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NEBR�UC� UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE Huffman and felton &Wolf,Walton,Ne.68461 <br /> Form 50 $TATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, PARTIAL RELEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. <br /> INSTRUCTIONS <br /> 1. PLEASE TYPE this form. <br /> 2. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other 3 copies with interleaved carbon paper to the filing officer. <br /> 3. Enclose filing fee�sl, and fill in original financing Statement number and date filed. <br /> 4. If the space provided for any itemis) on the form is inadequate the itemis) should be continued on additional sheets, preferably 5"x 8"or 8"x 10". <br /> Only one copy of such additional sheets need be presented to the filing officer with a set of three copies of this form. Long schedules of <br /> collateral, etc., may be on any size pAper that is convenient for the secured party. Indicate the number of additional sheets attached. <br /> 5. If collateral is crops or goods which are or are to become fixtures, describe generally the real estate and give name of record owner. � <br /> 6. At the time of filing, filing officer wi�l return third copy as an acknowledgement. <br /> This STATEMENT is presented to a filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code: 3.Maturity date (if anyl: <br /> t.0ebtor�s) (Last Name First) and addresslesl Secured Partylies) and addressles) � /" For Filing Officer (Date, Time a�d Filing <br /> Ve.L�ir � —f�Ic�IrY'�/� ��r�h�es�e�., �u..�l�� ��V1CL la . Office) <br /> ���S �� 3�� `� s�� w .�,.�. _ � v . �� � �a � gg_ sos34o <br /> �-� s��a,.� , �r� ��c rSi�� �v� <br /> (oYk�� L��,1- o da o <br /> 4.This statement refe�rs to origin I Financing Statement bearing File No. � ' I`���� r <br /> Filed with Dare Filed� �� � 19�YL <br /> 5. Continuati The original financing statement between the fore9oing Debtor a�d Secured Party, bearing fi�e number shown above, is stifl eftect�ve. <br /> 6. Terminatio�. Secured party no longer claims a security interest under the financing statement bearing file number shown above. <br /> 7. Assignment. The secured party's right under the financing statement bearing file number shown above to the property described in Item 10 have <br /> been assigned to the assignee whose name and address appears in Item 10. <br /> $. Q Amendment. Financing Statement bearing file number shown above is amended as set forth in Item 10. <br /> 9. ❑ Release. �cured Party releases the collateral described i� Item 10 from the financing statement bearing file number shown above. <br /> ��,a-� 3 � �K ��.� �no(� .� �-bb�-�s �( . <br /> . L�+ 3 - 3�cc �, S���(�^ s �- C�QO�--�' <br /> � ��� � <br /> No. of additional Sheets prese�ted: <br /> ��l�l'�f�V✓�S�-n �� -���1�C <br /> ��� ` <br /> by: bY: —��.�/� /� . � Y��_� <br /> Signaturels) of Debtorls) (necessary only if Item 8 is applicablel. Signature�sl of Secured Partyl�es) <br /> (1)Filieg Officer—N�merical—Wlite,(2)Fili�`Ottieer—�IpM�letic�l-6ne�,(3)Filie;Offieer—�ek�owlelLeme�t—C���ry,(4)File C�'r—DeYt�r—Pl�k,(5)Fil�Cq)—S�e�nl P�rty—hll <br />