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(.� . ' .. � .- .. . - ; F� Ci�, '�._,r �.� � r� �y t`+,`T l'ltY'�.s. <br /> A t . i:. ` �� g'� � E ' n i ` _��� _. � k � » r i: <br /> � � 4 3 '- �(( b 1 ..- K� I ! <br /> � Y1119A$8�iNA�E�i�p�p�NYSH1q�q�am�difn�ditNTd�A1flt� �p..d�cY9t�-..dnY,�.-...--���a�fA ` <br /> f(q�r�Urat�Ut� ngah1tEadoYthMftoMmbMleridiuppt�nllMMortplp�4►�wal7rue� u�fntRnqtNrWt ►4tfMh <br /> r ,�$ppygry Instrum�ftY',ol tli�OMtb Clta QivOK Dy itls U rors�.a,mnin.i�e nr�rred to .�ra�dor�oxv�r,'t to�t6wf �,; '� <br /> . C4ft4��'alntF�ttane=e;MxelnpttQrreieri*xtO�itAt!!N�t�!',[aHOMHCEO�NALBAVtNO8AMD1.0ANA&�v��A��Nn� _ <br /> +� OitKNDIBIAttR��rNnofqrret�hedroi�the^LmOeY�,otfpaetmsC�te4etloovednptheD�dperCyGeecnpedlrtlns8ecur1ly <br /> _ . l'netrymint tnd fa�tM th . <br />._ — ' . - (vroaerty A drew) - - . . - <br /> - ' WIYNE886TH: _ <br /> T�:� WwERFAB,Borrower ond len�or nere apreed[nnt any rente and pronro attnouteCt�to tne o�opany ahod�0 conetitute <br /> aQdlU0ne1 eeourlH�0 the lOndor fw th9 Dsyment of th0 Nol� <br />°°;�� NOW,THER�FOF1E,fllsagre00fha1t1ui68turlrylnotrumentehel1b90menCOdMtOGyenOtlE4lPeQtoinolud0MOf0110w1�0 <br /> -`:�-3 provinlona � , � . . <br /> "=iwa <br />,�.;-;'� 1, e alanmentofHontsnnA�nds[RaMS10ol!enllonBl I�Q,BOtrow8t�0�06yEbS0�utlty6ntlunaOfldfll011pi1yA861QqONl - <br /> rents, Isausa end proflte ol tM Woporly to Benafk4�ry. Lender shalt �av8 the dpht. Dower end eut�oTlly tlu�InO tho <br /> -_._-� canllnusnce ot ttw BacudH��Smment to wilect the rente,�ssues and Drofita o1 ihe DTOperty anA of eny DarapllAl ptopedY -- <br /> �x_� IOCAt9d thBteOn vrltA or wit�out 18kinp pOSSeselon ot t�e property atfeoted heroby. LendOr,�owever,�areby done6nts to <br />��.��.�2 Borcowe�ecoltactlonerAretantlonolsuchrent�,ISaueeandDroBteaaltuyecorueandDecomeDaYable,eolonpeaBortPwer _. <br /> --;"; Is not,et 6uoD tlmo,In tlefaWt wlth reepeot to payment ot eny Indehte0neas eewred heroby,or In the peAOrmenca ol eny _ <br /> � ' eyreement�ereunder. -. <br /> �� �, A000lntment ot Reoalver. if any evont ol Oefault In reepeot to t�e Seoudty Inetrument ehall �ave xourred end bo ��,'�� <br /> - �� contlnuing,Londer, ea a matter o1 tlqht anC wlthout notice to Borrower or anyone olalmin0 under Barower,end wll�out >�... <br /> >:-;,.�;� f9Q9t0 t0 OIB V81UB O}t11B tNet 98t0t0 0�the 10t0Ie8t O}lh0 BOfrowef the�B10,ehall heva the rlgM to epDb�o eny oourt haNng �--. <br /> �s. <br /> �urledlotlon to aDPO�nt e rocelver ot tlw property. <br /> s�y 9. Rla��m Posseaelon.In oase of Oafaull in Me peymant of t�e eald pdnolpal Note a Intaroat,or any paA t�ereof,ea 8 G� �� <br /> ,, � ehall m8lure,or In the oaee ol fallure to kaep or peAOrm any of t0e wvenanta or epreemente contalneO In lhe 8eourity Inatru• �, : <br /> ?r ment,then the Lender, Ite auaceeaore or eaeigna, n0all 6e and la hareby authorizetl end empowered ta take Immetllate <br /> '�'�7 p06605e100 0}ih9 Be1C