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<br /> - � �� TAia Mo���g�e �s entesed into betvee�,DoYr.i�.�Dubba and Masy ,�
<br /> � � � M. Dttbb�, huaband an8 v�#t therein '�Kb�ciqaqor"1- and �ha Qity ��,Y
<br /> _ � of Grand IsYan��, "a Nu�icigal;.Cciaporatic�it thcrein . ��
<br /> �!lpztgagee�j • ,
<br /> - =- � Idoz�gagor i.s -i.adebted:ta_.Mvxtg�qee fn:the pz3naipa� sui���,of-
<br />--' - - . 520,000, evi�ieer�a�d-�ii��:�at��gagos's.nate:��date� _May, 9,� 2991;::-�.
<br /> - � iheie3a '!ba�t�'�:I`,:g�ov�i�ffsq:for paysents 'of p�irnei�a.l �iiB;:��;::
<br />-,�:�,:_ , interest* x�;tib:,'i�re balance of the indebtednesa::::�;.��:no€"�aoner .
<br />'�r.:-=. Paid, $u�t< a�ifi'r�gapable on May l, 200fi. _ ,:�;:�`,,�:
<br /> �! ` � ,:-. � � � `�'� i+�' _- --
<br /> .,.;:=; ' To�sect�e+.�;�the`paysant of the Note, witix:i�.-xt�eleei"s� as psovided �� ___--
<br /> �•• :i' #hezein;''Ehe payiaent of all other suas.E',-;���I� interest, _____
<br /> �'����=�y� � ;<:,�dvanced by Hortgagee to psotect, the �ec�;ty af thfs, • __-_—_
<br /> .�:.;,;. � _ -
<br />;'::.;.,,f� :;_��!L4rtgage, and the� pesformance :,cf� the c�venants.�.ap8 agzeeatents _
<br /> ,,:. :.
<br /> .�:;;;:z� ��of the 1loztgac,�i,?a;.contained hes�e�fae Plo�t��gor di�� heseby —
<br />_ �,..�
<br /> -�-. %: �oxtgaqe-and�cQ�r•ty ta�?!�artqag�::�X�e;���:�;nwin�;:�acz�bed,..,
<br /> �� grape�t�r3ocat�u2 in����.���oanty, Nebra��: � . � ---
<br /> �f �':: •• ti �`- � "--.''•• _
<br /> . , `��:-c� ,
<br /> � Rhe East 33 fee��� of Fractional Lot 6, a�.�. a]:Z��:is�4i?�ta�e�'����a� .
<br /> " Lot 9, in Frac���tonal Block 143, in .Utt3�arz:,,Pa�::��ii�-;x�ailvay Co's - _ _-
<br /> � (�; 2nd Ilddition, and the complements thes+cY.r�:,�� b��a�.�::.�fie �a� 33 � - y ;�,�,_
<br /> `�'s � . .. ,�`�'_; . -
<br /> of Fractional Lot 'I, an8 all of Frac�i.i�r,�.L�'_�i�,�:;��r in ���;:'��, .-�`�'_�„±�_
<br /> ;��� Fzactional Hlogk. li, in Russell Mheel�i�r��::A�t'���A�n. ai�'�n -.-
<br /> the City of Grarrd Island, Nebzaska �� ,` . , _
<br /> . , � .. , " ;•' '� . '.-�: ."�•::_., �:_r�-=:�::_
<br /> - Together with al}.��bu•ildings, iiapxovemer�l:�, �ixtnzes, s�.reets, � �J'� .-.
<br /> : a2leya, paasagevay�, ..eas�a�ents, zights���,.�tivileges and.� ';, . :`"`•-; 4';°i
<br /> .��_y 1�
<br /> - -- - ' appuYtenamcea located �thereon or in an���se peztaining; _ �•�: __ .,.
<br /> � the=eto, and th� rents, issues and pro£its, =e+�ersions and fi�"���';;°�;.,'
<br /> remainders th��eat; includinq, but not limitec�.�to, heating z� _:~,J�.,�:,�
<br /> � ' an8 cacl3ng ��q�lpment and such pezaon�I nxope��� that is �'=''`��'=��'
<br /> • �;, r �F�'�7`:4:.
<br /> attactt��.�ia ttie impzovements so as to �u�tstitute a f lxtuze; �;„�i�ti
<br /> . �r. ' , _' '"�;;
<br /> ;.; ;. all o��";rrl;£�'�;�. .including replacements abi •adc�itions thereto, f��-_r"-,�,��
<br /> � 1' ����. ., is her`e�iy de�:3'�;red to 6e a past. ot the real es���e secused by
<br /> '' � � " ;the lien of �r3s Mortqage and ,����nf th� fo��at��?g �eing �~"��` r�'__
<br /> ' ' � � =efesze8 to 4�����3n as the °Prc�i�.rtp^. t ; � , � , �
<br /> .�� �:;;, ,;.;:: . ;;:;��:.�,::, -.'���#:` ... � . ,�� -
<br /> � Hostgager fc�zther c�l�nants and• agr���;- ut:t.h. Mor�gag�e, as
<br /> �
<br /> . ; ,- ,.. ,�, , � , ��
<br /> ', follows�: '.�,. •,'�,. ,,..",.;, '' � ;•, � ,
<br /> . . :,r ���
<br /> � . 1. Paymen��;�,' �To pay the indebtedness����n+�;.;�;11�`i ntezest ��-��•:+;�';'�
<br /> � ~� theseo»�:-�as ,provided in th�s Mortgaga �;�d+::,�t�� i��te. t . � ;;1 �.- .
<br /> s,
<br /> . � � ' 2. "�'li��e�. Ma=tgagor is the ownex o.� �t:il�. �roperty, has the ;
<br /> � '�' ., right ��r.3 aeit�.�ar�ty to mortqage the Pro�i:;�,G����.,'.�nd warrants ' ' .
<br /> ,;,:., , ' ��1�at the 1 i�nF�«�xeated her�by is a f ir�t���Sti` Sp�ior 1 ien on the � ! , .-�:',
<br /> �, _�= , P�opezty, exce}�� as may othervise be sst ��s��t� hese�n. i ••�;::
<br />� Other prior �,iens and encumbrances: tione :
<br /> : . . ;.� 3. Taxes, l�ssessments. To pay vhen due all taxes, special �
<br /> � assessments and a�2 othez chazges aq�irtst the Propezty. ?
<br /> . 4. inausaa�e�. Ta keep the impsovements nov or Aereafter ;
<br /> . . � �"��;�-�: - located on �hg xeal estate 8escxibed hezein insured against
<br /> . �����c�+*�� .� 8amage by fi�e and such other hazards as Mortgagee may - �• ��
<br /> ' � �"'•�';�`�`� . reqf�lre, in amounts an8 with compan3es acreptab2e to the
<br /> p --..;���'..•, Mortgagee, and vitb loss payabl� ta tt�e Mortgagee. In case
<br /> � • af loss under such policies Lhe Mortqagee js autharizecl to
<br /> � ad�ust, collect and compromise, fn its c73s��etior,, all c2ai,ms-
<br />_ r^'-�: � theseundes at its sole optian, autihortzed tn either appiy the
<br /> ,. , _- -
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