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<br /> t�� - . .; ",� �,� - _ - -
<br /> . - F ft ��� �. � � --��— � ` �. ;� � -. .. _ -- - . .. - __-_.--- -
<br /> � . . ' ' . "� ' . . ' . � . . . � .���Y���� . .
<br /> . _l � _.. ._ .. _ .. _ .. � .
<br /> . � . � . . �� . � a ' . -. ' . _ . . .
<br /> �df,Ul�llT h�itllE O�ifl�piR tl�ihG�•..�..�-a.Or fQ�C�Yt�C iN'�IC'U.Of CallditlMlzt101l.i[��`�SI�l10d�
<br /> ' ���[O�.lfldl'f. � � �f�'�j�tQ ihC SUI115 SCCY(C(�_�1j115 SOCiiflt�
<br /> Io the.eveiM af a�toW t�ciog of the Propeisy.tite pt�oceeds o[the PmpntY in
<br /> Instiument.wlKdx�a not t6e�dWe.wW�an�C e�ss paid to Bortovirer. Ia the eveiN of a p:�ti�t�IcieB
<br /> which thc f�m�Scet�aiue of the Pmpe�ty im�Y 6efot�the tai:ing is eqw11 tu.or gc+e�ter than the mr�uunt of tNe�s
<br /> sacuced DY this Security inutum�ot inunediatety 6efure 1he taling.unkss Boaawer a�d Ixnder d�heni���fdtnvr;� , .. .__
<br /> — �- - - - �swn43ecu�6��(ti.c�S�uriiy inst�iu��si�t�-�:�'�"!-�`-'�"'-amouacaf_the_Qa�oat-k.�::.::i,.--�_� -� - -
<br /> fractim: �a2 the taiat anwunt of the sums securcd immadi�teTy bcfa+�the taking.divided by Ib)ttr fair market value of tNe
<br /> PtopeYty immediatefy 6cfoce the�a�king. Any 6�lance sfiait t�e pai�to.Bcxroacr- {n 1de evma af a p�tial takiag pf the .
<br /> • ptope�ty�n which the faic mari�et vatue of�he Prapetty immediately bcfore.ilr t�i:ing is less thv�ehe��of the sums -
<br /> securcd immediately hefoR tbe taRting.unkss Eiaiav►ec�nd Lendes abcnvise�rae ut.writing ac untess�pplicable(aw
<br /> otherwise provides.the.proeads shall be applied to the stimc secu�by ttis Security.tnstntment w6elt�er or not the sums are
<br /> tirn duc.
<br /> if tbe�Y is a6a�doped bY�oROwer,ur if.after notice by i.endeE to Sarmxrer thu the coarfemnor affecs ta m�kc
<br /> an awuid or settk a cf�irrt fa damages.Barravrcer faiLr•ta respond ta Lerxiec witAiR 3t►days after the date the notica�ov�.
<br /> --- - -- [,endec isaothorize�taeotieCt a�ap�s�y t1�p��-at tis opira�e�ltt�cF ta nessor�t"son at.�aiF af the Ptnperty _ _ : T--
<br /> - sums sec�md by this Security instrutt�ent�whethe�ar mc chen due. Ikaciae of dc ta princi�xif sh�li aat.e�uecd ac
<br /> - Unless Lender and Bamwer otbe�+se agree in wriang,any app' P��
<br /> = postpone tf�due date af t6e manthty paymenGS referred to in parrgr�ph�1 and2 0�rhange tM amount of such payments..
<br /> - tl. Barorrer Not Rde�d; � B9 ���' Not a 1iWai�er. Exte�.sion of the time for paymcat.aE `
<br /> __ madific�ion of a�nortizatiaa.of the sums secured by this Security In.�ttument gc�nced hy l.ender to any.successor io in�etest .
