tenseYo�°�eases°; �(/�3j A,� <br /> 1rt7'R�{Nf.-. <br /> �a�- '�t;� FOR THE PURPO$E OF SECURINl3: "�>> <br /> � - +*� ONE: PaymentendpeAormenceoteachendeverydebR��ebilityandobligetionoievery peenddeaCripUon �i�%� �s �-�,�„�� <br /> - which Asaignor mey now or anytlme hereafler owe to Asaignea Inclutling,but not Iimiled to,the i���b�neae ot�signor ,,,. " <br /> ' secured by thet certeln mortgege or deed of W et mede by the Aasognor to the Assignee deted 19 �y�1ys,�sy�M� <br /> . andrecortledortobarecordedetorpriortotherecordingotthlsAaslgnmenRorenyothermortgegeordeedofWalhereaRer p,�. �j,. —_ <br /> ^ •° covermg�newho�eoranypertofthaFrem"iseaiWhaiheraucnAabtliabltt orobtigatlonra�exisborisher�r!vea!�l�r 4 - <br />�' '�'•'���`'7� Incurretl antl whelher it le or may be tlirect or IndirecC due oi to become ue,abaolute orconHn en; rlme or aecondary , ''��Y�;� _ <br /> � 9 ry i'�;,,a:: _ '�?�S� <br /> �`���.�r:;. Iiduidatod or unllQuidated,or�olnt aeveral,or Jolnt and eevarel,all such debte,Iiabilidea and ob�Pgatlone being horefri ..�y�E����;�;�;� <br /> '��'-�'•��If collsctNety referted to sometimea ee the"Obllgatlona'�:and � 51�q{�k�;��v'�".= <br /> , r .�. A`.��.s�? M*t�f� <br /> � contninedharenor neenyeihmorlgageord�otUUet rdnynofen�honA��a�e�suredthereby,oienenyo611ge On0'98nY i. "-i{�_�� "�`�` <br /> r �� ;, � <br /> , - � securing documeM given in connecllon with eny of the Obligatlona secured hereby. � ; �rrz;{�y�;-;x;. <br /> t , }� t <br /> ;:':�5.�s,��.j 0. TO PftOTECT THff SECURITY OF THIS ASSIGNMEN7 ASSIGNOR A�REE3,WITH RE8PECT TO EACH `�� , �,E;Yg;��. <br /> t l' �-: LEASE: ''1'i i} if"s'sc._: <br /> p y°p[. <br /> .11._ ! � � / ��y�tel -,. <br /> ' ;1'�'+y� 7. To fa8htully ablde by,pedorm and discharge each and eve�obligelion,covenant end egreement o11he Lease ,�°j, V s�j1,s� : <br /> ,i jf byLesaortobepoAOrmed,toglveprompinoticetotheAesigneeofanynolceofdeleultonthepartofABSlgnorwlthreapectlo r +, �,� �y,��� <br /> ,;'i,,;'t1:. ; IheLeaeereceivedlromLesaeeorguerenta,togetherwlthflneccureteandcompletecopy otanysuchno�lc�attbesolecost . - y�� ,. <br /> ::�l+•-� y5,'-`^ end expense of Aesignor,to entorce or secure the pertormance of eech and every obllgntlon,covenent condltlon end ;�,�;;-. ,�..,��;:;;,;•-`.%;;_ <br />���'!° f`•`� � egreementolMeLeesebytheLesaealobeperformed;notromodiryorinunywayaltorMelermaoflheLeae�nottoterminete ;;: ;;, ; :'•�!•�=•� ; -�. <br /> .;�;;r.�:. • m t;s . .''a';;, �.. .,.;,.cr; <br />.--.:;,,y � the term o1 the Loaee and not to accapt e surrenderof ihe rente thereunder or to wflive,excuae,Condone or In a mannar �_, �r.;;{�.4,.: <br /> , •[�. ' rolease or dischargethe Lesaee thereunderlrom the obligationa,covenenta,conditlons end egreemanq bythe Lessae to be � j;�.��:•: .:-,._� <br />�"�':� ` ' - pedormed,includinglheobligaUonropeytharentalcalledtorthereunderinthemennerandattheplaceendtlmeapacifled °_1l�:.t`;S�;r <br /> ; '•.G:'' �_�. ,._. <br /> � Iherein,and Aaslgnor doee by theae preseNS expresaly release,relinquish end aurrender unto the Asalgnee all Aesignore ` �- '-��sr.:;�3!�+-, <br /> .''�,�i-� - dghLpowerundeulhoriytomodiyorinanywayellerlhetermaorprovisionaoftheLeaeeArtoterminefethalermoracCepte 4 _,;•.�,�"•, � <br /> - �'�;f;�; aurrender thereot,and any attempt on t�e Dart ot the Assignor to exercise any auch dght wilhout the wrillen euthodty and _ . ' �c,'.� _ <br /> consen[of the Aasignee thereto baing ti�at hed end obtelned ahell conatltule e DefaWt of the terma hereof, ea defined . <br />- . - hereinatler,eMitling tha Aeslgnee lo daclare all suma eacured hereby immedlatety due and payeble. . <br /> 2. At Asaignor's aole coat end expense lo eppear in end defend eny ectlon or proceeding arising under,growing . <br /> oul ot or in eny menner connecled with the Leese or tha obligetiona,dulies or liebilities ot Lasaor,Lessae or guarantor <br /> Ihereunder,and to pay alI co91s end expensea of the Aasignee,including ettorney's leea in a reasonable aum,in flny such <br /> adion or proceedng In which the Assignee may appear. <br /> 3. Thet should Asaignor lail lo make nny peymenl or lo do eny ect ea herein provided,then the AssiBnee,but � _ <br /> wllhoul obligation eo to do and without notice to or demand on Assignor,and without relyeaing Asaignor trom any obliga�fon <br /> hereot,may make or do Ihe eame in such manner and to such extent ae the Assignee may deem necessary to Drotact the _ <br /> seCUrOy hereof,inclutling speciticaily,withoW Iimiting ita general powero,the right to appear in and delend eny ection or __ <br /> proceeding purporting to allact the securiry hereof or Ihe righis or powers of the Assignee.end alsothe rightbulnot Ihe dublo <br /> pedorm and disc�arge each and every obiigetion,covenant and ngreement o1 Lessor in the Lease conlained:end in - <br /> - - . exerciaing any such powers to pey necessery cosls and expenses,empioy counsel end incur anA pey reesonable atlorneys <br /> fees. - <br /> "'�' �� 4. TopayimmetliateiyupondemendallsumaexpendedbytheASSigneeundortheauthoriryhareol.togelherwilh <br />-:����� intereat Ihereon at the highesl rete aet toAh in any ol the Obligationa attured hereby.and the eame ahall be adCad to Ue <br /> ObligaNOna enA shall be secured hereby and by Ihe aaid moAgage or deed ot trust <br /> 5. ThatASaignorwillnotlrenslerorconveytothgLesseethefeetitl8lothedemisBdPremisea,orenypertthereol. _- <br /> _ - unlesalheLesseeassumesinwritingendagreeslopaythadebtsewredherebyineccordancewiththeterms,covenantaend <br /> '�, '. <br /> conEitiona of ihe eaid nole or bond eecured by said mortgege or tleed o1 trust <br />- .�.)r+:ii : <br /> :.��:..' .,.... ..�. ,� <br /> ._. .. � <br /> � <br />