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,�-___;_-;. ,�.� .. <br /> - -,� ;� ` L� _ --�:::-° __' _ - - - <br /> . .�- � r.�. :�� - '-' - g-�:. <br /> — i ' ' <br /> - - „ : <br /> . . g�•'i�� _ :... <br /> .w�: �.��, . . . . <br /> ---- ,�w1 1��/tA.�■A�a�n+�e�M�Mr ta..l�ardy n1�M1 �+w.Mw� «■S►�►iw Mw�w'r�.r�►M�«�t�wiw 4 �' <br /> .. Miwl�OMI!�M�M 14MMrw AM N 1q4 M M1��w1�M�M tYrr 1!II.�Q M11 at�y ('1�11�y.1wira 11111�M Mf <br /> � NM �1 1!w!l�wi Mr�IM�w Illwl�. � Lrli1/ i�►. M M�►MiM� MMt M/MY fwb 11 r 1MM�Mt MI M�M�� <br /> _ W..r w�, wr.�r.�+�.M...w�e M wr �r. . w rw�.�.�r..�r w..N�rr.wrrM..�..����M,;�w,:,. <br />-- -_-----__—_ -- --�n..ii�.w.i�wi..►..i.wi..�ir.wa:Mw.n:�.q:�.:�,:, - —��- --_ _ <br /> 1M tIM1i MI�M Ilr/MI M IM�Ir011 w110M dQOi M�1 bM�w A�rMl�/M/r.MM�MM�w• M MI��IIMI�1iIM�.� <br /> Lwd�1�.�w��M�o�a a b.�jr►.dnl MoM. ta�n eNc. �.aMer.nNl.ppy M+.w�a p.y IM�SSSrr w�. 1+�Mr w+we <br /> �M�Mwwr M MMiy Md 4/rMy IM Fu�i, anrrlp��p iM Ma�w �ooewM� r v�MyM�M�ra�w M�.��Lwi� <br /> pys�ow.w�e M�wt M�r/u� appro.e�.�.w aw� �a�r a�NNo..uoA.aMr�., How«.�t.wdi►�v w��o�o�wK r <br /> _ .— � ��M��M Mf M rM1�MOM�fMI MM��t f�Of�MI'WM Yl�d by LM�f YI OOI�NI�I�1 wMl�I IOM�Y11MS NI//O�r� <br /> paddM Mlwwrw 11N�� �n �k M�d1 a�pplalfN i�w n4iN h1�M1 ta b�prd, L�Mr N� not M �ird b /M <br /> �sw�r wp�iwt a�qa ae 1M Fund�. BaroMw�nd L���ll�b w�MMq,Aow�rr.MNt kM�wl Mwi b�pld os 1M Fu�d�. <br /> I.�nd�t NiM Olw b lo�rww►�wMhout dMr�,m��I woa�Miiq d Ih�Fundr.Mowirq a�dl��nd el�N to MM Fund��nd tlr pro�M <br /> far wNoh Moh d�hR b th�funds wn�tN. TM funiM�n pMd�d� �dd1a�M Ma�My fo►�1«res��rd br Ni�arbl ImMr�M. <br /> M IIM flwdt hMd by LwIdR woMd IM�narlb p�nN1E�d b b� Mld by�ppio�W�IMM� LM1dr � �oo011ef b 9o1101wt ler tIM <br /> �o�Fundt b�000rdNia wMh tM nqWn�nb ol appto�bb i�w. N tM�maat d tM Fund�h�id by LadM�t�tY�M nol aMdwA <br /> lo p�tlN Esarow NMII�wAM1 d�LNd�niy►w no1My SarawN �n wrrnp,��ud1 oM�8ontfwv s1W py b L,u�dr tlN�NI11t <br /> MaMary b �lo�Yp tlN d�otM�l. Sortoww�hM dMa up 1M d�ld��o�l in eo Mon th�n M1Mr�monlhly p�ll��ls.�t L�w�d1r�rob <br /> d�a�Ma�. • <br /> upo�a.y��ti w a� n.ns ..owua e�aa.s.o��r �. �•iw��py�w ro earow...�► wb.n.w ey <br /> Undr. M,undu p�npr�pA 21. LM��hN�oqub ar�i 11» Prop�y. Lrid�r.PMor W 1M�c+qut�Mon ar s�M d 1M PltipNty,�1�pWl► <br /> �n�I Fundr AMd by LM�a11M tYM d�oquMNbn a wM u• a�dl�p�YMt ih�wms unr'�d by Wa S�aNKy(nWirnMM. <br /> _ _-- �. App1lo�Nun vf Paym�IMs. unt�s apptctll�Iwv proridw etli«wMa rl p�nts noNv�e by��u�p�rq�pM t riel <br /> ---= 2 s�a.