<br /> -= of 6oaower sf�11 not�eae�to rek�se the liability of t6e origmai Barrawer ar Rcar°wert succes.wis in intereu.Lender
<br /> - = shall nat ba�oq��t�t6 c�qmence p�oce�i°L�a�in�st a�!'sexcessor in intenest or zcfu�e W extet�time for paymeat or
<br /> ° = othe�wise modifY a�ci�di°�of the snms secwed by tlus Security Instcumenc by reasarr of any demand mxdt by the aigmai . _.
<br /> Y_�:-� in e�ercisin an t or remedy sbalt not be a
<br /> Soctpwer:or Bairowets:s�ots in intetest. A�ry fodieatance by�.endet�n �. Y� . .
<br /> -w-��° �anrerof or udet�extrcise of any rigln or rnnedy. ' <
<br /> _" � ' Bonid;Jaiat apd Se��eral Liabllity;Caa�iy�a's. The.covenants and agtrements of ihis _
<br /> �:'` :: ._..: 1t���
<br /> "; '".•;.�y i���s�Ii t�and benefit the suc�essors�nd as-4ign+of LendFr..ami 8arn►wer,subject to the prov�rions ot =p
<br /> t '`_ ';� :�',,.�r� 17.Borrowe+'t's,±�+.yc�Sanis and aSneerne�LC sha0 be joint and sevefal.�Lnv Barr�ower who co-sig�s.this Security. �` v
<br /> �O e s s�ot.:. � �e N�t�,.�(a)i s¢o-s i g n i n g t h i s S e c u ri ty[e��t r u m e t a�t mt�to mort g a g e,g r a nt artd convey that
<br />, $'rt� s `�r�.'�.� r��„_. ��
<br /> , ,;,� ga�,�.����jf�k�-�sy uii�e"r3�terms of this Security tnstrumett�(b)is nat petsonal(y.o6Jigaud ta pay the�. R.."��
<br /> ����' � �
<br />•°t,s,,g•i �:T . '...&g;sv�L J.r.�,',�".,��itj',L�'iien�a i i�C�y ag�t ha t[.e n d e r a n d a n y o t h e r B o rt o w e r m a y a g re e to extend.modif y.fofiear ---- ---
<br />,;,;�g: t �;�`�e°�l;��d�;F,-^r�s wids regard to the tetms af this Security tnstrument or the Note without tfiat Bortower's ��^
<br /> �• "1z �`, i. +a,ittseni: ':c: •. ." �.,�s� -_
<br /> w,'.,, 'f ' ` 13 �,wn Charges:�•C€�'the laan secured'by this Secarity InsTrument i�c �ub}ect ta a law which se�ti maximum loan - —
<br /> s.`a��;}. ' � C � � -----
<br /> <' j�rges,and that law is final mt reted w thai the interes�t or othef 2aan charges coilected or to be collected in connection '°'�" �
<br />"`.s'::;�, with the loan exceed the permitted IimiGS.then: la)any such losur cIiai�,e shall be reduced by the amount necessary to re�uce
<br />' ` .�ba chargt to the perm�tted I�miG aad(b)any sums already eallc�.Ke�.3ioai�Boaower which exceedeci permitted{imit,will!�e �,�
<br />'__'u% ' . --
<br /> - ;"�-i;e(utMed to Ba�mweu L.ender may citoose to m�e�his rcfund by n�d�:t'ing the princiPai mved under the Note or by cnaking a = -
<br /> i�ueect payment tv Borrower..If a reFund redacey principat.ti�e reducEion wilt be treated�ti a partial pre�mytim�rt.�xithoue any �;
<br /> ' ' .� , {nep�yment charge under the Note. � �`�
<br /> : :. ;�,.
