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_�___ -.. ..R.,,,. . <br /> � �, _.--� <br /> � ' .., d.jtr..:�s�"''':�.. �� ,.a. � � .. . '•�°�:;�!�'"-', . - - — <br /> .�:. ... C . �:t ,,: .� • . �=�`- - <br /> ' .���4 � . - �Lu'id M�. �w�.- - _ Y � _ '`{ • <br /> '' } ...dr ��.�_�r� <br /> ��`�:� �y�q'1/M�'.r..'1�-�ti�c.+�. } �i•. . � ,� .. . .�.n• + �'�;ai.r - wr_ <br /> iY.�(1� <br /> r�� •���� �.�n����_.= . _ . <br /> _�.. _ - �--s'ar -__ __,_.__.___ . <br /> a� [- ^Gii�ia�i"- - . . ..... -'� �. � ���_ _.`-_ <br /> �T�,�,yT. ' ���•L. Y.�G�'� <br /> J� �Y�- � r�������t�*�i�,11.��- ' �.�'"��, -�`� �_ .. <br /> . _.'__-�w��w��n�N�w1�w��w�w+��.w.w�w�..�-7A�'T���ww� w�..�-���.""���..._u�' � ' , <br /> ��____-�. �__'�..1!�Cai.:_3-��-. <br /> ���f��O M���0�������N�Mr��7 w�wq 15��.._.�,.4.. <br /> NINw��MR�Id�OMIM M:.. , ., . ' . ."t <br /> • � 52� 111Y FIAII CT.• Gp� ISUII�� t�9FtASK11 a9�61 . <br /> .. • <br /> _ - - - _ _ _ _ <br /> .. �• � , ltio�M�r AdNwN . --�---� <br /> WRNNi1�TM: , .. .� <br /> WHEI�A/.�On�owK�nd���haw sprMd that�ny�t�and proltb attdbut�bM 10 th�prop�rK��'s�-� <br /> addNlon�l�owit�►to tl�t+rd�tar tM paym�nt ot th�Noer, ;,.. ��. <br /> Now���o�,u a aorwd a�.c�.s.cun�r�n.aun�u.n.�i a���.:o;M���•�:=�.-_-=-"�'�.`- <br /> �� <br /> p�,, .,_.... . _�.,.�..�.,:.,—_.:.,-- • <br /> �. R/�����w�wnr�wj�•.��..�.w..�..�..�_:�._. <br /> nMS, IN�Ms a�d profta of Ih� prop�Ay to 8�r�fklar�. L�nd�r �tl h�w th� npM. po�w�r and wthalt�r '_'' <br /> oa�o.a tn.�e.awny im+rw�nt eo oo���h.nncs, ana praiu a�«ey.ed a«�r o«+a+y_- <br /> �ocara nw�on,�Ith«witnoue t.klno va...Non a u�.pop�rer.fhot.d Mnb�►.l..nd.r, now.nw,b.nbir --�,` <br /> Borrow�'s colNation ad rN�nUon of wch r�r+ts,lwuu�nd p►oflts a�thoy aoarw�ndl�cort�prysbh,so!��--;i <br /> M�oE,at such tlm�,(o dN�ult wlth nsp�ot to Wymmt af�ny Ind�bt�drM��Naund�nby.p In tM�^-�--�� � <br /> �prwnNnt hNrund�r. � <br /> Z. �y�jnwnt of R.a�tvar.If any want ot d�hult In nsp�ct to th�8�curUy Inttrummt�stl MVS aC�un�!_ <br /> oonttnufnp.L,�wNr��a a matt�r�t�Ipht and witAout notlaa to Boa�awar or�nyan�ctelminp yndsr 8ortawp�, afd <br /> npard to tM wlus of tIN trwt��t�t�w tIN I�t�rwt of th�BorroMr�r ih�rNn�sh�ll haw tfw��Ipht to appq to�_--�` <br /> j�rladictlon to appotnt a nalvet of tlw prop�rfy. <br /> 3, In caq of d�i�ult Irt th�p�ym+nt of th�t�ld prinalp�l Nob or int�t,a any pn�t'tf�NOl, <br /> • thall n�tun,a In;tlw o�ss of tulur�to k»p o►p�rform any of th�coven�nts or aprNn�nts oo�uin�d in tM S�cuAt�r' <br /> n�t,tMn th�I.Nnd�r. Its succaswrs ar usipn�. shNl b��nd Is hsnby authorized and�npo�w�nd to t�tM'Y_ <br /> posNSSlon ot tM s�ld pr«Naa tMrNn d�sorlb�d and tp ooll�ct th�rents th�nirom,and to appiy tIw;.:--�;:;'--�- <br /> p�ylpNlt ot tIN Not�. . <br /> 4. Y►onllca�J,Qr�,of pente.lssuss and Pro 1(t�All rents colbct�d by Land�r or ths roalver shall brepplNd IIdIR b�-. <br /> of tM costs of man�p�m�nt of th�p►op�rty and aoll�ctlon of rent:,tncludlnp,but not Ilmlt�d to;rqceivei'�f�u,�__�'_ <br /> nqlwr's bondt and nason�bN dtorrNy's f�ss�md lh�n to ths sums s�aund by tM S�owiMlpstrunMnt�L�nOM_.- <br /> ncNwr ahall W Ilabl�to account only for thoss nnls�ctu�lly►eceiv�d. � <br /> 6. Construation of Provl:lohs.F.�ch of th�provislon=conlalned 1�thla Asalpnmsnt of Rents Rlder�nd tt��e�C�::�' <br /> m�nt shall,unbss ottNrvriw speciNcaliy rpulred. bs aonetrusd In eccotdanCS wlth N�br�sla law. �nd In:tfN=_- <br /> provislon twrNn or th�nln aonttlnod shall M detorminad by p aourt of compat�nt Jurisdictlon to ba un�nforcwbN,"_ <br /> �hall b�constrwd u thouph such unsnforceabl�provislon.wero�ot a p�h h�nof or thereof. <br /> d. EHact of Rider.Excspt as speclficdly modlfied by or Inconeistent wlth tAls Aaalpnment of Rents Ridoraby=.:; <br /> applla�bN�idK,all of ths t�rms and provlalons aont�inad In th�6ecurlty Instrument shall continu�In full CM��..'._ <br /> IN WITNE33 WHEREOF,Borrow�r hu ex�outed thla alpnm�nt ot Ren Idei � te Iir not�d abovs. <br /> JAPYES S. �1ITCH �_` WQ/ <br /> Borrawor <br /> STATE OF NE6RA8KA) <br /> (ae: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> On thla �OTH day af mAY � �g� 93,�fore me,the underslpned,a Notary PubHoduly_-_____-'__'_- <br /> qu�llfl�d for�ald county,pereonally oeme �Q�1ES S. mITCHELL. A SINGLE PERSOf�___________ _ <br /> ,to be the Identical peroon�s)whose nanw(s)islare=_=— <br /> to tM torpolnp Instrum�ht,�nd helehelth�y acknowledpe the executlon thereof to be hlslhsrNh�ir volimtary eot and <br /> Witnas my hsnd and Notarlal 8eal At GRAND ISLAND,_NEBRASKN <br /> in sald co date efores d. <br /> � <br /> Notary ubllc <br /> lYty Commledon expin�: �ccrau ..�_�..�.�....,.�_. <br /> ��r��u.��V <br /> ����� '��/���A����' <br />