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.._..:�,'-h`fe-•',�.�-- �f�-! 'ry� � "'tr <br />.. ..�. - ��'..��1 m � � . . . � ,... � _ .. .-.�^.- -- ---- -_- <br /> o':a'fi:' � ' . ����5 �.q.:� ni�v►-� -�_7C� <br /> .� . .. � , . . . -Y.. ..<Ar.. . , . , �M.7.- <br /> _ . , . . ,. <br /> . ,. , .� . <br /> , . �� ,�':i•.-_ <br /> q � � - <br /> �'� �� ' _��.. <br /> /1- <br /> ��. <br /> ----- - (TI�MM CQ�Y�I'1!lNTa� 1(M�ON�RJM��IJI1�t 00�� Y jORON�: *. <br /> -_ _ -- - _- .. �. Tr'qjiwi�6i ari�'°�..��.�i R:w3�Lw+"�t`�'°i ".�.�.+."�'�L��'�'_�: �i!l�Yn!i1�i11�iww;Mi�r' <br /> eNf�Y��ILIII��------_� <br /> tIM piMCip�)d�d leeerat on die de6t avidniosd by tf�e N4b aaA p1y pnopqnnoat�ud Lee clur�el due u�r dr NoY. . . <br /> Z. lri Irr Tuw�1 i�wr�. Subje�t ta bw or to�w�t�w�iver by Leod�r.�w�r�il „ <br /> PrY b L.auder oa tbe day n�oa1NY p�Yatienu aro due udder�. uadl tbe Nalu L p�W in,1W1.�wm{'•Fundi••)Ibr, <br /> . " (�)yMriy nucas a�d�aeama�s which may wuLo prloeity over tbi�Security iurtrua�eat a�A ltw an tbo Propatty:N)Y�Y - <br /> �erdw{d p�yaia�s a�cwod raMS oa tba Propeity��piy;(c1 yarfY b�r�d a pnopeity inwrnooe p�aivar:(�yeelY . <br /> twod inar�t�ve promiwm�it wy�(e)Y�Y����P���It�uyi�d(��ay apaa P�Y���� <br /> 10 i.eader�lA socoid�oce rvith tbe provWaui ot p�rajnph f.In liat ot die psyma�t of a�ort�a imuranoa premtumr.Tbe�e � <br /> bena u+a ailled"F�crovv[oe�m."Lender may��t�ny tLne�edlect md bold Fwwla la�n�mouat not to exoeed die apiximua� <br /> �mo�u�a kader for�fedenUy reJated mort�e lou►nu�y nquiro for Borrower'�e�row�ccauat uader tba federal Rat <br /> gst�le Sq�appx Prooedu�a Act of 1974�s�tnended from duse w Hmo. 12 U.S.C. +2601 st�eq. (••RFSPA•�.unless <br /> ma�ba�4w th�t applies to tho Fuadt au+�ksser�p�ouat. It w.Leader ury time,cdkct�ad 6old Fuodr ia m <br /> atuoau not to exaead tl�e iMkEt unamt. I.ender m�y�the uYwuat of Funds dua on d�e bob of cucrau d��nd. , <br />_— • r�auon�ble atinp�tq�of e�cpendidues of fim�t�e Fscrow Ioerns or otberwl�e fa�ccor�mca wlth ippllcabio isa. <br /> . 72ie Fuads.�11 be hel�hau Idqit��lioa�wff0lo d�a�tk'�t�e inaurod by a icde�d�l�eney�.lifi�uuaient�lity,or eadtY .�.:: <br /> : �.(includl�l.ender, if�I.ender is arc6 an i�atiaulon)a in�uy Fcdcral.Home Loen HAalc. l.adde�sdidl�pply the�ua�ta . . ,..: :-:••-: <br />:"°°, p�y tde�arow Items.Lender may aotcbnrge ibrroaar for holdinS+uad RpplYla��he P�k,'�nAUpUy a4nlyzipg�We escrow ;: . <br /> :�`'S,; Accaupt.or.verltying tha Escraw fuma,uuless Iander pays Hortawet intercst ae the wlu�ds iwd appUcabla lAw pennitit�.Snd�t., '.:�. . <br /> } ��• <br /> ``,,�'�µ�, - -- • to mokR�uch.�ch�uge. Howaver, Lender awy mryiro H�rrower to paiy a one-Wne clwrge for pa lady�endent re�i.c�te. '. <br /> qu�Rpatidng servloe wed by l�nd�x in oonnec.tion wkb d�lo�a�t�eas applicable law pwldo�othawLe.Uak�w�xment <br />-�,` ., ti��°� i�rn�k'or�pplicable Ipw roquina 3at�at w bo paid�Lendai�D not bo requfired ro p�y Horrower aay Werert ar earnir�ga <br /> �;`:`� u�'d, on tue Fwids.Borrower�nd Leadcr may a�ree in writing� however.tlut Interat ahaU be poid on the Fundi.l.eader d�U <br /> _°.