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<br /> � • KQ$�Qr`�a� �� --
<br /> = Th3s Kostgaqe is en�esed�.f�.Ca>:bctween :t3ale� H. llcHug�►.an�� ��".:
<br /> -__ Kathg 3: McHuqh, huab�d��.ai�d�:yri fe i�ere in� "l�lortgagos.R i; an8 , �:.�:;�.
<br /> ---- the City of Grand Island;,,a��'liuufcfpal Cuzporatios� thcreit� �'� " —
<br /> -- � ��"
<br />.____- +�I'IOLtQatQ�e"),. . .
<br /> --== ` �Ma=�qago� i�a indebted-"�a;�,�brtga4ea ia,the pzinc�p�t� sus.af. .. � _ _ .<. --
<br /> - -- �3.5,I�QQ,:. avidenaed�:i�y��YlifC�9a4+�='$ no�e dated�May�22,. 2991 .
<br /> ;�,� � �:(�efn� "�aCe"�Y� ��avt#txi'n9 �or pa7t�tenta. af pr�iitcipaEl.� ana -
<br /> -.. - . i��es�,., �rftb tibs:baT�nce af the indebte8ness,, if� aot soaner. �__
<br />-:�f •'- ai� �dne.and gaya�s��t=��oa May 3, 200�.
<br /> -� ^- � . • oF�.,. ..A6:' _ . -- .� - _.-.�.-.-. - . - <-..,_. .._ . ... �-__i'a'ffi-
<br /> `�+�} � .. To� s�e�re ��be� pay�.;�rit.'o� the Note, witti_ iatesest. as pravide� . �'� _-
<br /> �<•,�,. . � � �.,�,.--R_
<br /> -. �t °� tili�rt�=�'Yi:;,;�hu��Ba;�iiit of all othez suas. vith intesest, " ���
<br /> ;,;;�� :.:,��:i,iaqaei3=5.b�!��l�it���gaqee `to grotect the secusity of ,this. . ��._=_��-
<br /> , � � gbrtl�aqa,�, ;�c�:;Che pesforaaace of the coveuaats and agree�aen�s � ___
<br /> `�}y{=F; :af ,�b.�- litr�tsgagor coataine8 herein, Moztg�gor does heaeby. : _
<br /> Y���_� , ;�#o%t�qe:.:at�d convey ta Mostgagee the folluving desczibed , - ___
<br />-..,£�.�.,,., . -_
<br />';;' ���:�. � �;�ro�c�ertiy�� ��ocated in Hall Cotusty,. Nebsaskat . . �.
<br /> . , .���:-
<br />. " -��:`;,-The �iesterlp;-��iizty-Tbsee f33) feet af Fiactfena�� Lot Six , ��:
<br /> �;"�'"" t 6), .in Frac�3ona1 Biock one i��ndzed FoxtyTAsee t 1�!3) of . � �'�'f,�:!.
<br /> �: Uniari,Pacific Railwa�,r.Company's Second Addition and �gZ that � r `"
<br /> �.._��' ;, _,�
<br /> � part of Fractional Lo�� Seven� t7), in Fractional Bloak�Eleven _ t �, _
<br /> � tli) of Russel Wheeler's Add�.Lion, lying Aest pt the Eastezl.�,_ �'' � � _
<br /> [•:..-.:�,,a:��: -
<br />_ � ��.Thisty-Three (33) feet of sa.�t� Fsactivrea 7. Lo t _Seven I?), i n: . . i_;.:�..���M
<br /> �� �'i'��� ` sai�.Fractionai Block Elevet��' 11),. bcth being additions to `�� ;' '�� -
<br /> � �c- ,� . th� ��ty�af Gsand island, Hall Caut�t�y�, Kebsaska, alaa known �',.;�."::,. °;,: � `{� � � .-
<br /> -+�riy: •�. , a1s. '�G��t�East 9th 3tzeet, � � .. ". � r
<br /> '�. Together vitb: all� bull8inqs, .:�+.'�r�•�"�aents, ff.xtuse�, stseets� , �`•�=��' � -
<br /> � ° ' . ti;`:�,i'..� _.
<br /> ' aileys, passagevays,..�asemerst�; 'ir3��i�c�,. gr��.�Ieqes an8 � ` � ` ��'" �� �-�` .
<br /> � : � . Y.,...
<br /> '%. � � appuztenances locat�d��itezeon or in ;anyvise pertaininq .�''r � �`;
<br /> - �. thereto, and the rents�;' issues and rof its revexsion� an8 . . "�
<br />_ P . �"����:,.;.,:.`, � ;:,?!
<br /> - �. rea�ainde=s thezeof; includirig, bnt not limited to, heating .: , :.��_=-,
<br /> . . and cooling equip�ent and su�E�, personal pzoperty that is r .�� � ��
<br /> -_ , '�--
<br /> �'. � !�, .- attache� to the impsovement� ��o as to constitute a tixture; _ � �.
<br /> � � all of vhich, including repE�.�ements and additions thezeto; `' -
<br /> �. . _ .
<br /> � is hereby declared to be a ��at of tPse seal estate secused by ?�'
<br /> ' • '. . the lien af this Mortgage �,n� all of the fosegoing being �! .�
<br /> � - � zefesre8 to hezein as the "'�roperty". � .
<br /> �' ,
<br /> ''�� Hoztgagor furtheY 'c-ovenants and agzees, vith Mortgagee, a�., �� � . ��. , �,. ,
<br /> .�_ .
<br /> follavs: . � , ,t"
<br /> . , .. . �. �,:�..:�:
<br /> Li ��
<br /> l. Paymsnt�. To pay the indebtedness and tl�e intezest � � G � � �
<br /> " � thereon as provi8ed in thfs Mostgage and the Note. , ,
<br /> �` ' s�'� � 2. Tltle. Maztgagoz is the oqner of thQ Pzogerty, has the � �� �
<br /> sight an8 authoz3ty to mortgage the Propert.y, and �rarrants . �
<br /> that the lien created heseby is a first and p�ior lien on �he - �.,
<br /> • P=ope=ty, except as may atherwise be set �orth hezein.
<br /> . - i'�-°::.'-� . ' ,0�l�ex prior lfeas and encnmbrancess None _ � _.
<br /> ' '� �h'�� 3. Taxes, Jlasessments. To pay when due all taxes, specia� � „
<br /> ���,:�:'� assessaents and all cther chasges aqainst tbe Property.
<br /> �`_ ,`�, .�
<br /> � � ��.�• . : .
<br /> n•�_� . , . • .
<br /> {.�n. �
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