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_____ _ ___ __ ______ _ . <br /> _�-^r__._ __ . .. ___ . .. . . f ....�Nr�YA�}/W��t�]N�M.._. ' . . .iL- .nvrC�yM� 1�' � ' <br /> .. . • t NA „�__�•_ _ <br /> .. � � � .�g� . �0�7'7 � � ��- - <br /> . Mw�+�►�OwY lor ni�i�M�rK1 brtone M1.d me Pnop�y Pr�b�oow�r o�..w oo��/Y iM <br /> - �irt��oo(b)�r d a fu�.d�is�y�...7�coadWoNa w�M�t*arp+�!.r.. (a? " <br /> . � t,w�aM wr� �Mi�k IM� M re r■du rli� �oiriq'IwM��wt Md 11�Nolt M Y��ooMN��W <br /> m�e�i:(u au��Y M�ll oC11A►oit Ci01���4!'_il�l��ic)P!g!�!�li1��!!�+'���� -.�' -.=- - <br /> 1M�II�Mt.jMC�MI�.�ODi�I�d b�(�i10/I�iii�f�T�'�(4I 1�H loca�t10a 1t�.w1O'R1�T��! - <br /> nqu��a aaare drt dw liee d�Sawity�nrae�t,L�end�rl��ha in the iwopaey�nd eanowrtti obupdon 10 Py�Ih� <br /> qmN �ee�ad �y tlits Sa�cr�ity i�e�M �Mil ooatY�w w�M�apd. llpou � dY Da�io�. d� f�a�ltj► <br /> In�ttualat aad 1�o6lipdoes�ted ba�eOY�lWI te�a�in IWIy e(fe�ive�itoo�ooel�nllo�Ird aoo�bd• Ib�wvR.uM <br /> tl�ht b eeihfale�baq uol a�ply i�dr ew ot�oaeMraioa andet p��ph 17. �h d��y <br /> i!. �it�t'NM�i Cr■OR�f 1:��nla�. 7Ue Na�e at• bMweat in tbe Na�e( <br /> �roaama,qepy ee.o�e coe ar mae tin��rid�ouc prtor aoaoe w artow�er. A ale n�ay a ciw�e ia pw akky <br /> (k�owa a We"I.o�n Sav ioa'')qMt ooYects moeNNy p�Yn�s dae uader the IYa�e wd d�is Srcu�itY Taw�na�. 'Il�e�m�bo <br /> may be aae or mo�e cb�a�a of die L�a�a Senriaa'u�eUted to a We of d�e 1V� If thero is�clwi�e at die Lon Savloa'. <br /> Ban�ow�er wil!ba�iveo•nMpea aotke of B�e dynje io�coad�noe with pv�ph 14 above��be mMk.�Tbe mtioe wfU <br /> wiil sale die a�me�od�dctest af Ihe ne�v l.a�a Servica atd d�e addr�t W whieb pyrmea�s <br /> ala caoWn�►y wha iaEo�natioo Rquired bS'�PP��bw. <br /> 2� iL�r�rdo�s$�bab�tt�. Banu�ver�11 nd c�use a pamit tht pcesa�o�,use.dit�d.uon�e•or�ekare of'�nY <br /> Harac�cious SubRtances an ar ia die Propetty. Barovrer tslull not do,aor�llow aiq+a�e else w cb.�uuylhin,��'ectint d�e <br /> Prope�ty dat i�ia violadoe of aay Fmi�onn�eatal l.Rw. Tbe precaiir�two�ta�o�sh�U naapbp1��to� <br /> uaa�t an tb�Propaty of m�all qwuWida uf Hwidau Sub�iwrxa dat arc�a�Uy ra�ninei- <br /> roidentW nse:�nd to m�noauoce otthe Property. <br /> Bamwer�hap P�omp11Y�ive l.en0er wdlta�notioe of�ny invati�stbn.cWm�dan�nd.lawiuit or alf�er action bY+�Y <br /> gove�a�nta!ar reQulatorY a�e�.'Y a P�ivau{�ty involvMg the ProQaty�nd wy Hinndous Sub�u�aoe or Fmi�oeunaMd <br /> Ia�+v of wbic6 Borrowa has anual knowtedg� If Borre��er Ir�tns. or ta nos[fkd by u+y Soee�mnta! a t�ul�°q' <br /> autFwxiry.thst�ny�emoval or odier retr�aliadon of any HarArdous Subrtarwx ARecdnB�e ProPerty'ia naxs:sry.Borrower <br /> �P�PUY take�Il nece,t.cary n�nedlw!�cHons in s�ccotd�nce with F.�vi�nW Law. <br /> Aa used in this pau�gr�ph 20."H�v�rdous Substato�;es"iu�e Uiose sobstances detined aa axic or haz�r�dous subsw�ces bY <br /> Envfra�memal Law and tbe following subsw�ces: g�soline.k��e,olha Il�tuu�bfe or toxic petrokum proa�uCt�.wxlt <br /> peaticides wd herbicfdes. volatile solventa. matedala conWning axbeatos or fomWdehyde.