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WOh NZ� �?�i��OC O!' �!a �M11'�+ <br /> ._ _� �pp�l �p�p����l�� �tOR'� �� I�ttOOr�o� Oe <br /> wi9ta 1� 000�p�!�q t� 1�t�siMS ot any p�sk t�o! �o ro�d, aai� <br /> aad ail �11 ir�di�taly b�oar tb� t�at �� tt� purah��r at <br /> suah �als, vbioh ta�anaY slwl�. b� • t�no7 ls�o� day to day <br /> t�s�in�bl� at tbs riii ot �f�t.�r t�nant or landiosd, at 1r <br /> r�asonabl� s�ntal p�s� dag l�aMd t�pon tLs valw o! t�u Pr�i�t, <br /> �uch s�ntai to 1a� ¢w eaily to aaid purcbas�r. �n �ption o! <br /> loraibi� d�tain�r sbaii li� i! th� t�n�nt holds ov�r alt�r a d�snd <br /> in vri�tin� !or poss�s�ion o! t.l� Pr�iNS t and thi� D��d o! sru�t <br /> and th� ttust��s d� �tuii aons�itut� a 1� and aqr�nt und�r <br /> vbio�� th� t.�naa��s posNSSion aros� and aeoatinub. <br /> (c) In ths �n►ent am�rsl►ip o! th� Pro�rty or any <br /> -- po:tion th�arsot b�aa�� v�st�d in a psrson oth�r tban ths Trustos <br /> _ (as hsr��n na��d) , �r�liaiwry a�ay, vithout notia� t.o th� Trustor <br /> _ (as h�r�in natwd), w�h�th�r or not e�n�lidiary bas qiv�n rritt�n <br />--- cons�nt ta sua2i ahanqw in c�m�rship, d�al vitli such suca�ssor or <br /> - suac�ssors in int�r�st with r�ter��►as to this Os�d ot �rust ae�d ths <br /> �.q itidtbt�dr�ss ��aur�d h�r�by, ar�d in th� saa� aann�r as tiith <br /> - Tru�tor, vitdout in any �ray aosprc�isinq or eliscberginq Trustor�s <br /> itabiiity turaund�r or und�r ths ind�bt�ns�s h�r�by a�aur�d. <br />-�»�- (d) sbouid Trustor lAil to aak� any psy�ant or to ao any <br /> �-���;. aat r�ir�d undsr ths t�rais o! tha 1lqsasa�t or this D�ad at <br /> =_� Trust, thsn e�a�ticinry ar Trust4e aiay, t�ithout obiiqstion so to <br /> �;=� do, and Mrithout notias to or d�aand upon �'irw�or and rrici�OUE <br /> � r�i�asinq Trustor lroa eny obiigation th�reund�r, <br /> .�� <br /> - (i) l�iake any such payment or do or p�rtors any sucls <br />-- acts ia �uah aannar an�3 to such axtQnt as sith�r Hanetiaiary <br /> �.\�°'�� or Truato� in itis aole discretion may dst�rsin� to b� <br /> - neaeseary or proper to presenra the valus o! th� Prop�rty <br /> ''� snd/or to protact the �aQaurity o! this Oead o! Trustt or <br /> �'�?`' � ; -. (11) Do or perlorm any acts which Trustor is <br /> .`r.' .- obliqated her�under to do or perlormt or <br />"�'��; � .;.���'``�'�'�, <br /> y'�`'''� (iii) Pay, purchaee, conteat �r comproais� any <br />- , . a'f�'�,�'':'1 <br />- -. �,,� onaumbranaa, aharqe or lien, which in the judgment o! oith4r <br /> '�' °t �•�=. ?"��`�';+;"�: appoara to bo prior or oupQrior horato. <br /> �'�vd��;,,,� . .•l,.t`:,�;r. <br />- • ��.:�_1i_-r�.;�t�;�a <br />-Q �"-�• ���'�'�<7;,+? in exaraising any $uch powers or perlorming any such acts <br /> ` '""""���;� Heneliaiary and Trustea are hereby authorized to entQr upon tha <br /> �• �m' �' . Property at any timo !Qr euch purposto and to incur any liebility <br />- � . �'''= and expend whatever a�mounts in thair abaoluts discretian they may <br /> - '" �' `"� da�m nsaeseary tberelor, including, but not limitad to, the aost <br /> _�'��� �1iM��;�:�.�.. .'.�.,��,: <br /> :�. i�n��.i <br />��Y. � .. . �.-1�.i�.- /� " <br />- � . 1(� <br /> . i . , <br />" f,1�, . ' ^'L�ryj, <br /> ..� :•-. . •::.;;�tiji;:�.. . <br /> - � in5i�r...�.•- <br /> t- '�+�,� • �,yc _.. ' . ' r.+'::,:.1�.d..- " , _ _�..�-.•. 'T+•+�n--'°�� .a��-�,r.�. .___. . <br /> Y`yfLu,ti �r.� _ <br /> 1. ����`�� r r t1.F;Jp°'TM"'..`_""_—.--r"",�'��r7:': . I' '�l �J� ' ' ` •.1.. �.4•'vs`/i I �\��;��fr`7i :� + Y'; , <br /> �_G? �.�.�'a y'.�.:,.1. ' . i ... 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