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_ � � _ <br /> .__ _ <br /> _ -_ .. , ,..,�. . _. . ._ . - - <br /> ,. , ..u, ,., _..,,.,.,,...__:�.--- _ <br /> --_ � -_� � ., �f- <br /> �..��;� • �� r <br /> . � 7.hal�oMon of L�ndw's 11IOi�Mi h 11r /4�pMrly. If ea�arr al.a�w�M. .. aa�rriii+l b <br /> Mi�b� or M�w�N �MNi poo��MiM�►MO��I M�al l�� � M M�11'M«+►N��h �������1/M� <br /> Ib�r�inpoy�pob��br oa�MwMk�n a 1ali��w daw hw�a nairon��tA�n��r�r d��nd MY!�r wl�rr M M�wy <br /> to proMat 1M v�lw o(1M hqr11q1�d I.�ndr��qhh t►�hoprr�. L�Ut9 Ma1e�w n�l YxiiM MhM��l►MaM�r Mr�1w ' <br /> - ----_ _ --- �el�loh!ns Lube�r sv�r tl�M�/NM�wM�N�� arrf,�i!enae�Yr�MN�M w�M�M!M�w 4!M.MR. ..�° <br /> ---- -- <br /> _ 1��, A�Ia11�1 l.Ai11R n��aoioe a�dr i'si P�p�pi�7.i,wwid.i.:::�.i:��G�ii. _. .. . _• <br /> My Ir�ainh deMra�d b!I L«���tMia pNO�ph 7 Nw1 b�ooeN�MI d�El d Lanow�r Mound by lhMl Ma�My InMw�w�. <br /> unM�.sa�ow�.na u.�du.v�»w anw Mnn.a py�M.a,«..n�o�.�e�.hr wr h1.n�a fain M.aM.41 dNbtr.�w�l r11h.Ma. <br /> ��1 NM�1 b�p�y�bl�,wllA i1MtM1�upon eoMo��a11 t+Indlr b�orto1M�tp��M P� <br /> — S„ Mpel�g�111M�M�0�. M L�Wr n�'rd n+alp�p� ��ia M• oondllon d nridiq th� lo�n ��a�nd e'Y thN MouiMy <br /> T �.�,�...� ItM��K. Qor�aw��h�M py tl1�P���R+��oo nMNWn 1M maq�0�N��a h�01. M�lor�ny�NOn�IIN malp�� <br /> - oow�� n4ind b'Y��nd� MPw ar wtM�t�► b� N�01� 8onowM shM P�Y � P�+� �4�d b ahhY�oaw��ub�9MipiiY <br /> puMWNk to 1M nwi1PD�Nwrma�P�tou�N b�af.M a oo�t wA�qMtYY�q�wlnt p th�oo�t 10 Dortoww d �i�wrrlo� <br /> prnlo��tjl�+dNot. �om �n dnnwM inatp�p�Inwrr �PP��bi►L�nd�r. N wb�n1WY puM�t mor�p�p� <br /> avWbl�, 8ano�wr �hY Pqr �o lwid�r � moMh• wm �qwl b a�fi�►�MtM d th� ywy matY�Y�ti��P��� �0 P�d'1► <br /> Barow� wMn th� hw�no� oov� rP�d a aMwd to M b �Na� I.w�dw w� �ooipt, uw �nd MMn ih«� p�ymwds a �loa <br /> --- -- r««w b Mu a narta�w h,wma�. 40�. �s.ry.P�rrwia n�►no�ono�► b.n�'b. a un a� a Ixr�lr.II moAOw• „•u•�• <br /> ��w t„�••moun�.nd 1or m.p.�oa uMa w�a�.nquYwl wwkl�d br+� rwrr.OV�a�.d b�►t,rd�r*�fn e.00.a•wM�l..nd M <br />'� oehin�d. 8oftoM►w rh�1 pay th� prw�kw �i�d b I�YiWn moitp�a �+�� � �• or b �ovid� • bas �MVl. aIN dl� <br /> ��t�ppKp�p���nds M��cx�o�d�no�wiA�n1t vNllO�n��wd b�n Bonow�r�nd 4Nid�r ar�ppia�Db kw <br /> �. IIIi�1�08011. I.�nd�r or ks p�M nMY �n�lo�rwon�hb nbiM upon�nd MNp�+liaM d tIM Ploprty. d�MMr dM�pk�8aeow�r <br /> - nollo��t 1M tlitr d a pla Oo m btp�alion�p�otyb0 nua�L���ior th�bsp�ion. <br /> ","`-- 10. Co11dNn�litiofl. 7M pooMd� a �nN �w�rd ar cl�im ior d�YM• drrct or aonwqwnUd, In aonMaron wIN� �f► <br /> �;, -t,.; .