:I!-�:.�':�-'.: ..��. . . � -�l.' ._ __ '" .
<br />.. - - . _ _-+��___ __ .'1'_• _ - _ _
<br /> � ,_i .. . r. ,., _ . ._-.. . -.._.- . _- ._ _ .
<br /> _ . . ... . ,.. .
<br /> .
<br /> .. r . __.-:__.. .. __'_"_•._�- . .4..,_.-___->S..
<br /> .- _� j-� _` _"'� ` ' -_C. . _-_ -- _ -.-_'_ T -�-- �._._ . ` .-�_ _"_ -.. .. _" '__. � ._ = --
<br /> t�
<br /> � ��. � - , � � - � . < < .= �� _ .,�91-�_ .. .
<br /> _ . � , � .
<br /> . _ _ _: - ,� � t � � � ,����� _
<br /> � �,� ���c��. ��«��"'�����Ea��,,��►s«�
<br /> app�o�ral whic6 s�ilr�aE be untes,�cx�abl�w� if Sanowrr f�ils to maintsin cu�vehi�described above.l,.a�der m*Y.at
<br /> t+es�der�optioe.u�in t�vet+ttr to P�t��+�5��"in d1a P�ql�nY in accotdance with p�graph 7-
<br /> AU insurmoe potieies and�eaewals s�ll bt aeceptable to txider aed shall inctude a�mdud�gsSe d�se. t.e� -
<br /> sh�ti have the tig�t co hotd the pWtcies sied renewals. tf Lsnder raNires.Borcaa•er shalt ve to i.ender a11�eceiAls
<br /> z --- --=s,� � � at��+e wal r�ot'!ces._Irt ti�e eveat af loss.Bamwer shail give prompt not�ce.tn the insurance carrier and �
<br /> _ls�d�u�--- �- 8cssro+xt.r==-�_--=__._-._---�-. _ --,� �_—
<br /> Leeder ltnder may miice piobT at fas�if rinf�p�x�{yit�FtsY' : s slu�t!be applkd to���nP��f.
<br /> Untess I.a�der and Som�vrer otlie(wise agroe`in art�ung.il�surance proccrd u�
<br /> �e ptop�rty d�ct�ged.if the tescaatia�or ieQair�s ecanomi�:ally frasi�le and LenderS security is t�at tessened. If Ihe
<br /> issto+atiar as repair is noe ecawmicatly fe�sibie ac l.ender's sesuritY would be tes.+e�ied.the insur•uxa Pmce�ds at�all be
<br /> apptie�to the sums secucat.by this Securiry insuume�t.whether ot not tt�en due,with any excess paid to Ba�rower. If
<br /> Boetower ab�u�danc the.FmpenY.or daes not u�crver within 30 days a notice from l�ender that dte insurance carrier has
<br /> 1.rnder may use the Pcocads to apair or trcstar
<br /> • .offaied to settk a claiin,thee Lender may colket tfie ins�uac�ce�• not tlxn due. 'rne 30day Perioa will begin wbea •
<br /> . t�ptnpe�ty pr ta p�y sums sesuc+ed bg this Security Instnunent, .
<br />------ ttit(rotice is givea. - � �wr ?i�et+.oa of¢mce�ds.tQ.�+!�ic�i�et�a(E aot eat�t.� _:.- _ " -.-
<br /> , _� lTnkss Lender�nd Bo�mvrr�a�ise-a�-' �►&'�?FP .
<br /> �,;.
<br /> � the due date af t6e muntUty E�aXuter�ss refe.cre@ ea�itt�s 1 and 2 or ch�nge the sunnuat oE�M pay�nerns=_ .
<br /> � � ���zi��:�������������y������ta�� .
<br /> - � frcxn da�t�ge tQ ttte P'tape[t3►gr[or to t�e scqutsittoa s[ta1�p�:t��ss�:LQ tite ezteut vf the su�_s�.6g tius SeCt�t'try _ ';;;::,
<br /> ` /nsuument immediatelg pciar c�the acyuisition. � .
<br /> .. , � �p�� �'�e�#�+e �apeat�* Barr'arwtr's Loan Appiicarios:
<br /> �. � �esidence within sinty days after
<br /> = �Oid� Bosmwecsi?��?�Y•establish,ard use�e. .tA',u��,.�Y"��rwet�S�pr►i�sP�1 -
<br /> -- ;� ., as Borrower�principal tesideace for at
<br /> ' euocutim off tisi� .' ;�•.��nt aad shaU cont�cii,je:r�!�. ��` nt shail not be
<br /> ----- ,'�t' IeasE:o� e�r"a�:#�se•r3�i: ��accupancY• c ��'�'�",- �`�g• not
<br /> --� � �. nnles. .�`': a�? wt�icb conse , .
