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�.��� ��:; _ <br /> ___ _ _. _ �. . __ �. ___ -_. ___ _-_- _ ___ <br /> _- �� � f .. � , <br /> �...,. ,� 93. io� <br /> . ., <br /> a co.e.�.���a�oc� a awm�or dam.o..,dkaae«aon..w�wr.M�+.a�on w�a+.n�► <br /> cond�mr�tlon aoVNr tikfnQof th�Prop�Ay.a P�thK�of,ata conw�r�ain iMudaondNnnMOA.iri7lM�y�1W <br /> - --- — <br /> �nd�all b�p�id�o l��d�r. ___ <br /> --- - --.� --, in»+s e�ven�r���Mrr�M�nw amu�r�y,�nsp�r�ds.neN e»a�d�w�waias�eund by M�a OMdnt TiwtwMb r_ <br /> th��xcar,i�an�►.wld a BarowM.�n�awrnt ot R paMd��1 a�fM�p�!,unlM�BarowK�md t�oM+lilwiw <br /> �prNinwrNinp,tlf�nslM1lbel�l�dbMf�wm�MCUWbythifOMOMT iWen OfU1�{'M Mt��qIM1b <br /> -_ thatproPOrtlonwMOhtM�nw�tnldH'wwmsNCUndbythistlMddTtuqhnm�li�Mh►�p�btlMeMIM�1�1�qbMnbM» <br /> == fau manuc wuw of th� Nnm�di�lNy o�►to fh�wN o1�id�,wHh ttN b�W�a d th�proeNd�O�Wio BoROw�r. <br /> �[,� it th�P�op�ny�s N�upi�by 8ono�w�e.a M,afar notic�bfr �ndw b 8arow�►tl�f 1h�a�nd�laoq�b rta��n <br /> € ewm!cr s�uN�c1�Im fot damape�.9onow�r hi1�to n�por�q M l�ndKwitlYn 90 dar dMr1lw d�MwoA no11o�i�eWMd. <br /> �entlss�s�uttwn�db colNat and�pay tM WoaW�,d L�rxla's apMeM+,�►to ntlora�wn a npNrd�P�op�rly.a 10 <br /> _:i� ihA tumt�saurNd b�t thb O��d ol Tru�t. <br /> ;=rtY����� Un�as�enduand8o►raw�ralh�wts��On��nwrflir�,any wcN�ppliesatlanofPr�d�mP���h■IIno1��Nuidor <br /> - Po�lpone m�dw da.a�r,�r+�sdumaw r.w►ed a in p�rp��pNa 1�nd Z Mr�of a ch�nq�th�amou�M d woA <br /> TM�,�u:va� intnllm�nb. <br /> _� --��_;� to. eorrow�rNaR.M...�i.Ext�n�fo��orpaym.ntosmoaNlcauoea.nio�am�onau+..ums..a,nee�rM�H <br /> OMp of Truat qru�Md by l.�nel�r Fo any succ�no►f n IntKNt of 6onowK�MII not opKtl�b r�Irw.In�n�r mam�M IM <br /> ����:�,� Iiabllltyotth�or�pinalBomawKand6orrow�►'�sucawonlnMnstLMKMr�h�Ilnotb�nqulndbooenmM�a�prOONdlnos <br /> �p�nae�ucn sue�uor or n1uN�o�xl�nd tln�la p�Ym�nt a oltwrwb�modly�Non a 11N w�n�s�ound by�hl� <br /> De�O af Trust by rNton of�ny dMn�nd m�die by fls�Orlpin�l BarowM�nd 8ofrowM'�wooM�ofs In InIMM�. <br /> 11. fo�b�ano�by LMdw NN a IM�My forbMnno�!W L�nd�►in ac�WsUq anf►rlpM o►ra�NO�r hN'MN�r o► <br /> =�-., oth�n�nM dfOfd�d Oy �ppllO�bN I�W..�wi�a a.w•�a o. NI��x�folM Of�II�I f110h rlpht o► 'T1N <br /> �. � . pracunm�ntoflqauti�aotth�p�Ymmtol�orothKll�nsae�byLKW�r�hdlnolb��w�fv�►afl.mdarrr b <br />: �..,i;k rt �i. �cwi�na th�mauxxlly ol eh�ind�blsdrNq Maund by thh O�d of Truq. <br /> � 1 Z. R�dhs Cirnut�llw All nm�diM provlMd In thN ONd ol Tniu an dbanat and eumu Wiw fo any oaf�r or � <br /> �:.�.."�_:.•�.,.� ��m�dyund�rthl�ONddTrusta�Nard�Obyl�wa�quiry.�ndm�yb��x��dconcumntly.l��►orM�ly <br /> jc�.,y3r'.'�.:•.°..