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=��i�� ...L �. _ . : <br /> - __ .��.��.� - . _ <br /> -�--- -- �`_ . �.�"� g3. so;�ns � <br /> TovBt7�t w17'�i qll d�e idoprovaaeau noM cr har.lta�e�ctea on the propa�ty.ud�I�aMr�.m.,�Pp�»aW+oa.�.na <br /> - Jfsw�w aor oe lw�llrr a e�t ot tlM aoortv. All npUoeaiaN�vkl additio�u �hrll �ta be �ov�rd bf� di s.owi�► - - - <br /> - - - 1nMnuncot.Ail of tla fon�di�{is rofened w io�Secudty Inrtn�mant ss tbe'Prnpaty." <br /> BORROWPR COVgNANT3�h�t Bonower i�I�wRblly�ei�ad�f ihe atate heroby r.�nvoyod md hu tue rijht w�nt aad <br /> oonvey tbe Propaty end th�t thC Ptoperty i�unena�mbered.exoopt for ena�mbramxa ot rxand. Hocrower wunnu aad wUl <br /> defp�d�enerally the dpe ta 1he Ptopaty�,wbnt tll cldm�md demmdi�wbJect to any encwt►br�noa of neoord. <br /> THIS 3ECURITY INSTR.UMBNT oombina unitorm covaumts for rutiaul uu ud non-unifomi oova�ur� wW� Ilmitad <br /> vvi�tioru�by,�ari�diction to corwtiwta o uniform iecurity irwivmcr►t coverin�real praperty. <br /> ' UMPOAM COVa1VAN7'S. Horrower�d Lemierooven�nt�td aQroe n tdlowi: <br /> i. Paya�M ot Pri�cipd�nd INe�+eMi �'�P�Y��aad 1.�te Chu�a. Barrowcr sludl promptlY PaY wha due tbe <br /> ' priacipal of and in�trcat oa tl�e debt evldcncod by the Note wid nnY P�Y�t uid I�te chu�es due uMer the Natc. <br /> Z. Flu�de[or,Tnxw+md lmawoa. 5ubjxt to applicabla taw or to� written waiver by Lendar. Borrower ahall pAy to <br /> I,ende�on tha day mnpthly p�ymante are due utdor the Notc,uadl tha Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds')for:(a)ywrly taxes <br /> yud�scessmcnts whieh may atwin prfority over this Socuriry[nstrument as a lien on thc Property:(b)Yearly leasehold paymrnts <br /> or graund raw o�t.thc PropertY.if any:(c)yearly ha�.�ud or pnoperty iasuroncx premlwns:(d)YearlY 800d incuranoe pnemiums, <br /> ii a�ry: (�)Year�Y m�tBage inauranc�e prcmiums.if any: wd (�anY �PsYable by Borrower to Acoordanca with <br /> the provlsioo��of parsgnph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance pnmiums. These items are callat "Escrow lte�ns:" <br /> L�,eirier.msy. at �ny ame, callect and hoid Punda in en amaunt not to exceed the mauimum amaunt p lender for�federally <br /> � relatad moRg�ge loen may reyuire for Horrower's�ow accouat under the fe�er�l Real Bstate Setdement Procedures Act of _ <br /> 19'I4 a.v amnded from dme to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2b01 er seq. ("RE9PA"), unless anather law that applies to the Funda. �. <br /> - = sets a Iesser amount. If so. [.ender taay, at sny�time,colkxt and hold Funda in an amount not to e�cceed the lesser amaunt. <br /> _y.� Lender may estimate tlie amount of Fands due on the basie af cvrrent data and reasoneble estlmAtes of expendltures of futwe <br /> _-- Fscrow Items ar otherwise in accordance with applicable lew. <br /> 'I'he Funds shall be held in an i�stitution whose deposits er+e Insurcd by a federal agency, instrumcntality, or entity <br /> (including l.ender,if Lender is such an institutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funda to pay the <br /> Escmw items.Lender may not charge Borrawer for holding and npplying the Funda,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifyin�the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds�i ppplicable low permits Lender to makc such <br /> a chuge. However,L.endcr may requine Borrower to pay a one-timc chugo for nn indepcndent rral cxtwc tu rcporting Rervice <br /> used by Lender in connoction with thic law�. unless applicable law pruvides wherwise. Unlcas rn r��rcement is made or <br /> rpplicable Iww roquircg inter¢st to bs paid, Lender sh�ll �at be rcquired to p�y&►rmwcr ony intercs�or earnin�c on the Funda. <br /> gortawer and Lender:iwy aQr�x in wr�ting.however,that intorcst sFwll bo paid an the Funda. L,endcr chall�ivc to Borrower. <br /> t without char�e, �ut�nnuai accounting af ti�e Funds. �wing C(et�lis WMl �Ieblb iu il� Fuikle ntid illd puijx►.