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_--� "�'"'�""'� _.- �---. <br /> s. �__�..__•.ew�y.� ...._,...._:,,.,.�A. <br /> _ — -- ._�. -- ..�_ _.. __ _ -g— <br /> �: , � <br /> ' - ______---L � , „ , �- " � .... .,• � t,, <br /> ` . �,R -, <br /> - �et a �rorw M.���K.IMdR ter• NdrMr riw �a+Na�IaM �4t ����'• �► ����� � <br /> . �'�„����•�rw�a a�n�.a.n�.w.��� *� �:u.�o,� M.�o�i'�►�, u�rw.wMr 4r <br /> M1M��b rM fYll� �IM� �NN�w MIIOIIIM. M �o, I�INi11�MY.M �11�I 1�ooMOf Mld haM Fulld�Yt�11 1MIONII INM 1� �MM M <br /> ' I�.r.�wl, _6.�d.�i w�Mr 1h..�anl a Iwa. ew a� M» (�M.N ar�wN eM.e�a r�r..rh1..�M. �I.Rrii...�1 „ <br /> � AM���qnw M�r�a a�wwW In�oeeiiia wAM a�/NabM Mw. -� — ---—_ • — <br /> r�F� �a h.�a i�r�+Y�W+�ieA wl�6+�o�t..r.riar.�o o�r.�dua�.p�rwy� 1san+n�4db.a.nwr d�+d�+t�+n�•r _ <br /> —---_ _ ---- �: <br /> L�rMr k woh�n intlN��lony a'In an�►f�dNM FIo�N LoM O�nR. LiNiAw�apPe►a»Fu�a to pq t�twow i�w. iw�wt�1►wR � <br /> dwY�Oorraw�►lo�hd�+Y�d�PPNM�O MM fund�.r�1Y�,MM tM�arow �ooa�M,a rwllyYq th�l�aaw N�,u�s �rww . <br /> p�y�Bortoww YNMMt on th�Fuld�nid�ppio�bl� Yw pwMM�l+lndlr b�do�Mloh�dw�. HowNN�l�11d1►nrq►�4dr� �en'aw�b <br /> --= p�y�on�IMn�ah�r�t0��n M�d�PRd�nt�I NYM Mtt nporlNp�MMio�w�d b'!I t�nda M ootuwctlotl w�A Ws lo�n.o1d�e�1�IM��hw . <br /> ptaifdM ollfnwlM. tlnlM� �In �wM Is �n�d� o► �abM I�w �pi4M Yllrwl b b� pNd. lmd�r�hd 1q1 M Nqur�d �o pW <br /> Ba�oww�l I�Mn�t a wnYq�an tM Fundr.BoRaw��nd Lwid�►n�Y prw h�►u�thM Nfwwt shr W p�id on M�fuhd� <br /> - I..,,a�r.�w�.to eonoww�w+a�ow aw+p�,ae.nnur.000untlrq a ua fune..�howkw«da.nd d� nn Fu�d.ana a+.prpo.. . <br /> lot whidi roh d�01t to th�Funds wu n�. Th�Funds�n pMdp�d a��d�lon���arqY fa�1 wnM��ar�d by ihN B�uNy M�1. <br /> n m. Funds h.a a�► �.�o..d u�. .mo�. p�w a a n�ai dr wv+�+N�, i.«�d�r ,� .000��s m eonow. br a� <br /> —� � .o�oNS Fw�a.�n.000reNO.wan a�.n�ar«n.n�.a.pqo.ea w�w, p tM a�awq d IA�Funds Mld by Lwid��t�ny tim�M no1 M� <br /> co p.y an e.arow Ibm. wnm du�, tanar mry so nal�►Dortowa h w�Mn�,.nd,w wcn a..eonaw►slw p.y to L�nd�th��nwi�nt <br /> IHpM{�1 14�IdO�1��M I�OMIIOy. BOROYVQ/�1�1 IIM�f�1� 11N d�CMl�iy 41�D MO(��1 IIMdY�Mp��ylll�l�.�LMIdK�� fOM <br />- �;� {��01� <br /> , ua� vr�� ti w a r .u�. s.ow.a e�► �• s.ow�y �nsm�.m, i.«�d. .nr ��i►�w so�row« «�,r F� ewa ar <br /> - L�. N undu praprph Yt.lwidr�fy1 aoquY�a w dw Piopry. Und�.PMor oo tM wqi�Mtla►or ab d fM Pf'aprb.MM�ppMr <br />��� �ny Fuads Mid bp lwnNr�t 1M t1n�d�oqnlsMion a aM�s�a�dl p�hat tM wrnt i�oud bp tli S�ourlly InstnNnwM. <br />'`;-_. 8.Appll�tion d Papn�nb.�pplaibM Miw parids ou�wis�.�II wrynMnt�r�odv�d by I.w�dR undR p�.p�ph.1 �nd u_ <br /> _ P �h�M b� �ppM�l: Ihsl,to M�Y P�P�M��t ah�'D�s duu undr 1M Not�:Moom1�W MnounU P�Y����PyR�Ph 2: ti�trd b Y�MI __ <br /> . � � ;,�"�� dw�fowth�to Pt(nalptl dw:�nd Ms1,to�ny Ut�aharp�s du�und�r tM Not�. <br /> .., '��1t 4.Ch�r�s; LNn�. eanow.r shN p.y.11 ax.s� �aa�nnnl�� aharou,IM� .nd impositlons att�uf�bU to th•Prop«ry wHoh <br /> •-������, • mry atqh pdodly orR this S�ourity Inatrument, �nd M�a�hoid p+rym�nU a pr�au�d�enle� B�rry. 8artowar sMN pay thae abtRtlons In lh� - <br /> �'�:;;. <br /> :i!