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'�.�.�.,.#+...��a a . , �q' ' ' ���. ,.,`� ��t�k'��Wa4�.- -- <br /> � . . ,. ..A-�.� -'t'.�.,M'1 w�y�.� _ .y}�:.�l��y�rrira�ri_�� <br /> , �n � • . ' , ^ .. � :r.�:.'+'•"'.'�`'�= _ <br /> , � 9�,�i+0.�v�s . , �a�7�s��s•z ., , � . ; <br /> �,� <br /> . :. <br /> � ` �t[w�ac�athcronv�ti�aaPdoq.� ° <br /> .. _ <br /> ., - -- -- � __:_ . <br /> . �alw�Nn�t EiaYi�t�allot d�t 1 rv�t om do+o�iil�oa d�e Convetsio�D�1e.1�a�at eot be i�dd�wk�d�+Ntal�.p�ii --._ ' `, <br /> — � 9bp�rfty lrtvuna�t;(lii)by a dw�psciMd by the Note Hoider.i mu�c py�e Noa Hold�r i oa�ei�M o!�1.�. -.. <br /> 1GO.OQ ' ;aad(lv)i m�t alp�aad sive the Noo�Hoid�r�ny doaunsow�Nw�1lo�ld�r <br /> 10�iq tb com�eraion. .. �-�'t�.. <br /> �„ .. <br /> ---- te)Cdcal�tim d FIsM Rate � <br /> My new. tixed iatensc race w111 be eqwl to the Fedenl IWtlon�! Mort�qe As�aciatba's roqpl�d�net ykld <br /> �pf�d�te ouid time oi dty specifkd by the Note linlder�'or(i)if tbe ari�inal term of thit Note it yro�tbr IiWUt IS , �� <br /> ye�n,30•year fixed rRCe mart���es c�vered by applicable 60•d�y m�+nd�tory delivery commitment�,plu�Bve- <br /> ei�hhth�of one penenc��e p�oiat(0.62396).rounded ta the ne�rat ora-+eigbth of one pement�e point(0.12596�,or <br /> pi)U the orlgiail tenn of thic Note la l�ye�re or kss,t5•yea�flxed nue mort�gop co�by app�icabb 60-d�y � <br /> mand�tory delivery flve-eigbtbs of one percante�o point(0.62996)�raanded to tba ee�ron <br /> oac-ei�hth of oae percepta�e point(0.12396). If this rcquired nee yield cannot be detarmined bacauRe the�ppli- <br /> cabk commitmenta�re nM availablo. the Note Noldar will determine my intereit rato by��ein� aomp�rable <br /> ------ —.� iafo�ow�ioo.Mynewratac�IcuiatodumierlhisSa;tiu�5(6��rWnotbegreaterthantheMeaimumRatcuatedlaSxNot� <br /> 4(D)�bore.!�Y INTEREST RATE NI1.L NEVER BE CREATER ?HAN 1.1 .000 P6RCB11T. <br /> (�1Wnr pr0'�Asouat sud T�,f[ectl�e D�te . . <br /> ,_ — ,_ _— _- It 1 chcK►se ta exercises the Conversian 0pt�oa,t6e Nae Holder will dete�mine the amoun[of the monthly <br /> --- puyme�at�that would be sufficient to repay the unpaid priacipsd I am expected to owe on the Conversion D�te in <br /> - --- full on a9ie m�tu�ity date at my new fixed interest rate in substanpally egual p�ymeats. The result of this c�lcu- <br /> - �° lattoa w�ll be�he new amount of my monthly payment. Beginning with my�rst moathly ps►ymoat after the <br /> �. Conversion Date,I wlll pay the new amount sis my monthly payment until the Maturity date. <br />;;��j C.TRANSFER['�F THE PIIOPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL 1NTF.itCwST IN BOiqEOV{►ER <br />- 1. Until Borrowcr excrcises the Conversion Option.unAar the condit�ons statcd in Sectloa B of thit Adjurt- <br /> = — able Rate Rider,Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security lastrument is amended to rcad as follows: <br /> "��:;;, 7Yamkr ott6e Property or o Beaetkinf Yaterest In sorrnwer.If all or any part of the Property.or any Interost <br /> �=`�'r i� �1 is sold or[ra�f�rrul(��if a Neneficiel interest in Borrower is sald or traosferred the Borrower is aot a <br /> � �� � - naWra��persan)without Lender's prior written consent.:xnder its optfon.reguire immediete payment in <br /> '•"' "�'�,�° full af All sum:s�cured by thls Security lnstrument.�#owever. this option shall nat be exercised by Lender if <br /> � .j ir�':�,�' <br /> �!�;,�_;�t , exerclae is prohibited by federa) law as of the dnte of this Seourity Instrument.Lender also shall not exercise this <br />��.y ,,;��-' a' option if:(a)Borrawer causes to be submitted to Lender information requlred by Lender to evuluate the intended <br /> �,�, , transferee as if a new loan were being made to the trunsferee;nnd(b)Lender reusonably detcrmines that Lcnd- <br /> �� . er's security wil l not be impalred by the loan assumption and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or <br /> �'' a�ceement in this Security Inslrument is acceptuble to Lender. <br /> To the extend permitted by applicable luw. Lender may churge u reusonable fee es a condition to Lender's <br /> consent to the ban assumption. Lender ulso muy require the transfcree to sign an ussumption agrcemene that is <br /> -: ;.