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fi'+':tsi—f.,m :rs---_" t'•- � . . .� - . .- . . .. <br /> .__ .._ ,�-_ <br /> • <br /> � Q88IQNFtEdiiP OP ��Bp OP '11tUST n�o 1U� <br /> a <br /> 1tN041 ALL�ffii BY 7NI�S8 PAES@A'S. that OOIAR•A3U8 6Y+AF�A1. BAVIt�Q3 DANX ("Asaignoc") tox <br /> good and ve vable conaideretioo to it in A DG Y fl Ax_ IP 4 HUTIIAL LIFB IN811BAti06 <br /> organixed under t6a laun ot t n ,e o s x <br /> es gnee e rece p o i,filch conaidarotion ie Nnreby aoknmdedged; oea iere'�ysaeign, = <br /> tranafer1 en� set over unto Aesignea all !te riQhte� Cit1.m and intereot in end to tl�et � <br /> Certeio ueed of 1Yuet execuled by I BD ND AND HIPB =- <br /> aaco Asaignor, o s 9 , mor geg ng a o oi+ nII _ <br /> esc�ri�d rea�perty located in the coun y o �m�a. , SYote of Nebraskas <br /> THB NSBTBRLY YHIRTY-NId6 (39) PSBT OP TNB BRSlBRbY YOATY POUR (44) PBS2 OF =_ <br /> LOT TNO (2) IN BLOCR TItIftT1! THRBE (39) IN TIiR OAIOTNAL TOIiN, NON CITY OF -�- <br /> GRAtiD ISLAND. IIALL COUNYfC, N&BRA81fA. - <br /> �A <br /> and filed for rewLd in the office of the Regieter oE Deeds of iutu County, <br /> Nebraska on tha sOthday of _�a�x� , 1993 and appear ng o recorn in =_'.' <br /> Book 0S� , pegs��34Z�fl�geFiier Wif1i a nta e) an��ndebtednese deacribed 1n and � <br /> eecure�by tfe inatrurnanC aEoeeseid. - <br /> 1�0 HAVE AND 70 HOLD tha sec� unto tha eaid PRIN"IPAL HUTUAL LIFB INSURANC6 CONPANY ' <br /> 9Ad U[IEO 1t9 811CC8880r8 aIl 088 g118 8 OY889 . _ <br /> Yt1IS ASSIGNP¢Nf IS M49S expreealy aubjecE to and in accotdance with tha werrontiea and ' <br /> repreaentationa of Aaeignor Aeaignae purauunh to a certain Fbrtgege Loun Originetion �`�` <br /> Agreement betxeen Assignor and Aaslgnee, a copy of which ie on file in tho OfHce of nssignoQ. <br /> FiIIs'QRYA AND DL+LIVL1tfiD thia 7Tx day of MNY � 1993 . _ <br /> (SFAL) OOT.UhflSUS ['CDI:IW. SAVINGS BANK, Asaignor F= <br /> — � �.; <br /> `�QlMl�i QY� '�1.� ="�_ <br /> '` p*4pwP� K. <br /> ���RATfO ' TITI.Lf YRSBIDBNT _ = <br /> �! $�:� C� q � e <br /> �ouan� Ry: (/�,�Q@,�.0 �t�c/ - <br /> �: <br />- TI1LG• SBCRETARY .... <br />. STA'lE OF NEBRASKA ) se �' <br />� <br /> County of Platte ) E: <br />' 7Yte foxegoing ioatcunent was ackno��ledged befare me thia �Lh dey of �y , <br /> 19 93� by N.M. FSRGUSON PRBSIDSN2 � Of �L Si—�ERAL SAVINCS [iANI{ � <br /> Aas�gnor, a Nebreaka xporat on or asoc etion, on o t e Corporat on or <br /> Aaeocietion. = <br /> Witnesa my hand a�d Notarial Seal at my ofEice in said PLATTS County �. <br /> at COLUNDUS. NSBRASKA � thie 7th dey OE Nav , 1993 . _ <br /> �►�,���o���u� //] � e ; <br />. se�� N Caeo�Fi Wc Y1N 1935 /�.1I1 tJ � :,; <br /> e di k f7otery 1 C G � <br />_ m � � � Y D �� �� ' :'� v � �. <br /> �+ m�1 tn •. .� Ev � f;. <br />._ � (T� / it x � , . . � o— <br />_ �r1 •? �� � ' -• . . _" <br />� ti „ '1 ' ' � , <br /> �i� � 1.� _ � <br />. \ ; :� ' ., o �'.. <br /> O �� C, � It,. <br /> ) _ ��� <br /> • rr <br /> � .1� `4] � � <br /> . �� Q _:. <br />