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<br /> — - - - y=— ��:� .
<br /> - �.tt�, Gran�rr !a cons�dsratioa ot�;nc�afi:-�$�:a�� �- , . --
<br /> othar qood- and valuabl's coasid�ratian,: ricsf;xs� �ra�u:. �
<br /> Graatss, 71Z�� GROEl1DB�., convsyrs to• Gsantss,. a� jo3n�.:;'::'- °` ` � -
<br /> t�nanb aAd not as t.onaats i,n caaa■on�,. tha toZlov,ixiq:;-`.�;
<br /> da►scri.b�d� rsal �sta►te (as d�insd fa: �l�,. Bl7��.' S�fi�•: . �`
<br /> T6-ZOlj;s . .
<br />- - -- _ _ . 1► tras:t o� land� ]�acat�d in tha xosth�rest_S�ua�r: aL:t.�ue�._
<br /> _ -- Sauthwst Quaztar tli�t�9f�1�)` o! Seation T�en�-0n� (���;�;-;; ' ,
<br /> - � To�►nship 81�vtu�- (11) l�orth, Ran4s Nina (9�:, 1�s'�.of:tti�"
<br /> . 6th P.M., ixt Hsl�. Countp, Hebraska, �ore pazt.ic�:arly
<br /> - . 'drscri.Dec1 �as tollo*rs: 9eqinainq at- th�-'��;l�hwa8t� - •
<br /> __- , aarns� ot Lot Tw� (2). Braah's , Fi.sst St�tic���ri:sion s
<br /> th�3nca NortL�sl� alonq aad � tJLe�i�Tiast ��..ot said ,
<br /> _ �� ` L�t Two (Z�), if axtended a c�i�tianae�o�`::Ft�zty-five _ �
<br /> -_-_ : (i5.0� feat, tiiencs RortlleauEties].g ��a 3is�i� of Oa� : .
<br /> - � Hu�aarsat T�r.�t�r--T�ro aud �psnt�r H�uiaraa'�s ��a�`R�o�j faat,
<br /> --_---- to ttte inter�action: w9.th tbe EasG lfne a� �aid?Lot T�o.
<br />�:.'-+=_ � �Z). . if, autendedt tbenca south�rl� a].or�q aird�`�1.pon the
<br />��.:t:. :
<br /> ..,�.�. . . ._ East : _lf,�ie.ot.said Lot Twa�.�zj�,,_i,� �xtended,,,a�.s�i.stance .
<br /> _ �"�'f� � og Thi,rteen (�:3.0� teet� to thg Noztheast coi�z°-of�"said' _
<br />;:'�J�:; . . � ` •. Lot Z'�no ��1-:.. thencm SouCh�t��:K�. �].on� and upon the
<br /> � � _ No�t,he�lyr lf.t�: ot said Zot. ..TWO�:{i�l:j�,,to�..tha place of
<br />. . �q�rcf.n4�• ` . :, ,
<br /> ;;.,. . .. . . .
<br /> "�°r�, .��so. Lot Tao�. (�2)�. at B�ti�r��First Subdivf��on of a ';.
<br /> ��`;��-�, � offi. tffi��Nostl�,w�a�t A�ta�.ii�;o� the Southwest Qu�rter �
<br /> y ;i•'1 B I� /� �! a�/
<br /> �4�<�; �{�} .
<br /> ~«� .. . . .�'`�.��.��: Q�� :���/M�O� ����8 t�i�j� i01�i7��..��Pw�" . . ,
<br /> ' � " • � (11) N`O73th r.8a3i�:Ii�:t?�°'.(9'��'s Aest of tlie 6th P.1�I... HaII � .
<br /> '�i;+ _ � • ' .. �.'Cou�it]�, NB;btt�i;%_�, . , ,
<br /> '�f tN`ef •t� .,L-�ake F'roni�� Tiiac� 2A, more.�particuiarly described as =
<br />...�..:r`;`;�,' � I.:.°Lake Front Tracts abuttinq B=ach�s Lake", showti on the
<br /> � • City of Grand� Island Engineerinq flspartment plat =
<br /> � " •;' ' identified as �8rach�s LakeM, dated s-�9-72, and �hich
<br /> - ����•-'';. • plat Aas been filed of record as ��a part of Deed .
<br /> �`;:'.:; reCOrded in Soak 104-8 at Paqe 23 oY the OfY�iaial Deed �
<br /> � Records of �a12 County, Nebraska, in the Northwes� F
<br /> �� � Qttarter � of the Sou�west Quarter (h'L•i�SW�j oY Sea:.ioii
<br />��,. ,.:' T�aentg-Qne (21), Towr�hip Eleven (11 j Nortb, Ranqe Niue •
<br /> :'�:;-;,?�,� '� . (9�, Weat af �td�e 6th P.M., •Hall- Connty, Nebras&a, , .
<br />-%i�;��`c� � .�Gzantar e�►�y�a�ts (jointly ar:i� severally, 1��.��avie than , . _
<br /> =- ;., :
<br /> . , oney 'witts-t&er�r"'aatee �hat Grantor: �, ' - . _
<br /> (1) is Ia�Yu12�:.,.�eised of sucb rea��.��4:e and that it is
<br />• : ,yr�.; ;:}.� free from en�umias�a�es subject tm �semei�ts, re$�iruations, , ,
<br /> ; , :;: � aovenants and res�sA�ioas oF recos�:
<br /> . •;,� . . .
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