D�emlaee th0rein dBeCrib9d anA to c0119ot�ha rente lhereirom,end to eDY�Y��B ptxeeds�h9re0f�O l�e <br /> '���,� peymant of the Note. <br />-;•�T,�f,�!1 4. Bpolloatlon o(j�2e,lssues anC Proflte.All rente oolleoted by Lender or the racelvar e0e11 De applie0 flrot to paymant -__ <br /> f�,����° aithaea'tsotman��rron:o!!MN"PgnYeed�ni�ae�ionofrnma,innmaing,6utnotilmlteAto.recalverefeae.Oremlumeon <br /> 41t t; recelvere Donde an0 reaeonabla attomey'e feee,and then to t�a eume eacured by the Boourity Inetrument.Lentla�end the <br /> , ��� recelver ehall Ca Ileble to account onry for thoae renta actually recelvetl. � � <br /> '�1�,�5� 0. fonatrootlon ol ProWaloru.Eac�oHhe porlslons oontalned In 1hlsAeelgnmont of Rante Ritla�and the8eoutltylnehu• �. ,_ <br />�`2�-�� mont Bhall,unleee ot�arwlsa apeclflcelly requlred,ba eonatruetl In nccordanoo wllh Nebreake lew,and In t�e av6nt eny F;_..,. <br /> -`'��J,;f�. provialOn heroln or t�ereln contelned shell De tletarmined by a court ol compatent�mlatllotion to bo uneMOrceable,the eame e��'�- <br /> "�7 U'y ahall be wnetrue0 ae t�ouyh such unenforceable provlalon were no1 a part hereof or thereot. F-:..�. <br /> r,4• 0. Eftect of RIAe�.Fxcept as apeclticelly motllfleA by or InwnaYalont�vi�h th{e Aselgnment ot Ranln RIOer or by any ot�er <br /> `ca� aDD���eble rlGer,ell of ihe term�end provlelone conteined In ihe Socutlty InetmmeM ehall eontlnuo In tull foroe and 61teoL G."" <br />:C-�.j_Si i:. <br /> - IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Bortowe��ae oxacuted th18 AeeignmSli 1 oi Rente �idor on t tle e Nret notetl aUOVO. <br /> 1��5; M c ael J. �} [_.��� <br /> -T - 5� � �i,�-. <br /> ��S;t` c <br /> . xL� f �.i�.�y�r+-� � .' <br /> ��`�".�[� Susanne I. o�eier .,:_,. <br /> 4 <br /> �:t <br /> -'I 8TATE OF NEBMSKAI <br /> +',=� (ae: I. , <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) [*:;_' <br /> On thle�9S2L day of_May 18 91— Goloro me,tho underaigned a Notary PuDlic CulY commlealonod enE ••. <br /> quelNledlo�aeldcounty,peraonallyceme Michael J. Oebar4 and $ueanne I. Osbera ��y,�� <br /> �:•�-�� (Nu sband end Wi f e) ,to bo tha IAenlieai peraon(e)wt�ose neme(e)lelere eubscdbod ry'• <br /> _:;+:rr'; c,. <br />,'-���r;;�� to tA0 t0�0pOing InslmmeM.end�elahe/Mey aeknowlodpe t�e execullon lhereol lo be hlelherlt0oir vo�uMery 0ct antl COed. <br /> '�- WNnese my�en0 end Note�iA�5881 et.S+SflIIil_�H1flI1Sl�---dB17t'°�`a � : <br /> �.: <br /> p x j _ In ealA count ,tno Uato eloresaltl. ,,. <br /> J y <br /> f�.1l�G[PSmwl�rssb v�.-..-] � K�-c�-�-�+_— � <br />- ""(.'.iiy �SLKASKII Nolury Publit T . <br />.:"1^1:t d� Dx79.1i96 p <br />.� � MY Commisslon ezpirea: _1��-2_'�-`---�4-4 4--- <br /> ;.i <br /> ��l'u xr�o»nivn •- <br /> :j'•.Yf <br /> .V'r. _ <br /> . t F; <br /> ;�-ti , <br /> Y;:i: <br /> �,'i�'._ <br /> i>:: .'• <br /> i��+��, <br /> �_;` <br />�.";..Il.R� <br /> 44 ' <br /> _JFK��F <br />. ,Y� � <br /> ..'. .�. 4 <br />