----.... �v++a w1w W�Yip d�nY 4�t d tb�R�apwM.or to►oonv�yr�b Mu oi ooad�nnwon,w b�nby as�qrNd�nd dW b�PMd — <br /> ,.4 1�1.NNfe►. <br /> y ;,r� . . N th�0wnt ot�total LkMp M tM Rapwly.tM p��ooMds�Iwl b��ppYrd to tM sums�au�d by tM�S�ourU1►Intpun�l.whNMr or _ <br /> w <br /> „ ,,, � ` �at thm du�wAA �ny�s p�id W 8ortowa. In th�w�nt W a p�rW1 takinp ol ih�Proparty In whkh ih�idr nwfat valw d th�Rapwty <br /> .. saa�:s;iG>�:K€::. ��y b�tar� 1M takin0 b�to or�ata tlwn iho mnowri oi the auma aeaued by thb 3eaidty InstrumaA Mmn�t�lY bdors lhe �– <br /> ,`;:�;� WdnY,unl�u Bomoww�nd l.widR o1h�vU��pn�b wriir��th�wm���ou�d by thls S�auUY Ins4vnNn1 fhal b�iaduad bY th�rnount <br /> i,:l.'..� of th�p�ds nwNl�Md bY 1M totowinp haatlon: (�)tMe taUl pmount of th�wms a�c�ared M�Uh befan th�Wri�g.dvid�d bY N)� <br /> ,:� °<. <br /> `���n Wr nwk�t vtlu�af th�P�op�ryr km�Uh►bdor�th�Wrhp.My b�Nno��hv b�ptld w Bortoww.In th��wnt ai m p�tW Wd�W d dN <br /> - .:�,�y Mfon tha Wdnp Is Ns�ttwi th��mount of 1M wms s�w�d Mn►�trN <br /> - .+,.. ;_ PmpNh►N whkh th�hir muiut vaW�o11M Proparty Mwndid�N <br /> ` ' '�1��, "'�' • bdon th�WrMip, unbas Borrow�r and Landa othMwis��fn wdKnq or unlsn�ppNdbl�I�w othenvb��procMds shY b� <br /> .; '.:�'��. �ppM�d to th�wms wax�d by thls S�axity h�strum�nt whathr or not ihe sums�n tha�du�. <br /> :,", ;�>r;:� <br />_�';::', ., #:•,i:;�Y� B th�PropMly b�ndon�d by BortoWr�o►if��itw IWdo�by lende►t0 BoROwer ttut th�CaldMnllor otf�rs[o Inak�N �wrd ot idlM <br />�':.'t • � � .dl� : � �, •d�fm tar d�rr�s�8orroww IYs to rapond to Undv wRh4i 30 d�ya aiter tha d�te itne notla Is pNwb I.�nd�t Is wIM�alt�d to copscl�nd <br /> ��;�xvwa �.; ya-:a ..__ <br /> �'�'" �� apWy th�p�ocMds.n fts optlon� �iN�r to rator�tlon or r�k ot 1hs Ropwry or to the ams s��d by d�s i�awky innnNnw�i,wh� , — <br /> .,� � �,, i' � , r; o►not th�n du�. <br /> . ., � . tbn of procMds to ahdl not at�nd a pohpun�th�du� <br /> {,., Unl�ss I.�ds►and Borrow�r othavvise ogree in writlnp, �nY �PP� P�� <br />:` :'."x,� , .�'�',i���':'' � dd�of ths monthy payrn�nis M�rnd to In pa�a�aphs 1 md 2 a ch�npe th�onouM o1 woh p�ymenta. = <br /> ' ' �`�'�i�'�:='ft".��, 11. Borrow�r Not RN�u�d: Forb��ranco By L�nd�r Not a W�iver. �aa.nston ot th• �ima lor p�yn�m ar <br />: .. .i��:::°y <br /> � �-} : ;yii t'.i��, : modiAaaUon of�morttraUon of the sums eewred by lhia SecurUy Inatrument q�ented by Laider to any aucceeeor in int�+at of Bortowrr th�M <br /> �- � not oprrate to roIMN the AabAky of lhe odgMal Borrow�r w 8orrowar's sucees�ors in Ntereat Lender shdl not M roqWnd ro aomnMnos <br /> � , � procsbings�gYnst�ny succeesor In Gfte►est or nlusa to mdand dme 1or p�yment or otMrwiae modiy�mortlztlbn of th�wm� s�wnd by <br /> thh S�curlty Iruhument by roa�on of any dern�nd rn�d�by th� oripind 8o�rawa or Bortower's suoaasors In Int�ns� My foibwanw bY ��=,: <br /> ' ��'' ''r" Lw�dK In exad�iny my right a remady shtll not b�a waiv�r ol or preduda the axerdie of any dpht ar rom�dy. — <br /> ';�`4�`a.•• .. . — <br /> .��; .i;;.:;��;3� • 12. Suca�ssors and Assipns Bound; Jol�and S�v�ral Wbll , non. The cov.n.ntn and �pre■nw�a oi <br /> � It�►' Co-sip 'j',,- <br /> . : thla 3ecudty Irudumwrt sh�Y bad �nd b�n�Al th� succaa�ora and�sNpns of L�nder and 6orrowK, subJeat to th�provisbns ot p�praph �� <br /> •��s'i.;�r;�;; 17. Borrowar'a coven�nts �nd ayrsem�nts sMp be jolnt�nd sawnl. My Borrower who co•elyns thb 3eaurity In�trummt but doa not <br /> ..��:�� . <br /> y��' '' • �?����;:;'sf:_ e�c�cuts ths NoU: (�)Is co-siyninp this SecurNy InsWment onty to mortpape,qnnt,and convey that Bortower's Intere�t In ih�Properly und�r —_ <br /> t tC� - fy%>;„:t' ��:__ <br /> tM twms ot thb Secaily InsWm�nh(b)Is not p�raon�My obNpeted to p�y ths sums eecwed by this 3ecurity Inatrument; tnd (o) �greea ihat <br /> � � � �.. . L�nd�r�nd�ny other Bortoww m�y�yn�to extend, modHy,lorbear or maks any accanmod�tbna wilh ropsrd to temu of thla 3ewrily ��.__ <br /> Inttrument or tM Nol�without that BoROwar's cons�nt. �� <br /> 13. Loan Ch�rq�s. II the Iwn asared by thia 3acurNy Insirument le aubJecl to a law whlch aeta m�cNnum loan ehuyea,and th�t �:,� <br /> y , . ,. , " <br /> � ,�,�ti,:. �},,.`�;�, law la Mdly Interpnt�d so th�t ths intereat or other lan ch�rges collected or to be coUeated In connechon wNh tha lo�n exceed th� <br /> " , r.•� • �`!;�'� pMrNq�d MrNts,then;(a)any euch loan chupes sh�N be reduced by the amaunt necesauy to roduce the chup�to the p�rtNtted INdh�nd <br /> ,`,�,'{y�,�;r �• (b) �ny sumt �Iraidy copeeted Irom Bortowu which exceeded peimiried Iimite will be relunded to Borrower. LendK mny chooso to m�ke =__. <br /> ' ��,;.;,,�. , this ratund by redudng tM principal owed under 1M Note or by making a dlrecl payment to Borroww. II a n(und radueee prindpal� th� <br />,��� , - ' nducdon wp b�tra�Nd as• p�Al�l prep�ym�nt wHhout�nY Propayment charge under the Note. r <br /> .: �N <br /> ��j •� c?;�'��� 14. NOtIO�i. My notlaa to Bortower providQd for io thla Seeurity �natrument ah�A be ghren by delive�inp it or by maNng N by flrot � <br /> d�ss maN unteas �ppUcabte law requkea uee ot anothw method. The notice ahall be directed to the P►operty