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<br /> . �iatRr o�`;.D�,td�•: I�l�t9;�t� af Deeds � ` �T�.'"` ��V4�V`. , �.
<br /> .,;.... , �. , ,.
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<br /> , W�s ADRIJ�,.��::a�d;�IB b�: Hmab�#a�,a�t@ Nife each�i�i his and-her.airtt.�right•atW�:as•_ . .
<br /> -- spow!� o�;.:e�:ch'�ot�+es,_��reis calied,�.th�S��Rr v6ether on� or,aare. _ .
<br />--v= . in-carat�s'�tio�a,af 1�IF!'��TBt)�S�til:�;i4<<=LU(3t��-_(BSO,OOQ:00) :DOI.T.AR9� . ' . " . -
<br /> - - _ - --- � -- -- . : -.,. . .. - , -- - - - _
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<br /> � receivt.d,+;f�aw,,$�'antee,,.do� Ssaa��:b�rg�.tn,,��2�;�;•eoa.q�p:and•canfi�n,uatu • • ---
<br /> .� . • • -
<br /> Y - � ---- - ��.E. PBi;an���:;-J►;..PI�;;•;�is6-,aad and i�ift,_ aa-�enants ia cowROn.. �-=T_-------
<br /> � . _ _ ._. � _ ��:_
<br />��::��:-r ' •
<br />. ,. hexe.t�t��c4l:��d�.��;8xa'q�ea�tir�i�.ou�•.os.�wre, the following deacribed�real•proparty',in� fw.�--M
<br /> - Ba.I�t. �v4�z�� t�ir��: . � _° _,
<br /> ; . f•:: , 't ;- . .
<br /> . � � - � �' s�+'
<br /> -_ �e�i�&a� a��?oiut���5a�� e�t�°Sp�'tt�l:af ti�e Nartheaat�Carnar o€ fhe-Zbrti�est, ° �"'�._
<br /> �: .}� �-'=s,�- .
<br /> ;�� Qwticter.�.u�:�rti;�t h v�s ti..t�arie r�o�,S e c t�.o n.'34, Toinwhi p 11 North range 10� �_��:_
<br /> `��, � Ad�t Qf;t���brS�V;F.M.;:ttience�Nest. paral.�I�wi�th.�tl�e North Section liae of safd�� -�- ,.
<br />_ . :,;j SeztioAo3$:�.,,xis�erb�p, ll, Posth, &�nge 10 iJest a�. dfstance of 50 Feet; thence � �,� ;::
<br /> a ,��. ..- Sauth:,g�.rall�:it�.t.�o,�tlze East 13ne of tiie orthtrest Quarter of the Horthwest , , ;.. .-
<br /> . , , , , r_. -- _ .
<br /> . -Q�i��rter,�o����+f;13�a�e��41�,3k, Tovnabip 1�;�"sCb: Rais$e IO Aest�of ttie 6th P.17 , ���`�..,y,;.,-._
<br />. _ i�es,t,:t�,.�i�+ bT�it����!ic3gts.t:of vay liste�w�� Pederal Big$vay #3Q; tbence Nortk-� ' .}`yr�;r' =:
<br /> . • � easte�Iy;.r,atlms}$=�tht,��:f��rl}r.zy.ght of {�1'2�jR I�tie of said Aiglx�ay �30� to thtt East i,
<br /> ," liue o8�•�i:Nortiiwest�Quarter'af the Northwest Qaarter of said Sectiaa 34, Towm� '��.�`��"�
<br /> ship, II:���tq."trth, Range iQ�Wes� ce€:.'.r.�te�lith:�,M.; theuce Nortb along and upoa the • ,u:�,,"•y.'��:
<br /> ` . ` � ,,�;r�,r,� t l.�ae;of'�t�e Nortfirest•Qaai�er uf �fie',Nortbi�est Quarter of Section 34, To�nx- -"�°-� __
<br /> ,'' � ' ".`".r�����}1?ffQr�ht"�ange 10 Wesz of the StTx.�'.:.�l., a diatance of 321.6 feet to t�c� '� �-��`t`
<br /> =� paias,t'.;�t,�s�egf.,uning; and _ ;=�i '�'�:
<br /> i�.� . . L ` ' _ ' _ " ' .-•S i�s_ -_—_
<br /> . . ' . :�-�.tifiat��.p�t of the Northeast Quarter of the �aFthwest Quarter of Sectiou � ' ; 'i;�;, •".�'4�'--
<br /> � hw t ' „� -.
