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. �� <br /> =� ..�`.i►'" � o. . - _-_- - <br /> - .�, <br /> • ' ..�:`Y;u <br /> �..—�.. . ' �._-- ------,' ,- <br /> -,�� _ - ,� _ _ -- , — <br /> _ � � -� -- - _ � <br /> �.u^L �. _ .� , .M,. <br /> +!93- �+o.� <br /> 1�. L...cY� tr a�a Iwa.ea,+ea�b,►tbi.seauity ima+a�t i��w.V�a►a�i,.ea a�a�a�o.. _ <br /> � °°— .--� cG±ir�w,•ad tb.t Ww lr y Lx�r�ratad�o tt+wt tk�latarut ar atber toaa dcar��eallcctcd ar ta be co!lat�ia� <br /> _ - -- - -- �rltM tb0laaa�taed tl�e petmitoOA Ilmut�tnen:Nl�nY iateb lam cnu�e tw�il be re�uoad"yr dae�noim[ne�xwry W ndu�ce __ <br /> n�e�n.�w db p«�a wN�;.pa�m)•�y w�.,ur�aay���a r�,aor��n e�aea�a u�.a►w <br /> _ be reAmaea to 9ocno+�ror.c,.aaaar m.y choo�e w m�e du.�etluia by�eductna�ne p�tncip�t owea unaa�d,e Naee ar b�►m�dn�t <br /> : -�.� a di�+ea p�ra�nt w Barrower.!f a nelbM raduat principd.tue t+eduction will be n�eate�d a�a P��P�Y�� _.. <br /> �pqr p�r�yp�eat ch�[�e under tbe Nota. <br /> 14. Nodca. Any aotice to Bomower prov(ded for in tb.ia Serncity Inatnun4at�1t be�iven by deUvcda�it or <br /> bY m�iUn�it by fint cla:s maii ualas ipplkable!nw ra�ui�rs use of anotber�dathod.71�e notioe ad=U be dirx�oed to the <br /> properiy Address or aay aher�ddreas Borrowar dal�tes by no�ica to L�eMe'r. Any t+otice to Lender�hall be�iven by <br /> ����,�- ficat cl�s m�il to Lendor�a addnss ep�yd Merein or any aher addrcu Leaaor dai�n�oes by AoNce a aonowcr.My aottce <br /> 7�i�7',t7'}.a <br /> �.��5;�:•�„�. pcovWed for in tbis Sccunity-la�+meat itwU bo deemod w lu�ve been Qivca to Borrower ar�l.endn wUea�iven�provf�ied <br /> .�.�.�,r'� ��. <br /> - ��.;.:���,,;,�� iu thta <br /> _ —:�,�;�=�,..t,�����,�,r�,�s,. 15. (�overni�i.�w;SevetAbUitY. This Secur[ry Instrumant slu�A be Qoveraed by fodonl Lw aad the law of the <br /> � '—' o <br /> jutisdiation in wbich the Pr+eporty i�loc�tal.In tha evont duu wny provisian or cuwe of thls Secudry Limument or tde Nato <br /> contliep with applioabla law� auch oonNct ehWl aot�ffect other pruvieions of this Socudty I�pwaent or tbe Nate which <br /> can be Qivan effect wlthait the coAAiada�providon.To thh ad 1he pravidoru M tbi�Security lnununent�nd tbe Naoe <br /> __ --- aro declued to be teverable. <br /> :'�, lf. Boerows�'�Cqry. Bomnwcr�haU be�iven ona canformed capy ot the Noto and of thii Secudry IrWrumant. <br /> �-^ q�+�:.�`{r�.•:�r{'�,': 17. Tnu�der oi IM Prop�Ky or�B�od{cl�l W�r�M In Rore+nwa�. It dl ar�ny put ot the Pr�perty a�ny �. <br /> intene�t in it i�w!d or a�uferred(or if�beneQcW intercit in Barrnwer i��old ar truufeerod ad Borrower i�not�nuunl <br /> -,�r '�"""""'�,'y'�,";�`�"'; penan)witlwut Lender'i prlor wdtten consent. Lender m�y. �t iu optlon. reguire imm6diate p�ymem in NII of all wrtu <br /> �'r ,{, . * �ecurod Ay this Securiry Inurument.Howevar,thia aptlon�hdl iat be exercised by Lerder it exerci�e b pnohibited by fedanl <br /> , f <br /> . kw';'." law a�ot the date af thb Secudry Iasaument. <br /> •;:��.,,;�Y;.�,�,�. <br /> , .. . It t.ander exerci�es�his opttan.Lender�hdl Qive Borrower rwoioe of�aoeleratlon.The notioo�ludl prdvWe o periwl <br /> ;, ' �Y;;Ny„�,,,: ot not leu tl�n 30 day�from tho d�te the nodce ie deliverod or neailed withia whlch Borrower must p�y dl auns�acurod <br /> �,r�'� �•, ' r' by 1h1�3ecudty lnprument.It Borrower fdl�to p�y Ihese wm�prlor to tite expinuion ot d�i�period,L�ender n�y iavoka <br /> ee <br /> : ,rt�t..