�.�,;�, acceptable ta Lender and that obligates the trunsferee to keep ull the promises and agreements made in the Notc <br /> y=�'�� and in this Security instrument. Borrower will continue to be oblignted under the Note and this Security Instru- <br /> �`"�?�"�t^:�, ment uniess lender releases Borrower in writing. <br /> .�... <br />_ . Q. .... <br /> `'� ',� If Lender exercises the option to require immediute pnyment in full. Lender shnll give Borrowcr notice of <br /> � ;�,�;,��� " � ' acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less thun 3Q duys from the dute the notice is delivered or <br /> '�r�'��i; ��• � mailed wlthin which�orrower must puy all sums securPd by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pny <br />. .��i..: �:`=... .. �. <br /> ,u�r,;; ^' t hese sums pr ior to t he expiru tio n o f t his p e r i o d,L e n d e r m a y i n v o k e a n y r e m a d i e s p e r m i t t e d b y t h i s S e c u r i t y <br /> �.: <br /> � Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> � �-P.���' �� 2. If Borrower exercises the Conversion pption under the conditlons stuted in Section B of this Adjustable <br /> - ° °'�`�'` � Rate Rider, the amendment of Uniform Covenant 17 of the Securi�y fnstrument contuined in Section C ! above <br /> " °'" �� � shall then cease to be in effect, and the rovisions of Unifnrm Covenun[ 17 of the Securit Instrument shall <br />-' �..�:`tr�,�. p Y <br /> '� y�H�����;s:�.`�,'•' instead be in effect,as follqws: <br />. • y�,�:�.::;,:..�,�.:�_ .....� <br /> , , r 7lransfer otthe Property or a BeneficiAl Interest In Borrnwer.If ull or uny part of the Property or�ny interest <br /> .•s'�`;'��:V' in it is sold ortransferred(or if u beneficial interest in Borrower is xolJ nr trunsfcrred und Borrower is not a <br /> , °- � ±'". � �� natural person)without Lencier's prior written cansent, Lendcr may, nt its aption,reyuire immediute pnyment in - <br /> • �s,��.�_. ,� + full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by I�ender if - <br /> , ,:,. . ; .�1ri:". { <br /> .:;y#;..,•:;�s�;1Y���..�hj, exercise is prohibited by federal law us of the dute of this Security 1 nsaument. <br /> '�+:- ;`4r.'•,r: lf Lender exercises this option, Lender shull give Barrower aotice of acceleration. The notice shall pravide <br /> i �.•`•'.`.�'.� i'`;: .. <br />-_' � •.,,;.; • a period of not less than 30 duys from the dAte the notice ic delivered or maileJ within which Borrower must puy _ <br /> .,_.,,c;..� i. .�; <br />-��,i{. i'•; . :. „ �y�i�;;.y,.. ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fuils tn pny thesc sums prior to tha expiration of this - <br />,^}�f ��'i=.�;;��;�;5,�., ., petiod, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrumc:nt without Further notice or demund <br /> _. � �N,s,� �`r,�•<:�:''�� onBorrower. <br /> _ . � ,� :L� <br /> . .... ...�..... .. .. . . . .. . . . . • . . . <br /> ,;j—:, -_;�;;��-: - ni a�u�.�nG B�LGh, nvrruwrr a��cpia unu ugroc�iu inc irnux a�w cuvrnunta�unw�uru u�ti�in r►ujusiuoir <br /> '�` "'%' a::,- ` Rate Ridcr. <br /> �;,�,,. <br /> _ ' � <br /> .,...��.�'�.,;:. ...... ..... ... ...... . ............... Senll ............. ....................................... .�sculi <br /> - �—..�� -=o� �_-.- ��i+��� ( _ <br /> .,�;�,,�;.�r; Bormwer Bnrrnxcr <br /> - ��""��~� '� �_-' � �IILLIAM C CILSTER <br /> _...�__���r`. _��L'3�;ri�'�' _. <br /> -- ��s:N"x;.:;i.r,r:'�..-.�i1 <br /> - ;�, .. .. ...... .... . ... ... . ... �seull ..lGAROI,YN..A..G.LLST�,R............... �seub <br /> �Hurmwar Bnrroucr <br /> .� 'j��.� � � FMm ifl�U�Y�piXi:,�/�puRev - <br /> �v: <br /> '..R. ' . :.`1� .. . <br /> • , '' � • <br /> i.M�'1..� <br />