+z f6i w1i{Ch�SCh <br /> - debN ta the Funds wus made.The Funds�re pledged ag uddiliannl socurity ior all sum��xured by thie Secu�fly instrument. <br /> If the Runda held by I.cndcr excced tha emounta permftted to be hald by epplirablc luw,Lcnder simll acc�wnt to Borrower <br /> for Ihe excess Funds in uccordunce with the requircmentx of applicuble luw, If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender ut any <br />- time is not sufficient to pay�he Escrow Items when due. l.ender may so naify Barrower in wri�ing.and, in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the am�wnt necessary to make up the deficiency.Borrower ahall meka up the defciency in no mnre than <br /> twelve monthly payment�,at Lender's sole discretion. <br />• Upon payment in full of ul� sums secured by thi� Security Ins�rument, I.endcr shull prornptly refund lo Bormwer�ny <br /> Funds held by I.ender.lf,under par�graph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender, prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the�ll apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcdit agufnst�he sums securad by <br /> .;��� this Security Instrument. <br /> "��';�,'� 3.Applkalbn o[PAyments.Unless applicable Inw providel+otherwise, all paymems received by I.ender under paragmphs <br /> + '�~'i�� I and 2 shull be applied: first, to nny prepayment chnrges due under the Nate;second, to amounts payeble under paragraph 2; <br /> t,, ,. <br />' thi�d,to interest due; principal due;und last,to uny late charges due under thc Note. <br /> d,Charge�; Y.iens. Horrower shWl pay aU taxes,assessments, ch•rrges, fincs and impasitions uttributubie�o the Property - <br /> which may attnin priori�y over this Security Instrument. and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any. &�rrower shnll ps►y <br /> �, � •:;;��• these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or if not puid in that munner,Bonowcr shull puy them on time directly <br /> 'a�``r�� to the person owed payment.Borrower shail promptly furnish to Lendcr all naicrs of umounts to t►e puiJ undcr�his parugraph. <br /> I + .4�r.. . - <br /> •�?', �� � If Borrower mekes ihese payments directly. Borrawer shsill promptly furnish w I.enJer receipts rvidencing the payments. ! <br /> - { Borrower shull promptly discharge any lien which has priority aver this Security Instrument unless B�xrower. (a)agrees in <br /> '� `r wrlting to the payment of the obligation secured by the licn in u munner ucceptuble to L.enJer;lb)conte+ts in gaxl fai�h the lien <br /> ';`� by, or defends against enforcement of�he lien in, legul pr�xerdings which in the l.endcr'ti apinion uperutc�o prevent the <br /> -�� '".;�_, enforcement of the licn;or(c)securcs from the holder of the licn an o�rcrmcnl,utisfart��ry �o Lendcr �uMmlinating�he lien to _ <br /> `"` ` ' � this Security Instrument. If l.ender iktermines that uny pun of thc Property is wbject ai a licn which muy attain priority over <br /> �_ � �=.i„�'='_;�;,, this Security Instrument. Lendcr may give Bormwrr u nutice identifying thc lien. &�rrowrr'y thc licn ar�ak<<me or <br /> ��` more of the actions set forth obovc within 10 days of�hc givin�of miticc. <br />. �-i�� .s. •' Fwm 3028 9190 _. <br /> ��t '.:.� �'�'� Pp�10l 6 <br /> �����:�.;, <br /> _,, <br /> .. ,ryk+.'rw��i .•t�.iy. .,*�i.. . . 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