<br /> Ldr'i` s � x,.i .i .. �--- � •-- ----- .
<br /> ti �:. ' . _. - -- _
<br /> .�_,. . ._ _
<br /> -. , __ . , .. _ .._
<br /> - - -- L _ - - - .. _.�._._. -
<br /> -- _- - - - . _ _ . .
<br /> _— �-- � _ - _ _ --._ _ . .. _ -_ _
<br /> � _ � � . - - - . - -� . � � -..- = . � _ . � , _�� �#�3308
<br /> � .� - �: �
<br /> . - `7�OG�s'THFR WC!'H ail tLe impcovmkets ao�►.a benafter aaotod cin the propeKjt:and a11 eaie,mmts.appn�een�a. �. . ,
<br /> - a�d fianr�es eo�v or bara�ier:p�t of ih�p�oQeny:IUl'�a�add�ions shaU�lso�e cave�ad by tbas SecuritY
<br /> ; la�lnoodr. All of tht fa�egaiooa is tefea�al to m tbis Se�uticy�nstrucnent ss the"Property." �- ` ' ' ,
<br /> `•BORR0�11tFR�DVENANTS tb�t Hoaower is bwfuUy seised of dtt emte heteby wnvayed'and!ns tde right m g�t . ,
<br /> � ud�oa�ey the Ptopaty�nd that Hie Pn�erty is uotnumbeced.eacept for em.vmbrancss of Kcad. Barmwer wartants and , ,
<br /> ` wll!defend genaaUy tde title to the Ptvpetcy against ait clsiaas md dem�nds.subject to any a�c�unbcuicxs of ncront..
<br /> _..�.- ------- --- ..
<br /> _ _ - -1NS7`t��f1�F - - �v - -��d=�a-�fta��r�tts_with=--- ` --
<br /> -- limited vunfioa4 by�to oonsbwte x unifarm sccasitg�i coveting trat QmpertY• . -
<br /> LiNIFnRM OOVENANfS. Hamnwer and I�endetcovemat�tKt agnx ac foltows. when due ti�
<br /> ' I. R�skat d RrbclpN aa�d I�taes�Pre�aJ�nt ad La�c C6ar�n. Bocrowc�sh�1t P'�PdY PaY �
<br /> prjpcip�l of and inteteu on tde de6t evidenceA by the Note a�d an3►P�'�PaY�?�late cl�arges due undet the Nate.
<br /> L, I�l�isior 7i�xes a�A L�a�ea SuDiax to�plicahle taw a ta a vrmtten waiva by Leoder.BamMrcr sAa11 pay w
<br /> I.a�der at t6e dty monthlY WY�ant dne under the Nde,ur�the Notr is p�id in fit11.a som("Eauads'7 fa:ta}yeariy �
<br /> wces 7�rd acsassmaus w6�ch may atta�n priaitY ovu this Sa�urity:Ins�mnent u a lien on the Anpecty;(b)Y�Y��b
<br />= P�Y��8��ra�ts un the Ptapetty,-if any: (c)Y�Y���P�P�Y in�uru�ce L�ni+�(d�Y�Y�� - -- —
<br /> — ins�aaaoe p�emiutns.�f su�y:{e)Y�Y�8a8����°II�i�.a°ry:�`(�-�ay sams�yshte-by-�aw�:v
<br /> -- Lender in accadaace with the pmvisiaas of pa�g�niph S ia lieu of the pa��Eof�qctgage 3nsurince pemi�s. 'I7kse
<br /> acca ace
<br /> lIE{dS 71C CiUOd"E3C10W�S.° �I1113fe��l}I G� R�t�[.����'W�S IR�3�01111�f W�[O BECCC�i�IC 111�IIIlqWi� _
<br />..�;M�- amoumt a leader far a ftderiliy telued�!om maY�equicr..fo�.Bq�!n�eFS esaeow accaunt under t6e fedetal Real
<br />- Ecpte Seuktna�t P��ea Act of 1974 as�tded frnm tinae w t�mi,��T:5.C.$1601 et s�9-("RESPA'ry.ualess anotliec --
<br />:ti?�-^ taw tb�t appiies to ihe Funds sets a IGSSeram�.ff'so,Lendec may.ai,�"time.coilect attd hoid Funds in an amount not to . . _
<br /> :--�, � exreed d�e kssec amount. Lender mry'�dle amoaat of Fwir�s dae an ti�e 6asis of current data and rmsa�abk ...
