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<br /> tYHEREAS: IOI�E fEOERAL SAYIl�S AIii3:t,�,i,�II:.AS50GIRt�I]N OF GRRF�} ISI,At+D, hereinafter
<br /> referrec� to as 'Home Federa2�s loenec�. 0��iG�illia� VonS�rn and lherrv � � 1tonSeca��..
<br /> _ _�,...�,'.,�_�.►_�.t�_- � --Mereinafte��ferred ,to as rrarers". tt�e or�gina� ,
<br /> _ --. --= ----�--- - - —
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<br /> princ su� of F[�TY FOUR°Ti��A[�`FDlltt FNJpDRfQ A[��JISTI�-»�--__-=---
<br /> - ,�.-�n rt> 1:-�s..�vi�i=hi�r.+,�.8:�ortga�_t�e�.S�ted Juea 14. 1Q�,�r_. �f
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<br /> ...T- __ _ .-- _._ _ - - __
<br /> � secured b a +eort - --..__. ._._ _ . . .. ..-� _�.: . _ , ..__
<br /> Y � !t�#e,. ..�q���s
<br /> -- ---�--. . . _. .
<br /> -- �b. 39-003� 754 in;•thet=�lf€,�ce-af tt�e Reg€ster of.- HALL,y County,; �EBRASKA
<br /> -- arK! and�advance,amou��t��nf��.3�•�15.09 nn Jwie 24,. 1985 and.
<br />--_- Wf�l�,,,,said•Q,,rsi�rs�;`'#1tAvR sold ta,,tt�t:uR'Idersigned P�urchase�s the PrapertY -
<br /> _ - . . .��lY,desar�l�ed�.a�: . �. -, -. . . .. . "
<br /> : , ::� ._ . � .. ....... ,; _ _
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<br /> BLQ�K ELE11�N;.!�s�)r.�N!�l�H!l1G�146•S-R�IG�It1�l,i�,;�'�-El7d OF GRANQ ISIAIID. HALL COtI[i'i�;
<br /> - NE8RA5[Ctit , :.,.; , - -. - -- - - � - --- - -(_.....- _ - _.-__
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<br /> � WFEREAS, �Purchase�s�-iJesire to.a�'.ss�'�d PaY the remaici�r±g�indebtedness d�ribecl• �'� �
<br />-�-_...�.� s • . _ �" b;�,..-
<br /> above as euidenced tiy.-�fie"afarem�ntioneci:�iote an� morEga�e{ti�.of trust. and�` � _ °..�.-_
<br /> ��"�;`' �� W�EREAS, Borrauers desire:t4.he released from any f�r�,r_' �ob2igatfon in respect �-�•: �: .�,'
<br />�'< <::3�. . �
<br /> f�. �n,. .s .� � .�.:'c'r:;_'�` :.
<br /> . . �;+: ::' . . to the abbve described��not� �nd:�!iiR�t4a9e/deed uf trust; atu�:.,•:;..� .,���;;
<br />.. � 'ZM ti
<br /> �� WI�REAS, Hame Fedaral is� milling..to permit the as�*�c�ption by Rurchasers of �.,�,�1�r.r---
<br /> •.� �:. � the note and fiortqa�/t�eed.af trust�.a�".-€,elease the Bonowers from,.the o5ligations � __�;���a}�?-'
<br /> � ��`Z I Al•Y
<br />��`�';: �� : d�ed of trust sub ect homeuer, � -====---
<br /> ..=.4ij�:� �� evidencecf hY,-.the a�oredescribe¢-_note:�id.�.�i�!nrtga�/,, ; 3 * , �=r
<br /> ' to a reuis3.a[t�.p� the te�ms oF paymeci�:pF �i�.d�ii�tedness• - ��.-.-
<br /> F r 4.�? ' =s; c � ��
<br /> .��,�. ` t11pW; �ORE,. 3n consider�tic+p �;.�e'�'ival ca�enants herein contained, , .. , �,�,-:
<br /> .,�, .. _ ,�__.-..:::,,._ �`
<br />_, , �-. it is aqreeif:� ,.- . .:�.; �. ., .
<br /> y:t� .t .. _
<br /> ' :4 l. The u�dersigned- Rurchassrs he�Fi f, assume and agree to pay the remafning � .;��,�;__
<br /> ,< indebtedness_ evidencesi'°hy:the, aforedescrihed note and martgagefdeed of� trust and ��, ;�;;���
<br /> �` perfarm al�� of the ol�lfgat�ans pravided therein and as madified hereby, it heing �`��fi������
<br /> f�:.
<br /> }�:; agreed and u�derstood that as of th�'s date said indehtedness is F�RTY�F�UH THOUSAI� ;��r;.
<br /> SEU�N?Y THREE AND 71/100--------------------Dollars ($44,073:?1 . ``
<br /> i .�.4,5���` '
<br /> =,:,;s;r',Et�;<�L
<br /> " 2. The terms of the repayment of the debt evfdenced by the aforedescribed ,_ ':��...:;,;. . ;.