�,, . ';,,:.,,;��. �y���rmltted by this Security Inwurnent wlthout fWNier nodce or de�r+�nd on Borrower. <br /> - 1R. Borrower'�Ri�6t to Rdn�te. If Borrower mats certain condidonc.Borrower sb�U lurve the riQht w lurve <br /> - � �''�` . enfor�eement of thio Security Inwrument di�caitinued u ony Wne pr[or w the earUor of (a)3 d�ya(or wch other pedod <br />° ks�"'; 'i. � '. :� a�applfcable law nuy apeeiPy for�+eincqtement)befom wle of the Property pursuoat w nuy power oP ale connined ia this <br />- ;�_`�`.'�::;::::'�_:,';',;_` Securhy Lutrumeat:or(b)er►aY of a jud�meat enfoocin�thiQ Security Insa�unent. 77w�o canditlom ait tbat Bomower: <br />, - ' - , - (s)paY4 i.endor all sume w�lch then would be due under this Securlty Inswiae�aad�he ATote� if no a�c;eleratlon h�d <br /> i . occurned;(b)cw+ta ney default of eny odar covenante or a�roerr�ats;(c)pays all expeases incu�red�eaforcing this Securlty _ <br />� In�wment.including.but not Umited to. rea�onabla attornnys'fees:and(d)takes such actlon as i.ender may reasombly <br />!?� , roquiro W as,wrc that the lien of this Security Instrumeat.Lender's dghta in the Property and Horrower's obligation to paY <br />� the su�secuoed by thie Securlty lnstrument shall eontinue unciw�ged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower�this Sxurity In- <br /> .,��,��' �tnunent and the obligadone secured hercby ahall remain fully effective as if no acceleradon I�ad occurrod. However,thi� <br /> : ri�ht w reiaqate sh�ll not apply in the case of accelentIon under paragraph 17. <br /> �;,��.�� °' 19. Sale olNotei Cppr►ge oti.o�n Servker. The Note or o partia!intercst in tho Notc(together wlth this Security ___ <br /> ':::+::,�.•. , Inswmeat)may de sold ane or morc times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A sale may rcaWt in a change in the enHty — <br /> ' `���'" '�'�. '•;;`��;:,'�`.'•�� _ (known aa the "Loat�Servlccr")thet collects monthlY paYmeme due under thc Note and thls Security Instrument.There <br /> � •. ,.�:. .,.:. . . <br /> also may be one or morc changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If thete is a change of the Loan <br /> . . ,-��. <br />��'f. ��•:�:•'. . ' Servlcer.Borcower will bo given written notice of the chenge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. �=�.� <br /> � • ' Tha noticx will state the name and eddrcss of tha new Loan Servlcer and the addrc�s to which paymems should be made. <br /> �,; ,, � � The notia will also contain any other informetian r+equired by appllcable lew. _--- <br /> � A� : . ., ?A. Hwrdoua Sn6otancer. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use,diaposal� �Wrage�or relwse __ <br /> ., ;, of any Hazandous Subswnces on or In the Property.Borrower sh�ll nat do,�or aUow anyone else to du�pnything affecting - <br /> s the that ia in violado�of an Envlronmental Law. The recedin two sentences shall not a 1 to the resence. °r'a`� <br /> . ���Y Y P 8 PP Y p �.:: <br /> - � we,or storage on the Property of smmis!!!quantlttes of Hazardaua Substanccs thet ere genere!!y recognized to be approprlate ���-• <br /> ;;�, . �,,;:.