<br /> ��:°- _ , y ° `:... ��wt�R�u ' t� Borrower's contml. Botm�rer shall
<br /> - �y��;'���hctrnuating citcumstaixa� ��. � g�wer shall
<br /> - ��y��g�a�u�pai��6e�t%aprnty�allaw the Pmpeil.Ys r�ii�teriora'te.or cominit wasce na the Prop�nY•
<br /> � '�` be in defaule if any forfeita�e ac�sP��P��������''°r cnmina�.is begun,tt�at�n txndec's good faith judSment
<br />'-S�_�'� could iesult in forfeiture of ti�Prapert7+ o�oth�rxrise��1tY.�mpair the lien created hy thu Securiry Instrument or
<br /> °����� .
<br /> ,;F��:�:,�• �';'��;� Lender's sec�riEy iiNe�+est. Borrower may cure sucQ a default and re�nstate.as provided in pamgaph 18.by causing ihe action . -
<br /> :':'+`f or ptuceeding to be dism��.sed with a tuling that.in Lender's good faith determmation:preciud�fnrfeiture af the Bomo+xer�:__ - -
<br /> in�erest u�the ptoperty or,oti�er material impaim�ent of tlte lien c�sted by this Secunry In.strument or I:ender§security
<br />'.,'-�r°.`: - �' intenes� Bormwec shali:at5d;6e ia dafault if Bormwer.during t11e �oan �PP�cation process. Save matetialty false or
<br />� �"+>. . iaaccurate info�mation orstuteaien�s to Lender lor fatted tp piovide E.ender with�nY matenai informariont in connect�on with
<br />��f:"""t`•• the loan evidectcz3-:tiy:,ihe Nate,inctudittg.but aot limiteA ta. �epr�entatinns conceming Bnirowei's occupancY af the .
<br /> "ti4?.=` If thi.c S2cu�ty tnstrument is an a leasehatd.Sa�tawer shall cum�Iy a�th ali the provisions
<br />-`�'��;=: �9 a4�si pr�n�.�d4tice• -
<br /> --<,� of the lease.�1f��msow�r acclui�fee ritis to the Property.thc teasetiold unA fhe fee title shall not rner�e qnless l.ender agrees
<br />:,,��.l,��j; - � '
<br /> :'t,,.,. ,�,;.:' t0111C1IkfgCt�lA.�t1?1�'i' ._' ;: . .
<br /> >- � ' 7. Protediu�t�:of;I.ea�ie�'s Rights ie the Property. If BomnKer f�iLs ta�perfarm ttr� �o�enants and agreements
<br /> r,.;�.
<br /> . � � coatained in this:5ecwrity Instrumen�or thece is a legal procceding that may tiignifica�nly a€�eet Lender�rights in t
<br /> � . properiy(such as a praceeding in bantuuptcy.psobate.for candemnation ar forfeiturc or[v enfacc�.laws ar regulauoacl.then
<br /> , Lender may.do and pay for whatever is necessary ta prosect the value of the Propeny and l.ender�righ�s in the PropeRy.
<br /> ,:�. :
<br /> ,�•.'� -{' L,ender�s actiosu may include p2ying any�ums secured by a lien which h�c priority aver thi4 Security Instrument.appeanng
<br />- s�; in court.paying reasana6te attameys'fees and entering on tfre Praperty to make repairs.Atthough L.ender may takc acuan _
<br /> °�'"� under this paragrapfi 7.l.endet dces not have ta da so. _
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7�ha11 became additional debt of Borirawer aecured by thi� _.
<br /> :, I�;., Secwity tnst�t�i. Unle.s.r Sor�ower and ixnder agree to other terms nf payment,these umauntc shal!bcar interest from�h� _
<br /> ,,�.,,a.,:� _ `�: date of disbuis�iGm at the Note rate and shali be paYable.with interes�upon natice from l.endet to Borrower requesting .
<br /> ,. ,�'ri% 1? �ytUellE:;:;: ::`...: _
<br /> : 1%'f� ��:y:` -•$. ..M��d,�age,Y�i�ua�u+n?oe. If l.ender required man�s►ge i4�uran�r�.�:+canditian ai making.lhe loan secunxl by this _
<br /> �;.r . , .
