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<br /> TWS,E'�A2�'!+�'h�5�� �. -Is a�-�t�r��--=_�R�?��.�€-_=�-_�Y�_-.r—=`�--------------
<br /> _ , - ---- `: ;and:is uraot�atxtad�irna�a�shalt i�e daemedto anxn�i�rc1 supp}ement�c dNuitBaBa.ikedaf
<br /> • Trust�•an.Secqrity: Ueod� (tha "Sewri3y,�- Gistt�••) o�,dNe sarne data..Sivcrt byc tMs-undcrsigaed.ttbe,
<br /> ••Homn�vcxr,••)ta secvra Hns�c�r's haa•cq�;
<br /> • ' C4SCiERCIAL"�'E7b:AA�7i PtORTGAGE CORP()RATIQ��
<br /> \
<br /> _ . . (tfia^Let�der••!
<br />___ . , of;:_t1�c s�ua.aate aad�coverin�tha�'ta}�tit!"�described in the Securicy.testrument.�and.;Locatod�+et=�
<br /> l�,�y - - -- - . - y7�i�::�':i3��ili��E:RD, GFA'3B tSLAG�;,:VE.683�i� -
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<br /> :,_��.:;r . . � .- (Y�vp�atg Aaalressl
<br />,:iii����1Q , . , .
<br /> = __ , - 'iba Bmpe:iy,incTadr.s.:but:i�.aot limited to,a pa�ret af land impmved with a dwelling.together with other sucb
<br /> '�' ` -` :.}pt�q�ls.i�d'a�ts�in ooir►maii•arcu�l facitities.as dGS�ri6ed in.
<br />'°`r;� . . , . (the"DecJu�tioA�)•
<br />---,;r•` ' . ..'121d:Piq�M}r;�a pa�t a6�r phaned nriit devdapment lao�wn as .
<br /> ',.�.�.. LAKE DAVIS AC�ES
<br /> _ ._ ° ' •'' (Haa�cot PlamaA Itait D�vekiQaaal� . . ' '� ., :. ��.
<br /> � - � (th�;"�UTA")::'I�ia.Ai't�pecty also includes Hacmwer's intecest in the �+�-aecs:;a�ia'dtion or equiv�lrnt ,
<br /> .��, " t6e camrtion amas au�fx�ities of the PUD Cr�:.`'':�?le�s�s�pation")and tl�x ases,
<br /> �a�mm�,a�.�:, . ;:� .,: , ,;.
<br /> � -- :` �ff��id;��ioeeds ofBdriaWer�iitte�:..: __, .. :..�: z ` �:: . , .
<br /> L:
<br /> ' . � .:,. .. �,,.H�iI��COVENANIS. in.�t�un w ifie coven�ts �.°agr��r`{a� �:r�e Saurity Instrumeni. ..
<br /> � ':,�:::� � 'Hfiato�f�iiraad I�ndcr fuNxt cdveqant aad ag�'as,foilaws,:.:,:' , : �. '`:� '
<br /> •� '. - � . A.pUp pBli�atioa�.Bomower st�ali��£'uix�all of��oirnwer's oblig�rions andet the PUD's Coastitueat
<br />,;�..'. ' -- po�a�ta.'1'ix"Constituent Dosumeats"a�,�ti)Declaia[ion:(ii)arcictes of inoorparation.tnut instmment
<br />^;`;,�c'i- oc.�a�=���qoivaknt dacument v�if�r,y�tes tAe Ownets �SSociatfon: and lin) any by-laws or othcr rules or-.
<br /> .:';;�.i.' ��ns of che Owne�s A.�sa�=B"omnwcr shal!pro�d�pay.when due.all dnes�,nd assessments imposed .
<br /> �`I%-''`E' � to tha Coastiweat Dn�r�: � :'' �=
<br /> •r�•.�.�. Pu� :
<br />_,n� 8.Ha�ud�rAnce:Sai.'��;�'.�-thc Uwners A�saciation tnaintaiai;,v�ic2ia<�t'��+.accepted insurance�:: :_.'_,. __ _
<br /> �<� `' �� . catrier,a•`muter`"�r"blanket^' .�#izr:inswin�thc Property which is s�ff.-ss�;�•��±�tr and ufiicb:pmvides � _
<br />