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. , . •� <br /> EXHIBIT "A" �� 99� 1�`S4'49 <br /> q part of the Northeast Duarter of the Southwest Duarter ot Saction 24 , <br /> Township 21 North , Range 10 West of the 6th P ,M . , Hall Caunty, Nebras ka , <br /> described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner ot ttie Southwest <br /> Duarter ( SW1/4) of Section 24, Township il North, Range 10 West, running <br /> thenc� South on the EasterlY line of said Quarter a distancs of 90 feet to <br /> the point of beginning , running thence south a distanc� af 90 feet , thence <br /> running West parallel to the North line of said Quarter Section a distance cr <br /> 163 feet; thence running due North parallel to the East line or" said Duartsr <br /> Section a distance of 90 feet, thence running due East para�?e1 to the Nor�7 <br /> line oT said Quarter Section a distance or 163 feet to the place of beginnin5 <br /> exc�pt�ng a certain tract c�eeded to the City of Grand rsiand , Nebraska mor� <br /> part?cularly described in Deed recorded as Document No . 91-106832 . <br />