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<br /> appiicabie�4�v mq►�ec�Y.ia,�) � �uma�t. 'tM�e oaeditioos�e f�ac 8nern�er:-{al .
<br /> Sac�it�r.la�+�cr.tb�.ea�!,4i.�' °��L � �aent�ed d�c 3+tae as'd aa aocdas�ia�1pd.� -
<br /> paYs I:e�der aU:�i;,+►'hi�AfAp4�w�due�dus Soc�rity .
<br /> . oocm�@}cvi�su�defa�t4fi�athdreoY�oes a�:t�)P�YS�C��i°�°�'��tbis SacuritY
<br /> . . l�;�i?nc�Q�:nat:li�l�Aa�ia.t�ait�nabi�.at�or�Ya�faes:�od(d):salcea such sctian as iatdet m�rneasoo�bly:
<br /> ivl�W��t6oRiemo�.t�S�tY I�.Lendet�rigMs in tbeY�apecty,rd Bamwet�a6ii,�tit�a io pay thQ
<br /> — �- ��',�,�=!'�-��- . �°"ti'"'e's'°-�.._.Gpm_ _�tdt�_ � �'o�ai�e.4C�:t�nr = . - __
<br /> - ��e se�od bereb!sh�l!���1Y ' e ss' � _ ._-� - -
<br /> n'sEt�b iei`osta����iu tk caKaf�wade�r P�r�ph�� uh this S�ity u - -
<br /> N1. S�e�1�JM�6'IMMr�f t�a S�etiq�•.'lbe-Nde ar a p�ctitE itr[eeest iu ihe�1Vate{t�td�-
<br /> �pnpq}�be�oid w�e at�rae,ti�ei�rttM�t paaE aaUC�to Rarowar-A nalt m�t n�suit.in a change in ti�e a�titY
<br /> (kr�a�vn at:i�e"IA�5acvias"3 t1q4 Quttercb moaWlZ PY�,�ander tde Noie�this SavritY In�u�°�- 'tljete also -
<br /> msy be oae a mae cMoges,q6ctl����.�ta s sak�of t6r Nooe: tf tAa�is a eh�e of We Lwa Saviceti
<br /> Bono�va wi11 be fi�wrinaE�ice:.ai,th��in socordl�t�ca�ih pxagr�ph!4�bmre aod�pplicabk law The natice
<br /> wiU sta�e d�R�aod�fdmess a�thr<aew t,aan Setvioar aad th�add[ess to wbk�.PiY�ts shou�6e m�dG�'tLe notioe vir�{
<br /> • aisoc�at►}�����Y��� s arreleASeofany ---
<br /> �;,:��s S�. Bortonrec shaII not cause ar pam[t the p�e.sence.aso.disnosal� t�a�+:
<br /> _�._ �dpas Substiaoes on ar ia tbe Ptopraty. Bamwer slail not.do:twr.�tlovy�ya�e else to d�anythiog affqcciog die
<br /> tmt is.jn viol�tiae of my Fnriro�d�al Law• 7�e P'��two�s�al!s�ot apply to tbt p�use..a
<br />-__ �m ihe Ptiopaty of sm�U�es of.Huudous Subr,�s t1aL ate genesaily mogo"vsd to be appcvpris�re ta aan�l
<br /> - - residenti�i nses and to maiaten�nce of tLe Ptope[cy- , ctaim.deioand.iawsuit ar cx6er actian bY�Y�
<br />�-- . .. Bamwer sb�U promP�►Y B�Ye L,ender writtat naice-of ac►y�Pvesti�ian,
<br />-- g aad an Hazardous,Substan�e or Emiramnmt�l
<br /> : govaameatal or nguT�Y age�r.y°r Pm'ate P�"°�v°tvm�thes��• 9
<br /> ----- Law of.wUirU Barmwa iw,�a�N�1 Iaaal�d8� If 13orr�tWR',Ietms.�or is naified by aay govemmet�tal�r�1��Y-
<br />--- - .. authority.duu aay.�emcwa�Ar•olhtr_ten�a�an of�►YHa�t�as.Subs(u�ce affarting tt�e Property is nccossazY�Snrmrret
<br /> ���j�(���I�t_�dl��I.'tIOQS�119CCQ[d�tICG�WI�i�i1�110M1C11W I.aW.