Addraaa or�ny other addroas ! <br /> ; ,... , <br /> { BoROw�r d�afqnatee by notice to L�nder. My noUce to Lend�r eh�N be ghen by iirot d�sa meil to Lender's address at�led herein w�ny <br />''.,`.: . :•�� oth�addreas Lsnder dealpnetes by noUce to Bortower. My notice provlded for In this Seeurityy Mstrument shaN be deaned to hae be�n ! <br /> r <br /> ���• , ' yhran to 8ortower or Lender when qNen ae pravided In thla parograph. � <br /> '�y . � y(. G1ov�rning; SYVYrabllity. Thle Security Inetrumenl ahall be govemed by federal law end the I�w of the Juriadictlon in ; <br /> ' '� ,.!;;. . which the Property h locded. In the event ih�t�ny provlafon or ctause of thla Securily InsWmQnt or ihe Nota conflicts wfth appNceble aw. ' ' <br /> .;.; � J... . _ <br /> ; , auuh oonllld ehall not afloct other provtalona of lhta 3acurityy Inetrument or the Note wl�ich can be yhen elfact wilhout the confll�tlnp � <br /> ' �.+ • � provislan. To this end the provlaions ot lhls Secu�ily IneWment end the Nole are dedored to be aerenbte. � <br /> �j�� 18. Borrowor's Copy. Borrowx ah�ll be yiven one contormed eapy oi the Note and ot this Securky Inatrument. <br /> � ' � 17. Tr�nd�r of th� Proporly or� B�na�ficial Intores! in Borrower. If ap or any part ot tha Property or eny inte�eat in - <br /> �� ' �, �`� •� k is �old or tnnslernd (or It� beneficial fnterost In Bortower la eold a tranaterred�nd Bortower la not a nstural peroon) wllhout Lernler'a <br /> ��-� i'���-��"'�• -. orior wrilten aonsent Lender m�v. al fls optlon, requlra Nnmedl�te payment In tull ot all euma eecured by thle 3ecurity InstrumenG Howwer. <br /> ��- � . . . <br /> � tMs optlon �hd not be exerdaed by Lendar tl exKdae Is prohibited by federol law ea ot ffie dste ot thls 3acurNy Inslrument, <br /> �`� {:' " �; ;�1���"���•� If Lender aerd�es thla o tlon,Lender eh�ll e Bortower notice of acedeaUon.The mtice ahdl provide� period d not lean than 30 <br /> ,• , �.�.t',.�� P 9w <br /> y '�� •.�. . '�'�� d�ys irom th�d�t�the notica la deNvered or m�Ned wqhln which the Bortower mual p�y all aume eecured by this 3ecurity Inahumanl. It <br /> �.�,.t<;:;' <br /> ��Y s � � , Burrowor feNs to p�y thn�auma prlor to the�xpinUon ol ihl�perbd,Lender rtwy Invoko any remedlea permitted by thla Secu�ity Inatrument <br /> ,� , � _____ wkhout turlhK notien or demend on Bortower. <br /> .r. . .. , <br /> '` . . <br /> ,"1 ` . <br /> � � �, Paqc 3 of S Korm 3028 9/90 <br /> 1 ' ' , -:y �; ,. R102D.LM6(��99) <br /> i . <br /> �L� .'::'r_ . <br /> . -�: - • . . - - <br /> i <br /> � � � 1719fi8•7•19 <br /> ,�, <br />