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��__.:.°:�' �._..�1��� � . . . - ;t _. - .. . ..., �. -�m�•r,...L.f'�c�'�rF-� "' -� __ . <br /> .�.7 � . . . .. .,r.. ��x.'+��"1 _ <br /> • • n . . ', ����A � � ' • <br /> nw�N'rfl+►n�r����.n+.d..�eaaou�.da+a�m.� d.rot � .�Y ,�a.8�3._..�•ner . <br /> Moorvo�Ma In+o+�e.M�N a.eN«n�d a.wn�+ana�uppNrrrn�en.Mata.o.«a..a or Trwc.n.�In.f4�►�.�«Mrd..M►: �-•.:H <br /> �Momi�► »�►a nM w�. +�a.�n�r-���f�.n:ra�mr�r«r.a to as an"Ilen�w.�'.�o s.e�w -. . <br /> ------- �+s MM�l1M�r,Mw�r e.i�d 10 ia t1r'Ni�1�".to HOYE HG�J111L iAY11�K�AND Lt�AM Aii0C1A110N OI� <br /> - — -- ----� -- --��,.,��„::.�.�,,.,,-�����M'"�+�i�M'.-n}M!i*�w!�►�!i!i�An�vi!!Ma.,, _ _ lM�--- -_ <br /> U1MfU�IMN�11d MfONI�d� ., <br /> 420p CALVIN ORIVE. GRAND ISl.AND !YE 88Q0'1 <br /> � - — IProp�M A�MM�1 <br /> . YYCiNE¢6ETN: <br /> WH�. Sor►ow�r and��nd�r haw apn�d tl�t any nnb�nd protlt��tt�Ibld�bN to t1w prop�rly�houW aon�ttlWta <br /> �ddltlayl�aurity to th�L��fa th�paymM►t Of th�Not�; <br /> NQW,THEREFORE.It la api�d tl�at th�S�cutity I�qtrumsnt thall M�mM�d�d INr�by�nd dMMird to Includr t!M Io11owN�p <br /> ProN�bns: <br /> 1. ���t of A�nts i� �!+!�e!R�nt�l Coll�cllon Riahts.8orrow�r(�►�by absolutNr ufd unoOn01ti0Dally aNIpM all <br /> r*nt�, lau� and proflts af th�prop�rty to B�nstlelary. L�ndN �hall haw t!M ripht. pow�r and wthority diulrq tiw <br /> oaMinurna ot th�.8�cu►ity Irat�un»nt to coll�at tM nnts,lrauN and profits of tM prop�rty and of�ny pKwnal propKty <br /> bo�bd tA�non w{tA a without tNclnp paswsWon ot th� prop�rt�►afhct�d h�r�b1►• L�nd�. how�wr�h�n0�►aonMnb to <br /> �qrowa•a oolNetlon�nd nbnUon of waA nnts.lrswrs�nd profits as ih�t�ccrw and b�com�p�Y+bN�so lonp aa Bo�*owK <br /> _�� . 1�not��t wah tlnM,In dNwlt wlth n�p�ot to payn�nt of anY Ind�bt�dn�sa wcund h�nby. a in tM p�fcrmana of vnr <br /> ` aprMmMft h�undw. , - <br /> 2 Anoolntm�nt of R�etvar. It any�wnt of d�fault In nisp�Cf to tho S�curlty Inst►um�nt�fudl haw accurnd�nA br <br /> � continulnp,L���as a matbr of rlpht and wlthout�otld to RorrowK a an�rorw clalminp und�r Bortow�r. and without <br />_- rapaM to tM valus ot the truat ea4te or the Interost af tM Bo►►owe tMrein,ahall have fM riphf to�pply to any caKl h,�Hn� , <br /> _ Jurl�dlotlon to�ppolnt�nwlwr of tM prop�rty. ' . <br /> g. RIaM to Po�aesslon.ln aas�of d�fault In ths p�ynNnt of ths satd prinalpal Not�a interest,w�ny pa�l thawf.u It `� <br /> " shall nwtun,or in tM aas�of lallur�to ke�p or pKform any of ths cov�nants or apnsm�nts cont�lrwd In tM 8�curit,y tmtru- <br /> nwnt,tlwn tM I.�nd�r, Its succauors or asslqns, 1hall be and Is h�nby authorized and�mpowsnd to tak� Imm�dlat� <br />_ po�sMSlon of th�tald pnml�a tMnln daadb�d and to aoll�ct tM r�nts th�t�irom,�nd to apply th�p�ooNd�th�nof to tIN <br />-�'� p�ynNnt of tM Not�. . <br /> . 