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:r�� _� '� �� r, _. .__ .. <br /> . _'� ' � � --- .�yi::t.":�-� <br /> .._. _ i� ;q• .` <br /> _ 93, so.�0� . � � � <br /> w <br /> unnFar�cov� i.�+dw oow�.m.�.o�....iowow.: <br /> _ L rar�M M ��Mw�■I aM Mww.eorroMr.r.h.0 a�ompw anr wn.n dw a,.prinoiva.a.nd�toi� _ <br /> W — `---=---- mdwManM�Nnosno�qWUMhtO�. �l��nals�ah�rpNyP�a��na�now.�no�p�ldwwi �an -- <br /> any Ruwn Advana�Nound bY tl��ONd a�fua. <br /> ; �. /uM�iorT� I�a�eRg�p�otlo�PP��bM1�walo�writMnw�h�►bf►L�nd�r.Borrow��h�Ilp�rbL�'iK <br /> ,: „A,,.�,�,�,,, onthsdarmo�tnlyi bautlnolPU�ndInNnNeanpyabl�unelMtM�toM.w�INh�NolraP�dlniuU,.�wn(h�ein <br /> -:,;. '.Fund�'1 o0ua�b a�-M�twa of iha ysarty tuca and epsa�l�wlMch � �tt�ln ow�tl�h DMd d Tn�M,snd <br /> yroundnnbontlNProp�A�t. �nN�PtWO�1�N�1a�PrMM���►�p��aw�"�� <br /> YMn�Y PtMnhtnl p1WNnNnt11o1'�intunno�, �y�dl a�nMOnaWy MtllnrMd Inff1�Nfl�nd bom Ikn�b 1M� bq <br /> •�' una�on t�b�b a aw�n�M and bllb and nuo�N MIIrt�tM M��of. <br /> - Th�Funds�11 b�hMd I�an batiitutlontl�d�po�fbor�caounbolwhbhrnimwndapwra�� aF�d�l a�M <br /> --- ---p,�-- ap�nay I�noludinp I.�dw I.�d� u����).���PP�y th� nd�tap�y taid WcM,s�Mn�l� <br /> -i�-��"^��t:tr in�un a�Prsmiurtau�dproundnr�aL�ndK notdiarpNawholdl �nd�yinplh�F -unds,uuh►slnOpld�000uM <br /> orv�n�rinp�nOnompltlnps�id�band�l,�ntNtp�YS�w�rfnt�top tAwFund�u�d�aoUaabl�lww _ <br /> ..L.ill:]ti`.^.-"�— psrm Iuund�rtom�k�wah�ah�rp�.BomowKa�d �l►�O�ln pattl»q1n�M�MondlhNDNddTnal <br /> —_--�',,�,��,:*�?s>a;-°;�;� ht �t Im�rest on ih�Fund�sh�ll ee P��0 8orrow��nd unlNa�uch�p�Mrrnnt b mad�or�oolloalb�law�i�won <br /> - - int�r�it to b�wld.l.wfdK sh�ll eot b�nquind l0p�BoROw�►�ny inMr�aoram�n�a on Ihi Funds.lw�d�r�b <br /> 7�:; ' f�,',-..:..{ :'' lr�+ BOROWH.WI�houtoha�.an�nnwlaacou�qW1MF ndt kq cndilSlu�d �6fbblMFun��ndtl� �a <br /> '� �.,.�. t�. whiCh��ohd�bfttotl�Fundsw�mad�.Th�Funds�p��dp�d��iy�addiNomlNauritytord�wn�s�eutidby ONdd <br /> �;�.�,,•. ' ' . : :::� <br /> _.-;�.; �i,,�r a:::_�.„��ri; T f{�Ms�mount of p�tundr hNd b�r LM�wOM��with flM h�Uus monthly ie�q�llmaflts ol Funds Wri�O�b�dw <br /> . . �.i:.., • � .,;;, d�MS of taxa.atMenNnf�,Insuru�a P►��+�a'�1My nnt�.eh�ll encad th��nwwN nauind 10 pN aid MucM, <br /> aa�s�m�na.f��n w Pnmlum�and 9rou�d nms asmonih�i�t�k+inls a nd�lf tha'i�inoun o1�Fun�d�hNd�1�y <br /> f:,,.. � . . � pranPtly rp id b Nrrowar or cndlMd io 8arowK on <br /> Lend.►•ha'I otb.w�toop�►woe�.e�nb,�neurana.a►�mium..nd�ro��tW rw�e.sru�.�►aua,..9oaoww.r�l _ <br /> : pay to I.�nd�r� a�nouM Mc�tY b mMc�uP tl1�dMici�ncy within 30 d�ys fro�n fh�dab notie�Is n�iMd b�r L�Mr b <br /> i...�_r'� ;•. ..