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� �__ -��.. _=�6.� _ "_'_—. . . . . � __.�.� _'_'...___'__... _.. . .i.. . larGT 1W �.a. _r._ __. _.._ <br /> � + � <br /> .i .. • .� � .. . i ' . � " .'... •�. � . _i . .6 .. � .. �Vn."�' ...�,.�-_�.�'_ <br /> ^ , T ,�,,,�,�,��j A�JJt18T'A�E�tA��D�1t �r - ""__- ."�,, <br /> . <br /> . urwrtrw.e�►t•�a.rc� � ����'�'.. ;���-,=•�°. <br /> .W i.:. <br /> ,� . �wwusr�itsa►�anom►��a�. . �.��±�a+► . �Y N � . � _` <br /> .------.r _.. . . .. �. <br /> w�r w�w W�r w i..r�.��Ti�Tiii�iw - .R ;-� <br /> .. L�Yww�Nry _IY nr��±�t+��q d+�i�"�'7 so sea�r�!l�e+ea�al�a�bM141lslMM l'�"n.,.�.A'9 rl���__-. <br /> - - - - - (1�°�w�%.i:�ii:�wi:�::�+�-.-i-.o:.-^;-- n:,�_. - <br /> ����`������ . . . . . <br /> 711 W. 15TH, GRMD ISLAIiD, 1�8RASKA 688Q1 � <br /> — �. (fropMtyAdi� <br /> 7fi w�a�bl�fr�Yt�r� i� /w e��r 4 WrM nY f�/ r4��� <br /> �r�u1b 1�Y�M�I i�rIM�IY��Mr1 y I�IInM�M e��MI�M�q w��Mi <br /> �IM`iirr r/��Iir1�M�!wM/II/. � <br /> ADDITIONM.OOVENANI'$.In Mdido�10 tr qoM1��atl�w�rn�d11�flr 8�nib Wt�M��orlaw�rd�wrK <br /> IYtl�r aor�Mt rd rrw ar fot�w: <br /> A. �QI'lATi AND YO[+IIHLY�A 6 �BANG� <br /> '1�Nob pranidas�a aa W W irowwt nw ot ' 11r.9�lioa 4 ot fW Nat�Praldr for eW/r Y IY tet��R rMr rd IM� . <br /> �o�1Y�►pps�w.�taro� . <br /> �. lMBRES'!'RA?E.WI>MI�KJliLFPAYAIBMCNAIIKJ�B <br />__ __. � � �� -- <br /> . 'Ibeiotaatraula�ll�rms7d�a�eoatbef6stdtyot JUNE �19 � .�ado�drtdq►�7 <br /> 1� maa�lla�Irora�hec-8nee6 dw an whkb aqr inte�wR n�aould c�a�e b nlMd s'Y'�o/s>Dw.•• <br /> - —_� _ � (� '1i�laaa�t <br /> ' Bytoda�wiW tbe flrAQnn�e D�te.mY iut�reat rue�1116�bued aa�n Iodes.Tl�e"Ind�•�61be wed�lr ava�e Y�d oa UdW 9fatn <br /> ' . lbeduey�eaufd�aqwaed to a aoaatw m�rit�of f p�r��mde av�p�ble b7 the FiAa�l ltn�w�rd.'IL�ao�t noeot 1�da�M� <br /> � t��1�OqOttA0f1�f0�d�fbllOf�OMC�1ChN{O�tC�IpYO{If110"GlIfIlOtiOdQ.'� <br /> t[the Inda i�ao la�sv�0+ib1�.tM Nat�fiolder wW e1woN�n�w toda wbkY b bn�d�pon 000�n6U toforwtlo�.7ba Noq <br /> � Flolderw�{��tnotio�otWb¢hoioe. � <br /> (c1 ���ti� THREE At� ONE-HAIF. <br /> B�ara���sa.s�alYau Y!aldes af!!�ase mx aerrlatarss sase b7r�s —� <br />� - p�p� 3.5 4b)to the Ctiura�t iodea rod rauadlo�w t�e mrre 1��W ot 1�Ar.abJect w ttN IfroW�eWd in BeeNoo�(W 1�1a�• <br />�-+�� � 7Lr ra�odla�aoltot wW be my new i4terat r�te tatll tUe aext(�aa�e D�1e. <br /> .' - 77�a Noq Holder�ritl tlma detamino t6a�mount oi the momhlY pYment tb�t wald be wfficfmt to np�y ia Wq tbe OdodDH I ua <br /> -- .a�p�Yed W owe 011 tMt(.'h�n�e Drte hl N1bIt11nti�UY e4w1 PRymenn bY the m�dteity date�t n►Y t�aw Iutaut ate.71M t�atult Of thb�aIC�1�ti0n <br /> wlDbe tbeoa�rwount otwY��Y WY�• <br /> (D) IJ�IrN1�IrM�anC�/N <br /> 1'6a intaNt ate 1 w roqulr�d to I�Y u the firri Ctuate D�te wW not be aratar th�n 8.00 1y or las tlyo <br /> 4-f10 �j(�.T4aeafter.mY iaterpt rate�vfl!aever be iac�a�ed or daxaued on�nY�in�le Ch�n�e D�te bY��—TI� <br />= ��from the au ot iaterat l lu►ve bem p�yfn�fa tha precedin4 twdve awada.The minimwn Interat nte on tld�lo�n�+ill never b�t <br /> - IeY th�n �.� �Fi liad the mwdmutn i0tereat rate wW never be f��� 11 _fl �r. <br />;-' �,_ <br /> � �` (q LfGe11t�11�NdQMr� <br /> + .