������" 13. QuCe�MOi��IdAMi�11��0�MMIiJONItMdM�HILI�bilrC�lfOM.Th�COYN111114�11d- �NII� Irf1p 1 1�N f I C 0 1 1 1 i k 1�d 4 <br /> � �``. , �hall bind,and th�rlphbh�nundK shNl inur��rap�cNwsucaaaors u�d ua1pni Of��w and 8orrow�r,oubjtatto - - <br /> � � th�Pronsionsofparapr�phl7h�noLAllcov�nbandapiNrt�nbot8orrowe►shallMJolnfandtw�raLTh�captloroand <br /> p � � ha�dinqs ot th�panpnphs ot thl�DNd of Tn�st an for conwM�na only and�n not to b�uNCI�o int�rprN a ddirn th� <br /> ; ``. :: . ..`^ provlalona�ersof. - <br /> • � -- ' {' � 1�. Notle�.Except fa any�odcs nquind und�r applieable law to bs qlven in Another m�nnsr,p)�ny noda to BoROwer <br /> pravldedforfnthisONdotTrustth�llbsylv�nbymsillnp eucMnoticebycsAlN�dm�fladdr�dtoBonowNatlh�P►ap�rty <br />,, Addrese or at such afh�raddresf�s 8onow�r m�y daipn�b by notics lo I.�nd�r�s provided henin,and(b)�ny nodc�to <br /> � Isnd�nhallb�qfvenby aAiflsdm�il.retumnceipt►equested.toL.�nder'aadd►sss�tabdh�slnortowchotiNraddrasn <br /> . • . � Lend�rmaydssipntlsby�odC�toBortowKaOprovfdMherain.Anynodeeprovid�dforinlhl�DMdolTrultsh�Ilb�dNrti�d <br /> � to h�ve bMn yfv�n to 6onow�r ar L�nd�r wh�n qlv�n in ths manner dabmt�d h�nln. <br /> � �14.1 "Requ�st lor Noda.Trustor�nd ben�Hcl�ry roqua�t th�t a copy of ury notlos of d�fault and notbs ol taN m�tl�or <br /> exacuted by th�Trwt«pursuantto th�provblona hareol6e s�nt to the Truftor and Ben�ifci�ry at Melr rsspeotfv�nuiilMy -- <br /> . ----- addrea��t iortii aDow." ° <br />�. ��� � 15. Uoflorm OMd d TrusM.Gov�minp Law;S�wablBlp The lorm of desd of truat combinea uniform covenanq for <br />;,..� '..�;� � nadonal ues�nd non-uMform cov�nents with Iimltsd variatbna by�urladlcUon ta conedtute a unilorm aecurity Instrument <br />�„� ;�.t..�: } cowrinp real p►opsAy.This Deetl of T�ust ehall be qoverned by the law of the�urfsdicdon in whlch th�Prap�Ay ia lOCated.In <br /> ,;, the�vant that any provhlon or clauas of thls Dead of Truat or the Note confllcb wllh eppUoabls lew,such canNlct ehdl eot <br /> . affect oth�r provisiona aflhle Deed of Truator ths Notewhich cen be yiveneffectwfthoutthe conflicdny provisions,and W this <br /> ���. end th�provisfona ot th�Oe�d of Tru�t and the Nota ara declared to be eeverablo. <br /> ` td. BoROw�r'�Copy.Borrower�hpll b�turniehed a conformed copy of th�Nots and of thls DNd of Trust et ths tlme of <br /> ex�cutwn or att�r racordatlon�eraot. �y,.� <br /> ��, ��M_'__.. <br /> s . 17. Trsnst�r of th�Prop�rt�r;Asaumptlon.If all or any peh of the propsrty or an Ints►ast merein b sold or transferrod by <br /> rG Borrow�rw8houtlender'spnorwrittenconeens,excludfng(a)thecreadonof�Benaeneumbranceaubordin�tetothia0ead =— <br /> !G <br /> of Trua4lb)the e�eadon of a purahasemoney aecuny Intereatforhouaehold appliancea,�c►e transfer by derissdascentor by �``� <br /> operatlon of law upon thedesth ota jofnttenantor(d)the g►antof anyleaeeholdinterest of throe yssnor lea notconhinfnq en <br /> �� optbn to purehese,Lendsr may,at Lende�'a opdon,declareall the sums aecursd bythia Oesd ol Truat to be immedietelydus <br /> •,h�", ' and payable.Lender slull heve walved such opdon