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<br /> a�a.W,ieaa�.cnaoe�won wra.rm.o..doem�trncu�n��uc�,axmn�aa.��..��•rsrr�nebna,�.�+��+ov�rbrsws
<br /> - .- .�_..__�._.___-�----.m-s.tiw.�,.....:�nc..erng.�noe...n�s_ _ w�n«qiQk.t�a�im°'"'�'�"rn:+w�s,�oc.cw�a gr -
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<br /> Tn�MoE ONor�iha�x�eu�on d Ih�Qud at�tuat. ,� : ,i _ - - — _
<br /> :�.�
<br /> I' i , "� . .
<br /> tC.. �cid�:GrnsRt�l3a1}Truaor
<br /> ....
<br /> _ ---- —
<br /> -�- - _ ------D�Q�OF'�Rt1ST MttTi�'#�I��DN.
<br /> nils nEfD oF'rflusr:ls maae as ot me_3�at_.d�.af ��„ _,t�l.si�:.b�r+ne�+�rtw��,
<br /> - tlisTrusto�.�iteer� D. Cruendel a marrled t�srsea - ace�F Cd�`��vid Grtierdel� her. htis6and� .;.
<br /> --- wta�m�(linp�ddiq�sis •e�n a�.�.�ra Ave Srand�l�R��sd�°� , �688Q�ain"Ttw14�'r wh�t�a�eot�marsAi.. . •
<br /> _---- e�TivaeR F[ve 8a&� Sank a Nebraska Coetuui�aa�a�: . ' ,
<br /> _ . � - .. . •� ��;:,.:.-
<br /> -_- �q� __-: "�d�ssts E O� � t807� G�and� f�E�F����`%68B02-t5o? (herNn'°Tn�aea�").�sn� -
<br /> - __ m�iliiq� ,,�:. � . .
<br />°_-• tMBM�eliCisryk - -
<br /> - wt�oss mi�inp�sddrMS ia P.0 Box_ 1807� Ce�and� 1#fe�ii�r'�NE �68802-1507 . {t�erein,~�r0e�.-
<br /> � FOR VAWIIBLE CONSIAEMTIOM.includin9 Lendar�exQensicf�l�4t�redit identiHed herein to Ailew �. Gr��ndef=
<br /> _r:,� ..
<br />- �,� r•-��n_-.:..� cr..e,..�e1. (heretn:"�brea�ies".whether cne or more)and the truat herein crsaled.
<br /> '�- the rocelpt�at���ic111s hereby aaknowtedDed�T►ustar:hereLy.,itria�codsfy Sraots.i►ansfiars.conveys and assipqs to Tnsstee IN
<br />��;:,r.;� TpUST.WR'f3��?QW�p 06 SALE.farthebene(itand seaudty.af Lenderi�rtc�ere6d sub�ecttatheterrtisand conditfanat�acetnafte�aeE
<br /> •� fOAh.the�eB,tVropedYe de�cd6ed s!tWMwx . .
<br /> - See Exhil�tit "Il"' on page �' ot� t�els ��ad::4,f: Tiru:sE�
<br /> . : .. � � '�
<br /> Togetber with.a11.6ui1dingF,improvemente.•fix{ures„stt�e4§.8tleq's,passageways.easements,ri9bte,privileyes end appurte� :
<br /> nances Iocated thereon or in anywise peReinina thereta.6lnd ihe cen(s,issues and profda,raversions and remalnders thereof.and+
<br /> "" aucA personal Aroperty ihat i9 attaahed tn Uta imptrn�emeats so ae ta constitute a ilxture,inctuding.but not limited tg heatlag and•
<br /> .'� coolin�equ�pma�Cand3ag�ther.witbthel�amestead�rrmaritalinterescs,ifany.whichinteresisarehorobyreleaaedandwaived:ail, ,
<br /> :; otwhich:inaludit(y�septaaemameand�dditionattlareto:+st�srebydeclaredtabeapaAOfthe�eatestatesecuredbyth9lfenotthl�l _
<br /> �esd of Trost�and 81Pof�tlia faregaing baing.t�t�aed�to herein as the"Properry".
<br /> ,.,, This Deed of�Tru�ehal{`eaaute.(h3:tfle qayi�iant�at the prtncipal surn anQ iaterest evldenced by a pwmisaory note or credit -
<br /> � a�reemenl d�tbd• M�:?�'s•:-3�'�l1�+r � ,heving a maturiry date ot lune 1 2006 , _
<br /> .,� aa..��a�- a} ,and an and all moditicationa,extenaloos and renea►a�3 '
<br /> in the a�f�i��rinci�pliAmaunAob� 4 Y <
<br /> ' thereo4 cr,ftrareto�anp°any�•,an�'atlltUUfr�advanoes and readvances to Borrower(or any of them it more then one)herpur�tir, _
<br /> ,�urg�;��qtqne or mo►e�{tp�NYSa►Y�`nates orcredi!agr;�mF.�!�ihereln called"Note'1:(bl the payment ot otf1er sunrts�i2trtce0 by
<br /> tsnitlr0aj�i�3�ctthasacuritkaf;�taNate:(a)lhepedormanceolaticavenantsandagreementaoftrustaraettoRhf�ensM�RdC='a1� ,
<br /> , pr�1�al�d:tixt.��re lndeblgdhsss and'abtlgai(ons ot 8orrower(a�am�pt them if more than one)to Lenaer whethef dsrect i�c@�c;,. _
<br /> absotu�c��:iin�ent and whettter arl:.°ng by note,guaranty,aveMwa�t or otherwlae.The IVOte,thia DeeQ of TruBt and aay�aa
<br /> .othecQ'p�i��gtseCU�etheNoteorctt�erwlseexecutedinconn�;��ftherewith,includingwithoutfimitationguarantee9.s�eim!�+�:•
<br /> ' � a3relR��g3;t,d 8ssl9nmr,r,te ol tease�and rents,sha116e�etened`q herein as the"Loan tn9buments". � .