<br /> ��_ • esp�s of expeacfitanes of fntuce Esc.�to�i��?ise in a�o�dance witlt appii,cable Ww '
<br />';"``; The Ii�odg shall be lxld in an`in�:�s�;�epasits aoe incuted by a f�agency:instc�meaRality,u�entity .. —
<br /> t. ... . J.. t tlle Ftulds W c .
<br /> _ (including I.er�der,if l.eeder is such aa' .'i��e�.:��si¢�+�deral Houie I.o�n B�nt.'3.endec sha11 aP'WY i�?Y ;, ., .�
<br /> -< • the Esccow Itert� l.ende�may not c��:f�xe��'�old'mg aad a}�ipiying the Funds,'atii�ohaJ3�;�nalYzmB the estxaw , :,,,;,:�,.
<br /> W' , ' • accoimt,or verifying ihe Escmw ItemS:,ojsJi��:�i�t���ays Homn��ver intetest on tlse Iitnds�`,�licable law pem�its .. .....,.;:,:� —�
<br /> - Let�der to m�lre siuh a charge. Howeves;�.��:��e Bamiwer to pay a Qne-time c�t�an independent reat , _w—
<br /> - �t+e mx reporting�se�x�I�y Lee�der in colhnze���this to�n.w�iess ap�ta�v�its.v:d�eS otherwise. Unless an -�---_-
<br /> �geement is made or applicable law toquizes interiest t�:i�.�id.Lender shall not�oe s+.,,,Y--,�.::�d.to pay Borrower any interest ar, : :� ����
<br /> .: _. eamings on ihe Fi�ads. Bormwer and I.ender ma a t�amti howtver that i��_�h�li b� d on the Funds Lender , �:'�'""=�-
<br /> Y 8�~ �8• • ���.�,.,
<br /> :t -� sh�ll give to Bomnwer.witf�t charga ait a�nual a�xannting'of the f�cnds:showing�*#�aa���s w.tbe Funds and the� - �___--_
<br /> .:;:�� P�P�fa which eacb debii to the Fimds��s made. 'Fhe Funds are ptedgod as addieo�ai se�?�-�'�:�all sums secured by ��-='-_
<br /> ,F;� 1j1�S$CCflY1�I T11.4hUt11CIlf. `:�. , �'''•'r�.,�`t'f%'' "•"' , �-- _
<br /> If the Funds held hy��g?�ce�3she aa�ounts pemiitted w 6e.heid by��e��.��,;:�der shall.acccwnt to �,.�.�.,
<br />_ Aarnwer fa the eacess Fun�s i�:��with the�equirements of applicabk I�M,:.�;�•�"��af the FY�nds hetd by
<br /> ' L,ender at any time is not suf'�ie���s�p�t�e Escrow Items when due.Lender may sa��, 'L�`-w,er in wciting.and.in �`!_=-
<br /> `���-;�%., �'°°�`.-
<br />� {,,;� - sueh eue Ba�rawer shall pa�.��t�.�amouat necessacY to iaake up the de�'�?Cy: �m�'shal!make up the
<br />. .:��Y��, . deficiency ia no morie tfian tweX��rno�tbTy payrtwmts,at Lender s sole discrction. , . ° ��
<br />. , Upon payment in fult af�`snms secuied by Nis Security insavment,Lendec;:�A promP[t�sefaiid to Bcurower.any� �
<br /> FY�nds held by Lender. If.�Zr patagraPh 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Proper�y.lxnder,prior to the acqa�sition vr ::�y;i'`�r�
<br />�� salo of tho shall a 1 an i'�nds heid b Lender at the time of a uisitiaa�or sate as a credit against tise sums (`g;;�,";
<br /> Pt�pettY. PP Y Y Y �4 `r�..��. �,���..,..;
<br />, secaaedbythtsSecuntylnstrurnent. . %�-���j-;-r::
<br /> - � 3. Applkatlon d P�yments. Unless appltcable law provides otherwise. all payments reoeived by Lender under - .;,.,. .. _
<br /> `''t''�;. puagraphs 1 and 2 shail be applied:ficst,to anY prc�w►ymeat charges due under the Nae:secaxl.to amaunu payable under '::5..