�nd radios�tive m�ta�la. As <br /> used in tUlt par�graph 20. "EnvironmenW"means foderal laws aM I�ws of tlw juri�dicNon where tbe PropeRy is located <br /> U�t rel�te to heal�h,snfety ar envfronmenul protecdoa. <br /> NON-UNIFARM COVENANT3. Bmrowcr and Lender funher covenant and+�gt+ae�s follows: <br /> 21. Acoekralloo;Ranedia. l.ender r6sN give aoUoe to Baerower pritx tu�cala'atbn�dlo�vip8 B��rro�rer'� <br /> breach ot any ooveoa�t or�eement io tMis Secu�iry tnsWment lbat not prlar to�ooeleratioM under P�'�1�P�17 <br /> ualeas�pplicabk law prorides Mher�vite). T6e sotiee sWll specily: (a)the defiiWt;(b)t6e action reqoind ta core tbe <br /> dcfmiti(c)a d�te,not iea tia�38 d�nr inNU iirt G�te t6e uoike��tvr�a ta Sars�arres.�3'e�l�t�e de�abit muat be <br /> cwYd:and(d)tb�t faUare to cnre Ibe default w or 6e�ore t6e date specUkd In tbe notke ansy re.w�t in acakratb°°� <br /> tde sums secured by this 3ecurlty Anstrument pad s�k of the Property. 77ie nWice s6a11 fWrther intorm Borrowd'of <br /> the rig6t to reinstate alter wcceleraHon and the�igbt to M�ing a cou�t actbn to assert the nao-eaistenoe of a defwlt or <br /> qsy otUer de�ense o�Burrowsr to acceleratton aad wk. It the de�ault ts oM cured oa or betore the date specifkd lu <br /> the nottoe,l,ender at ita opflon may�eqaire immedipte paymeat tn full of all 9ums secur+ed by tbis 3ecurity Instrument <br /> wiWout turf6er denwaci pnd may Invoke the power ot sale aad any other remedies permitted b9 Appltcabk I�w <br /> L,euder shall be enHtled to coUect all expenses incurred in purauing Ihe remediee provided fa thts pu�raph 21+ <br /> includiag,but aot Iimited to,reASOnnble attorneys•tees and cosfs ot title evidence. <br /> It the power of sale is invoked,7Y�ustee shpll record�notice of defAUlt In eac6 countq In whkh Any part of the _ <br /> property is lacated and slwll mail copies otsuch aotioe in the manner pres�ribed by npplks�bk Is�w to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicpbk law Aiter the time required by applicpble law,7lvstee slwU 8ive publk <br /> ootta of snle to the persais and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7hustee,without demand on Borrower, <br /> shall sell the Property at publk Auclion to lhe higfiest bidder pt ihe tlme aad puce and under the terms desigaeted in <br /> the notice ot sWe in one or more pArcels Aad in any order 7Y�ustee determines. 71�ustce may pagtpune sok ot aN or Any <br /> parcel of the Property by publk onpouncement at the time and place of Any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its <br /> desi�nee may purchase t Ne Property At any eale. <br /> Upoo receipl of payment ot the price bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser'IYustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The reciWil�in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the stntements made theretn. <br /> 7lrustee shW apply the procceds of Ihe sale In the�dlowing order: (a)to all cosls s�nd expenses of exercising the power _ <br /> Fa►m 30l8 9/90 /puRN S of h�xe�l - <br /> - --�..�.m.v�a� . <br /> . -P -:�-s��1�11pMClly!{R�{� ¢' .. _ ,• �. . . _ . <br /> .. 1 . . {`.. �'•;r �.. . ' ' �� } .. . ' �C � Y#a M T .� J ' . ": - . . <br /> —.�-'-�-i5u 't� 1- ,� � ' ... 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