<br /> I�3 LLSL�IR,���EI•�s S���(G 1�10A�.�dC�111Ca 3S tOxlC Or�S$A[I�UYS SY�.� . ...�
<br /> '='� ' Faviromr�rta)•Laan�ntl•ihei.follqwing substariacs: -gasoW�e.lcet+ns�.;�1i'tlammabk or wxic pescqieum,ptud�cts.toi�ic _ :_�
<br /> ���;? � fonnaldeh de.and radiaacuve m�rcials- As:� ��
<br /> :r � (�CS Afld�1E[�IC8�9.YO�'�G�SdWEIILS.tI18tCIli1�S Cdll[91I1![LQi�3�� �."� y .Ls�OC8� ���� --
<br /> `?,: •u�tWs p�'agntph 20,"8arita�xnta!!aw°means�edcr'�lllaws apollaws of�jurisdictiat where!he t�np�tc�c�.-- -- . _--
<br /> . '�•i���� that neiatt to txalth.safery ar a�vvironmmtal pcotoction. . . as foUows� ^�•;,"'c` _�-
<br /> :;i��:, NON-UNIFOIiM COVENANTS. Bo�t�awer a�Le�der farthercav.enaat and agc�ee • ' -- - ___
<br /> er
<br /> _ 2L Aaaieratio�:ReAedid. i.e�det'�sN�ive votia to Bar�v,�er P�'to Aeakratia�fdlawi�Ba+'t'�er'� - -_
<br /> bracti d�rY ea�a�t or a�eee�see�l ia,tbil.Secarit7'I�strai+�nt(E��uot prior to ao�t�o�•w�r+�ar�rapU iT -- --
<br /> ��le�s splicabk taw pr�v�es��et��7'1��otice sraU spaiiyt�4�.�ddaWt;tb)t6��et�or�ed to cwre tbe =__-
<br /> ddMeiM,t�)�dst�,�ot le�iif�fa��dsys.tr+ona tl�e date fUe wntice is�i�to Bo�'inwe+r.by.:wtidD"t4r iels�c4�t 6e
<br /> s�red;a�A t�tlqit t�ilatt,to'tre:Hk dela�it aR ar beta+e tie dsh�et�ied i�t(Fe�oliae aay re�t.��� —
<br /> � titia�s aec�[bp t1�Sdevi�1�r�+�t�d sale ot tNe Pro�t.v� T6e�otia stiaY t�rties iKor�`..�eriti+rer of —
<br /> - �,;r_... ti�ar��a•rdii�Aaue�tteraaodeeatio��d:thari�ilto6�s�i�cAiontoa�seirttlk-+�;�F`��Ita,. .
<br /> �t t` � � -_
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<br /> n
<br /> t�■otioG l.e�der al its aptios wsy recWil�e�iinmMLte qaYwat ipfi�al�atl s�secored fiY tM�S�'����.. �.- _
<br /> s
<br /> ' wit�but f�ether dennnd and may invoice thc+�pqwer ot,�ate an�1�aJ'ot6er nmedies pa�mttt�Hy�app�bie la�v .`
<br /> 0
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<br /> .,'����-�:;
<br /> • inclwlia�bat not IimitM to,rtasoaabMuttntt�ys•tees pad c�osts of titk evtdeaca ;;���„r..-
<br /> ' It t6e po�rer d sate is iavoked.7lrustee•sha11 recorA A notioo d defaut!ie each couaty.in.whict�any part ot tbe ",-- ==:--
<br /> . propesty is located a�d s1isU mail�opies a�sact�aMice ie tbe ma�aea.PrescriLed by applkaWt bw:to Sorro�rer a,,a,�d�tyo. � �,,,:y L���� ,
<br /> 6ed by sppLli�cs6{e I�w Al.t�e.jr Lth�e time�tguited by applka6le law. �''r� -
<br /> t1�.A�$O��tll!/ptfs0114� � � �tCQ SIIAfl$�Y!'f........ f•:�.:"_
<br /> f{71w4T O��E tO t�l!�!t���i�i III�IIIICr QI'Cnl�RY �V• � . "'J.,�•.�
<br /> b � ia�bk taw 71ra+tee.�vithaat de�osnd as Barrowrer. �..��<-,s.,��=:
<br /> a1 aactioa to tMe a�biddee at tAatime and place aed.uM{ee tre terms dG�aated is � . .�s.,:,;_
<br /> s6qD-seUti�ePra'PertY PaC�iid: -�.,�..;.•�:•`-°-
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<br /> �
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<br /> ,.�y;�` d�p�►g:ip�e!cilue tbe Propeety s�t an�r�le. ' '. .
<br /> , .�:, � Upos receipt ot paYa�ea�,o�.the P►tce bid.71ra�tee�shaU de4�xir4o the parcha�r 1lrastas��eed ca►veylu�tbc. , _: . '"
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