�,pi.� �ra. a�r+�r��a dwaw a.w�aw aN Na.: •.�oea m•n�o�•�e.�.w.u�an p.rav.�x a�t�u a� <br /> - -_ �w;tourM,to pMw�ipd du��nd lat,to�ry Mt.chwgw dw undo tM Noh. - <br />---;;� 4. CIIMq� Ll�ns. Ba�rowr�IW pry Y t�r•.s. su�anrnts. ahrYw� iws �nd N�o�liom MtrbA�bN b eM Pra{�!y wl�Ioh <br /> -'� m�y.p�in plo�r owr a�M s.ou�ay beeum.n4 .na�..Whda«proune ma,r aey. eonow.►�n.�pa�r aw.oeiptlfor�s b a�. <br /> mr�nu P��� � P��+�Ph Z. or M not pid (n thM m�nnw.Bortow�r�h�1 p�y tMm an tinN di�allp to tM prsan aw�d pay�w�. <br /> eonnwr .nv parplry IU�N�n w �.«�dw �A natc.a a amounb w n. p.a w�au ur.prs�apn. M ea►ow.r nrkw a�w. pqmi.w <br /> - __' d�ily, BanowR�h�M ponqlty A�mhh to L«�neal(��vid�ndep th�p�yrtNnts. <br /> '°'" Boe�awr�MI ProniPtl�►aaehrq��nY Mn wl�ich Im prlo�ily ovw thM$�aNMy MntnrrwM unl�ts 6anaww:(�q�in w�l�rq b tAt <br /> - qymne a u�.oe�o.uon ..oun.a e�nw�n tn.nwn�� i.«�a.r��oo�aas h�ood wm u»�.n�►.or a�.�ct.w�+ <br /> - _ «dom.n.r a nu Mn rw Ng�l proa�Qnw which h Ua t..ed�r•s opWon oa«.p.10 vr•Y•�t aw�nwrc�nwa a a�.wn:a(�..a�ns bow <br /> -- `:t th� bold�r d tM Mn�n agNnNnt s�lqhctary to L��dw wbordw�tMp tM 4n b�b B�arMy 4u��. N I.�nrM►dMMe�th�t�n1► <br /> ti • WR d tlw Prap�ly Is subHat W�Mn whkh m�y athln piiaky aar tl�is S�cu�iqr InaYurtNnt, Undw m�Y Oiv�Barow�r�notla�IdNM�yiip <br />° �t � tA� Mn. BOrtvww s1pIM 1WNtY tM IMI o►btu oM Or 1na�W th�aCfbns�t fordi�bow wW�Y1 10 d�ys oi tIN qlvYlo of notia. <br /> �` "c'';�x:;� b. H�vd w Prop�rly Inwane�. earowN sn.o w�a u�• �rovan.nes oow .�asun� « nr..rt.► on p» �ropwty <br /> - , ';'�i.}`.;,,,.r tns�urd �gdn�t bss by ke� h�ards Indudnd wilhhln th�tem� 's�end�d covanye' and �r otMr h�zardt�inaludinp Aoal� a woodiny,iw <br /> ���:� � <br /> � wMch L�ndr nqulns inwtinc�. This Inwnnce�h�q b m�InUind fn Ih��mounts�nd for Ih�p«bds tAq L�nd�r nq��. Tht� <br />_ ��.;+,�;; curMr providinp th� Intwana shaN b� cho�en by Baroww sub�cl lo L�nd�r's �pp►oval wh�h slul not b� unrMSOmb�► withhh�ld. q <br />—. ""�,�,;�,�,�. ..� 6orrow�►tdls to m�k►Wn cov�y� damibW �bov�, L�ndar ary,�t Undw's opUon,abtaN aovwap�to prot�et L�nd�s dphb in tM <br /> ' � F9:�:�;=: <br />-_,�,i, ' .