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-- .- .�[.,It!'.�� --- — ��-.-.—_..�--`- _i„i..=-�_. - . <br /> .�� ,_,� �� � (� ��� � �x.��,_.3���: ��- __ _- - _-•-'. __ <br /> �� �� �1�� �.' ..__'.` _ <br /> -1,.. <br /> .-.'- .4r..�u_ .. ;l.S.. ' _ — <br /> . . . . � :`�;� <br /> - . ... <br /> � . ' y�. �rw�lr� 111O1�t 1�MiINl�. M lo�aww MMs erhlp eonilo�M M��w�r NW Mw�w U�t te bM�KMi�iiM�_ .-_ <br /> i�M�11M/�rll/�M/�If'M MM�M1M ek(y e d�y#{Of Mld�OIhR PObl1 M�I�M�M�►�P�l►�f 1�1�� M�� <br /> � M IM 11���► N� M rM P� �1 �M oa�Ywd Y�t1�M Ma�► MMw�r� n � wMry �1�M�M NM� Mlr��► . <br /> bM�MM,/MM�w�w�M Mrl MMw«:W Y�1�+LMdu a1 wnM wlraA tMn waM M iN rndu IM�l��I I�w�nM rM M <br /> - Mab� M � ��.�ld M�t M�d��r I��Itd a�r�Mn �ww�t�r�a�lc!M M1�i�r!���i•'�.;�:_.' <br />--___--- -- - -- -- �ier,� rlia ��r irYuiwi Yid��Y. bM �ot IniMod b. nMOirhM +Nq�y�' 1Mr, w�d l4 MNM widi �a� ar l+�r�ql .. <br /> �a�►�4� to�w M�t 1M Mn d Ws MoirNy M�MmnwN. L�� �b IM�Maprb�nd Sarawr's oM�nN fo Mp M� <br /> MMn MaiNd Ay tIIM MaMyt MNrInwM �hM ooiMYwM unW�q�d. Uoai�Mi�wN Ir� raroww. NM i�arMfl��M�nd 1M <br /> 01�1�1ar Na�d Mrb�►MMI�Mln A�I�►�MoM+�r M eo�ooinllon hd ooarNO, FMMwi�r. MM d�M to dnMM�Mii urt+/b U <br /> "_ 11M arw d wo�MMlo�uedK qrappN 17. <br /> 1!. WM d Nobi C��O�of Low1 �v1aN. TM NoM a � prlW MM�MI b tM t�taM po�� +wM thi� ��ar�► <br /> M�In�w��!►b�rold on� or Mqn tNMS wUhaA pior i�b BoROww. A�M I�y I�wIR In� alwq�l U 1M M�lI 10��� <br /> 'Lo�tMNo�ry M�t oairab �onthlp p�y�nb dw undu tA�Noa�nd IAM d�a�y M�Mn�il. 11��Mo�I b�a�or�d�MpM <br /> a n,.�o�n ewwow un�wM.a w. w.a an Na.. a uw.Is.o�ww•a u�.lo.�a«v�o�. ea�ow�.wM b.dwn w�lwn nollo.d th. <br /> drrq�N�omrd�na w�h p��pA 1�1�bow ind app�wibM Mw. Th�eoYo�wr M�1M��nd�detMS d 1M�w►Lo�n MiMow <br /> .�a a�..m...w wn�n wya�s�nara a m.a.. rns� oo�.rnr ouw.Mran�nQrna br�o•eM�,► <br /> Zo. H�aruaN sub�anws. Boeow�r .nr na oMU. ar pMni th. pnwio., a.. d�+o� �on�p� � �wM• a.�► <br /> Flwrdotn AubNnon on a In tl�Pbp�ry. Bortowa diY not do�na Yow anyo�io b do��ny1hN��Na�q 1h�hWMN�N�'+ <br />— �bNMon d rry�W law. iM pnordnp two sMWaio�sh�l eot yipy to 1M pnw�a,w�.a stor�an tM 14o�wh►o��W <br /> qu�tlNu a r�raou. sub.tno..aNt.r.a«�«dy noopN�.d to�onwl n�{dm+IM aa. .na w�+A�rno.d th. <br /> Barcww shN aonpuy 91w ��wrllhn noUa�01 r►y Im�stlptl�on.c�,dMrMndJ�wu�Y a otMr �tAlon bf► �Y Y�►��•• <br /> " -- n�k1aY�Y a P��Prh��O��'���nd N►y H�z�rdous Subst�nc�a F.�IVtraWr�nW Law ot wh�h 8orlowa!w adi4`: <br /> 3;� knaM�dp�. M Bon+ow�r IwM,w N ao11Md bY�ny Yovrnm�11a1 or npuMtory�wlhaitY. UWp�ny rNnowl or athK nrlNdWlon d r1Y <br /> - Haardous Subs4na�flny th� Prop�Ay b�cswy. Bartow�r �hd pramptlY Wu Y n�wy dnMdY �oYons N'1�000lydmo�w�h'•: <br /> � Emka�ndl Law. <br /> -- A� utd In thlt p�rpr�ph 20� 'Fi�zaMou� Subatmaa' �n thos� wbetanas d�n�d u twdo or hnxardous wbsOrWM by : <br />� .