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1�� ' .''� -�r ��c ` _ _ _.i� s���`- -.--_ .— <br /> ;di Y . <br /> .• <br /> �� .�.__�_ _ .�.,�.� � . 93„ - <br /> �►P^��ti� <br /> sa�s <br /> f. Ceed�lMiw�.The procNd�ol any aw�ra ar ci��m lor aamaq��,G�nct or conNpwntl�l,ln opluNOtlpn wfM1�ny <br /> coed�mnatlnn orolA�r i�kl�Mlh�p�op�rty.prpar�ttl��pf,a la canv�y�nc��n INiu W oond�n�nMipn.aI�flM�byaMlqn�d <br /> ana.nau aa�da�.Ma�r. <br /> �_-_ In Yw wrM a1�IoW hlung d 1h�PraMrry�the�Q�otesde she�1 bo applled!o Ih��unM MouMd b�r MH�Ql�da�Ttu!!,wNlt __ . <br /> Ih�����ss.N ae►y�MNI b Mre�r�r M Ilw�w�!�Jf.��R�!!I lwY11M?��l��P1MMt4;�.t!!IN!�s�^�M!Y!!Q!f!C!!!�•C�ltSS".!� - - <br /> -----_ �p►A�Inw�fNn�.tMn�hallfs��pp�I�dbtMwm�MCUndbytbi�I�dofTru�Fiuohpropo�tlonolM�p�pp��pa�qtMlb <br /> _ Ihatpr0p0I.lonwhlohlh�amouniotth�wmss�out�dby1h1I1Q0�dofTrWtltnnNdlaNlrprlorbfMd�i�oflNtl bMpbtlw <br /> '— — I�i►m a t k N v Nw o l M N Prap�rty irt�m�fl�tNy prlor to dl�d�l�o)U1k1np,wlih Ih�bWnG of Ih�proONd�p�l/�6orrowN. <br /> ,�., 0 th�P�op�rty I��b�ndon�d by 8orrowu,or 0,�1t�r nono�by Lend�r b BwrowK thal tM conWn�na ofNr�b mak��n <br /> Awor d or s�l q�a c l aim lor d anwqaa,E�o rroww lolls to ro�pond to Londpr w�Ihln 30 daw�INr IM d�M a�ah noda�i�nwN�d. °---� <br /> Le�d�r u authotlib b coll�el�nd�pply th�proeNd�,�t L.�nde'�optlon,MthM b rMlaaUOn a np�N ot IM P�op�fy a b <br /> ���� ih�wm�s�cund by fhl�ONd of Tru�t. <br /> _ ,__,�.Q�:�.,�..;�,�,. UnlysL�nd�r��d8orrows►ofherwlss�p�NmwrllMg,�nywchapplic�tionolprocNd�toprfnolpdsh�Ilnat�zHndor <br /> _ pottpons th�dw d�t�of Me monthly imallm�nb nl�rr�d ro fn p�npraph�1�nd�hK�ot or ahanp�qf��mount of suah <br /> - Jnsallmenb. <br /> /0. Oonow�No1 RNNNd.Extene�on ot 1hs Umetor paymentor modllloatlon ol�morlizsdon o1 th�wma wcund bythis <br /> -����' k>' Desd ol T�up�ranted by Lendsr to any suCCeuor In intere�t ol Bo►rowsr�h�ll�ot op�►ats to�N�,in sny m�nrnr,th� <br /> --- — _.-�:.�.� liabllity of th�oriqfnal Bonowe�end Bor►ower's�ucces�ors Intar�ef.Lender�h�ll not bs requlred W commencaproae�dinps <br /> a�alnst such suee�ssor or rsfu�s to extend dms for paymsnt or otherwiss modlty�matlsatlon d th�sums a�eur�d by Ihis <br /> � OMd ot T�usl by�a►son ol any dam�nd m�de by th�a1qi�N 8onowe►snd BoRaw��aucoafas in N�rwt <br /> 11. Fa�bw�br��ntlr Nol�1N�Iwr.Any tor0a�rance by Lender In�xKCisirq�m ripht a n�n�dy h�nwWK.or <br /> ,a��n_ `�` othe►wise aflo►dsd by applicabla Isw,shaN not be a w�roer of or preclude ihs�xMCf�e al�ny auch ripM w�Th� <br /> w procurem,sntofioawanceofthepaymentottaxeaorothe►liensorCha►�esbyL�nd�rsh�Ilaotb�awaiv�rofL«ubr's Mb <br /> --.=::�,��"`�` `� ��;r.•�;` accele►are ths m�Nrily of the indebtedneu secured by thia Deed of Trus� <br /> _ • ._�i}jt,;'��G:;:.� 1�. N��diM Cw�Mw All�emediea pravided in Ihis Oeod ol Trust are distlnct aad cumulaGve to any othar►pht or � <br /> ,.:.;�-,. .. : • ,w•:.; remedyunderlhisDaedoiTrustoraflordedbylaworequiry,andtn�ybeexerciaedconcuRently.independentlyorsuCCes�ively. -- <br /> �:; „:;�. . ,, c , 13. SueewonandAaip�M6ow�d:.loiMa�dB�vKalLi�hWrC�pYons.Thecovenanlaandnagreelnentsher�inco�Wmd � <br /> r,. • : ::•,;,,�;�,t�,.:�;,,,.