��; rwm�prwld�d In p�rapraph Z. ar N eat ptdd b th�t m�nn�. Bonow�r sIW pry ih�m an Ume dnoty W th� pwsoo awrd Pay�nwiL <br /> �,. :. �, �* Ba►owK a1W prompty tumbh to l�nder �p nodce� of �ma�nb to M P� � � P��. H Bartcw�► m�k�s th�P�fm� <br /> ,, � <br /> �� �r_: :.. ��t. . dkroth►�Bonowu sf W PramPW tu�sh to Lander�ecelPla avkMnoinp ih�p�t�. <br /> 8ortoww shal promptly dlech�ry��hy Y�n which hw pdodly w�r thit S�cu�lY In�dummt unbas BoROw�: (a)�ynM h vnNhp to 1h� <br /> ,-. ' �vy; ?';.�.�?�, ' p�ymwa ol 1M obNp�tlon tecured by the Mrn in■ m�nnw�p�ble to l�dK; @) aontash In qood hflh th�A�n by, a detand� ap�Miq <br /> �ti�,�<<;s,,�:t:?. , �nforcqment of th�Ilw�In..lepal proceedlnps whloh In tha Und�r's opinbn op�t�to pnwnt the�n(oram�nl of th�8�; or(c) secwa f�om — <br /> _ _ . <br /> 'w�`„- �`".c: �" •° 1M holder af th�A.n an ipraement eauaactary ro lenwr subo►dnauip Ur iwn a thi� 8�witr inet�uum«�. ii t�►ii:+ �i.irr►�r Y�ut anY <br /> .y�,iir�.�.,:.,+`�..•. '.:.'-� p�of the Propaty Is aubJeot to+�Nen whkh m�y ariain priodly aer thb Ssaulry InaVUmsnt,L�nd�r m�y yh� 8onowK�noHa id�ntlylnp . . <br /> :� F" the Yan. Bartow�r sh�N s�Udy th�Ilen or tNt�on�or mor�of th��cUons wt lorth abow wNhin 10 d�ya of th�yivinp of notic�. <br /> - ,. �.` �+�,%�`'' , <br /> . , .t.,; . S.Haz�rd or PropKty In�uranc�. Bonower shal kNp Ih�btprov�nenir now sxl�Uny or h�fter eroot�d an th� Prop�rly <br /> . , . .. p . 1 <br /> • inwred apalntt bu by Ika, h�nrds IncNid�d withtn th�tertn 'exl�nd�d cover���'and�ny other i►a�rda� Indudinp Aoods ar Aoodinp� tar <br />. �:��i:,f,. , <br /> � • whlah Landar roqulres Insuranes. Thls ineuruiae ehvl be rtNlnWned In th��rnounta�nd tw th�prbda th�t lender r�qukM. Th�bsunu�a ______ <br /> " • cartlo► provldhp the insurance shdl b� ahosan by Borrowx sub�ect to LendK's approvd whlah ahd not be unrsuon�by withhNd. H <br />" •-M, . . ':�,: 8omow�r idls to makiWn covaraps d�satb�d abow. L�ndK may,a1 Undw's optbn, obWn oov�raps to proteol L�nd�'� dphts N th� <br /> °� . =�.,;,_••: . . .�r� • Propatiy In R000rd�nos wiih parapnph 7. <br /> � � ' •• M insuruia�policbs �nd ron�wds ahdl bs�eeepUiW�to Lender and eluA Mdud�� stuidud mortp�p�ciws�. lendw shdl h�v�th� <br /> , ' , ripht to hold th�poUGee qnd ronawale. If Lenda requkas, 8arower ahaA prampty yive to Lander all acolpb of pdd pr�lums md r�n�wtl �_� <br /> ' notich. In th��vent ot loas, 8orrow�r�h�N yfva prompt noUa to th� Inauamce arrNr end Land�r. Undw rtwy rn� proof oi bss H not <br /> ' � . ; �P�PUY by Borrower. <br /> t' - ���" Unlass Lende► �nd Borrower otherwise �yros In w�lUnp, Inau� procwde shd be �ppNed to t�storadon a rep+ik of th� Propay <br /> '' � dm�q�d, M the hstontion or r�p�k is �conomlcally leesibla and L�nder's securiy Is not losaened. if th� matoratbn or rop�r b not ���` <br /> � .' �ow�orniadly te�eibl�or Lenda's sacuriry would M leseened, the bauana proceeda �hul b��pplled to tha�ume eacurad by ihb 9�cwily �� <br /> ,. In�trum�nt, wh�thsr or not then due, with my uteesr paid to Bort�wer. II Bonower�ndons the Property, a doea not�nswr withfn 30 ��° <br /> d�y� �noUo�irom Lande►th�t tM inauancs artfar h�s otterod to ae1Ue� cWm,than Lender rn�y collect Ihs Insuranc�procwda. land�r f L� <br />-� ' " nwy uw th�procNds to npak or nstore ihe Propaity ar to pay sums s�aured by thln 9acu�iry Instrument,wMth�r or not than dua. Th� �-•�_ <br /> ; . '.