�• My oaw Interest nte wUl barome eftocdve on a�ch Chan�e D�te.l wiU p�y the smau►t ot my nar mantNlY pafrment b��nlai on tlte Mt <br /> : . �• u��Y P�Y��d�te�fter ttLe�7uat�Due unW tde�mouat ot my moqthlY WY���ip�• <br />�:' fter <br /> ~ � (� NMIa W��a <br /> ���'�f�"' 7Ue Note Holder wW m�ll ar del(ver w me a aotke betore ach Clu�n�e D�te.7Le naioe wW�dvlw me of: <br /> . '•1C�1T,�,.: <br />_ ;:t:�.;y,.,,� (� �do aew iuc«a�nue on my lorn a ot i6e Clw�e Due; <br /> '�a a�•�:.;� (ii) the�mountolmymonthlYP�Y�tfo11ow1o4theChanQeDate; <br /> �a � <br /> " • �:'+�t� (iN �ty�ddltioaH nutten whlch tta Note Holdet 4 requlred W dbclae;aud <br /> -,_�.�;;-„�`.tY., ,, (iv) tue�ddrar of tha�twdadon Yau coWd oonuct re,y�rdioa�ny quatio�u about tAe adjuument aodce. <br /> .,�; <br /> _ ., . �. (�ARGRBi LIF.NB <br />'`i -'�'.:.`:� Udform Covaunt 4 of the Secudty ltwrunxnt D�mendod to read u foUowr. <br />-- �ri�.::: . <br /> ._ �ma�......�:. +. �IJw.Borrower dull p�y dt uxa.u�aunenq��nd ot6er ctwr4a.fina.+md impaidom attrlbutablo w the Propaty whfah nu�y <br />:•,� � .''�.�':°'� stWo a priorlq over t6b Securlty la�tnunent,�nd Iwedold p�ymeau of 4raund rma,if any.ia tl�ee mroner provldod uader pan�nph!t�aeof <br /> � a.�.�.,.,,` .} t m ner <br /> • '�... .. ' .• . or.It not pdd In�ucd Borrowa wldni F�Y�t,whea due,dlroctly to the p�ya d�ereot.BoROwa�hdl promptlY Nrnt�h Lend�r -- <br /> �' _�. . , dl ootioe�of aaounu due uader this Pua�nDd,aud[n the evmt Borrower�lull mdce pryma►t diredly�Borro�er�hall promP�Y�� � <br /> ��r�-.r . . . <br /> , ,.,:�, l.aider �eceipa evidenclu�iuch DaYmeua.Borrower rhaU promptly diuhaje�ny Uen whlc6 has prlorlty ova thb 3ecurltY taawnant; <br /> ...Y.s�:.�a' -- <br /> - - :, ; ...... , however.Borro�a�II uot be requlred to dlsc6ar�e�ay�uch 1(en�lona u Borrower: (�)ihall aaree in MrlHaa to the P��ot the - <br /> , :.,,•,-.> <br /> _ �. ;,�ti�.,.r_ obllptiao recured by wch llen in tl�ee manner�oaptable to Lender,@)dull In�ood faith wnte�t wcb Iba by�or detand a�lna entorcement of _ <br /> - '.y��^ty���: a�ch Ueu In.kW ProaedinYr w�ich ia the op�nlon of Lender operaa to prevent the eetorament ot ehe Uen or foKdturo of tha 1�ropenY or uty - <br /> _?"�,� / '" p�rt tbei'e_of;or(c)�6d1 securo from t6e holder of�uch llen w iyre�ment W�tonn wbt�ctory to Lenda wbordhuUas wch U�a w thls u� <br />'�JM J��C�S'. �^n� �1uLW��nt� � <br />-- lt Leoder determlaa th�t dl or wy put ot the Property is�ubject to�Qen whlch may�tnln a pdorlty over tWs 9ecurity Innrument, � <br /> -- �.wAr.�dl�w Ynmrrr�wNIM ibnH/Wne u�r6 Iiwn ahdl uNrW�ueh Ilea er ulte m er mm�e of th�acdoot ret fOt16�bOV! - <br />- 1� - �`°`' wlthlnteadyr�ofthe�lvin�ottlknotlee. "----•---- ----- --- - -- -• -- - __ <br /> .'�y�.,'•�' <br /> - ' "r'• ;a • C. N0710E _ <br /> �_ �.F,�• - Udtorm Covmuu 11 ot t6e Secudty Iwtruman u�mended to rcad u tollow�: _ <br /> .�i..t a,.. <br /> _-:�;�;,�.r:'„;ii;;�.:..:�' U.Noqa.Hxeept tar aay aodce requlrod wWer�ppUpble laM to be 41vrn In aeother rtunner.N)�ny nala to Horrower DrovWed ta in thb _ <br /> —�:.►y.+�,.^*;:r••� - <br /> —;�..;, � ��i,{•�, . Securlty Itutruroeat�hall be�Iveo by deliverioa It or by malUn�it by tlnt cliw auil W Honower�t the Property Addmu or�t�uch other addras _ <br /> u Borrowa m�y dal�n�te by ooHoe to Lsoder u provlded herNn,ufd(b)�nY naice to Lender diall be dvrn by Mt cl�u mW to Lender'� _ <br /> ,. Y k�'• ' + �ddras futed Gaeia or w�uch other�ddrc�u Lender may dal�te by nodce to Borrower u providad haeln.My naice provldod tor in�hi� <br />. '`f ..�' ., ,.��;, Securley lattr+uneat�ew be a�emed w haw been dven w emrower or t.�naer whea�Ivea Ia the mu,na dalputea hadn. � <br />-: �� ,�, <br /> �•Kii ' �.1 � <br /> ���1��• <br /> - ,�c�7� - <br /> '��.i� _ _ � <br />