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;. <br /> .�- � t.}C -f .: } r. „} i� i' �' �i. }�— <br /> y � i 1 P� (- . i '' - -i�1 �> > - � f 1[`yr_ e <br /> ` � - , r�3j �.��� ; � , , ,,,�;� <br /> ' 7'�16iH6it Wt(4I a11.�1e Im�proveingnta trow otDe�e,�tlFrlydkdon fio pr0�ey.nRd ilt `�as2ment3 e .bnanaet, ` {r �. <br /> � anatl�ctbiano�ior6usaneranzttgfthedrop�rAll�epiddemintLPQd�d011FlanM�he��ptsotieM�qEQ�,y��4GR�tyy n,i�<: <br /> �j��{� yy�y/ le +�: or.�r.�a e - � —� -� <br /> - �-�iY511�IH�T���V�IlN1OT\•p�y�`�V�YIH�WW ��iM�iYYW���j YYNRNiG� i l YFIy1s{ ��� . . <br /> "80ARQq'BRWV¢(�TAKfBUutBorroivai�ta�qNtiyuisWotc�eautbAerebyeopv�red�nOhud�hed ttognnt ; �,G � . <br /> snd convoq meFroy.-qy and d�aclho PropEny ie unencumbere4,exapt 1'orenaim6�tnce�4t tccor4; Borrower w�pu en4 � <br /> wUldeft�dgenerelfyNOtidoro�hoPlopenyagWnsteticteimt.�ddemand�;sub)attomyencumDrona�otasoY4; �, � . . <br /> 771Y8 SIiG71litTY IN9TitiJM8N7'ctlmbina.uNPoim dovcna�ts tor patiqnal yse snd n¢n•uNfoim wvenaote whh J., <br /> _ timltWvari,atlon+DyJudediqlontocons�iwweuntlortnucudtyinswmentcovcringrcalproperty. <br /> IINIPORMCOVByVANfB. Borro�+ierandtsnducovenentapd�greowfoltowao � <br /> !. P�ymtatofPrindptladd[nteresq�ey�ptMat�a0l,93eCAugea B91rower�l�e1! romptl pay+pluqdue0w <br /> pdnoip8lotandlntereaton�AodcbtevldenadbytheNotaendehypreprymentandletorfiugesdueDndei�eNotR <br /> J. NII(IOf�O►'RYCliAdGL51!►AqM. BUbJCCttOAppIICGbIDIeW0ItO0WfI1fC11WlIVOrbyl.ender 8ortowerchplp�ytu � ' ; <br /> Lender ort 0e My monthiy qymcab ere due under Aa Note,uml!IAo No[e 1�pald In full,a wm("}Und��for.��yEarlp° " ; :; <br /> �axw aud auasmenu which mey attaN pdodty over tl�a 8ecudty Insuument es e licn on the Property;@�yonrly Waeho(d <br /> paymente or gound mnu on tho an y. (o) Ycarly hwrd ot proP�nY insurance Drcmlume:(� p4�tY A�d , <br /> insuranco premlum�,If anyt(e)Yeuly mongage fnsurance premluma. If eny; end(q any tuma Payebla by Bortutiver ta <br /> I.ender,in ecardmce wlth Uwpro•ilaione of paregreph 8,In Ilw of thepaymen[ot monge!{e Insurance premlurtu� 'fhese <br /> Iteme ero called"Bscrow item+. LuMer may,et any�ima coUect end hold FLnde In en amount not�o axoeed the maximum . <br /> amount e lender for a fedwdty related mongego loan may requlro for Bortowort eaerow axount undu the fedcral Real <br /> Eatete Settlemm(Proadurca Act of 1974 es emended Rom 6me to pma,I2 U.S.C,g 2601 et r�p.("RFl9PA'�,uniosa ano�her <br /> levi ihat eppliea to the Wnda sw a leaser emoun�. It so.Lendu may�et any Hma,collea md hold Amd�In en emount no�to . <br /> exoad �he leaser amount. l.ender may estlmate �he amount of Amda dua on Ihe basia of eurtent d�ta and rcaaonabie <br /> estlmatea o[expendlmrea otfutum Sscrow Item�or oNerwise in eaordana wlih appIleable law. � <br /> 7Le[vnds ahall be held in an tnatltution whase deposiu are inwred by a federel agency,inswmenteltty,or endty <br /> (Including Lendcr,if Lrnder b cuch�n Ina�imdan)or in nny Rederel Home Ldan Benlc. Lender ehell npply the FLod�to pry <br /> the Bscrow Itema. Lender mry not cLarge Bortower tor holding and applying�he Wnda,ennually enelyiAng tAe asttow <br /> exounb or vcrlfying the&crow Items, unlesa l.ender pay+Hortowcr tntercat on the JA�nW end eppilubla lew pertniU <br /> Lendu to meke such a cherga However,Lender may requfre 6ortower to pay e one•time charge Cor en Indopendept rcal <br /> utero tu mponing servia used by l.endor in connecdon witA Nii Iwn,unlas appIlenble law providea othernlao. Unto�t en <br /> egrcement is mMe or eppliuble law requircn imercat to be paid.Lcnder nhnil not be requircd to pay Hortower anylnterut or <br /> eaming�on�hc Amds Bortower and I.ender may egra in writing,howevcr,that