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<br /> ` Eleren (tl)-!{al.it�ii� af Ranqe N�n� (��)iiandi:p�a�l���'�La�x�.�au�� (14).:of��he�County E
<br /> � !` Subdiv�ision of ihe ilest Nalf of th���eu�htwest Quae�en;�(iW.�y3i�) of Section Fifteaa (15?�
<br /> fn Township Eleve� (11 j North of Rartge�K�ine• t�) Mt�s� cf the Sixtb (5thj PMncipal
<br /> - � � Ekridi�n. �a�e p�r�icularty.descri6ed as falloMa: � � (
<br /> � .
<br /> ' Caiwencing at Lbe Hartheasteriy corner of 81ock 7wo (2!. in Kaebter Subdivision, �
<br /> ; according to tIk recorded plat thereof no�r on file irt the office of the Register � � I
<br /> � of Oeeds of Na11 County, Hebraska, and running thence westerly along the northerty
<br /> � line of s�id Block Two (2), Nts�ty-Ftve i95J feet, thence southerly. P�ratlet with. �
<br /> the easterly line of said 61ock Two (2) to the Right of Nay of the bett line of �
<br /> � the Chlcago, 8ur.11ngton 8 Quinay�°flailroaQ Company, thence nartheasterly�along the �
<br /> ' northerly line of said right aP way�, .to the East l-irte of said Block Two (2)� thence ,
<br /> � Hortherly alort �thee sterly�li��o�y��t gmjo ektha�"no�e�'v������ra��n�i��a���� ���i
<br /> (isaator oov�narrts t�aiauY • �
<br /> � ta the place of beginning. � k
<br /> (i) ia lawfully seised of anch real estate and that it is free from encnmbsaaces subject to easeraeate.
<br /> � seservationa..vv�enaats and xestrictions of recosd , " ' �
<br /> � �
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<br /> � . (2) 1s9��e�a3 pc�aes.aru!la�l authoritg�o convey the sa:ne: . ' �, �
<br /> :I .i'.� ' , I
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<br /> ; The iore�oing inatrumer►t was acknawledged betore me on ......... . ;
<br /> � Larr�r N. Oecker and Kathr�n Ft. Decicer, Husba an� W e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^
<br /> � b�r -.......... ................................ ...................:.::... �.. .. •............ � �
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<br /> - s�ra� og N�B�wsxa
<br />- Cwnty o! .....................:........... -
<br /> -- FYted tor secord nnd entered in Numerica3 Iadex oa ..............................................
<br /> ,� �
<br /> � ;-
<br /> j - at .....o'ciock .....M.. and recor8ed fr�Deed Record ......................... Page .................. ,:
<br /> �#
<br />'' Sy: ..................................................................
<br />� S � - Caunty c:Be�uLy Connty C2erk ''
<br /> � il , � , , �2egist��o��Qeede or Deputy Registes ot De�s _
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