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-TJ�^ .���� _ ...�. � ..a,_..:y, �-- <br />. . � ._ , .-i � ��•' -. ��' —� ---- �. . . <br /> {��� _ - .� �i3� io� <br /> _—- - - - 18.ooRawrl'� RIpUt to RNh�t�. M Ba►aw�r mNa aratn aa�dwon�. 8araw►ihM h�w�h.d�la a IMw w�lao�nl <br /> . � dl�ooAllw�d�t aiy tbu p�ior w tlw w�a1: (p tl dry�tar woh olh�r p�lod w�Mo�b1�I.w nwy�p�o0y 1ar nk+�IM�iq b�fon M1r <br /> d th� �ropwy pun�wrt 1� �n1► Paw► of �M oaAY�wd b YaN t�awlyt NtMi� a N) �► of� MbO�� �'�Y � Madf► <br /> InwunMA. Thos�aondllon��1hM OaraMw: (�)p�L�ridn N wnN �Mrol�Mwn watld b�dw W�dr 1hM Wanlqi b�tunwM �nd tM <br /> NaM w N no laorr�llon hb ooa� (bI ��^Y d�A d�n�r o1Mr oovNw+t a �P�� ��I P�Y�r �� Maand b <br /> --_- - - — ��fanoyq t1i 8�oudyr i�w�w�wnl ridu�9na out not NmRsd u� n�a�sbN at�nM' ba: end (d� W�a wd+ �adon a L�ndn �► -- <br /> - _ — � nwaMblY n�uY�t0 wMMr qId th� Nn d t11M aa�Y In�tru�t, l+w�tllr'�Ilpnt�In ttN nop�nr and aartowws abip.ow� 4r 1+�Y�+� •' <br /> 1Wimt Nou�Ml by 1hM S�ourM�► Intp�t�M sIW oonYnw unolw�p�d llpon � b'Y �ortaw�r, thM 8�ourlly bslnNn�nl rrld NI� <br /> cbt�Wons Nound h«rty�hN tw�wN fury�INoliv�as M eo�oorlNWon hd 000unrd. HowwM.thM dOM b ti�NM� �h�M�al�ppfy In <br /> .T�' ���s��a� ����11. —. <br /> ' 1�.Bab d NOt�i Ch�na d L+oMI 8NVl�r. Th� Nou a • p�rlW kU�nst In thr Not� (top�th�r wNh thM �awMy <br /> =-� -_-— --° InstnNmnt) mry M aotd an�a mon tUna withoul prlar natlo�to Ba►aww. A �M m�y nwll N � ahanp� In th�wRNy l�� w dN <br /> -- - --' ,Lan 8wlor')th�t ooMol�nwnthM WN�u du�undw th� Not�md thN S�owily InshurNnt. Th�n�Iw mty b�on� a mon dwn0� <br /> �.�cn,aur� oT th� I.aan BwvloK ipinlUOd to�s�M o1 1M NoU. N ih�n i�� oh�np�of th�Lom SwiwR Borroww wN b�phr�n wrMlNl nWb�d tM <br /> �.,�,.��y ch�np�h �000rdmoo wMh parapraPh 1��bov� �nd�ppiabN I�w. Th�notlw wi1�4t�th�n�nM�nd�ddn�s o1 th�n�w Lan BwYloa <br /> -- -- - �nd 1tN�ddrKS to whlaf�p�ynw�U�hould b�d�. Th�notic�w��bo oonWn arry othv MartrMtlon nquind bY y�losbM Isw. <br /> --- —_-��,�-��_ �0. H�dous 8YbstanC�s. Darowr �hN not auw a prmft th� prM�� us�� dbpoMu� stonp�� or nirw ot �ny - - <br /> ' r` I�wrcbus Subatin�s on a In ih�P1'opr'ty. Barow�►�IW not do,nor row�nyan��u to do��nythlnp ol�tinp th�Prop�ty th�t a In <br /> � .,,.• . vlohUa�oi�nit EmtronmmW Law. Th�P��O two �ie�a sh�M no1�Pp1Y to th�pra�� uss�a�tar��on ihs P�W�rh of mr1 <br /> qu�nllliM of IMwdOUS SubshlloM 11Mi1�n OM1ra1y ncopnfz�d b b� �ppropif�t�b no��Ml 1�ikNtliMl wM nId lo n�int�1a110� 01 tlw <br /> ':r:.'..:1 c�,., �Y' <br /> �=:�.�'� ,. 4�. 8ortow�r a1W prampW 9N� Und�r wr�n nodw o1�rry imnsYy�tion.cWm. dmynd.MwwN or olhw �otlon bY�Y O�nn�nW a <br /> .Y�� Y�, `� �oN ��Y o►P��PwY InroMinp ths P1op�ty uid any Huivdo+N Subst�na ar EnWronm�nW law oi whkh BortowK h�s�ohW <br /> '•,...:::.;.:�•�:�ti�' ry t - <br /> �. ;,: ,,�° - IaawNdp�. II 8arcowor t�ms. or is noitAad bY +nY yovamn�antal or �epulataY autRorlty, th�t ary raeovd or otf�►e�ne�tlon of�ny --- <br /> '' � • • • H�daus SubsW�a wlbcUnp ths Propwty b naoas�y. 8onowR shW pronpW Wn ap n�aswy rmNdW adions in acordmo�wifh �- <br /> � � , �o� <br /> - ' Envtronmmw L.w. <br /> . - , �. � As us�d ln thh P�9�+Ph 20. 