4. Aoolloatlon of Rints.lseues and P►oHts.I►ii�nts coiirct�i�r iarwi�r or tM�e.ivrir ei��ii be�ppiiad tis�i 2o pay�i <br /> of tM costs of m�nap�m�nt of the prop�rty and collectlon of rents,Includlnp,but not Ilmltad to.ncelvs►'s fe�s,premlpm�on <br /> �� ; nCdwr's bonde and reawna�le attorn�y's 1ees,�nd than to the auma a�ound by th�S�curity Inst►um�nt.Lsnder A1td th� <br /> -t' .� r�cNwr sh�ll b�Ilabl�to�ccount only tar thoss rents aatwlly nsc�iv�d. <br /> :;r � 5. �onetructlon of Provislons.Each of ihs provisfona coM�ined In this Asal�n�rwnt of Rants Rider�od ths Sscu�i�r Imtru- � <br />- ��+� �<<a msnt eh�ll,unl�ss oth�rwlse epeclficaly raqulred, be construed in accordance with N�brask�law. Afld�ltl tIM�rlt t11r <br /> . '" 3,..� "' provi�lan h�reln or thersln contalned ahdl be datermh�ed by�court of comp�tent jurisdlotlon to be un�nlorce�bls,tM am� <br /> ����� sh�ll b�constrwd as thouqh auch unsnforceable provisbn were not a pan hereof or thereaf. <br />_ _ ,.�j`.,. <br /> 8. EMect of Rlder.Excapt as specifically modlfleE by or Inconalatent with this Aesipnmsnt of Rente Rider or by ony otber <br />--- ���c • ' appllc�bt�rkl�r,all of th�terms and provislond contain�d i�th�3ecurity Inst►ume t shall continue in full,fores and efteat. <br />'r' ,, .�i: <br /> " {N WITNE38 WHEREOF,Bonower h�s executed lhis ss mon f AeMs Rid on t e date flrot notad above. <br /> �:J,'V .�'� /�— <br />._ � '���' , , �"u�, � <br /> � ,p ''����;a'��.y���.:4�_ JESS H NS <br /> ,o..• .yi'.��py,�•"it'.� BOr► Bf <br /> . �:1 � --�"� y�� . <br /> 3� v: <br /> i� �;�:,�,.,v,,�:•.. ' _. <br /> � � ~ f � ��� KATHY AN HOPKINS eorr w <br /> , �� :r <br /> �1. f'� '- <br /> t�;�d .-��' BTATEOFNEBRA$KA) <br /> __: �ti;s;, (ss: <br /> �" � COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> •='S° - ',,,�.t;..,; <br /> 4.`�.:'"t..''. � IqAY 93 <br /> ;:�':���[('',� sri� On thls �'� dey of 19 before me the undersl9ned a Notaryr Publlc duly commlaslaned�nd <br /> � quaHfl�d iw aeld county,pereonally can� 7�SS AO�iIAN HOP�(INS ANO KATF�Y ANN HOPKINS, HUSBAND AND <br /> ^�ut:._,�::.�`��'�..j <br /> ' �t+�"� 1�1IFE ,to be the Identical pe�son(s)whose name(s)faJere eubscdbed - <br /> • :�;j';:., . ;•. <br /> �ti�'��•-'• � ^ to ths forepolny instrument,�nd helsheRhey ack�owledqe the executlon tAereof to be hislher/lheir voluntary wct ond dNd. <br /> ,.�,.�M. <br /> , :' �•,�,�.. r::: ..: . <br /> � r� � GRAND I5LAN0, NEBRASKA = <br /> r::;•.��_ �.:. •...• Wltn�sa my hand and Notarlal 3eal at. - <br /> 'z:>:;�.., . <br /> ,�;�;�••`:•:_���:� In s ouMy,the date aforesai . - <br /> +r`r+q+.;� <br /> •Ik�•["?`. _ <br /> �•.�..-�.. o <br />- " �-�± i�#Al�fA�1fS1�MM <br /> -.; . "�•-� � OE80RANLKI �1' ubNC - <br /> i`_� .,. ` Co��, qM.23�1996 <br /> '��' � � `' My Commbelon explrse: - <br /> '�}' -^h:�:. '�,� . N..avo mr+l - <br /> - � Y .r�. �.: <br /> — .C�'.1a5: <br /> -�'f.,�:F�, <br /> ���„�y,,�� -_ : _._ <br /> _�a�C�TV:rr,i• 'l� <br />. --_.. '�--�_;`��ir•z-�L•'.._:Z� ' <br /> I <br /> ...��1��.�1 f._. y <br /> �...'�.��.U_ _ <br /> C 4 <br /> R�`� <br /> ._..'. • �4��.•" :: ,. <br /> _�o. ��}� ,..�. a <br /> � ��. <br />