� sf�allbind,andthedghhhereunderahallioureto,thereapectiveauccesaonandauig�sofl.e derAndBoROwe�.aub�sctto _ <br /> ��• �'�� •��•°^•:•:r, theprovia�onsotparaqraphli hereof.Allcovenantsandagreementsot8orrowerahallt�s�ointandaeverel.Thecepdonsand � <br /> ' :�J-,� '�'•}r���?�;'�`'•.''.._ ,� heedinge of the p�ay�eph�ollhia Deed ol Truat are tor convenlence only and are not to be used io interp►et ar deHne the <br /> �y.` i�1;�l:.}tirl���ti�l�����•� ,,_..: p10Y�8�Oh&hQ1�@O�. _ <br /> .��t•.'.' L'a:1r.:�t�lti ����,rrr�'►i�i <br /> �j,���j:y�.,;�,,���,r�,; 4 14. Noiia.'E�ceptloranynoticerequirepunderapvlicablelewtobegivenmanothermanner,(a)anynodceto9orrower -- "_� <br /> , .; � lr° - providedforinlhiaDeedotTruslshallbegive�bymaflingsuchnWicebycertlliedmalladdreasedloHonoweratlheProperty ��'"-'� <br /> ,r , ',:;rr �,��j��; �n ..:--' Address o�at auch other addreas as Borrower may deaianale Dy notice to Lende�as provided hereln,end(b)aoy notice to _ _ <br /> , ' •�+�.•�• • lender ahall he given by ceAilied malL retum receipt requeated,to lender's addreas stated herein or to such othsr addressas �- <br /> ' � • � {' Lendermaydesignatebynoticeto8orrowerasprovided�ereln.Anynoticeprovldedforinthfs0eadotTrustahallbed�emed ---� <br /> .. ��• to have been given to BoROwer ar Lender when gfven fn the manner desiynated herein. "`- <br /> '(�� ��`��';!.« ��; � R � •14.1 "RequeatforNotice.7ruato►a�dbeneBclaryrequeatthatacapyotanynoticeotdet�ultandnoticeofsalemedeo� �_.__- <br />• `:'' .�•''br�,,;:;;1;�{� °;'� �;, executed by the Truatee purauaM to the provlslOns he�eol be aeM to the Trustor and 9enefiCiary at tAeir re�pective maillnp �-� <br /> ' . F � ` addresies sel bAh BbOve." <br /> . �!, �' ':;f�1 !s. !�i�!a!7'�at;flava ' <br /> , ,,, ,.�r.t r•,;.-�=;� sr�s�Law;EsvarabllNy. Tt�,e tarm o(da�.w"a�irust tar�bir�aa u+�ii�r�r���vananie tor �� <br />. , neUOnal use And non-unitorm covenants with limited vanallpn9 by Jur�sdiction to cansUtute a unilorm aecu►iIy inet►ument <br /> ��``.•'�.�.��������."� covenng real property.Thia Deetl ot Trus9 shal!be governeq Dy the law o1 the�unstlicfion in which the Properiy la located.ln _ <br />, the evem tAat any provisfan or clause of�f�is Deed nl Trus1 or the Note conlbcts with appNcable law.auch conflict ahell not p���:-- <br /> i � aKect other provlsbnsof thls Oeed ot Trustor Ihe Note which tan be given eflect without the confUctlnp provleions,end to thla <br /> ' n° ' end the provfsiona ot the Oeed of T►ust and the Nore are declared ta be severeble. --- <br /> ' , 1A. 8a►oM�'�Cop�.8o�rower ahell be furmehed e conlormed copy ol the Note and o1 this Deed ot T�ust at lhe tlme of <br /> 4 execullon oraRerrecordatlon hereot. .. . ��,: <br /> 17. TrandN ol lh�Prop�rty;Aaumpdon.lf all or any part p1 the pR�operty o�'An'Inteasl therei��a aotd or tranalerred by — <br /> .. Borrower wilAout Lender's pnor wntlen ca�senl,excluding(a►thecre9Up�of e lie�or encumbrence subordfnete to th�s Deed <br /> ' olTruat,Ib�thecreat�onofapurchasemoneysecuntyintereslfo�►at►ensferbydevisedescenrorby �' <br /> i , '.