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. . <br /> ::c=��ae.. µ�: d d .. ...�. r...,.�v .r_ iJ,i..:J:-r .x�•'..t . . _....•• ..,.... . . <br /> -- _ n__ r. ��, : —__ . _ <br /> . � . . ' '.,.��:--�..- . <br /> • ' . '''_._...._.. <br /> y C-. <br /> . rtsaer to hbrLpaga/Qeed of Trust-UR E��o"d4'.�st �"d --_=- <br /> . . -- <br /> ��_�:-: _. <br /> , This ritler supplamanta and emends the hlortgage/Daed of iruat af e�en data here- �— --- <br /> wil� by and between Home Federal Savinga end Lo As oci in qP Grand Island ea <br /> Mortgage/Baneficlary end EUCENE E. FFtAhH RND YV�NNE �t. F�t�h�K-------------�yd{%X �'"'•�`- <br /> "_"'_""""'_""'_' '� huehand end wife.WOISiX' _""'_""""_""'_�' -— ,_ <br /> °.o e single person. and_______________�-_-_�_°-°____-___• � � ,�.��,� <br /> a sin9le person ae mortgagore/Gcantora, and thSa rider Sa ineorporated in end by <br /> refarence made e part of the aforeseid Martgage/Oaed oP iruat, as followst ��.x <br /> �_�,y3._:: <br /> Thie loan ia Smnedietely due and payeble upon transPer of the �'"'i.-±- <br /> property securing such laan to eny tranafaree. Unleas the ;�:�i:.__ <br /> accepte6111ty of the essumption of the loan is established pur- k�' = <br /> suant to saction 1877A of Chapter 37, Title 38, Unitad Stetes '+�5'.i�:'� ' <br /> Code. �°}<r.-`.., <br /> '`i <br /> equel to one-half Of 1 "'�'y "" <br /> A fee percent of the 6alance of thia loan =_4y��.__ <br /> as of the date o4 transfer of the property ahall he payable at `�-� T';};��. <br /> the time of tranefer to Home Federel Savin9s and loan Associatian ��'�''�"=- <br /> of Grand Island or its authorized agent, lls truatee for the �n,':���. <br /> N•• : <br /> RdmiMatrator of Ueterens Affaira. If the assunar faila ta pey q ,^.-; <br /> �this fee at the time af tranafer, the fae shall conatitute an ��;'-;i'. <br /> additional debt to that elready sewred by thia instrument, shall k�Cyc' <br /> :.:.rr�:'J4;� <br /> 6ear interest at the rate herein provided, and, at the option of :;;�;�`;;. <br /> Home Federal Savings and Loan Rsaociation of Grand Island hareby .;�i;;:t, :; <br /> secured or eny transferee thereof, shall be imnedietely due and �'U:::�1` <br /> • r;,�:::::., <br /> payable. This fee is autamatically waived if the assumer is exempt A��;,�;.:p_: <br /> under the provisians af 38 U.S.C. 1829(B), t.•�?;;,;-„ <br /> .;:�_, <br /> Upon epplication for approval to allow assu�ption oP thia loan, �1�`•%��1'?"` <br /> 1�,4.1�s<,, <br /> a processing fea may be charged by Hane Federal Sevings and Loan f,y�:,,;�� <br /> Aasociation of Grand Islend or ita authorized egent for deter- �}�G��;.; <br /> mining the crediturorthineas of the assumer and re- ��'���:,:. <br /> viaing awnarahip xewrds when en approved trensfer ia completed. �{'`''`.'::�:`- <br />• !r<R;.`_;,._: <br />_ Tha emount of this rharge shall not exceed the maximum eetabliehed � . -- <br /> b ,t:'p';::5<e�. <br /> y the Veterens Administration for a loan to which aectian 1817A �q,�y��n, <br /> of Chapter 37, Title 38, United Statea Lode applies. r•1.-- <br /> js':?.��.s:. <br /> t �et/. .:' <br /> If thls abligatian is essurted, then the assumer hereby agrees to F.��iY A.;.�:: <br /> aeaume ell of the obli tions of the veteran under the terms of C4�.Y•�1:=1':f`:�-i <br /> � Idl!ilin4:`-., <br /> the inatrumants creating and sewrinq the loan, including the k`'''�^;;i�;'�:_ <br /> obligetion of the veteren to indemrify the Uetetans Rdninietration �Y- '' <br /> $• <br /> to the extent of an claim payment ariain from the fi t�' <br /> y g guaranty or xL� <br />_ insurance of the indebtedness created by this instrument. ,,t;t,,, : <br /> (� i� v. :' <br />- In witness uAiereof, Pbrtgagors/Grantors have executed this ritler this ;L��_...,,_.; <br /> BTH Date of f7AY , �g 93, / ` <br /> � C/ 1i14 <br /> � ��tr • <br />__ The title °Secretaty of Veterans Affairs" GE E. FR0.NK -,'. t <br /> Bhell be eubetltuted fOT thet nf ,� " "r>= "`� <br /> ��1Y��Cl�(l0 �. �31�Q1(l�, . .t,;:.. <br /> "Rdminiatrator of Veterans Rffairs" each -- �:����'� <br /> tlme that it appears in thia document Y�V �V R. FRANK 'S%'�� - <br /> �y�.,� : <br />_ pursuant to the provisiona of Section 2, �,�� (,-� <br />_ PuG. L. No. 100-527, the Depertment of ,��;�A<..._,, <br />' Veterana Affairs llct. t*r.,_:':'.. <br />_ r�,; . <br /> d�. - <br /> ,-� <br />_ fi;:-r;:" <br /> ,4� :�: <br />- . : ;^,, . <br />_ - .,fy,, <br /> Yi <br /> � )i { <br /> .t.4:. <br /> �S_-�' <br /> _..r;-�_ �,'-`.;ss' <br /> � ,. <br /> . .-��>Ti. .. <br /> . � '"�'•:F` <br /> ;;'' . . ;.`}�. <br /> ' �' _ � -,'`�'i,�, <br /> '� � <br /> � � ! - . '.���"- <br />