<br /> ` �`'�Csffsty-Fonr (34) Twnshtp Elevea (11).Ko�th Range,Ten .(1Q) West of the 6th, � t 7 ,: <+ �`�"£-
<br /> ;' , ��-:fis., lyfng Nosth m€•tlie Right of way 4f 'the Unioa Pacific Railroad.Compang £?�;:iA;''i�.��:��•;�'
<br /> All belt�g in the North �:,^''I�`�:,'-::;. `�
<br /> . " �'�aa� coutaiiling two and one-half�acres more or less; ���,:�:i;;,;.;,;t�J
<br /> • �.. " �. �.:• ; . . _�.,
<br /> Half o£�,tlX,e Northwest Quarter.(�i�NW'�) of Section 34, Township 11 Nor�is, Range .:;,`�SS;
<br /> �� - , 10 West o£ the 5th P:M., In HaLI County; Nebraska ' ��� � -_
<br /> - •.�, . , . --
<br /> � - `�.�-�o�bsve and to hol,d the above descsftr�ci:,���preuises together s�ith a!1 tenE��P.. ��` :: ;� _
<br /> -_ � heredi�raiepte aa8 appurtenances thereto beivs�=E�xg unto the grantee and to grant��'�s':: 7 ': . ° -
<br />, :�,•,.;,� heira and assf.g�ss•forever. ',`., '., • ' ��' ; , • , , -
<br /> ("', :
<br /> . .�,��:�i1 And the,grantor does hesebq coveaant•cp�;tFi�ti7e`grantee and with granteef s:.��fss �,,. � �: � .:_
<br /> ; r,5,�,;: :�: .
<br /> �+., and a��igne that grantos.ia las+fully aeise��csE;said gsEmiaes; that theg are 'fse�;��?om '}.���° �_
<br /> ,. �:-. .�J,.,t4^ ___
<br /> �3� encu�irance , , . _ . . :. - . ; � ,y�
<br /> . . ,,. • f���'a��� -
<br /> , . . „ �.�'� �. r , —
<br /> .. ' ' r.• .-�,.:
<br /> - � ,�.....�., . . , , f
<br /> , . :�;.: . .:.::.,� , t . • ._
<br /> that grantox bas good sigi�t and lawfui authority to convey the same; and ti�at grantor j , , .
<br /> � j�+.,,x: � watraats and will defen&�Che title to said premises against the lawful c2af�e df 'as�� ; .
<br /> � �,�� �� � � �
<br /> '.�?�`•`������ *'-` . peseoas vhossoever. . . � �
<br /> . �.e:.�s�.r.,. . 1 . � �
<br /> . ��'"'`►��y��'. � : .
<br /> •��^r�' ���;�:, Dated Aps12 8, 1976 ' , '! .
<br /> , _:,�'..:���� ��.c�L,�/ vf ; : .
<br /> .. ,�� ,. � ' � o� : .. ..
<br /> . - : :}=:; - � ;
<br /> �';;''�� , * an re � ' ? . ?i,,� ,�
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<br /> �„, , • Y QJ�I�J LYO n/a i
<br /> �,st _ il�faig
<br /> .r. .. .
<br /> �ry';��j�ti.._� , 5TA7B OF�NEHRASI�A, County of Hall: :
<br /> �� Hefore me, a notary public quaiffied for said county, pezsonal1y came ,
<br /> :�• • .
<br /> . ADRIAN lQtEN!( aad MARGIS KRENK, Huebaad and Wife, pa�h !n His and Her own right and as ' �
<br /> ';��. . • .
<br /> � : � • spouse of each ather . � . •
<br /> . �� �. , ,�.
<br /> knatn to tie to be the identical persan or Qersans t+ho aigned the faregofng� instrum�et .
<br /> 'r.:�� � �� � and acknow�edged the execution thereof to be his, hpr ar their volu�tary act and deed. '
<br /> . �
<br /> --- . . -.�__---�.._ ... .
<br />- _ --- _-----___ _
<br /> . __ . . .._ __ _ . .. _ . .- - - - _ . - __
<br /> ` --, Witness ay hand and notarf,,�i aeal nn A rii � 1976
<br /> • . -ai3:`_ . �� . - , - - .
<br /> ' r- l�M11 0110�, •ru
<br /> .. ., � . n u c
<br /> , t ry P bli
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<br /> - _�.:'' .... . . lr�r��--- _. . ..- ri - --- - -- .. ..-p- --- - . _ _.. .__. _ _. __ . .._ _ ; _
<br /> '�; " - r Commiasiun ex ires Jnlv 2S. 1978. �
<br /> . . ._ . . . _ . . .. . . . 4. . .
<br />