'Har�udous Sub�nas' ue U�oa w6sUneas dNimd as twda a hwrdoua wbq�naa bY __ _ <br /> •�`:`'�'+ , �,:;;:; Emrkonmentd Lpw �nd the fotowinp wbatances: p�solln�. k�osme. other tl�mnwWe a toxla pMrot�um produats. toxle pestidda �nd <br /> r'.;:i�.:' • ...,�_.,;:. <br /> ., Y i.� hwWoWn. vol�tib soNants� nwterl�ls conWninp a�atos or farm�idahyd�. �nd ndio�dN� m�twWs. M ussd In thi� p�raprx�h 20. — <br /> 'EmkonmanW liw' mwn� leden�l hws and I�ws ot th� Jwis�allon when th� Prapwly Is loa�t�d th�t nl�h to hedlh� widy a <br /> .. . �nvkonmenW Proteotlon. °..- <br /> ' ' "�'�' NON-UNFORM COVENANTS. Borrowsr�nd Lend�(uth�r covwwnt and apns�a foilows: <br /> ,�!S''i. <br /> 21. Acad�rallon; R�m�dt�i. L�nd�� �ull �tw �aGco to Bo►row�r pNor ta scc�l�r�Non iallowinp <br />'':5s;:�� _ Borrow�r'� bnach of airir cov�n�at or �pr��m�nt in this S�curNy Instrum�M (but not p►ior to�cctl�rallon <br /> .;"' � ' .� . -, und�� paapnph 17 unhss applic�bla Iwv ptavid�t oti�arwiw). Th� notic� shuY sp�city: (�) th� d�faui� <br /> - �� (b) th� aation r�qukod to cur� th� dofault; Qa� a date, not bas than 30 days irom tho dARa th� naNe� is <br /> ;,_.,,. , ���� ;,� �iv�n to Borraw�r� by which th� dofauR muat be cu�ed and (d) that fallu�� to curo ttw d�fauit on or <br /> �:,,,,, „ bNor� th� �dat� sp�cffi�d in tfw notice �nay re�uk In accoluatlon of th� suma s�cur�d by this Socurity <br />"�°�" , Instrum�et and sdo of tho Prop4rty. Th� natic� �hap fwMher k�form Borrow�r oi th� ripht to rdnsM� �ft�r _V <br />_ � _ • accoleratEon and the ripht to bring a court action to asesrt th� non-�xid�ncA af • dNauk or any o4h�r <br /> - dohnW of Bonow�r to acaobratlon and �ale. If th� dehult la not curad on or b�fon th�dab sp�cNi�d k��,�f <br /> - ' � ' In th� notic�, L.ond�r �t ib option may raquiro immodl�to pqmont in full of all �uma Wcur�d by this t'�'_�. <br /> .A. ;•i;, S�curity Inshum�nt without furth�r dom�nd and m�y irnok� th� pow�r of pl� and any otlwr nm�di�s =-- <br /> '' � �'�:`:. p�rmitt�d by applic�blo Itw. L�nder �hall b� �ntftlod to aoll�ct �II exponssa inaun�d In punWnp th� <br /> `, ' ,'' r�modi�s proviclod In this panpraph 21�includinp. but �ot Iimited to� ro�aon�bl� �tto►n�ys'h�s and aost� �f. <br /> ' o!tttl��vidonco. _ <br /> ;, • . If tho powor af salo is invokod, Tru�toa shall racord a notice of detauR in �ach couMy in which any =�� <br />�,,�: qart of ths Prop�rty Is loa�tod and shall mail coplos of�uch notiaa In th� mannar pro�c�i�d by applicabl� �: <br /> �r��� • law to Ba�ow�� snd to the othor porwn4 pr�scribod by �ppl(cablo law. Aftor tho tima raquir�d by �"'` <br /> ��� applic�ble iaw, Trusto� shdl �tvo publlc �ot(c� of Nlo to the parsons and in th� mann�► pnsaribod by � <br /> • applic�ble law. T�uatao. without domand on Borrowa�, ah�ll sall the Proporty at pubUc auction to th� - <br /> ` , hipho�! biddar at tha time and placo and undor tho tarm� deofgnatod in tha notice of �le in one ar mor� ��� <br /> pacols and In any ordor Trustaa dotarminoa. T►uatoo moy postpono sale of all or any parcal of tha � _-. <br /> � Prop�it�l by public announcomont at tha tima and plac�of any proviously aclwdul�d sal�. Lsnd�r or Ns ,� <br /> d�sl�no�may purchasa tha Property at any oalo. <br /> 3�� • Upon rocolpt of paymont of tho price bld� Trusteo shall delivor to tho purchaser Trust��'s d�od �, � <br /> � convoyln� tho Proparly. Th� racitels tn tha Trustoo'� doed sh�ll 6e prima facie ovide�ce af tho truth of :' � <br /> tha stttom�nb made theroin. Trustoo ohall apply tha praceeda of tlw sale in tho following o�dar: (a) to all i <br />�. • �� costs�nd exponsos of axorcising th4 powar of wlo� and the sala. Including tha p�ymant at th� Trustoo's k <br />'. �• fa�� �ctuallb incurrad� �at to exceed 3 96 of tho princfpd amount of the nota at tFu tima of tha <br /> ; ' � doclaration ot dofauit, and roa�onablo attorney's feaa as permittod by law; (b) to a0 �ums aoourod by thia � <br /> • , Security Instrumont; and (c) any excoas to the porson or pe�ons logalty ontRlwl to R. <br /> ' , � . Z2. Recanveyanco. Upon payment of all auma secured by thfa Secwily Inahument,Lender ahell request Truotee to reconvay the � <br /> � � ��r� Ropwty and shoM auvender thla 3ecuriry Inatrument and all notes evidencing debt eecured by ihis Security Inatrumenl b Tn�stef� TN618@ <br /> { •;;I���_: ahall reconvey the Property wfthout wartanty and wNhout charye to the peraon a peroons lepely enUtled to ft. Such peraon or pe�aons shaN � <br /> ��::.�.• � p�y any recordeUon coste. <br /> ,`` ' . ` <br /> :.� y. �,;�._, 23. Subltkut� Tf48t6Y. Lender, �t its option, may Uom tkne lo tlme remove Truatee and oppoint a auccessor truatee to eny <br /> � Truatee rppohted hereunder by en InaUument recorded In the county in wh�h thls Seeurity MsWment la rec�►ded. Wilhout conveyance of �� , <br /> .�Yi..�_ �•,.�. • � Ilu p��w►fu ■��n�n��nr fn�atw ah�Y eurswwl fn all Ihw tllla newM Ynd t��111�5 CCIf�HfBd unon Truataa h�rNn and hv aodlcahl�low. - <br /> -.,c,_ . —=� ..._....�_'•��'.."""' '_"__ '_.__ '_"'__ " _ . . . .. . � <br /> }r..., `�,l s � ` „;�� 24. Requast for Noticoa. Borrower requests Ihat copiea ol the noUces of default ond eete be sent to 8ortawer'e�ddress which �� ' <br /> .,' �,�:� , . le the Propertyr Addreaa. .. <br /> ��'•' 2$. Riden to this Socurity In�trumont. H one o► more tlders are executed by Borrower end recorded taqether wfth thia � <br /> ' � SecuHty Instrument, the covamnts and �groementa oi eseh such rider eh�ll be Incorporated Into and ahall amend ind aupplement the <br />; � � , coven�nts and �qreanents of thls 3ecurNy Instrument ea tl the�Ider(s)were� peA of this 8ecurHy Inatrument. <br /> ' . : ' ;l;�,:,' <br /> � ... � <br />? � Paqa 4 of 6 Form 3028 9/90 <br />���„ F102o.LMO(IN3) <br /> � � � , . . <br /> �. <br /> �_,�. . -- <br /> 1120t9-1-19 <br /> � � <br /> � .� . <br />