• • operation of low upon the death ol a�omt tenent or�d►thegrant of any Ieaaehold mterestof fhreeyearo or leaa not contafnfngan �^ <br /> ��- oprionbpwchase.Leodermay,atLender'soption,declerealllhesumsaecuredbythisDeedofTruattobeimmedietelydue -�- <br /> and payable.lender ahell have warved r,uch opUOn to acceierale if,pnor to the sale or transfe�,Lender and the perton to �f;,: <br /> ' ' whom the P�operty is to be sold or Iransferred reach agreemenl in wnting that the credlt ol such person is satlslactory to <br /> i Lender and thet thelntereat payable on the sums secured by Ih�s Deed o1 Trust shall be at auch rete ea lender shall requeal If ,..• <br /> � Lender hes waivedthe opuon to acce�erate prov�ded in this paragraph 17.and�I Bor�ower's succassor m interest has ezecuted <br /> �� a w�fften assumpt�on agreement accepted m wnting by Lender,Lender shall release 8orrower from all obliyations under thfs , <br /> , Oeed of Trusl and Ihe Note. <br /> , � If Lender exercisea auch opt�on to accelerate.Lender shall ma�l 8orrower nodce o1 acceleretion�n accordence with � <br /> � , pa�apreph 14 hereof.SuCh notice shall provide a penod ol n at less Ihan 30 days lrom the date the notice ia mailed within which <br /> Borrower may paythe sums declaretl due.If Borrower lalls to pay such sums pnor to the expuatfon of such penod,Lender <br /> , , may.w�thout lu�iner not�ce or demand on Borrower,mvoke any remediea perrtwtted by paregreph 18 hereof. �;:•. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrowe and Lend�r IuAA�r eov�nanl and ayrw as lollows: <br /> ' • 1S. AcC�IN�Ibn:RN11�di�t.ExCept as prowded in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breeCh of eny cove�ant or � <br /> , agreomenf of 8orrower in thls Oeed o1 Trust,includmg the covenants to pay when due eny sums seCUred by this Deed o1 Trust. � ''� <br /> . Lender pnor lo accelereUOn ahall mad nohce to Borroweras proaded in paragraph 14 hereol speCdying:(1►the breach:(2)the <br /> �� ` " ' acNOn requ�red to cure such breach;l3)a date.�ot less Ihan 30�fays Irom the date fhe not�ce is ma�led to Borrower,by which <br /> 7 • such breach must be cured:and(4)that ladure to cure such breach on or betore Ihe dafe speatied In the noUCe may result in i �' <br /> �� - •acceterahon of fhesums seCUred by this Deed of Trustand sale of the Properry.T15e notice shall further inform Borrower of the r: • <br /> , r�ght to reinsl8te efle►accelereUOn and the right to bnng a court action to assert the non-existence of e defeult or eny other � <br /> ! defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale If the b�each�s not tured on or before the date speCilied In the not�Ge,Lender af � � <br /> � ' � Lende►'s opUOn mey declare all ol the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust fo be immediately due and payable wrthout fu►ther <br /> � '� ; • demend end may mvoke the power of sale and Any other remedies perm�tted by applicable law.Lender shall be ent�tled to . <br /> ,��; � collect all reasonable costsand expenses incurretl in pursu�ng tne remed�esD�ovided In the paregraph 18,ineludmg,butnot � <br /> I�mded to.