<br /> � ,;�;:.,�
<br /> � =� note and mottgage/Geed of trust are hereby modified in that interest upon the unpaid �R�����;«� � ��-:
<br /> ;_;: ..�4. :
<br />� ���:.�'�:C: •� balance of said ina:�btedness shall. be at the rate of Ten percent (l�� ;,. ;�;�; . �. -
<br />_'':n;.u,:c.* lst . ���t; . '
<br />;.:.,,,;<,.,.�; ,f', per annum, amd that monthly payments shal.l be snade ca�miencing on t he day o f _ . .,
<br /> �'' �'� � ' Ju�a '� �.g.91, and continuing an the lst of each mvn�h thereafter, it being � ' � .
<br /> _��,a,.. _ . . . � ,
<br /> - - —�-�--�'��- F�YVE HUNDfiED EIGHTY`.T.1110 ,,�.,. � �}:,5•r,
<br /> �'.` . further ac,}�r��that such payments shall ��� in the amount af.-1 '•`�•' '"'"
<br /> .f:,::.t�.
<br /> ,� ;:.:.' H1YD� 4G 1QQ�-�-----------------------0oZl�s �a 582.44 ) �E�.manth, to be� ap�Iied �;�,{t��;�;js" �.
<br /> �'` T'` f�rst to f . rest and the balance to �srYncipal un il said.�.�ht�ress is paid in '�
<br /> ••.,,.., ti.. • .. . .1;-
<br />' .f�i'.��:1(: ��� � �'- .��
<br />��.�il'.':::. . .�., . .
<br />�;;}j,<<< •,., full, and that, in addition, aaid Purchasars mill pay the s�x'ri:-4i'.?����lT'4'��TWO ANQ 39/100 .: . -�
<br /> .;., �.. � .,,�;' .
<br /> . . .�_:.-------------------•-----------Bollars ($ 72.3_.9__) Pet �ac�ttY i�;�scrau estimated i=: .•-
<br /> sufr��icient tv pay .�ayre�s and or insuranee on said propesty,_�ufiich estimate may be
<br /> IX HUNDREO (�: ; ' : �
<br /> � Hame Federal. makin a total cu�rrent payment otS 4
<br /> �.
<br />..`. � � re�sed fram tima �ix..�ime by 4 .
<br />�'`� ' FYfTY FOUR Al� 83/100------- Dollars (S ��_� p � �,
<br /> :s.:�,. . -------------------------- � month. � ,.
<br />�"'�_";: '�;'-�`�"�� � 3. xcept as modified hereby, the note an mortgage/deed of trust abo�ra de- ; � •
<br /> �:... �..�:: :�,:. :.;- �:
<br /> :::�h'�;,• '`4 Y'-�� scribed sha12 remain in full force and ePfect, and the underaigned Purchasers p�ise �
<br /> �-";roC.ti;�; �
<br /> � to ,pay said indebtedness as herein stated and to perfo�m all of the obliga�YOns p
<br /> � �' . �'-`�'���� of said mortc,�a,ge/deed of trust ss herein revised. :� t �
<br /> `:.ti:... +E.,°:. r.�,. .
<br /> .��.-•.'- •<;:�:���_ :.• � 4. 8y��asan of this Loan Ihadification and Assumptiort Rgreament� Home Federal � .
<br /> ,1�.i:AtS ..
<br />�����'�'����;;r,s� • ;•;:..:�t.�':;,` . ` hereby rel�ases and discharges tha undersigned original B�rrourers fran their personal + - ��
<br />,:.�:�,.:,„ _. .
<br /> "��'��;:'"1::, �"��"t u��'-:=� � ct�3:i tian upon said f ndebtedness. � � �
<br /> I,�`t��„_ �. ��:.:..�.; .
<br /> ;,,.,.,�.; ��'t;;1��,__� � ��. If any term, covenant, restrictiom or provision of this Agreement is deter-
<br /> ��•;�'._,�:-;,_ , mi�s�d.'ta be void, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the te=ms, covenants,
<br />� �``''�`'� `"� � restrictians or provisions of this Agreement sh�Ll remain in full force and effect, `
<br /> ',�.�/J��::f. �L�.'i...•ys�j� �
<br /> . � •.:',�'` �i��,�:-T�. and the provisions of the note a�d mortgage/tf�ed of trust amended or modified by �
<br /> `''" ��?='•�:' � such void, invalid or unenforcaabie part.hereof shall be reaffirn�ed and enforceable
<br />' .�I'vi�'+. . ,
<br /> ti �• � '.• to the same extent as if this Agreement had not�been executed. 31st
<br /> � � - ��',, � . : � IN WI7NESS IdFi�REOf the.undersigned have executed this instrwnent or this
<br /> day of „_�Y�,.,_• 19 9�• ;
<br /> - : ��� ����' . �
<br /> ;��..:� ,,� : � 0 William n BorraWer :
<br /> ,�_ . ,' : : � ..
<br /> .,.,�4_„ .. rsy �. !E •r� _ . Sn�a�er� ;
<br /> _ ---- ---- _ . _ _ . . . - - _ . _ . . _
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