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I�- . . . : ' . . . - <br /> ' , (��CM�tM��f Fixe#ItNe - <br /> _� ' --.---_--�--l�4��ew�tixed�ieteasl-nte-�il�se-cquai to�the.Esdersl Nutaaal.Ma��-Asso��itonP_s_s4Wiced net xie1Q as.--_ _ - - <br /> - - • ' ,.ot s�ateasdiimeotdsT��#ed by the Note Hnidee[cr ti)if the oriyna!tam of this Note is Rrater 1Mn 1s ywrs: ' - --- -- <br /> � ;. . 34yeu t�ed cue aanpW coraed DY applicabk 60d#Y ms�dateryddtvery eommitmenu.ptus G�e-ei�ihs oione �__ - <br /> . � P���R�(0.6ZSli).�ounded to the narest one-dihth ot ont percent��c peint(0.125li).or i�)ii t1K oriainat �r�.__ <br /> �,��, ee�m af thi�Note k IS nsrs or las. 11-7►ar fixed ate nwrtp�ss corer e d by a p p l i c�b k 6 Q d s Y m a n d a t o r Y d e l i v e ry , �F}���-_,-.--. - <br /> = comrnitments,piw tivs�ei�Ml�s ot one peneenta�e point(Q 62S�it,toutded te the�onaeithth of onaPacentase ��.;=�_°"-.°-'--__ <br /> M <br /> s �__-_�- <br /> . .� � poiet t0.12S9�i).tt tliis aquiced net�kld qenot 6e dctermined 6eaiux�hc�pplicabk commitmrnts are rtot avu'la6k, :�-._.__ <br /> .,��,_, the Natt HaWer Miil dete�mine my interest rate by usin�comp�tabk iniormation.My ncw vate atkutated under this .i�i��aa��z._ <br /> = - - -------Seaicut StBj��eI!!tsot.l��ettt lbaa�he Mt+ximurte ltate_�lated fn Sectian�(Q)aboya, .+�:•�'�� _'""'�°"'�- <br /> ^� " �C�New h�weM A�N s�!Fl[e+elhe D�Ie "" `�?�-�; <br /> � �� - tbe Notr Holder wlll detenminetbeamoun�otthe aaontbtY I�Y�i' ��� � +���-- <br /> - _-��;�-- Iitclwmetae�aeceitetheCoaversio�►��. <br /> - tlat wroWd be aufficient to�y Uje uep�d D�M1P�[ue�e�pected�ta arvre Qn.the Ca►veraion Date in tWl an:�the. " , =�� <br /> , �x~:,�� tnaturity dste at nry new tiud tMecal ate in sn6�nti�UY�4�D+l►matts.'�Tie rctalt o[this a�kulation wiff�t,�e , � ':1.;r;.:��_ <br /> " �4 eew�nount of m'maathiX P�Y��d�!�tb my[irrt monthty pay��a the Converaion Qat.��a'�.i . � <br /> _ �� pa�..ctse aen►�moqee as my montl�vn�naent uatil the n�tuiit�r ds:tc: �s :,:;,z - ;,, <br /> , EJ { PS . �6 - L��Vi��{/R��iA�frr•Nffif���iL�iTS-����7t�i.{� `�- . . '. �3..� , ' .. _- ._ . <br /> . . � �t r <br /> -�`� ` , � L ' - �. ::.�'�:��Uadl BorreRer acerd�a the Coava�ion Option under tbe oonditiqns.sf�t,�fii Sactbn B ot this Ad��stsa�k � _ �,r � <br /> f:; '� ` , , ���;=. �Udfomt Coveaant 17 ot t6e Savritl►InatrutneM ts artxnded�to :."�� , 3��� x�� <br /> tei��ss`[dlows: �, , ,�. <br />. `� '� '�'� ` ' • `��� IR QOfT01�rK.t!�II ar an�part oi the.Property or any interest '`}_ �r �'� <br /> ,:' -- ` .-�. . _ � .��.��Tw�fef��Ilre�ea�e�tf K s l�e�reticb�1 I�tere�! t� ' — <br /> �1�i{ �, �� .;.�.._. ` .in it is soiq or tansierred tor it�6eneficial interest in Bonowu is sold or transferced s n d Borrower i s not a natura i . , ... ... ""'. , ;� <br /> . ��-`. , . <br /> � , ��� • persl+�)wtthoat i.e�dec's pctor�rrittm eonsrnl,l.ender its uptian.�reyuire immediate psyment in iult At a1} �' "��,�,��;�„�_:� �,y L^. <br /> . ` ' su��ecured by this Securlty thstrummt.However.this optton aha11 not 6e exe�c�A by l.ender iisuercise ia ctd�iced ��.�'�:,;�.:,. <br /> � c f�. �" . ,�r:��:.. <br /> ;{.....� x� <br /> . . ��,�.�.r��; �;"f� _ <br /> r...,uw1��� ` -` ` by sr.�'a�l tsw?t#ot Ihe date of tbis Secudty Isistrumeat.l:ender slso sha0 not acercise t h t s opt ion i i:(a)��� f.-:.�;�: ::` . ' <br /> �` :. �rF��.. p�wa tb iu��itd�a Ltnder iatorm�tlon.reqvircd bY��r to evafuate thc intendcd transferee as iF a�!saan .:'r�'F" -a' <br /> �'.�r .'::;�. . , ,. � aere bdni s�c:G�the tr�iafaae;and t6)Lende�reasona6{y determines that Lender's secudty�rill no�be ir�ig�'sred . ;,� ..., �°` <br /> `;•7 �- ;�: .