�. aive to Boceower.witho�Fl�q��t'�unue!a000unti°�of d�e Fund�,�howing crodlp aad debits W die Furd�aad tl�e purpo�a <br /> . u����pbit w tlio[�uni�w�a aade.The�are pled�ed u additioad�ecurjry fa�II wm��eewod by tbi�Seeu�► <br /> � <br /> Itd�e Piu�ds IaW by Lender cxsaed tha amouiw permitted to be held by�ppiic�bte I�w.I�ender slull aocauit to Ba�rower <br /> ' : foc t6e eu�ess Fundo in�ccatdance with tha raquiromern�of�pplic�ble law.U the amount oi the FuMr haW by Lender at <br /> - -- �h�l da�tir�n0lYu�kat'w��►'t1�6'tlwi�ow I�en1�a6eu due,Lender nuy w aodly Borrower in ��od�in ach c�e <br /> - . HanMMet.�liaL�r b Ln�u the amount•�ebeuary to m�u i�►the ddf�io�:'Hdrrdwbt�h111�tbe flNlele6cy b <br /> ;+. "' os.lrMe•d�q�Mpl,v�mmthly prym�ot�.�Nt�L�O'�sde dbor+etion. � • .:1� , r� � ��i�t.�t.. <br />-' -- — '31 �.`�POP'PY��11�N¢I�i �I�ql��ili{i�CIH'3ij1 uiGii8iii811t��.8&i30t���y i�C�iRa ZO�0![nlYC! <br /> r' �ny Fur�held by Lender.If,under paagraph 21.[,ender oh�ll ocquire or�eU the Pnope�ty.Le�dor.pdor w the acquLition <br /> . � , ,� � ; �iecw�ed by�thi��u�i�ty�Insiru�inen�Y Fuadi held bX L.aideR+�t li�q tin�,of�oquGitlaa or�lo u�crodit s�aintt the�wns <br /> ` + . >.'.:�,�: 3. Applk�tbn of P�yments. Unleas rpplicable law provide�othonvi�o,al!paytaeat�recaived by I.endor uader <br /> ,,. <br />✓` � '�''i~,." 1�ad 2��be�pp�ed: ti ,topny.pre ymentcpsr ea dueupdec.tF�e�IV secppd,tc��qtoua <br /> � '�:;q:;:,•��'� �', p�2: tAiid,t i��i 3te r e s t d'�:�i6u�rth:t o p r i n i�l'due:k h�laAt;to'i l n y'late c h�ges'd G�u n d�r'i b O No ey�Wa under <br /> �i i�;+�;::::�-:• :i...:` 4. Ch�e�aj Lteno. HoROwer shell pay all taues,�meate�cl�rges�f i n a a a d i mpoa f dons u tr l b u t�b le t o t h e <br /> ..e.•<. •�=� ''�-.�•••�`.•• Pi+operty which mey tttain prioriry over this Security Inswmeut,and leasehold pAymeats or ground renta,if any.Borrowor <br /> •. ��.� .'.' <br /> -- ' .-:�..,<,-..- =�-;'�,r_a ah�ll p�y these obligotions in�he manner provided in parognph 2,or if not paW ln tlwt manner,Horrower shall pay Uxm <br />=�. :•"�':�� • :;��. Y on tlme diroctly to the person owed peyment.BoROwer ahall prompdy furnieh to Lender all nadoea of amouats w be patd <br /> �. :' ,'a:� �'�•. , . uada thb p�ph.lf Borrower malces these paymen�a directly�Bom�wer stwll pt�omptly Nrnich W I.ender�ooeips evida�cln,g <br /> ;�•,...;.>,.•. ..,:•.:•:'.; �• tLe P�Ymeata. <br />,�°� � ; •- '••- , •'•���`" ' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whlch has priodty over this Secudty Iastrument unless Porrower:(a) <br />"f'� � � ��t�' la writtn to the mcnt of the obll ation securod b the lien in o menrar le to Lender; )contests ia ood <br /> • �'::'�:•-.• � ��r�=:' faith�the liea b g or defeAiid alnst enforcement of the lien in,le �1 proceodings w�hlch�in the Lender'sro faIon r e to <br /> ,� ,•.. ,;,� .: a. . Y a8 8 aP � _ <br /> . prevent tde enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures frorn ihe holder of the lien an agrament sad�factory to l.euder�ubor- <br /> dimdag the lien to this Secudty Instnunent. If Lendar determines thet any put of the Property ic subject to a lien whic6 <br />_ . :i,•;.; a�ay s�uain prlodty over this Security Instrument.L.ender may give Borcower a ndice idendfying the lien. Horrower�Full <br /> �-:�c;� •.�;.: asWfy the lien or tal�e ab or inore of the acdons set forth ebo�e within 10 days of the glving of notice. <br /> � ' �.:•y,.