<br /> � i4. Notices. Any ndtica to Borrower provided far.i.li.�.�s,.��lr�?ritY Intifnssrc.�s ha l!b e s i v e n b y d e t i v�i t o r b y - ,;.__
<br /> � ?'" maifing it by first class mai!unless appticable law myuireti ise,�`f����:�metl�od.�'�'{�e aot ic c s h a l l b e d i r e c t e J t o t h e Pro p e R y . -- , _-
<br /> . _` Address or any other"address Sorrower decignates by n�tice co 4�.�. Aoy r.atice to L.ender shall be given by lir�t cla.tis
<br /> ' %�� mail to l.�nder's address stated hercin or any�ther addrex�Lender designates by,aeuce to Rorrawer. Any notice provide�fac _
<br /> . �' in this Stcurity Instrument.shall be deemed to have hcert given ta Borrower iir t:xndcr when given a+pravided in tr::��• ',
<br /> P�S�Ph• .'. . . �'�',,•:�,: - -:�_
<br /> • 13 ��r�rn�n�fa.�:5everability. This Security Instrument shull he gs+rrned by federal 1aw and ttie�a�H of the , . . °,.
<br /> - ._: jprisciictiorr.in which the'•�c�perty is focated In the e�ent�a�:u�y grvvisinn or ctause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ---- ;�'•. conflicts aitft applicatst�1aw•�uch conflicl chall nnt affect other pravi�ian�oi ihis Security Instrument or the Nate which can .� �"`:• F
<br /> .�_ . �T�C.given cffect withaat-ili��>onflicling pravision. To this end ttre�rovisiom of tY.y Security Icansment atrd t!r�Note am
<br /> � d�etamA to be severabt�... .
<br /> � • '� 16. $4n'ower's�!� 8arrower shall be given one c�nfo�are�ebpy of the�nu:a.�td of:h':;,SN.;curity i*.'•;'c�^.r"ent. + -
<br /> .. .`•�. � 17. 'IY�anster oF tl'��aperty a'a&netictal Intecest In Snrr,+"4'+�cr. If al l or any part�f�`��6�operty or any interest in =
<br /> � < it is sold or%^'aa�ferted{oe if a henefe��l intere�t in Borr�wer'���1�3�ar iransferred and Bom�,.ai is not�natuva!penon) . ,:,
<br /> •� ��= without Lc.:,at�r"s prior.w•riW�n comc;r3.cndcr may.ai its e�pli�;n.cW,::?.�immediate payment i::full of all vums+ecumd by -:...
<br /> �`- this Stcuri���..s�i.*1mer.�.'.{�a?uever.thic optian s ha l l nat f+e cxerii,x:��sy l.e n d e r i f c x e r c i�e i s p r o h i b i t ed b y federal law ac ai '_r�':_-
<br /> Yrt'� the date of this Secu�cL��L'�„;��,.vZ�ent. -
<br /> ' _�• If l.ender exerci�+;.�•i1i:;aption.Lender�hali give Snrrowcr:;r:t�ce�f acceleratian. The nmice�half proccu:a period oi F •
<br /> � �� nat less than 30 day�frnm i::c date t�n�tice iti delivcred or mait�t s��'sthin which Bnrraw•cr mus�pay all sumy wo;ured by this
<br /> . . _ Security Instrument. If Sorrower i�:;i;> '���pay the+c �:ums priur'���•thc cxpiratiun af this peric+d.l.endcr may invake�nj�• ,
<br /> :r.. �e� . remedies petmitted by thi�Secur._v�;�r::-:a:ient«i�h��m fureher nci:��er�r dem,md on B�►noacr. • • .,
<br /> - 1�. Ba'roRer s ��iu Yitcc�s�:�. If Bog��et mcets u:�:ain canditi�n�. Banower�."a:i;�l�avc 3.`L rishi io ha�« •
<br /> ' enforccment of thi�S�aa-'} �n��ns:��nt diccuminu�*.;nt any tin�c�rior tv�hc rarlier oi: 1a15.uas•:r�yc*�c��:�':"��P��ia1 a. . .
<br /> . �,�:>• , ' � Sr:c;¢F.�a'_t;-•�r►itblut:�M�RGitlfacCSl4i:�R��ll�til'RI��IE\T••UnifimnC,sit:.anh•4'46 �"puz�•dnlbryi,es� '
<br /> . . '�<'' ' • . ' � I;;
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