Intcrest tha116e paid on tha Pund�. i.ender <br /> �Aail glve to Bortowcr,without chargc,an ennual aceounting of tho Wnd�,shmving crediu and debite lo the Pund�end Ihe <br /> pm{wse tor which eaeh debit to the Iimd+was mnde. The Wnda e2 pledged e�addGional aecuriry tor all eums acured by <br /> tAla Securiry Instrument. <br /> tf�he R�Ma held 6v Irnder e:ard �he emaunu pertnitted ro 6a held by epplicable lew_Lender ehffiI acCOUnt lo __. <br /> Dortowcr tor the cxcw�Lnd�in earordancc wi�h the rcquircmcnta of appliceblo law. !f�Ae emount of ihe Pund�hold by <br />- Lendu e[my time is not cuificient ro pay the Eurow keme�vhen due,Lender mny w notify Horto�ver in wrlting,and,in <br /> such cew Qortower+Aail pay�o Lender�he amount nececsery to meke up the deficiency. Iiortower�hall meke up the <br /> deficicncy in no more lhan�wclve monthly poymenu,et Lenderl wlo diacrction. <br /> Uponpayment fn PoII of all sums cecured by�hi�Security Inswmen6 Lender shell promptly rctund lo Bortower eny <br /> Wnd�held Dy Lender. If.under paregraph 21,Lender chall ecquirc or aell lhe Propeny,Lendu.pdor lo�he acqulaition or - <br /> aale ot�he Propeny.shall apply eny flmdf hetd by Lender a��he iime of ecquislAon or aeie as e crcdll�gainst�ha sums <br /> eecuttd by thi�Secudty Insnument. =- <br /> 3. Applieotion of Paymenp. Unlca� upplicable low providea otAerniu, ell paymcnn rcccived by l.endcr under °'�� <br /> paragmphe I end 2 sh�ll be epplied:Ont,ro any prepayment charge�duc under�he Nae;cecond,ro amouna payeble under �;., <br /> peragraph 2;third,to intercst due founh.�o principal due;and Im4 to eny late cherges due under the Note. Qi,. <br /> 4. Chergee: Llero. Bortowcr ahall pay nll mxca,asuasmem�, chargcs, finee and imposi�iom aRdbuteble to the --. <br /> Propeny�vhich mey anain pdority over�hix Security Inawmem,and Icnxhold paymenu or ground renn,lf eny. Bortower ��:; <br /> shall pay�hese obligoilons in�hc mnnncr provided in paragraph 2,or ff not paid in that manner.Uortowcr shall pay thtm on - <br /> �ime dirmly�o ihe persan owed paymcnt. Bortowcr shall promptly Nmish ro Lcndcr uil noHees ot amoums�o be paid under €_ <br /> thia paregnph. If 6o�rowcr makes�hese payments directly.Bortower ahall prorep�ly fumish to Lender reeeipp evidencing - <br /> thc payments. _ - <br /> Uortower ahall promqly dixhargc any licn which haz priori�y over�his Sccuriiy Instrument unless Bartower.(a)agrces _ <br /> in wrieing to�he payment of�he obligotion secured by�he lien in a manner accep�uble[o Lender.(b)contesu in good fafth�he <br /> lien by,or defends egainst en(orcemem a(�hc licn in.lcgai praceeding��vhich in�he I.endcrh opinfon opereie to prevent tAe =_ <br /> enforcemem of�he licn;or(c)xcurcx Gom Ihe holdcr of Ihe lien an agrecmem smisfaclory lo Lender suboMinating the lien = <br /> to this Secumy Insimment. I!Lender deiem�ines tha�any p�rt of ihe Propeny is subjec�w n lien which may auein priority = <br /> over lhis Securily Inslmment.Lender moy give 6onower u nolice identi(ying the lien. Bortower.hall salisfy the lien or take �_�� <br /> one or more of�hc actions ut forth a6ovc wilhin 10 days of�hc giving o(notica ` �- <br /> 3. Hazard or Property lnsurente. Bartower shall kcep thc impmvcmems now cxisting on c�rcaf�er ereded on thc �'�' <br /> Propeny insurcd agains�loss by fire,ha�ards included wi�hin the�em�"ex�ended corerage"and any other hazarsls,including ��_-;- <br /> ❑oods or Oooding. for which Lender requira imurance. Thi. insunnce.hall I�e maintaimd in �he amounts and tor Ihe °`�� <br /> [.„ <br /> `_.. <br /> FormN3lf siso �r++x�:Inlnx�++ F_; <br /> t: <br /> (c <br /> �;. <br /> %`., <br /> -••-•- ._ _ __, . . 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