- <br /> to normal residential uscs and ro maintenana of the Property. <br /> '�' ' ' " Borrower shall rom U rve Lender written notice of an mveatl atlon,claim,demand, IQwsuit ar other action�y ° <br /> �.., � . {,� nn ovemmental or re lato g e enc or rivate in�olvin IBhe Ro . <br /> Y S 8� rY 8 Y P P�Y B Perty and any Hazardaus Substancx or �s . <br /> :�:�'•'Q• •• Environmemal Lstw of which Bonower hes actuel knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any governmental or � <br /> t•?�• �.."` regulatory authodty,that any remov�l or other remediation of any Hezerdons Substance affecting the Property is n�ry. <br /> �W M� S <br /> tt� �•• � Borrower sh�ll promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with EnvironmentW Lew. <br /> ';j: As used in lhis p ara gra ph 20,'•Hazardous Subatances"are those substances defined es toxic or hazardous substances ��.'� <br /> ��• by Enviroamental Law and the following substances:gasolinc,kerosene.other flammable or toaic patroleum praducts,toxic � <br /> � '� � ' pesticidcs and herbicides, voletile solvents. mater�als containing asbestos or formeldehyde, and rndioactive materials. As <br /> t %• used in thia paragrnph 20,"8nvironmentel Iaw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiation where tha Property is lacated <br /> �;,� . � ' thwt relota to health,safety or environmantel protection. .. <br /> 4 '. � <br /> �.� � �. . , <br /> °� � t � . NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcndcr furthar covcnant and agree os follows: � <br /> • ' �•• 21. Acakrwdop;Remedles. Lender s6a11 give aotice to Horrower prio�to accelerAtlon tollowing Borrower's � <br /> . . � braicb ot oay coveaant or�reement In thls Secur(ty Instrument(bW not prior to aoceleratba under�wraQnph 17 <br /> unleas�ppikabk law provldes othervvise).The aotke shall specl(y:(a)t6e defoulti(b)t6e�c11on nqulred to cure the , <br /> ' ° � .,�x�.: .• .� defwiti(c)�date,not les�tlun 30 daye flrom t6e datc t6e aotke Is givea W Borrower,by whk6 t6e defpult muat , <br /> � be cnredi ond(d)W�t tdlw�e to cure the default on or betore tl�date apectAed tn t6e ooNce m�y result in accekration <br /> - • � J�L��� �.�.YJ t».�L��CY..�4.. fr�.�.�.J..rJ�..1....I�L�5.���... �R�_�J'_ _�._Y a..�� . <br /> ...-- V�UR�Yi�Y�i►Y�iY YJ�uY asww n� �w.•wncu.�w orc vs u.c a.vpc�a�. .ue�wn.�:Nao� wnaer idiorm nur�mver <br /> � � ot the rlaht to reln�tte aRer sccekratbn nnnd the rig6t to bri�a court acNoa to assert tbe pon.exiqepce of n detwult <br /> y , or aay ather detease o[Borrower w acceleratton and sale.It the detpult Is aot cured o0 or beiore t6e date apecifkd . <br /> tn the ootla,Leader at Ns optbn u�ay requlre immedlate pwyment ta IWII ot WI sums secured by tlds Sa�urity In�ument <br /> ,^!�. �► . wifhout tWMMx demand pnd may Invuke t6e power ot sale and my ot6er ran�dtea penNUed by opplkyble 4�w.Lender <br /> i� � �, �6aU be eutWed W collect�11 expenses incurred W purwiog the remedlea provided In thls pragraph 21,including. <br /> 1 t� . = -- :�ti;. �--�- bat not�to�re�wnoWe�itornays= fees and coota of tiik evidence. , <br /> ,; :�i- <br />; 1. . �:.',:�1i�,• ;r.. - . <br /> '��� �'V ; Faw�111 1110 (popeloJspo�u) „ <br /> {� �,;:: <br /> ��' �'1' •� <br /> - � - � - -- - . �' :��- ;. , <br /> � <br /> , � , � <br /> : <br />