<br /> ��`.
<br /> f Y �S _;.� 1,�,�_:
<br /> ' puagnph Z:tt�ird.w interest due: ourth.to principal due:and last,to an late cd es due under thc Nae. �'::_•_--. --
<br /> ' q, CMsraex Liem. Bomnwer shall pay all taaes.assessments.charges.fin�and imposiBons ataibutabk to the . .�r�r,���,:;i�
<br /> PaS�. S� -•�,. t:�e..:...
<br /> , ' property which may attain prioriry over this Security instrumen�and ieasehoid aF nd rents.if any. Borrower ,:��;:1�,�,�.:�
<br /> - � shall p�y these obligations in the manner pravided'm paragrapl�2.ar if not paid in tli:�t:ct:nncr.Borrower shall pay them an �• , ?��±,�.� s
<br /> � �';%'`t. �#+'� dmo dircctly to the petsan owed payment. Ba�rowet shal!promptly fumish to Lender EtFc�tces.at�mounta to be paid undcr _ -_
<br /> `''�ii,," y: - t h is puagra p t�. I f Bormwer m a k e s t h c s e p a}a n c n t s d i r e c t ty,B a r r a w e r s h a l l p r o m p t t y f G r:.i t u T�r e c e i p s e v i d e n c i r�g - ' _
<br />'..,<•.�;;}.. _:':.•`• .
<br /> _:t!(c,,r, . , the paymeats. ,, . '....: � . _ '=` .
<br /> �,t:
<br />'.,•�' 's • Borrower shall promptlx:discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security��:�.,:�:r�i�:«ess Barower�a)agrees :' -�''.`� : :
<br /> � ! ` �ieu��riting to the�Aymcnt of t�e obligaUan secured by thc lien in a manner accepwbletsR;�::dei:('b}contcsts iri�s��aith thc -'��:.±':�:--,
<br /> ,.'+,:f,'•':: . F'�Crf by.or de;e�ragainst enforcement c�'r�e lien in,legal proc e e dingg w hic h in t h e T:a�:t�s e�mion o p e r a te to s s:t+ent the• � ��=.;,.;_�'
<br />? '`:`''�; enforamene�t�c[ien:vr(c)secutes frota.flu holder of the lien aa agreement sallsfat�:��ry to 1ren�ter subordinating tha Iiea : . '.�'�'.'���`
<br />.. �i`;;;.,..: . � .�:.:�.: - -
<br /> ";!r�4;�?. to this Securir Gr.�,�rumen� If l.ender deter'mines that an art ai ihe Propetty is s +$.<to a lien which may attain orit :,:
<br /> � Y P �.1. "' P� Y , ; �t,:..
<br /> ovec this Securlty Inswmee��1..ettder may give Barrower u ratice identifying the Itec� 1Bo:rawer shall satisfy the lien or take �,�r�;,;,;s`u..
<br /> one or more af the actions,r,t��.h above withln 10 days of the giving of notice. �. :�: � ;�'�;,z;;�t;; '•
<br /> • ' 9. Hazard or Prq�ertg:II�ranca Borrower shall keep the improvement�4�1w?existing or heteafter e�i on the •.;.y;��:;<<;�;:
<br /> ' ,,.,,.:�.
<br /> +•'• . p�upeRy lnsured against loss S.�ry fue.hazards.included within the term"extended sot�."and any other hazards."r•.tcluding �;;,`
<br />" . � tlaod9 or floodi�,.for which Lender requi�es insurance. 7l�is insurance shall iic.rrraintained i�the amounts and for the , . •.
<br />__ ' T _ ' . . . . ' , :. .
<br /> .�
<br /> . } :t ` FaIS3�2a f!!� Ipa.E"r��fh�wR�st �'i.y�'� .
<br /> • , ;.�... .
<br /> �� • , . . - :
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