-_� "' BonowK n4�WYm�nt ttw�wL � c. <br /> ., . UponWfrm�ntln1u11M�IIwrmMCUrodbythh0s�dofT�ua.L�ndanhallpranptlyrdundloBonowor�mrFund�hW��Op <br /> Lendsr.If und�r p�apraph 18 h�aof 1h�P�optAf►is aold orfhsi�rop�rtflisoth�rwlwacqufndby Lsnds�,LendsrthNl�ly, <br /> ' � nol�t�rth�nimm�daeN►rpdortotMad�ofthsPropsrtyorlteecqu��afttonbyL�nd�r.�nd�u�cbh�tdbyl�nd�rnth�Nmsot =-_ <br /> ' �` applicatlon as a aredit apainst the sume aseurod bY 1Ms Desd o1 Trust -- .. <br /> : , y ,. 3. AppNaaHa�d P�1�.Unls�applicable law arovW»athsrwi�s,all p�ymsnts�ecaived by Lendsr und�r the Nate __ <br /> and para raphs 1 and 2 sh�ll bs appllsd by L,end�N�in p�ym�nt of amou�t�p�ya4N to Lender by 8onow�►under <br /> � `,;:.._• :.;, ParagrsP�2hsreof,th�ntolnbr�tpayabl�onth�Not�.th�ntoth�Principdoflh�Nob.�ndtFnntofnt�ratmdprincippl on <br /> � .t..;;.;. ' eny Future Advu�ca. <br /> ; �•,-.�,;-,�1, 4. U�ns.Bornow�►s�hslipay a�lltezes.assaamenb�ndothsrcharyas,HnesendlmPoiltlontatbibut�bieloZhe — <br /> � � 1%�;;;.;,;r.; PropsAy ich m�ydWn a prforilY avsr tlu�D�sd of Trusk u�d IaWhMd p�ynNnb or��ouM nnb�N�ny,in th�mnvier _ <br /> provlded und�►pu�pnW�2 hs►eot or.if not�afd fn wch m� BonowK maldn�payment wh�n du�,dl►�ctlyb�e - <br /> payM thsnof.Bonowr shdl P�mPUy wmlah to l.ertde�aH natfc�s of emounb dus unde►thi�p�apraph.and M th�ev�aM <br /> Borrower ehnll make� dlnctly.Borrow�r shsll PromD11Y fumith to I.snd�r►eceiPb wid�nain4 fuehp�yn�ntt, -- <br /> ' � ,�, ;..�;}�---- --_ Borrower shNl promp di�ch�rq�aml lisn wAiob I�s priaHy owr tbb Os�A ol TrusC Prornaed.that 8orrowK�twii not i� <br /> :..,�s;.., ;. �y requindtodiscturq�a�r suehli�nsolon0uQlonowushsll�gresinwdNnpt�th�payrt�ntoftheoblbatlon�eeundby�uch <br /> F� Iien in�m�nnsncc�pLbtero Lerwl�r,or ah�ll in pood taitA conte�t wch Ilen by,or dN�nd eMora�ment of suoh INn in,le�l <br /> ' ' i proceedl�p�which op�raD�to prwsnt ths enforc�rtNnt af the lien or foA�ilure N th�Prop�rry or�ny paR thereof. <br /> 5. Muard Imur�nat.9onow�►sh���keep ths Improvemenls�ow�xlsHng ot h�reafter er�c�d on fhe Prop�rry inwred <br />�. ' aq�inat Ioss by fke.hasuds Includ�d withln th�term"ettt�rWed covsrage",and wah other haa�ds�s LendK may�equln <br /> end in euch am�+unb and for sueh psdods u i.endsr mey requirs;provRled,that Lend�r thall not r uireM�tth��mount a1 = <br /> �t •` such eoverage uccNd t�t�mount of eev�ap�nqulrec�to pay th�suma sacured by thls ONd of�Nac <br /> Thi�insurancsc�MerprovldlnptheMSUranaedullb�chos�nby 8onowar�ubj�ottoapprovalby I.ender;providMl,tlut =. <br /> = : . „ auch approvsl shNl not bs unmasonably withheld.All premlums on inwnnce policies sh�lt bspaid in ths menner provided ! <br /> .*�� „ ,.�,� under pa�aynph 2 Mr�of not paid in fuah menns�,by 8o�rower maklnp p�ym�nt,when due,dir�ctly to th�insudinca <br /> carcier. <br />` �.