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4 ,d -�'p���� rr . � {a��l t_:fc�FS . -. ._� iV _ . _ „dyr � . t__, ��� . . r ts"� � i': iT i�tl� . v�s1_,— <br /> � t . 1� � �.. i r � � 4 � � �' �'L rt _ t �( "Ft_ . <br /> �!i � �i. j � )ti r �� � (! ;� �t y � i{. t�a� t -�. '3 i . _" ��t ` ,�� . <br /> � ( � -h � - - ��{����f ��Yy '.h - � .. a r . t' r +- z <br /> ie4 �S � .i r � .. i � "^� , i( t. '� y t1 . i t'- i � . n ` _ 7-�} l,t <br /> a St� , _. �Lt - �' ` �. , �._LiJ�T������Y���4t } h . c 5�--�1L.,i�1 _r 1�+ <br /> �—u _ u7r'���_L...a.1�.L.� � S t l ` - ,'�`w � _ - -- .. <br /> .rl� i � . r � ! b r.'t - ��. t _ . � ._4 ��. � '_� ��Y,.TT^'��fit�� a n =� <br /> I <br /> �a - _ L .-o: � -t� t f -1' �/ �, � ____.._—___— <br /> � r . {+ ��'q i.-. r� � t . ��:. i t.: -z-t . .� <br /> - _ - .. . �..• � � . . � I y,,' . _ 1..: 1 - . <br /> , i?�I80 �1.bP�qU�71��'IRd�1hl�:' AV��� � .:.:� �n �;ay � �L � _ , <br /> `:io� em Ra Yluator, n e �H +++r�n <br /> � q e �,�t�PA _ �� , _. <br /> `�"k" ° - '=--.�i xe4�. florrower;7flMte►�ttKNe'Jon�t�, .. <br /> .•Qm�111�;j�HE�#a e�(lim`ein"T)ualed'),and8eilqAbin(�r��i#ileP._�pkN4tl.paalAalo4lAUqhd�l�a,it�►1W4A - <br /> {�i�4f.�t1qp.a+phn��ap�neex�au�Bunde�th0ldvr�ol'ThoUn�ddBtafeeofAmerloA;Whl�toadQreiplli7u0 , <br /> R�mpmBtro�uo,�ehaNaBreeke,es�oa•a�esmere�n„ISnqe�'� ' ' : ,:�:. <br /> , ,. 80,F(RONI�}�;in aoqslderanon.of thq.InAeb�edne�9 h�reintbcned uod thearoat heraln creefa4;trtavocilbry <br /> 8fentepndao�vByaSpT�IS�ee.Inlru�l;W�thpoWqrofeele,thelpllowihadeSori�ndprope�tylouatedlqtheCouOry�� - <br /> 01 '�.��. , u} .BfetOOt Nebra�ko: <br /> Prtl,4pional Lot 8!x f6), Praotional Lot eavan (7), and Loa xight (0), in <br />' PsAntlonAl Blook Bleire� (11), in Joehnak'e Addition to the City oL dYanA Ieland. <br /> � Hell Oo�oEy, Nnbrael� and thnt part oP vaoated alley ae ehoKn ip Or4lannae - <br /> No. 7888, 413ed 8eptembor 18, 1942 In th9 Regietar ot paede OfPioe ee <br /> 600�wen! No. 92-107990. <br /> ,�,:.._ <br /> �;%zi�:-"'" <br />_ i:,i _ . <br /> ���'},�r, w,.-� <br />• j�;�Y�k;��,�;':= <br /> j-� � ��j����,,. <br />' :��t���i��ii?: <br />- ij 1". ��I:�.:.. <br /> J± n.:NC:.`5::.:_., <br />_ ;"'`.�. ! [ �_ <br /> , �Y )1\\V".. <br />= i���px1 5(�y <br /> �.s���r�fii �1-,. <br />- c i• � > <br />- ��.C� <br /> CD'' ,��r� �'+`�kjf. <br /> ' .;iwF.,.r,;o -, <br />_ .4t�{a':=tit`:4'�: <br />� 3/P �ato-31.t , �•-�r.r . <br />,� 1i'Pn y . <br />-= which hea ihe edtlress of ��Mepiu Street Grand Island ��'-''}°'����- <br /> �.:r;r:�:.��S'��i%ri'. <br />- Neb�N�j�� Ol - (herem"PropertyAdOresa'•);----- ��� --.� �'�� �;__� <br />- TOOETHER witn all the improvemanta now or heroufler erected on fhe properry.and all easementa tlghU, s�•'�%�,'•4•.��. .`�" <br />-- apDurtenencea rema(sub)ect however to the�ighis end euthorftiea gfven herein lo Lentlerto colleCt Bndappty S��: �" <br />,: auc�renta),royaltiea.minerel,oil antl gae nghta nnd profiU,water.waler dghta,end water etock.and all flztu�ea , :?��.y,,_��::I-: <br />_ now or herealter etteched to the prope�ty.all ol which,tncluding repiecemaMa end edditiona Ihereto.shall be �:-3 f5 s <br />, deemeA to b0 antl remaln e part of I�e property covered by ihia Deed ol Tmak and ell of ihe foregoing,tOpother .:i;';.,,,, ' <br /> wilh said property(or the leasehold estate i1 IMa Deod ol Trual ia on e leashold)ere herein reterrod lo ea the � - - <br />" ..P�OpOrty", F; � . <br /> �F� <br />-- TO SECURE lo LENDER(a)fhe repayment ot the indebtedneas evidence0 Dy Borrower e note tlated � �- - <br />�- Hay 11, 1993 (herein"NOtO").in ihe prinCipei 8um of 'h+entv five thoueond and - <br /> ._ .. . <br />_ .. <br />... . . _,., ,, <br /> e-�.,, _. . - <br /> IIO/100-------(525.000.00)----- Dpllwmw�lh(nlnm¢Ithnronnnrnvidinnfnrmnnlhlvinalnlimnnla '�.-:`� • •'-:)'. <br />-_ of Drincipel enA iMerest,viith the Dalance ol tha Indabtedneas.if not aoonnr paid,due end Dayabl0 on � �,-;: <br />_ Mnv 17, 1998 ;the paymeM of all ot�8r sum&with Intere9t Nereon,9AvencBd _ <br /> = in eccordanca herewlth to protect Ihe aecurity ot this DeeE ol Truat anA the pertormence ol the covonerte entl f�,�, . <br />:= agreementa of Borrowor herein contalnod;entl all renewale.extensione end modificetlona thereot end @)the E <br />-- raDeymentofenyfutureaMancos,withinteraeUntheroon.medetoBOrrowerbyLenderpursuanttoparagreph27 f . ' : � . � <br />-= hereol(herain"FWure Ativnncea"). , <br />.= 80RROW6R covonaMe thet Borrower ia lerAully eeized ol the oa�ate heraby conveyed end haa tho dpht to - _ <br /> grent end convey the Property,tha�the Property ia unenc�mbered,and that Borrower will wanent nnA detend , ., <br />' generelty Ihe tillo to ihe Properry agalnaf all clefma end tlemantla,auaect to uny doClaretiona,easoments or - . - <br />� reaWCtlone1181edinescheduteofexceptionatowvaregeinenytitleinaurancepoliCylneuringLender'slnlerest ' ' �' '�:� <br />-= in the ProPerry. �',>::,.,� . <br /> = 4r: <br />