�`�._. ,,,. ,.,. P�op�AY In�rcl�nt�wqh pvaynph 7. <br />-- ... ��'�.,,;.,.: .. :.';"';.: N tntwana poMciN�nd reraw�shdl be�ccepLWa to LMd�r md�haN Indud��sGnd�rd malp�p� cYus�. L�nd�►sh�/hw�ih� � <br /> �;� � `.�",,•�*...',;., dpM to hotd u�.poaaas.nd nn.wds. �r t.anasr nqura. eonow�r .hw prompuy L.nd.r.r..o�fpb a paw p.mwm..nd an.wr <br /> _ _�, ��r�' - 4,�. <br />-r;•,,, �� - -;�� � ; notkw. In th��veM of bu, Borrowar�hal yNe prompt notice to th�hwranoe canMr�nd Und�r. Und�r mry m�ke proof of ba N nW <br /> � . ;�'a+".:.�•�. .:i`�:��.��� .� mad�prompty by Eorrow�r. <br /> ���. <br /> ..: ��.�' Unlec� L�ndw �nd Barowar othMwk� prw In writt�p, insaana proaeds ahop b� applied to astoration a npr► ot tM Prop�Ay <br /> , }� �iJ�'12`��`�..,,r d�rw np�k h �conombaA urity fa not leasm�d. II the restanHon or re b not <br /> � . p�d� q th� natoratbn a y lasibl� and Lender's aec P� <br /> .� _ .cononre.y a.ewb a�.nd.r�s�r wouid be�eeaened,ihe Insunnee proteeda ahaA b��ppN�d to th� Lums s�ound by Ws S�asUY <br /> '�;:._°. <br />--- �`::..,.-" . InstnriNnt,wAMher a not then dua,wNh �ny exceaa pdd to Barowa. 11 Barower�bandons ths PropaAy. a dat nol�nsw�r wllhN 90 <br /> �°`: .:„�•.. ..�,. :. d�ys� noGc�irom L�ndrr th�t th�inawance certbr ha otNred b setlle �caim,thm Landv m�y eot�ct ih�Insunnc�proceeds. L�nd�r _ <br /> -`:'. � � .'�z.,: .. � msy ut�th� ptooNdt to��pal►a nstoro th�Properly or to pay eum� s�ound by 1Ms S�cwily Instrum�nt, whNhw a not th�n dw. '1h� <br /> �;.- :��#�; " <br />_�.' ,�,_,i <br /> ..k�. :,• .�, . 30-d�y p�rlod wiN b�gtn wh�n th�noUce Is qfven. <br /> q�=- ' �**, Unlau L�nde►�nd Borrowar othawis�apree In wddny,anY�ppllc�tion ot proceads to prMcipd ah�N not ad�nd a pos�+on�fh�du� <br /> ; �.1�,, •�::�•'•:� � d�t�M th�monthly p�ym�nts rN�rnd to in p�ragr�pha t nnd 2 a chNge the anwunt of th�p�ymmts. If und�r puayraph 21 th�P►opwty � <br />=:=1;.� b�oquked by L�nd�r,8arowa's ripht to�ny Inaurand polldas nd proceeds reaultinp from d�m�ps to th�Proputy pdor to 1M�qulspia� <br /> ., � ia;:.,.•.:.t.•,...�.._ shap paas to L�nd�r to th��et�nt of th�suma aeeured by thle Sewrity Inahumant hnmediataly pdor to th��equhdtion. r <br /> 8. Oacuponcy� Pr��orv�tlon. Malotonanco and Protaction of tho Proparty; Borrow�r's Loan <br /> � AppAaatlon; LoaYOholda.Barowa sholl occupy.