>.. ..i,; .: S. Haard or Property Ins�u�ance. Barrower shall keep thc improvements now exLcting or hereafter ere�ted on <br /> ��;m� the Property irauc+ed.agai�ast•lass�by tire, hazuds lncluded within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazprds. <br /> i•��-'.-.-_� ,�. facludia�Qc�odc oriQoodln�,for wbiloh l..,ender requires insuru�ce.This insuranco shWl bc mwintained in tho amounts and <br /> �" _ for the pedoda�h4t Lender requircs.The inauranoe carrier providing tha insurance shWl be chosen by Horrower subject to <br />:4 '�"����'n • Lender's�pproval which shall not be unroas�tubly withheld.ItRorrower fails to m�Mt�in coverage described above.Le�er � <br /> €, � • � may,at Lender's option,obtain coverage to protect.Exnde�'e•rights in the Property in accordence with paragraph 7. <br /> � , All insurance policies and renqwals shall�bti.acoeptxble to Le4der uid shell include a sranda�d morigoge clause.Lender <br /> ` :haU have tha right to hold the policiNS and renewals.If Lender requires,Borrower shall prompqy give to I.ender all receipts <br /> + � of p�id premiums and renewal nvtices,[n tlyg Fvent of loss. Borrower�hvll give prompt nwice to the insurance c.iurier and <br /> x • � • I.ender. Lender may make proof of losx if not mdde promptly by Boirower. <br /> - Unless Lender and Borrower aherwlse agree in writing, insurance procetds shall be oppliecl to rcstora�ion or repair <br /> � �' . of the Property darn�ged,if the restomtion or repeir is economically feas�¢Ie and l.ender's security is nat lessened. If the - <br /> A restorati6n ar ropair ia not uononii{cally f�dslble or I.endcr's eecdrit�would be lessened.the imu�procads shall be <br />- . �i:�:s, :.... . applled to the sums securod by�his Securiry instNment,whetheror not then di�e,with Ony excess paid to Borrower.If Borrower <br /> �bmdom the Property. or das not answer within 30 days a notice from Len�ler that the inaurance carrier has of�ered to <br /> � � __. . . �eple a cl�im.then Lender may collect�he insurance procads.L.ender may use the procceds to repzir or rcstorc the Property <br /> "' �' or W pay auma secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 3U-doy periad will begin whon the notice <br /> -.7' ��-s'..'�. . . •. : ;:�;,. . • <br /> �� ;�, Unlecs l.ender and Horrower othervvise agree in writing.any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br /> . � � or postpono the dua date of the monthly payments refened to in parographs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. <br /> I�under puagr�ph 21 the Propeny is acquired by I.ender,Borrower's right to any insurance policlBS and proceeds rcsulting <br /> ��";,, �� ;'�,?�, fr+om damages W the PropeRy�prior to the acquisition shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> �. � `%":':::: . : Instrumetd immediately prior to Ihe acquisition. . . <br /> - - ,.- -.-- � .'�: . .s, , <br /> ►t.' <br /> ; .. . . <br /> . •�•:;:,: • . . '. <br /> , � � .,•,�;, . <br />` �:.; . !�'„ ; Fonn�OZl i/i0 fPn�Be 2oJ5 pagra) <br /> v `ti Fi;, • �,��i(�1[l,.� � . . <br /> K(� <br /> - . ��i t.s... .: <br /> '"' <br />.5,.- _� � <br /> . _ '' • 1 � • ; `.'.� ' <br /> - • • � . r �.���1�� <br />... .._._._ �.�-_'��r.. ' .. <br />