to accelerete it,prlor to the aele or transfsr.Lender and the person to <br /> whom the Propsrty ia to be aold or transferred�each aqreement in wridnq thet ths credit of euch peraon ia aadafectory to �,_. <br /> ;��•�� � Lender and thet the fnterost payable onthe sums aecured by thia Deed of Truat ahall be at auch rate as Lenderahell requeat H � <br /> ; �:�: � lenderhea wawed ths opdon to acce�erete provlded in thia paragraph 17,end if Borrower'a aucceasor fn interesthes executed � . <br /> a wdtten aasumpQOn agreemsnt occepted In wrftlnp by lender.Lender shall releafe Borrow�►Irom all obll�auons underthis <br /> DeW of Trusf end the Note. �° <br /> If Lendsr exe►cieea�uch opUOn to accelerete.Lender shall maN Borrower not�ce of accelsratlon m accordance with <br /> . pan4rapn14hereotSuchnoticeahallprovideapenodofnotlessthan30dayafromthedatethanobceiamailedwlthinwhfch �,' <br /> • Borrower mey pey the euma declared due.lf 80�rower falls to pay auch auma pnor to the expirat�on of such penod,Lender <br /> mey,without lu�ther nobce or demand on Bonower,invoke any remedies perrtntted by paragraph/8 hereot. _ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COYENANT8.Borrow�►�nd L�ed��furlh�r cov�mnt and�qrM s IoNowr. <br /> td. ACCNnadon;RNnWI��.ExCept as provfded in paragtaph 17 hereof,upon 8orrower'a breach of any covenent or • <br /> agreement of 9orrowerm thla Deed ct Trust.incluaing the covenanta to pey wnen due any auma aecured bythia Oeed of Trus� ," <br /> � Lender pnOr to acCeleraaon shall med notice to Borrower as provlded In paragreph 1•t hereof speci1ying:(11 the breech;12)the � <br /> action required to cure such breech:13)a date.not leas than 30 days Irom the date the notlCe is maiied to Bor� which � <br /> ' such breach must be cured:and 14)thet fatlureto cure auch breach on or before the date apecdfed in the not�ce may reault in <br /> � acceleration ot the sumnaecured by thls Deed ot Trustand sale of the Property The notice shell further inform 8orrower of the • <br /> - rlght t0 re1n810t@ BRBf aCG@I@ratl0n 8fld the flght to bflfl�8 COUf18C110f1 t0 8SS@n the nOn-exlBtenC@ Ot 8 d918U11018ny Oth6r <br /> � defenae ol8orrowerto acceieranon ane sale.II the breach is not cured on or before the date specdied In the notice.Lender at <br /> Lender's optfon maydeelare a110l the aums secured by th�s Deed of Truatto be�mmed�etely due antl payable w�thout further <br /> , demand enn mey invoke the power of sale entl any other remed�es permittetl by appuC�bte lew.Lender ahe�l be entrtled to <br /> • . colleetall reasoneble Co9tsand expgnse8�ncurred in purswng Ihe remedies prov�ded.n the peraqraph 18,fnciuding,but not <br /> , i limitea to.reaeonaWe atlorney s fee8. � <br /> If the power of sele ie mvoked,Tru9t�e ahAll record a nobce of dAtault in each counly In whiCh the Property or eome part <br /> thereof Is located and ahall ma�l cop�esof