�easonable atlorney s fees. <br /> , � It the power of sale 1a mvoked,Trustee sha11 record a not�ce of defaWt�n each county in which the Properly or�ome part � <br /> thereof ia located end shell mad cop�es of such not�ce�n Ine manner prescribed by appl�ceble�ew to Borrower and to theother <br /> � � pe�sona prescrlbed by appl�cable law ARer the lapse of such nme as may be reqwred by appl�ceble 18w,7rustee shall give <br /> • public notice of sale fo Me persons and�n the monner prescnbed by eppl�cable lew.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, <br /> ', � �� shall aell Ihe Propehy at public auct�on to the h�ghest b�dtler at the t�me and place end under theterms designated in the not�ce <br /> ol sele fn one or more parcels end m such order as Trustee rnay determme.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel ol <br /> ''' � the Property by public an�ouncement at the t�me and place ol any previously schoduled sale.Lendtr or Lender's deargnee <br /> may purchase the Property at any snle. <br /> +� UpOn reCeipt of paymentol the pnce bid.Trustee shall delrver tothe ourchaser Trustea'a deed cenvev�ne ehw Prry,.rn,�n�n <br /> i �- .; ine recuals m tne Trustee's deed sha11 be pnma feae ev�dence of the truth of the statements mede therefn.firustee sHell apply � <br /> �' � the proceeds of the sele m the followmg order.�al to al�reasonable costs and exprsnses of Ihe aale,mcluding,but not lin:�tetl to. <br /> ';� ; •� Trustee'sfeesof not more than . .__ °�b ol the gross sale pnce,reasonable attorney's fees and coats of tltle ev�dence: <br /> Ib)to all aums secured by this Deed ol Trusl and(c)the extess,�I any,to the person or persons legglly enUtled thereto. <br /> � 19. 8atow�r'�Ri4h1 to R�MnUt�.Notw�thstending Lender's acceleretion ot the sums aecured by thla Deed of Truat, <br /> ,' .,'� .�� Borrowerahall have the righf to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce the Deed of Truat dlacontinued atany hme <br /> �, ' pnorto the eerlier to otCUr ot(i)the fiflh day befOro tho sulo ot the Properry pursuant to the power of nele r,nntained In Ihe Deed <br /> " �� ��<'��. of Trust pq entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust d:(a)8orrower pays Lender all sum�which would be then tlue � <br /> ! i 't���? " under thia Oeed ol Trus�the Note and notes secunng Future Advances,d any,had no ecceteration occured:�b)8orrower � <br /> ' ,.•",�:� . ;,.,:. .,',. cures all breaches of any other covenents or agreementa o/Borrower conteined In this Deed of Truat(c)6orrower pays ell <br /> `� ` • •• �?!;•t', reaaonable e�penaes fncurred by Lender antl Truslee enbrcmy the covenants and agreements of Borrower canteined U M�s <br /> � � � _ ; �:��t,;:,`,.;;�`.., Deed of Trustond in enforcing Lender'a and Trustee's remedies asprovlded in paragraph 18 hereo},including,but not Nmited ; <br /> � to,reaeonableattorney'�fees;and(d)Borrower takes such act�on as Lender may reaeonably requlro to aaaure that the Nen of <br /> • � :��''- '• this Oeed of Trus�Lender's lnterest in the Property nnd 8orrower's obligabon to pay the suma secured by thls Deed of Truat <br /> _ �� �'�'!'•�:'. <br /> � • _ _ shall conunue urnmpefred.Upon such payment and cure by F�►nowar.tMS fleed nf Trustand the oblfgeri0ns 9ecured hereby <br /> • ,, shall remafn in full lorce and effect as�f�o eccele�ation had occurred. <br /> � � � <br /> . <br /> � <br />