� �b i e and ttat the�fs�C of a braich o�anyrovenant or asreemmt in this Seturity Instrument is�.abie t�`r,,. - <br /> ;,,, b�r_t�e�au . '.'�';:::,: = <br /> ��� � �� ..,�,if�., -��• . t�r�. -, . . ' , ,f.,.' �- <br /> . ''"'� �. ._ ::y�':;,;. �� ` . ��:2�e,�yyp��y�amittedbyaPPlkabk4w.Lendertnal►clar�e�te�sonablelcru�oonditiontoLeadaa�c�it � `��`.:�-:` ,. �t <br /> �F���� . ("•�f . . .. , ,•�. T_'-" " *'r " i . <br /> � � to t6t�a�3on.l.ender atso msY�I�re the tra�uferee to siin��n�ssumqlon��rcenimt that i��capabte � , � � <br /> ''• ;. . . , �_ <br /> � �- to t,�eder and tTa�a�Mipta the transteroe to kap al!the pcomisa and�t���ts m�de in the Note anid in this Secudty i <br /> a <br /> � ln�averent.BorraRer wjli continue to be oblipte0 under the Note�tfd this Secett�ty lnstrument unless I.ender celeues � . <br /> •, � � Baroiver in wrttinj. i . . : <br /> . � . � It Lender exerci�a the option to reQuire imnteditte paymeot in full, Lender thtll sire Borrower��et of �, � :,.,,; <br /> . �t�at�on,7'trc m�otke shalZ prpvide�peiiod ot nol fas tluin 30 dsys trom the date the notice is delivered or mailed � ��-;:: <br /> � with�a trl�ich Horrawer must paY�It�ums�ecured b!►this Security Sorro+�e�laila to psy thes�aums . <br /> •- � . pEi�t�i�he�Iratiost ot this p�d.Lender may invakc�r.y remediea permitted b�th.x�Secudty In�trum�i:�ut:fiout � . <br />,�. . ,� � si;�,:. fe�rt�r moliee ot demsnd on B�s�uxer. _. . : . ;. . :� � . � <br /> ., . ._;�:r,;•.• � . . . <br /> ,�,.;:.:;; .• •:r��. • �;�.g������the Conre�o��?plioa under the canditiaru atated ie��ectlon B ot this Ad;usisbk Rate � <br /> �::,:.:, �. <br />•, ',,,f< ' R�d�,YD�e,�ent to Uaiform Covd��7 ot Ihe Sccudty Instra�ri.�nt cont�tntd in Section C 1 above�1f�U then <br /> :� • . . Y!�. � , <br /> �" �,.',;� � • . �6�o�r 9n effect,and the prvvisions o/Unitorm Covenant 17 0!ttrc 5e¢utity tns�rument sfi�11 instead be in effect� � <br /> . ';';;;��t . . � . ��as f.s�feitqa: „ � . � . . <br /> . . . s;`,;,�r ., ; , � 1'nitrler±iX�e rro1�7►�r s�eNetid�l l�tera!ts Qorrower.l!'.a!1 or any pan of the Pra�t4��c�iis►:erest. � � � <br /> ,. . �. I . . �_ <br /> � I :�ee�,i��d+�r a�asferred(or if s txeenef�dd lnterat ln Bonower is s�'r�e�transferred and Har��?�s cs i�c�:x isatural <br /> ae <br /> •, 'f; ,` , � . :���}�vitfi�R 1L�snder's prtot written consent.Lender its c,�c;�an,require immediatrl�Y�'nt fin tY�l of atl <br /> ' suu�na�ecured b���i�Secudty lnstrument.However,tAi�option shaQ not be ezercised liy t.ender if exercise is�s�btted ; • <br /> . � ' . �6aJenl taw as of the date ot this Secudty Instrumeat. � , , ` � . <br /> `, �:' ` � . � ttLendeEe�dxsthi�option.Lendershall�ive��rernoticeofaccekratio�r:'�enotia�l?�1��ro����eriod . <br /> � � oi not less tir�n 3�dsys from the d�te the aotice is de�iYered or mailed wlthin which 9orrvper. n�r:.�t paY ail sum� <br /> aecured!ry tl�i�Seivt�ty lnstrument.•U Barrower faits t�r,aY t�sum�pcior to thc eaDiation¢E��:Fzi.��erta�d,�t.eader � <br /> � c����nvoke anY«nkdia�nftted by this Se�urity[tt_a.i�tcmml.withuut futther cioe,iee ar dtm��ad��13ai1'cv�+�er• . <br /> BY SIONINO BELOW,Borrower aaxpt�and ssrees to the te�ms and covenartta contai�t�t lit�liis���ju��table I <br /> � R�te Aider. `- <br /> ' ' " �� � (5es1) <br /> ;_ . _ (;ARY J KNIEP •/ Boaowa . <br /> � <br /> ' , . . v- .v ..: �5�1) . <br /> 1 <br /> . � <br /> .. . <br /> " �-.i.-- �- — ._�-'- lSeal) <br />_. .---- T __. . . _ ._ _ <br /> - - _._ . . ; . 9anonea .. - - - .__.....- - <br /> ' � ., . (5eg11 <br /> . Betrower <br /> - � _ _ _ _ - - <br /> ` s. . ' � <br />- , 4 _ - -- _- � -- <br />