<br /> .:� Yrr,�r.caveaantsar�d e�rees with Lender as fottnws: �
<br /> r�,, , • f.'�i�l��k1fa4��.All indebtedneas secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> � �:`t�lie��""ustor i�the owner of the Property,hae tng right artd authorlty to convey the P�operty.and wa�rants that th9 lien
<br /> er�ates�:�.�31s a first and priot lien on the Properly,excepticr,,erts and encumbrencea set torth by Trustor In wrlting e.90
<br />`� '.�r . ,.,��`,:�+ere�r,�i�3nder before executton o1 this Oead o1 TrusL.and tdg�z��on and dellvery a}this Qeed ot Trust doe9 not vlotare any
<br /> �� •�r,tr,��dther obUpatlon to whlch 7rustor is subjecz. •
<br /> • , r:, ":,"�3:;^f�iN,Au�NmMb.To pay 6etore delinquency�'.'taKes,special assessments and all other charges aga�vrst the P�operty
<br /> • ;. ' , h+2�'tr'�er.!after levied. ,
<br /> `. ` .i:MMUr,inc�.To keep the Property insured against tlamage by fire.hazarQs i�ctuC�d within the te►m"extended coveraye".and
<br /> M
<br /> ;;i!:,; � suci�c!f��hazarda es Lender may req�?�c�in amounts and with corxrCanie9 acceptabte to Lender.naming Lender a�an additional
<br /> � �tt,��� n8med insur�with fas�payahla ta th�ta.mder.In casa ol tass under such poticies.the Lender ia autfiarized to adjust collect and ,
<br /> ' � �'.�,aorn�rcRU�e,ail ctalms tHereunder and�+alt have the o�tlon of app�ying all or part uf�f�e insurance proceeds G)to any indebtedneas
<br /> '��-.� Sgcured h8r�lfy and ie such order a9 iertcl�rmay dete�n*irta.lill to the Trustor to bg used tor ttte repair or�estoratlon otthe Praperty
<br /> ' � � 4rfiii)tCranyotherpurpoaeorobJect9atisi�torytol,e.�d�'withoutaftectingthetlenatthisOeedotTrustforthetullamountsecured
<br /> • :. ,ahireby lkfa�e auct+payment eve�took place.Ang apptia�UOn ot ptoceeds to lndehtedaess shall not eMtend o�postDone the due
<br /> �ts at any.payments under the Note,or cure any detautt lhereunder or ftereunder.
<br /> • �� , 5. Efctow Upon wrltten demand by Lender.TruStbr shall pay to tender.in sunh manner aS Lender may Qesfgnakt suHicient
<br /> _. ��-'� � sumstoenebtelendertapayastheybesomedu�oneormoreotthetounwmg.(ilautaxes.assessmentsandothercharQe�apeinst
<br /> _ � the Pruperty.(ii)the premiuma on the praperly insWanae required hereunde�.and ti+i)the prem►ums on any mortgaye inswgnce �
<br /> � , �-?�;; .� requUed by Lander.
<br /> *• e, N�NNn�na,ppaki and Compyane�wNh Laws.T�ustor shatl keep t�:e Property in gco0 eondrtian and repalr,shatl
<br /> . ,•„��;� , promptly rspair,or�eplaca any improvement which may 6e damaged or aesuoyed;s1�ll not commit er permit an�t waf�or
<br /> det�riaradon ot the Propa�tyr,ahall'not remove,demolisn ar substantiatty ette►any of the im�roveme�U on the i+ropertY shgll not
<br /> �ommi�auffer a�permitarryacfta tiedonsin or upon the Propertyr in viataUan atany taw,ordinence.or regutaUon:and shallpxyand
<br /> ____— _ +�_. . pre�r dlseh�u{�e a1�Trua�oPs coat and expense a11 Uens.encumbrance��nd cha�gaw IevieO.�mposed or asses�d ag�inst the
<br /> ' �'_�',A:�� property cr any paR theraoi. .
<br /> t.'.•..- ._
<br /> �:f� • r. EsYuM Oaewte.Lander Is herebK auipned sll caanpenaation,awarQs,damayes and oUrer paymenh ar rellN(hereinefter
<br /> ='�"r� "Proce�ads"IiAC(HtneeNOnwitl�candemnaUanorotherfakirtgOtthePrOpehyarpaAthere0f,ertorcomeyancsinlieuOtCOndan�na•
<br /> ' '�= L'on,Lenddr sMall bs entiUed at ib apHan to cammenee,appear in and prosseufe in ib own name any aeUon ar proceed+ngl,and
<br /> • shalfai�o t�a en6tMd ta e�aks�ny compromisa 4►aatNementin eanneetlon wif�aucn fokfnp or dams�e tn thea+r�nt any pnrHa�n M
<br /> � .a - 1�ic�r�lNwrrawerMO+.�M�.taM
<br /> �'�3_:,:J.� Ot�NlfiiWfriMCr�a�Trrfw�Ifw�+1A�1�++.ti�itN�r�r –
<br /> ,f:iiY�'!'�
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