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<br /> , � �pp�bia h�►:�l►�i►roc re;�t.lerat)D�a��ie d de Nopetqr panr�nt a a�►pO�a d aie canl�s.aa i r� � . _ °
<br /> S e�i t y ti�au�,�(h)eatr�i d a����i��S��Y Inmanent-Tlara caaditbe��e�t�aeeowef: fi) �
<br /> ` �Syi�i soder 8!a�mos��r6kfi�hat"w�a u i d�b e d u e•Y a d e r�S e c u r a y► �a e d q i e�N o o e°�s i f n n a o a l e�t�o a hd�
<br /> �, occ�e�tb)canes�ny defMJt of m!►od�c coven�s as q�eea�a�ts:(c)p►Ys dt e:pe�s iocaned ln eof�ciws tLis 5ecu�ity, ;
<br /> �,iectYdii�.but oa limitad m.srtto�a�bie�i►�'fees;a o d t d 1�a s u c h a a i a o as t�der ma y t�soorEiy�
<br /> -- - �— . -.. iu�suc�tt�rds���ttrfi�SeauhY I�ts1M�l.a�dak*1�n in�aod Bbno�erh obii 1?@h►_dre_ ___
<br /> — � _�eq°�a � • Upco �� g�'n*�er��s sec�iy, _ �_ —
<br /> _ :...�-�� � �Y-�nt ca�emor�e uac�dr
<br /> , . � In�tnm�e�t aa[AAo 5�6���y aiWf:enaia fully e�ative as t�no acatp�tiau t�ad aa�e�k.�Howeve�.�is _
<br /> rS�Dt w teinst�s s6qli'�ocappty�n the are aEaoodar�tion,under OrtqtsPb�7.
<br /> i! 5�1e dl�TiN�.CMMR d I.aM Serria�. 'ibe Na�e a�p�ti�l+n�e�in di�Note(�hac-witd.thi�Secu�icl�
<br /> - ia�t)m�Y 6e sdd me or ma�+c dmes�ridaut ptio.r notic�w Bamw�es A aak�anr rault ia a c�ege m tbe e�tY
<br /> � �dve uuder die t�tale aed dus SacQity►ta�orwna�'11�e dw,
<br /> � . (bwwp�s t6e"Lo�t Seivioer")dat colkcts maiNhlY P+�Y�
<br /> � ma�r bca�e a moer ct�es af die Lo�t Savjoer ua�el�ted w�sak of We Nwa If dwe is a chtn�e af�fie Lon Secvioer.
<br /> &xro�r wn'll be givean writ�eo aotkx d the chta�ia ao�oe witl�p�rap�h 14�bove and�ppl"�ble isw. The�
<br /> — -- -- w�i s�ie�x msa�e�d ac�rsio�l�esx�Lne��and�sdd�ecs=to__�rhich�slwuk!be ms�da.'i'!�e aotioe�1 ---
<br /> � -ats�aoota�t my o�bar infocm�tian raNircA 6Y�P1�C�b1�taw. .
<br /> ?�!. Wsr�s Sristars Bonuwa sb�il not cause a�pennit the pcesencc.use,disPosal.sta�Be•P� �s�
<br /> -" - H a r�a i i w s S u b s q m x s aa or ia tbe F m p e e t y. Baauwer s6�ri not dv.aor allov�myoae sis�ee to do.anY� _ .
<br /> - . p�opeitq that is iu viobkiaa of aay Eavnoamau�l l.�v. '[Le psecedinB two:aaxences sball aot appi��to narmal
<br /> - . �taa�e antbe Pto�y of s�nsu�ties.orH�reous subuanoes a�u a�e�a�liy�a�,
<br /> - � �,uresaodtoma�ofiheRupaty.
<br /> -- .- � Ba�m�rec shalt ptamt�Y E�e t.endes wtltt�a�of any mvesuptiar.cGuom,d�d.tawsQit eraifier�caan by►ar►Y `
<br /> —_ - < 6��a�gaT�.g��P°Y��Y invWving t6e PmipettY�nd anY As�tdous Sabs�ooe or Fnvi� .
<br /> _ . �.aw c�afiich Bur�stt 6�acp�knowled�. if Baaower kanK.a is ac'M'ied i�g a�r;8o�'e�a�l u��
<br />--- -- • au�harity.tb�t mY te�;ot��of�r►y tlu�tdoos Subst�ooe d'fectinE d�e Ptop�t��?�es�Y•�a .