* 30�d�Y psriod wiU b�pb�when th�noUca Is qhnn. crr�: <br /> ��.. � �1;:;��+` UMess L�nder �nd Bortower othetwls��yree in writlnq, any�ppkaUon o1 proaesda to prindpal ehul not exlend w paatpone ths due <br /> �,�,�«°, • �,�, <br /> d�b ol the monthly p�ymeMe�afarred to in panqrapha 1 and 2 or ch�nye the amount oi the p�ymenta. II under parpraph 21 the PropoAy <br /> � ' �� 1��cquk�d by Lendar, Bortower'a riyht to my Msurence pol�les md proceeda resufllnp from dam�pe to the Property prlor to th��cqulsitlon <br /> � ', .� : � sh�M pa�e to Lendx to the exlent of the suma secured by this 9ecuNly Inatrument knmedl�tey p�ior to lhe acqulaitlon. <br /> •, , 6.Oaaupancy� Praservation, MNnton�nco �nd Prot�otion oi tha Proparty; Borrow�r's Loan <br />` j; . , <br /> Applte�tton; L��!lhOlds.Bortower ahall occupy. �stablleh,uid uao the P►operly os Borrower's prindp4l realdanca wahin �Ixty d�ya <br /> ss <br /> ...�..,;S.,.. ,. ;. <br />".� �, �i�:h�±�:,',;5.:_,•..�•�; • � �R�r ths pceoutbn of this Security Inatrumant and ahdl conlinue to xcupy Ihe Propeity as 8ortower'a princlpal realdence lor at le�at one <br /> ',}: ',•':��.�i,�,'��•,. ywr dlK th� d�ta o} occupancy, unbse Lander othe�wlse epree� in writlnp.wl�lch cona�nt sh�ll not be unreason�bly wflhheid,or unleas � � <br /> • , r••. �. .�,::Ir''; . <br /> ud�nwtlnp ckcumstances a�dst which an beyond 8orrower's control. Barower ahall not deatroy,d�mage or Impdr the Property,dlow the � <br /> �"��'' Praperty to d�tarlorate,or commh waste on the PropMy. BoROwer aheN be N dalau4 N ony 1oHeilure action or proeaadinq,whelher clvA or ' <br /> � � 1�i �+s;' crYninal,Is bpun that In L�nda's good faNh judpmant eoutd reauN in IoAdlure of the PropeAyr a otherwisa mateilaNy knp�M the Ilan ae�bd : <br /> ��,r' . , ,. �', " <br /> ��� by thls Secwity Instrument or Lenderb aeeur(y Mterest. Borroww mey aue such a defauR ond reinsf�te, �s provided In puayr�ph 18,by <br /> • ': ; ���:�.�; ��. , ausinp th� �otlon or proceedinq to be dlamlased wilh a iuYnp Ih�t, h Lender's qood talth dotermin�Uon, precludea brtelturo of the <br /> Borrowr's hlarest In the Pron�rW or othar m�teiiel Irnpdrment ot th� Ilen cr�etod by Ihis 8ecu�ily Instrument or L�ndar's s�cur4y Mteroat. . <br /> -- �., :,','',if`�? . Bartow�r shap dao be In dH�uR N BoROwer, durin� the Iwn appMcatlon procees, yrve m�te�iflly folae or In�ceunte In1omMUon or shtemants <br /> to L�nder (or fdlsd to provide Lendar wRh any m�tarial Infortnation)h connoctlon wAh the loen evidenaed by the Note, Includinp, but not <br /> 1 � Wnit�d to, npr�t�ntatlons conceminp Bortowar's oceupancy of the PrapNty�s o princlpal resldence. It Ihls 3ecurity Inetrumant ie on a ' <br /> - �1, '' � ' IM��haid, Borrowu shdl compy with �q the provialons ot the le�se. If Bartnwer acqukea lee Utle to the Property,the le�eehotd end the <br /> �' � �,i � fM dW sh�Y not m�rpe unlns the l�nder pra�e to the m�rgK M wrtYnq. <br /> �' ' `4��1,'• � <br /> '� � � P�flo P o}S Fam 30pB 9/90 <br /> � ' ' F70PD.LMO(1�➢3) . <br /> l. � � �.;� '„ <br /> M. ..... ., <br /> i� •. . :-� - 11t9St•t-t9 � <br /> ,..� <br /> 1.. _ - <br />