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__ ___ _ . .. ,. - <br /> ; � . c <br /> _ . . ' _ . 'i- - - •���• r" <br /> � g�° ���1��� -' �: ;f <br /> R�LE�S� OF MnRTGA�� , <br /> Ip eowlderadoo o!tull payment�nd eompliaaa wltA lh�eaodtlion�ot a martaa8e -_ <br /> m�ao6y Jon P. Crane end Jill A. Crane, eech in hie end her own righL end es <br /> epouee of eech other, <br /> toTAEEQUITADLEBUILDIN6ANDL0ANA980CIATIONOFOMNDI8LAN6,NEBAA9Rh.ontha(ollowing `^ --• <br /> aoaee�bedpropere�,w�vt�: �A federal Bevinas 8enk - <br /> Lot Threa (3), in Blook Four (4), in Country Club Subdivieion 6eing e parE of the <br /> Eest Helf of the Northweet Querter (E�SM�91) of Section TwenLy EighE (28), in <br /> Toanahip Eleven (11) North, Renge Nine (8) Weat of the 51xth Principal Meridian, -- -- <br /> in Grand Islend, Hell County, Nebraeke. <br /> whlehealdmortgage beandate 27th day of February 1s 81�a°a <br /> le reeorded ae Doeument No. 91-101180 or In Qaok --- ot martgage�on Page --- <br /> ot the re�ords of Hdl County.Nehreakn,eaid Ae�aiation hereby aeknowledge�Ntl eatlatneUoa ot and releue�tAe — <br /> eama. <br /> In wlmasa whereoE Ihe �ald TH& EQUITABLE BWLDING AND IAAN ASSOCUTION OF ---- <br /> R Federal Savinga 8ank _-.. <br /> CMND ISI.AND, NEBRASKA/ e cau t Wtrument ro bo dgned 6y lb Pra(dmt nnd atteital by JU =- --� <br /> 8ocretary tUs 721H duy oE MqY A.D., 18 93 -_. <br /> The Equitable Building end Loen Aesocietion of �rand Islend, Nebraska, A Federel Savinge -- <br /> Benk Succosaor t�: The Equit�bia Building and Loan Auociatto Or�nd Is , ebnska —_ <br /> /// � l . <br /> Atteet �b����3i"F �4L���!��+x!s�' D _ , �•.°�- <br /> 9ecmtery Y a eM )���`A( <br /> Joenne Roueh Holmea J. W. Olson Sr;;;'., <br /> i��` <br /> �"V�...:. <br /> ";;r_£+:-. <br /> :�<:i�_ <br /> STATii OF NEDMSKA) ':`�:i`�: <br /> � as ',;r�,, . <br /> OOUNTY OI�' HALL � ,{�-_;�::-. <br /> Pr�-;. <br /> On tAle 12TH day ot MAY A.D.J9 93�Eefore mo,a Noury Publie duly �;f�'?"%- <br /> wmmlutoned end qualltled for and reddind��e+id munry,porwnelly eame �`;�{v%�- <br /> Joenne Roueh Holmes and J. W. Olson �`?��-% <br /> }4�`LC}-; <br /> �).!�•�_.. <br /> to me known to be tAO I�entical pereone whoae namea are�tflxed ro the above roleaee u Prealdeet and Seuetary ot 4;'�' <br /> ealdAnwelallon�ndaeknowledgedtheeaidlnatrumentto6othelrvolunbryaetanddeede�thevoluntaryaetand �=4��'J���• <br /> deed o!tho eatd TH:E9UITABLE HUILDING AND LOAN A880CIATION OF 6RAND IBLAND,NEHRABKA, �i'.:�- <br />- A Federal Sevinge Bank. I�'°.'H'' <br /> W and and notarial aeal the day end year le� abovo written. C�';��`�`� <br />._ �� ':;�w=;`-:1: <br /> F . <br />�_ �� �pA:� y : ' <br /> �� v� ` � - ,: i' i �-� � . • ,_ t'=��•.. <br /> �e� m p Nohry Publie c�- �'����y �•`_t,--. <br /> � SEA.L � -,:,;�;'_:. <br /> � ��►�«� �� . �_ <br /> �'Rarut�sa.� �ts.w�so�a►� �- �':'_'<< <br />_ �:r; <br /> � -_ --;Bp::=8elow 7hin Llne ReKrved For Reeording Data) s'(";.. <br /> . ' _�:_ <br /> //�� i� �? - �' C�'. .e �`-�: <br />_ � � � _ .. � A �'.-;i:'. <br /> e. �' <br /> C° � � � : ��` "' .i � �„� � �Y _ . <br />.. ( q ' � ry ' (.J � F .--t <br /> ��: ��� :' ` :' C.� � to, .;_ <br /> � � ' �`� _ .� '` Z. � �'.. <br /> 1 ` c' W ` <br /> .:i m� @ <br /> rn ;�1.� <br /> :{.�-° <br /> L}.�_c: <br />