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<br /> r�t'�rrrd to ss ■Ti^�tor�, to NcnrE aE l�ots b�arinq � datrs, .
<br /> I�s+with for tha ptincipal aao�t.at Tfii.rty-Ss�nu 7�ousand Dollass
<br /> � �$�?,OOQ.00� Ps]�abls to the-crcle�ot.Vlassy �: Pati��oi.and Do�ris J�•_°
<br /> Patrios; husb�nd and vif�, of �612 ii. stoll�y Park Haad,: Graad
<br /> -- Islaud, �as�ta, 688D1, h�si�aatt.ir riter�d ts= as �Bs�i��t�'Y". ----- - -- -
<br /> for psya�n't• of t� sntir� prinaiPsl, bslancx f�;,`���r .
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<br /> : �t�itl� 1�qf�tsr O! Deedf r Of€3ttt� o€;�T,l`C'.(�tia.Ly. Hebi�sl�ai,��a:1�'otfcre of
<br />�- - � D�slault, s�ttinq tostb that a br�ach ot aa obiis�tion, �tor �ic�:�
<br /> tl� said prapsrtY �s conveYec�` as seaurity, has occurr4d, a=td
<br /> . - s�tting tostb t�he nstura o! sach breach and �hw Trusta�•s �i�ation
<br /> to s�ii tl� p�op�rtY to sati�ty tbe obiigation= aAd att.�r tbe lapss
<br /> o! not lus than oae (i� aonth, th� Trust�s shall givs vritt�n
<br /> � notias oi tb� ti�s an8 place ot sala rhich�ay b� b�tw�n 9:00 a.a. !�'-
<br /> � ' aad 5:00 p.s. at ths preais�s, or at th� Hsll County Courthous�, ��r"��
<br /> and pasticulsriy d�scribing the prop�rty to bs sold; aaid Kotica to '��:r:::.�•.�
<br /> � b� lish�d in a n�xspay�r o! a gu�r�sl viraulatioA in Hsll •-;=;�''_..�:`==
<br /> h�
<br /> County, 1libraska, once s �k tos livs (5) cons�cutiv� w�lics, ti� `:;".'�;-
<br /> � � last publiaation to b� at leas� t�n (lo) days l�ut Aot aor� than - °�=_�*�x"-
<br /> ��Y �30� daYs Prior to tbe �ale: and tLe Trust�s sbsll t1�n ssll �- -
<br /> L� said prop�zty at ths tiais and place dasigreated in this Not3ce, in � :
<br /> h
<br /> � t1� aanaer psovided by laW in ettect at th� tias o! lilinq �t.d � �
<br /> Noti.c�, and pnbi'la auction to tbe high�st bf88er tor cash and �hall , �:�
<br /> • d�liv�r to suab purchaser a deed to tha propsrty sold consist�nt `. �;;, ::'-�
<br /> w3tb th� law in ettect at thst ti.s�. 1�dditionall , Trustor h�s�by •.:>r�:�r.-'�-�::
<br /> Y ,.:,.����:���r:,`
<br /> . r�gwsts that Trustee ahall aail Trustor a copy at aag �iotic� o! �. ,.:..;.;;_:".
<br /> D�lault a�sd Notice ot Sale hereunder upom �efau�,t adcir+essea to it, . � '='==��;°=`:
<br /> � � � at 2�29 Park Drive, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801. Q[�. or ti� ,- ���"�'`
<br /> - ,;. p�oc�eds o! said sale, the Trustee sha.l.l retain and pag'��i�it a.�I ' .
<br /> � �. fess, chasqea and costs ot sale and all aonies advarcr�d. 3.a tl�e
<br /> • . � , � escercise o! the pawer o! sale. inclu8inq the peY�eat .d� the ;
<br /> �;:� , , Ticustee�s taea actual2y incutrec�, and pay second .th��m�rl��qationo
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