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<br /> � . � . �a►szax� � c��V _ , . � ,
<br /> � i as��3tq ot tb• tsust�s v�ta aal��d to osd�r on th� Zstb dsy , , .
<br /> � of lt�y� 399� a�d a di'scus�ibei vas h�d on ,thf a�tt�s oi tlst� � ,-� �
<br /> . a ints�nt ot a s�cosyd� t�st�a for t.b�=p�pos� of corrsctinq . -
<br /> —a�ti�gosst�a-�elec�s-�sr t�a�e-��-��_��lat• - __ _.
<br /> --- --
<br /> - - � _ - -- --- -
<br /> - locat�d..in Hall-CQUntys I[lbsa`s�Ci, vhich aay al�i�ct titl� th�to :
<br /> aris3�nq �sa�th��liquidation a! tha LaDl�c �rust. aisc Ianove as th�
<br /> Lshl�; Im�stae�►t Caq�ry af liatro� Cotitnty. Stat� ot�WlI��J•
<br /> Ssid �tiacts ot.r� �stsLs siss 1�qa11Y.d�aa�ribad as toilo�s:
<br /> ._ I,at ltins ig)� Hlst�vilt Subdivision= bai�cJ s Patt ot ths
<br /> — --- �= � >--�--�g--�=t��- SautL�t Qnas�x'--(1+A/� - Sit11��- ot - '
<br /> SectfoA Two (2)� Tar�shfp Elaven E?�)��Nor�h. A�� T�n - . - .
<br />---- (10) iT�st.-o! th� 6th°P.li., Hall COttAty, Nebs'ask3: .and
<br /> � ' . .Lot Thfrty-tbssa (33) in Capital Heiqhts �Sevent� (7th� .
<br /> . , � Svbaiv3sion, Ha11 County. Nabs�►ska. .
<br /> 11n.origitt�l Txustes. Deed. liqufda►tinq t?�e abave a�:�ts ot tha
<br /> trust was dstpa 1�ov�ber 29, 1988 sncl reCOS�I�;:FebYttaxy 2� 1989 as
<br /> ' Instrurnt:No. 89-10053� in ths records qf;:'�;�J��t�r a! D�s
<br /> - of �11 County, Nebraska. 'Recorded �rith sa¢f+��'�e Deed w�rs the .
<br />-_== _-, orig#.nsl Contraat,a�ad• Declaratioa at Trust�:��..ttnder the laws
<br /> ""` of:the Stt�ts ot Ny!4�q,. tbqether with.doc��..;.,`.��;�_:�evidenaing the �:.
<br /> �.3a = .- `resignation oi Lowe12 �ndeisori, tirst £nis���._�1 Pione�r Trast�:�:_�`:-
<br /> _;��;` , � �eon 1►. Hindenaqel
<br />--,.r;,.:, Co�panY. sscotW trustee, and.,the apgointaen.t�,�i,-::�,-,
<br /> - ta�>,ser�e as successor trustee.-: Na seic�iiuT_.:�Stee had been.
<br />° -� � ap�int.4d. - .:.;•;;,.�..:
<br /> �.��•:��...
<br /> -7��;;� : .� ` . • � _.. :;=:.::,,,.....::::....
<br /> : '�, � -�:: In o�cder !o caus4 cesta��us doauaents�=��� ��erly oxacutsA� .
<br /> -l-:;,�_ � .`�'aiu3'recos�dad witb ths Regis�er o� Deeds c�:,�;�;�.'�?!�ty, Nebrasl�a.
<br /> 3Ati� -._ tc' �roparlY'curs rny detects � title to t.�i+�,��cs�re, dascribe�� real
<br /> � � e�tnto, and put4uapt to �rticl� S at.the Coritra�. aind Declazation ,
<br /> ' � o�' Trust prov�dixtg�!or the appointaeizt by th�i�t�'� trustea, Leo�►. �:.�r:��
<br /> • , � . .. �._Bindenagal, tor �uccesaor trustees, th� a�i:� appointed tsustee,' �' �
<br />:�. , 'f' I,eon A. Hindanaqel, by the pawer vested #s�.i�� as trustee oi this ' -
<br /> - trust organization, does hereby appofnt.�b�ra J• Bfndenaqal to
<br /> -� . servs as tru�tea. Harbara J. Binde�►cc�+a�:���zebY a9r'ees to accept � • . ~
<br /> the appoint�ent, together with �e.:�:a�pa;zasibilitiea pertafni.ng".: : .:_,- ¢
<br />= thereto. .. �
<br /> �
<br /> - . .`= � Dated this � day aP�May, 7�, �;! . .. . `�
<br /> , r � ���v?/�// ` �°
<br /> - � � n��. H nde el,' ��ustee �
<br />_ ':� ' • � . . ,-� ' :.. �t.
<br />'.'., .�t�° . ,. � • , ra J. ��ndenagel, ste �'.
<br /> . , ., � .
<br /> -_ _ • , , said inatr�aent waa signed, s'�?ssri�3 and acknowle8qed belore �
<br /> F �. me, a No�i�ry Fublic, th��, �., a�aY a�' �iay, 1991 by Leon �1.
<br /> � `� �� ' Bindenaqel and HaYbara 9. :�indenaqei, �s�ees. personally kno�n �::
<br />: :. to �e. . � � . • ,. � .� > ;
<br /> ;.� . . A c�tt�rr,:t:ert;,�•s�ace.,i;.•.or�i:'�� . . ` . � Y . i
<br /> � . L.G.•'THHtiOA �,.;;;_�� NOt:d�` ��l � . . l
<br /> ` ' _ . • !!��;ru6:�R.D=c.14,'.� ' •.
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