<br /> �;..�r ��::, :. �������,ctrument�':Bnr�owar shall pay the premium.s reguiztd'io maintain[he mortgagc in�urar�ce jn effect. .If.•.far any _
<br /> ` .�` '-3. :.:reaspQ:it►e atortgagE iruuranrt caveragc rcyu�rcd hy Leiidxr Ia�sa�'ar cea+e� to be in eifect. 8�aw'er c�All.pay �he =
<br /> ��yy1��� . . , -
<br /> !�i•< ;�;'• ' ' temiums:re uirer�so obtain covemge x�bstantially;equivutrna.i�4 the tiiort�age imuranre pre�'iou-�l�in eiiect�;a� a ca��
<br /> : .ri��'f:f
<br /> .�!,•.1f �? .ulntantialfl�ec��ivalent ta ihe cost,ta 6-ari�ow�r of ttie inart`eage:incurnn�previou�ly in effect.,fram an alt;mm�YYt martgage
<br /> - ';;�. ' iv�t$nt morsgagc is�y�nc+'coverage��nat Availabfe.B►�im��'et shuU pay to
<br /> � : ` �;'�: a�.aurer�pprpved by Lender. If substanliAity equ ;��when ihe _
<br /> ,�°; � ,., '.7,�trder cach month�tium cqual to�ne-twelftb af t�t'r:yefli�y:?nongaSe incurance premium being paid by gais�.
<br /> �,-1 ' mstirartc`t:r�i�rrnge I�psed or ceatied tn be in effect. �:..�nd�r+�iill_accept.uxe und retain thc:.e paymenis as a�t�.cc rc's�eave in tieu
<br /> ,,;.h s;� -� '�,p{�p��p tiqsumnce. L.nti,rescrve�paymenfr may ri:i;fbngcr be'requircd.at Ihe aptian of Lender, if mor�Ci��insurance
<br /> ::,:., �;�f{ �`'�,�+:,.ti�;;��.��t�'th`r nnu�unt aod for the per'sc,�_that L.ender re.`quiret►�sr��'i;#ed hy an insurer Appmvcd hy Lcnder Agaln becomcc
<br />` "'�'�: �r';�, aE'��a�+l���ii�i�"sr ubtaincd.Borrawer yir.sll��y��he premiam�reca:��r����?nainl:�im m�nFage msura7i•�m effcct.or to pmviJe a
<br /> � � (u�4�'eyrr+�.Until the requiremcm far mangage insur?n�:,:fr�7 cj+�<E:s�x-�ancc�vitt►:u►;.wr�ttcn�i�rcc�atcnt 6etween Barro�vcr
<br /> , att�l i.ender or applirable law. , :'��`,. , , :, • ;; . � ,.
<br /> ' ,.•:,:
<br />_ ' . : ; • �,,;•.9. lasp[cUon. l.cnder ar it.r•agcnt may make n:s�:i;,tuJii�i;��f tir�.u�or�:ut!f��y�v;a:i�i,r,s'Tnt=tfrb�Praperly. l.cndcr ahall ..
<br /> ., . 1::.:'. �}ive;Anhtsw,��oticc a�the timc uf�►r prior ta an in:�cti33n;tipci:it;ci�a�s.firahui�a�ili�c��:,�_:i.'.i-i�rc an:r?�c�on.
<br /> , "`� , ,lt1.�.��rN��mnatiun. 'fhc pu+rccds ai':my awarJ�,r.rl:�cnr fufi'ii;n�►;��.rsi.idin-v.1!;"!;uiri��;qut;�yi;��;.i»conncction with imy
<br /> �� ' ' . tiirt�In�.uu0y..tannk�tu�Fnddielfae4itilft)�5L1i�;j�'i'�'itl:�i�`.?=i.'n:&�rr3�1,�.aat►:li; 9."90 lpn�eZ��lAlktei�i •
<br /> . ':+f����,.�. . .
<br /> .�..� CAdf��Aus'nti iuR!!fdC.�
<br />� • i•;:.:� < , . . ' '' tu�Rderfr:t t8fp.iJ1►9(i'A q�:i�lGif179fdf3(
<br /> � ; �i,�� [. �
<br /> � a - �1 i . `� , . �
<br />-' . F •�� 1. '' / ' . .. . . , , , .. _ . . . . �.{ .. . . . •�� '1S���j�r,� �
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<br /> . . - � rtl����ip'ik•'��... ' • � . ' ' _ • .. . . /'.1...
<br /> ��.. ^Y:_ y�Fl, -. . . , �,. ; . ... . . i. • . . ' ' _ .. .. ' ... '. . .. ' t' ',_ ' -- ' ,.! . . .. ,
<br />- _ `7.i:•'--•G�,' - .. ,: - --- - -- - , - � .
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