�stabNsh,and uae the Propeity �s Borrowu'e p�inctpal nsldence wNhin elxly d�ya _ <br />:�j� ,:.t dler th� axecutlon o1 this Socurity Insdument and ahal conlinue ro acupy the PropMy as 8arower's pdncipal residenca ta at INSt ona �• <br /> - • .��� . y�ar tltor ih� cLte of ocaip�ncy, unleas Lander olheiwlae aprees in writinp, wldch coneant ehaY not be unre�aonably wqhheld, a unles� � <br />� �•������ � atanwUnp akcumatanaa u�let whkh are beyond 8onower'a co�lrol. Barower ehaY not destroy, damape or Mpp�N th� RropMy, �Yow!h� �; <br />— • 4 .(..�:;�- u � <br />= - ""%'� � R+opKty to dtterionte,ar commft waste on the PropeAy. 8ortower shell be In dalaull N any forteitun actlon or prac�p, whathu dvi or � <br /> r <br />= `�+'�*��;�'.':%��.• " ak�YW. It b�yun thd in Unda's qood f�Nh�udyment cou1E resull In lorfeitute oi th�Properry w olh�rwls�m�terWly Ynptk iM p�n c�ttd �� <br />-;�.�,;�, by 1Nt S�auHy Inehument ar Lender's sacurNy Mterest. Bortowa�wy cwa such a defatlt�nd roMatate,�s provid�d In par�9nph 16, by � <br /> �- b� .:'� ' ' nufYip tM aaflon a proewdk�9 to bo dismlaaed wllh a rultnp thN. In L�nder's 9ood hith d�tertnin�don, Pndudes taldlun of ih� � <br /> V�-�i1�' e��..�i L��� L w� It����" �� �L����J�I t���l��� J�1�Yr ..r�1� L�.�41� 0����iM��w�Y��w� w� �MI{r�� ��11��1I Y1�rAl} �.-. <br /> . _. - _—_,.-.-_-_._i—fi=�-�--'- w��Vnw�wuww� w� uw r�v�y v� wuw ni.��r w�y�nuM.� v�...�rv.� �..w.�v � .•w. ........�y .....r�....... � -- <br />-__~-� :.'a;,�Y";�`:`�'s�: .• Bo�rowK�h�N rso b�In d�huR H 8orrowar,dudny the loen appiation procoss.qaw mat�r tde�w buccwtt�MIam�Uon or st�twrwds ; <br />'.—'".. . •, . : �,,:• ..;;, <br /> e ,;;•'' .� :+:;•'.�^ . to lNid�r(or hY�d to provW� Lender wfth any material Inlamatian) in conn�cUon wilh tM loan �vid�ncad b�►th� Not�,IndudinQ,but not � <br /> _ hY d � <br /> - �n,�r:`.,:';' ��.� Wnit�d to�r�WMmt�tlons conwminp BorrowK'a oxup�ncy o} 1M Propedy ae a prfnclp�l ndd�noe. If thts S�ourity insbumant b an � <br />-- '��,� � � '� � bas�hoW.Bo�row�r shaM compy wMh d tha provisbns of IM lane. If Borrow�r aequlns iM tltle to th�Propaty,th�IMSehold�nd th� ! <br /> — --... ., fw IqN �h�N nW m�np�wdee�ths Lender�yrees to the meryer in wrNNp. <br /> � <br />. ,�� ,.�`�'ve`�'. <br /> � -. <br /> _ '{,(,� Pqe 9 of S Fam�028 9/DO <br /> ', t'�*,'�;�, F107Y.uA011/P7) R l l\ <br /> � <br /> :ic'' ' s <br /> -- ';,�'` Q�.J <br /> � .. :. ... .Y� s�seo /1�f <br /> .G� <br /> ,�. . � --- <br />