<br /> -- _ - �:;<.� �b�U pron�ptly ta�lLoe.a�n�ec�t�tY�fI=fi�+ne�1 acxions in ac,cardatwae with Eavnoiana�td law.._ ., •'• •• : •: : ,.�`
<br /> i 1�.4 NSOd 1A YYS�W��•�U�'flCCSR'i[C�WSC�dE�IOCd i4 T(1EIC OC�OOS��
<br /> • Lnvinoon�rotal latvv wd tde follqiraag subsrorior� �o�ne•I�ecoseru.otber flamm�bk a toxic peanlarii products.wxic
<br /> _ _ ` pespiai�c aM ira6ietdes.votau'fs�salvans.muoerlsls caNaming aebectac or foimaldrbyde:aud tadioa�Si���°�-.� -..
<br /> ectac
<br />- ' usediQ t�us p�tag�ph 20."Eavicamiaental i.�w"mpns federal laws aM laws of tUe jwnsdiction vrMne the PtopertY is lopted
<br />- ub
<br /> tiu�ttdaOe to heal�h.safety ar envaomtla►tal p�atatiun. . , -
<br /> `...:; NUN-t]NIFORM COVENAN7S.Basrower aud t.ender furdxr coveaant aad agnee as fallows:
<br /> Z�.'�00l�lfl�0�'s� �!�$�ii!�0�0t�O EO�'l01►!I'�t0�110�t0�p��'�dRl��S
<br />�:y:,, b�eadi d a�t oave�t or a�,rea�e�t.i�trts SaRit9 I�mat(bat not prior to acceterstio�aider p�apti 17
<br /> rz�� N�s�plitable I�w provldet at�rRbe). Tie�otics sM�ll s�etily: (sl tlre d�faWt;(b)t�e actio�req�ta eNt+e!ie _
<br />.y;: , � dda�f�(e)a date.nat tds tMa�3�dsys 1t�a�tre dsb 1ie fatioe I+sivef�to 6accower.bg wt�icl�t�e�eff�it�tbe
<br /> ��:Yf�, eR+ei;�nd(�)tiat faiwe+e to ar�e rie def�lt a�or bdat We dste speeified i�tie�M�ioe ma��it i����
<br /> ttie s�as see�red 6q tik Saw+t�I�n�t asd ask d tiie Prapert� T�e�olioe.sta�hrti�r i�fot�Barrwer a� . .
<br /> ��
<br /> . tLe�t tu�e�lter aea�taaNas ad tbe r�t to 6ri��ooart�ctio�to assert 1iie��ot�e d s de�aiJt ar
<br />. . `�`� a�y a�a��kfe�a9e at Bi�mo�+er t4�and s� U Ibe dafaWt is�at cond ou or 6das�,�:+k�te�ec�ed i�
<br /> ' tIK�Lender st its optio�eag,ieqoirs�mediate psymeat in fnU ot all saa�a se�vred by�issecarity ir�amait
<br /> ' �torll�er demsad asd.+qe�g.avoice 1 6 e poveer o�s a k a a d s�ay o t l K r r e m c d i e s P e r m i t t e d b y a p p l i c a b k bw
<br /> * I.erder s� be eatitled to oof�ti�all apeates incurred ia parsnie�t6e�p�ooided i�tl�is p�np�p6 21,
<br /> i�cWdb�,6pt not limikd W.ce�sanabie attorneYs'fas snd casts of tltle evjdeaoa
<br /> � It t6e power af sab is iavoked►71�tee`sba0 record s aotioe a�ddadt in ac�caoety i�w#irlt s�y paet d fhe _.
<br /> _ Properiy is lopted��d s6s11 m�il copies o�s�c6 noNa i�t6e msaaer P�6Y�PMica6k b��v Barro�rer sad to
<br /> _ tbe d6er per�od4 Pre�bed b7 applksbk IaM Atter the lime reqoired by sppli�aLie law.71r�ee sMall sive poMic
<br /> notioe ot sale to the persons a��s tMe n�nee prescri6ed 6y applic�bfe bw, 7Y���out dee�s�d aa Borm�er.
<br /> �sell tMe Propeety st pablicax�tion to!he biRhest 6iddec at tbe time aad plaoe s�an�'.-aader the ter�des�nsted is
<br /> ;+ ttie ndiue of sab in oae or mone�rteLg and b any ordee'IYusta detsrmi�es 7lrustc�e i�y sak of aQ ar any
<br /> p�ncd d tie Property by public�tuounce�ueat at the time and piAOe ot anX prertoasl9 s�d�i�� l.e�de�or Its _.
<br /> . de�i�ee�aay purc6�e tAe Yropra�pt anysate � ` -
<br /> ' te
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<br /> 7Fa�tee aiaN spply tlk prooeedsq+�ttie s�le ie the tolWwln�order: (slto All casts aei eiryenses a�exercbi�the power _
<br /> ; ,. ' =
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