�� Envlrorr�w�W l�w �nd th� tolotivinp wbstonas: yasoin�, k�rosan�, othar�anrndtN a to�da p�trolwNn ploduab� tooria P�stlddu� <br /> hwbiold�s, vaMW sdvwib, nrtw�Ml� aantaYih� nbutos a TornWdrhfrd�� �nd w�lN� m�twWs. As us�d (n tli� p�np�ph 20. <br /> .. 'EnvlraunnW Law• mwu t�dral I�w� and kws of th� Jurbdotlon wlw� tM P►oprty b loabd th�t nIM� a hwMM. aMY « <br /> -. �nrlrot�nW protet,ilon. <br /> — NON�UN�ORM COVENAMS. Banow�r�nd L�ndw turthK covwwd�nd���s/o1ow�: <br /> ! Z1. Accdar#ia►: li�m�dl��. I.�nd�r sh�ll qtv� notic� to Bor►ow�� p�lor to aacd�rMlon tollowu�p � <br /> '' -- --g�.'n;_� Borr_+�er'e lxeeoh o1 eny �e�renent er�gr•em.M� in thta S�cu� Insaure�nt (but not prtor to aaeM� ,• '• . <br /> .. und�r p�ra�ph 17 unlass �pplla�bl� law provld�s Mh�rwlp). Th� notla� sh�ll �prctfy: (a 11M ddwl� ' <br /> 'aa.t,�.i; ���:..,., lb� th� wtlon nqulnd to our�th� d�fault; (c) s dsb� naR I�w than 30 drys hom � dst� tl� notto� 1� <br /> • �Iv�n to Bonow�r. by whleh ttw d�hult muat b� aur�d; and (d) th�t fatlur� to cun tiM d�isult on or <br /> �`" ` ' �` ' b�tor� th� dd� sp�clfl�d U th� notla� msy r�sult In acc�l�ratton of th� wm� s�aund bp 11+Is S�curily <br /> , �n.�,_...- :-�. 'F <br /> ::.. .�`"�_ • Instrumntt and al� of the Prop�rty. Tho notic� �htll turth�r IMorm Bor►ow�r of th��t�td to nMsht�dt�r <br /> - JM'_.. _ .. � �. <br /> " .r',°t�..,;�''a�'•.-:s �cc�larMlon and th� rlpht to brin� a aou�t action to �ss��t ih� non-�xlshea� of a ddwlt ar �ny alh�r <br /> • �. ' d�ns�M eorrow�r to aeedor�tion and salo. If th� dahuk Is nd eur�d on or b�tor�th� dab �p�olfl�d <br /> ':'`�'F�'..'.,:.. '�`'.-�° In tt� nottc�� L�nd�r �t ib option m�y nquln Imm�dld� p�ym�nt In tull of yl sums s�cund b�► thts <br /> `'�'�'�''Y"•"''�"� S�curity Inslrumo�t without furthor d�m�nd �nd m�y fnvok� th� pow�r of s�l� and any oth�r hm�dtN <br /> �' ''��:•:°"- ;'�� p��� bY �PPOo�bl� liw. Londor shall b� ontitl�d to cMloat a0 �xp�na� Incurr�d In purwlnp th� <br />_� ` �': �- � nm�dioi provld�d In thb p�rapraph �1� Includln�� but oot ItmRod to� n�sombl�dtarn�ys'f��� �nd Qosb <br /> , . , of titlo wld�nc�. <br /> . , a;� If th� powor of ssla Is Invokod, Trustao Qhall rocord a notla� of default In o�ch aounty ln whlch any <br /> -- • , ' ~�° pa�! of th� Property Is locat�d �nd ehall m�il coptos of suoh notice ie the mannsr proac�lb�d by appOc�b��� <br /> . , : .. , ` I�w to Borrow�r snd to th� othor porsona proecribod by appllaablo IAw. ARK tho tin� nqulnd 6y <br /> ,��:�� �ppllcaW� law, Trud�� �hall glva publta notlao of sala to tha persons and In th� m�nn�r pr�scrlMd by <br /> " �,:r�?:�:..,�°'�` appUcabl� law. Tru�t�a, wlthout dQmand cn 8orrower, shall �oll tha Proparty at puWic �uatton to th� <br /> \`, r���f,��"•�. , . hlphost biddar tt tho tlmo �nd placo and under tho torms desi�natad In tha notla� of aalo In on� or mor� <br /> �: a�,, , paraols �nd In any ordar Trustoe doterminos. Truatao msy poatpon� rab of all