suGh nohCe�n tne manner preaCnbea by epplfceble law to 8orrower and to theother <br /> . peroona preacrfbed by eppncabb law.AHer the lapse of such time ea mey be reqwred by appNceble law,Truatee ahall glve <br /> , , publfc nodce of sele to the persona and in the manner preacnbed by appuceble law.Truates.wfthout dementl on Borrower. <br /> shell aell the Propsrty atpublfc auction to the h�gheet bidder at the tlme and plece antl under theterma deafgnated in Me notice <br /> ,� of esle m on�or moro percela and fn sucn order aa Trustee may determme.Truatee mey poatpone sale ot all or any parcel of <br /> , the Property by publlc announcement at the bme and place of any prev�ousiy sch�tlulad sele,Lende►or lender'a des�pnee <br /> _ _ •L.. __ _. may purchas�ths Property at any sale. <br /> r" - UpOfIfCCelptOtpeym@ntOtt�Ep�ICeD�O, INb1@95�911O9UV9►tOtf�@pU►CnesOriru6iee6deeCCanvey��y ine�iv{mi�r6viu. <br /> The reatela in the Truates's tleetl ahell be Dnme fac�e evidence ot the truth of the statements mede therein.Truatee ahell apply <br /> : � theproceedaoftheaalemthefotlowinqo�tler.laltoallreaaonsblecoatsentfexpRneesofthesele.fncluding,butnotllmitedto, <br /> ( Trustes'sleeaofnotmoretnen 96otthe grosasaleprice.reasonabieattorney'afeeaandco�tsoftltleewdence: <br /> ' �. Ib)to atl sume aecured by thfs Oeed ot TrusG and Ic)the exaesa.if any,to the peraon or persona lepelly entitled thsreto. <br /> �.s 1�. 6onowa's RtyM b R�Natrt�.NoMrlthatendmg Lender's acceleration of the auma aecured by lhia Deed of Trua� <br /> ''r ' EorrowsrehellhavetherighttoheveanyproceedingabegunbyLendertoenforcethaDeedofTruatdfsconbouedatenytfine <br /> ; � pnor to the earller tooatur of(i)the Nflh day betorethe aele of the Property pursuantto the power of sale contam0d in dte Deed <br /> ot Truet�1II entry of a judgment entorcing thia Oeed of Truat d:(a)Borrowsr pays Lendar all auma which woultl bb then due <br /> untlsr thia Deed of Truaf.the NoM end notea eecuring Future Advancea,if eny,had no acceleratlon occured,lb)Borrower <br /> � � curea all breaches of any other covenente or ag�eemente of Borrower contawied In thls Deed of Truat(c)Barrower pays all <br /> . reasoneble expen�es Inctm�d by Lendsr end Trueteeentorcingthe covensntsand agreementa of Borrower contalned In Mls <br /> • Deed of Truatand in snlorcing lender'e and Truatee'a remedisaaa provlded In peragraph 18 hereo},Including,but not Nmited <br /> � ; � • to,roeeonebleettamsy'efess:and(d►Bonowertekeaauchacdonaslentlermayreesonablyrequirstoae�ursthstthsllsnof <br /> ' thH Desd of TrusL Ls�d�r'�Intenst m the Propsrry and 8o►►ower's obllg�don to pay ths aums secured by thle Deed of Truat <br /> ' � � shell Contlnue unimpwknd.Upon such payment and cure by Bonower,this Oeed of tru�t antl the oblfgations eecured hereby <br /> � ahW nm�in in full fora and�fl�ct ae�f no accN�ntlon h�d ocoumd. ' <br /> S ! <br /> � <br />