• � All Insuance policie�and renewal8 therwt ahall be in farm acceptabb to Lender and shell Includs a standard mortpaye � <br /> �,; clsuae in levo�of and in brm acceDleble to Le�de�.Lends►shell heve the rf�ht to hold ths oollaNs and ronswtls tlN►�of;and , <br /> Bonower�hall prompUybrnish to Lender all renewel noticeaend ell recsfpfsof paid prom�ums.ln thswent otl�s�.Bortowe� <br /> • ah�llgfvspromptnoQcelothelnsur�ncecarrle►andLender.lendsrmeym�k�proofoflossifnotmadepromptlybyBortowu. — ' <br /> Unless Lender and 8orrowrr otharrvlssagree�n wHdny,Ineurance procaedsshsll bs�ppll�dto►abradonor rep�irof the . <br /> +M1 PropeAy damayed,proWded wch re�toratlon or repair is economioally feaslbl�and ths sscurity of this Deed of Tn�stis not <br /> � thereby impsired.If euah ratoradon or repWr is not economlcelly feaeible or il the seau►iry of fhis Oaed of Truet woWd be <br /> � "'• impaired.the ineurance Ixoaaeds ahall be epPlied to the sums seaured by this Daed of Trust,with the sxcesf,it any.pafd m <br /> Borrower.lf the Pr o p erry la�bsndoned by Bor►ower,or if Borrowsr fells to reapond to Lender within 30 dey�frcm the date <br /> � � noGce fs msiled by l.en d sr to B onower thet the Inswance canfer oHers to aetds e cleim for insuancs benefib.Lendsr le <br /> authoMZed to cdlecl and apply t�heTr� ncs procesds at l.�nder's optlan elther to renondon or rep�f�of ttN PropeAy or to <br /> th�sums�ecured by thls O�ed <br /> Unlens Lender and Barower otherwiasegres In wriHng,any euch application of proneeds to principal shell notsxtlnd a <br /> poatpons ths dus dote of tfis monthly Inatallmants referred to!n perayrapha 7 end 2 hereof or chenpe the Mnount o1 auch <br /> � matellments.lf under pa�a ph 16 hereot the Properry is acquired by Lendar,all righR tltle and Interesi ot Borrow�r in�nd to � <br /> anyinaurancepoliclea InandtotheprocesdstheroofreauftingfromdamegetofheProperlypriorMthesaleoncqubition , <br /> shall pass to Lender to the extsnt of the suma aecured by thla Deed of Truet fmmediately prior to auch aale or acqui�idon, <br /> , � 8. Pr�unadon�ndMalnhmne�afPropKt�r;L�a�oldr.CondominNans;PUne�dUnN Borrowershall i <br /> � keep the Property In good reRA�r end aholl not cammit waate or permit Impafrment of dete►foreNOn o the Propsrty and shall <br /> complY w�ththeprovfaionaofanyleaseitthfaDeedotTruatisoneleasehold.IfthlaDeedofTruatlsonaunitinecondominium ' <br /> or a planned umt development,9orrower ahall perlorm all 01 Borrower'a obllgatlons under the decleraUOn or covenente <br /> � ` creating or govemmg the condomin ium or planned unN developmen�the by-lews and regulatlons of the condomlNum or <br /> � planned unfi developmen�and constituent documents.If a condominfum or plenned unN development ride�ia exauted by <br /> i Borrower and recaded together wlth thia Deed of Truat,the covenenta and a reements of euch nder ahell be inoorporeted <br /> � � �nto antl shell amend end supplement the covenanta e�d agreements of this�eed of Truat es If ths rider wen a p��t hersof. . <br /> • 7. ProheNon ot L�nd�r's S�ourit�r.lf Borrower falls to perlarm fhe covenunte end ayreements contalnad fn ihls Macf of <br /> , Trus�or if any actfon orp�ocaedlnp�e commenced with materially eBeob lender'e intere�t in ths Propsrty,including but not � <br /> i�mltedto.em�nentdomein.inaolvency,codeenforcementorarrengemenlaorproceedln9ainvolvinqabenkruptordecedent • <br /> . then Lender at Lender e opdon,upon notice to Borrower,mey make suCh appearances.disbu�ae suCh auma and take such <br /> . actlon as ia neceaaary top�otect Lender's fnterest Including,but not llmlted to,dlaburssmentof re�aonebleattomey'a fas and <br /> entry uponthePropertytomekerepelre.IfLenderrequiredmatgepefneuranceaseconditlonofinekingtheloanaecuredby <br /> , , the Deed of Truat,Borrower enall pay the premwms•equired to ma�ntaln auch inaurance In sffect unW auch dme u the <br /> � requirementforeuchf�wrancetsrmmateainaccordancewfthBoROwer'aandLender'swntten�g roementor�ppIlcslbelew. <br /> ,i � 9orcow�r ehall pay the emaunt ot all mortgape Inaurance permiums in th�manner prowded undir peaqraph 2 hsroof. <br /> Any emounro disbuned by Lendar purauant to thla peragraph 7, with Interost thereon, ahall become sddltlonel <br /> �_. . .. '_ . . , ...w�w��wwu�n�pnnn�r�r�scuredbvthfS089dOfT�uStUrlleasBorrowsrendLenders4reetoothertsrmsolpaymsn�such <br /> � amounls shell be p�1Iebls upon notice Irom Lender to Borrower requeaffng payment heroof.end shell bsor intero8t f►om tne <br /> � � dateofdi�buraemenlattharetepeyablafromtfinetotlmeonoutatending prfncfpalundertheNOteunleasDaYmentofintereat <br /> at such rate would ba contrery to app�lceble lew,fn which event auch amounta ahell bear�nterest et the higheft�ate <br /> � perm�eaibte under appllc�bl�I�w.Nothfnq conteined In thla pareqreph 7 ahall reqwre landerto incurany�xpensaa fake any <br /> !• action henundsr. <br /> ;� e. Insp�ctlon.Lender rnaY meke or cauae to be made reaaonable enlHesupon and fnapectlona ot the Prope�1y pravided <br /> � ihat Lender ahell give 6orcower noUCe pnor to any auch inspection epeciying�eaeoneble causetherelorereleted fo Lender's <br /> - �nter6et+n the PrOperty. <br /> t� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �` . <br /> Y� <br /> . f • � <br /> s . . ___ _ _ . __. .__ __. .___ _. __—_— ._ . . ��'..__ _ —. __ <br />