or any pacol of th� <br /> _, ,� ;��:; � :»� w•,�,,�. Propsrty by public �nnounc�m�nt at the ttmo and plaa� of any qr�vbusty �ch�dulod tal�. L�nd�r a ib <br /> � � ,�+ dosigna� may purchaso th�Proporty at any �ale. <br /> F� , 1�����;�:-'�,� Upon �ocotpt of payment of the prlao bld, Trustaa ahall daltvor to th� pu�chas�r Trust��'s do�d <br /> � `' convoytnp tho Proparty. Tlw racltals In the Trustee's deod s:iall bo prlma hclo ovldenco of tho uuth of <br />_ � H� tho statemoMs mado tlwreln. Truatee ahall appty the proceeds of tha �alo In the following ordar. (a) to atl F: <br />�` ' � costs and oxpenaaa of oxercislna tho powor of �ale, and the sale� Including the payment of tho Truatoe's - <br /> �� ` � , foos actuAlly Ihou�rad, not to exceed 3.00 96 oi the principal amount of the not� at the tini� ot th� - <br />-� � daclaratbn of dafault, and roasonable attorn9y'a fees as permltted by law; lb► to all sumo sacund by thls _ <br /> � �• ' Socurity Instrument; and(c)any oxcess to the person or persons lagally ontttled to tt. <br /> Y <br />`. ' ; �, � 22. Raeonveyanca. Upon payment of al auma secured by thla 3ecurily Inatrument, Lender ahaC requeet Trustee to reconvy the = <br /> ;.#� . PropMy �nd s1uG aunendr lhle 8ecurlty Inslrument and ep notea evldenclny debt secur�d by ihla 3ecurity Inatnunent to TNSt�s. Trustee <br /> , , , <br /> _ , �, : shMl naonvry the Properry wflhout wammly and wqhout oh�rqe to Ihe pe►son or persone le9ally enttthd to R. Such person or perion��haY <br /> �;�'•,' , p�y any rocordatlon coste. <br /> .. ,., <br /> •`, ,,,.� : <br /> . � �� 23. $ubstltuta Truataa. Lender, at Ita optlon, may from tNne to Ume remove TNStee ond appokit • successor trust�s to�ny <br /> _ _ � � Trustaa�ppolntM h�rwndar by an hstrument recwded In th�counly In whlch thla 3ecurlty Instrument b naarded. Wkhout convyana ol ; <br /> _.. •},,.. .. . .. . T-•-'--;;'^'^ °.�.�... ....u..�w.ww.... <br /> ----- - _= - -' -�_.._.._ .�_....- •---�..--- <br /> __ -1' . �II�f'74�7MIr� OY4li00iV� YYOIOQ OIW/W{r400Y IV WI IIIQ 1111Q�VVY1WC1�IIY 4Y��0{rV%IIt11oY Y�IV11 IIYa10o oor��� �r��rMw�.� ' � <br /> � 24. R�quast for Notlao�. Ba►ower requeats that coples ol the notices ol de(auft and s�le be a�nt to Borrowar's addnes whlch <br /> , b the Properly Addreaa. <br /> ' , ' 28. Rtdan to thls Saau�lty Instrument. It one or moro ridera arQ executed by Bortower and recaded topether wNh thla <br /> ��'" �' _ __ _ Securlty Instrument, the covrnant3 ond Wreements ol each aueh rlda shaA bo Incorporoted Inb and ahal �mend �nd aupplement lhe <br /> ��''. '', �---..-- -• – cownants md aqreanenU of thlt 3acurity InsWment as q the rlderls)wwe a pah ol thla 3earity Incwmant ' <br /> � ' . <br /> ° � <br /> �" •'�• ' <br /> n .,-' vape 1 ot S Fam�028 9/�0 <br />� ' `..�, u`. F102➢.LMO NID�) <br /> __ ,;� ., . .. �4 , R�. N <br /> . s,sn9 �'X� �� <br /> , ., �, <br /> <`�. ' <br />