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<br /> . �rw�•r.e�rr►r.w�.�r�,�.a�.s�o«��ua r�x•�a�+�e�d..a+�:�aas+�:�,�:it�a�
<br /> eriiwiori Mj tr Nae ad 4ret c�s dre�mda the;Wxa . ,
<br /> ` �- ' ��i 1M.+rlar•�•r•t'�■r Iw�w�s a+�o�Marc�w�.�aiv�er,A�n aa�#uae�i vc6 manhlY�.o������
<br /> 't1�e�ri�ipi asd faeaat�u�et.fcM ta tbe NaRa aa!aU�t�te*�rlw�n fiuttlfa�eat of aoy i�)w�es�ad awAAAAlt�1�• .
<br /> � levid a w be k.�ee�i+iMt t!e Prapenl.@?.��s°���'�ca�tAa FraP�n:a��te)�Pc�as�►t°:tqr, �
<br /> . , i�w�aeeeq�iyed_6�1P�p�p��• . :�`
<br /> � �'••
<br /> - . - __ ----�i���or:�isu{�?�{a).vM�1��o�tb��a�rtc�m���ia����;;:--- - --- —
<br /> . !�.�as amoret�to�sa ad�tiootl�sl�oaeef aat maca tb�n�onadxth af�tba�ted amaants:3Tftt_��,:--.. --- --
<br /> - td areY a�owt tar a�1 Y���6c�bfcLnda wilbta�Oatad.��c�h•hefate�n,itpa�,�ki:� ' ..
<br /> = b�oo�tddi�qu�t.Lodertl�W hoidaheamaatsoolleecad9ntimtto pQRi�ems tr)ilb}+md(c��efaethei�.6eaom�del�tl�dli: :
<br /> � ifat�al►tL�etbetatatotWcO��bxLmd��rlackams(�1:.(b?�+�dtc)�ta�tha�itMtl�efi�tit�s�aqih�.p�tk�: " .
<br /> - . • for s�d i�e�s D�l�tol.eder P�Cr,w tbedua dMesot�itao�s.aoeedc 6�n�th�a aoa�iZth tha auim�tcA an►m�atiat;`.
<br />_��- p��st��eqNied to yq�h.itqo�.�Aea du�aod�[�at tha I�1atc ate auteAt..tbm�teatfer,�11�litbe�il�tftitt��
<br /> - . .aooas oMa o�e-�GOb of tUe e s[i a u�c e d.piqRaa4t�aa a�k t b a�.��9 a e-f i�a b o L t b a a c i�t a��i��a��.
<br /> z :_
<br />_ ,y.
<br />=���- v�un�a�t.bf s�.ac t6e�oGl�ra�w�c.tf�ab coc�1 oruK Ara�+mtla bx8o�ca�a:ra�i�.t�h;rota�a�,c���
<br />::,: -� ..
<br />-_-_.: _ ia�f!l�toniUttl�t_ip�4wl������P4.taLe�cia�r.aosauatt�eoe�p!►,toa�filce�op.slwdt�qtl�S?oaor -
<br /> - - —beToie i1e�Te tie&a beooina dua. - -- -._.__ _.. -
<br /> - As we��tld�Se�kl�inmiweat,"Seae�''�tUa Secre4�,r.'ai�3iaudp�asd�Qrb�a,�L;a�?�is a 6er.
<br /> we �_
<br /> ded�ee,irfo�t Seauic�►iastrume�tf iqAned blRtbeSec�ee�rlr.aca iaaued aoda q�wbich.ta4�i�nadw�aalHb'�i of ti�e
<br />.. � �so�..�u���.vu�cse�c��au�o�.��uoaau�:.�p��rb�,:ara�a��ooaa+n,a,�a�e ��.�=
<br /> pq.�seottLeesWemaq�/eina�wo�a���e��Q�".��uatfa►=aauaaeitht=:Q���ids�st�ameacoeebe e��:T_
<br /> aa�t mf�t�G�OOa Dcm�um�W�be I�,6�r:Lmda to tha Spant#�9v:P�(�1:�plauti��.�0.ilis�od ot s mortWe
<br /> �.w,,,�e�,�r�se�unra,�nw�c:��t�a��aasae��saa�awatar:�iafi�llaiao�iM�� ����:--_-
<br /> . a
<br /> _ . f pedaa�R.a.ur fa:�s smoaut waTc&�a�ca�acwp�ta tba rwt�.aaa�i�no�r�auw�a�noa " rritb Leada a�e mamU. ���.� _
<br /> ti . -
<br /> .. . peiortotbed��tuflsu�i�pmti�a�lsunuaepaea�ivat ' '`
<br /> i"tdYaWtqet�?+n�!�l•:�+i thtt. instrua�mtisbddbftho .
<br /> , Sy��i����y.�a�•��vh�1X�s_�1 sbllp'he ia`�u,�a�t,eyq�t;pt•aea:t}Klttp�o6ane�t���of t6e cu�aodias D�+DIa ��,� x
<br />., p�GYYG�NF1� � ::...•�• i•..•: �•'•,.� _ '.;:�'�. '" ..'''.' .�,' ' _ .1�.�_:v't:�._- �A� _..__
<br /> J,- , ��
<br /> . . . �EHO�fORC[fladllt W l.C���pU pRl�111�OG�Q�fl1�7�C1q0�.1�k�'i�f SEL71T�t��lAi�►��[$�COOOIIC f6/II bC ��� �,, .-
<br /> �:iv • �whb thC b�OQE t���7�1�IIf[�piCI1W COt}3[ptlf�(lt},.(�)�'(Cj)iDd�1i7�'�n�D��� - ' �,
<br /> f11 4Q f1.�iM.SPli��11��1��P�g���liCCfff111149t0. � � -
<br /> . `° . �t�qt j.H1fJR�aP{��1D00QIRaB�. AsY._ � L�:�'!�OOOIi11I S6�I b0 -� ., °—
<br /> ,::{ • HoRO+rec fmmediud9 p�io[Sttr.�.f�rtq�iite'satto�tAa Fi�pai��A�njitf-�•br _ .
<br /> �: �e..n�,�;►��r�a�fa�.�n��r��r���Ax.,c�r*�a�ta�- �:� , ---
<br /> , �.:,. ,.._ . . . _-
<br /> ° F' � 3.A!/feW�Kl�.Al1�A�q�s,pt�ir.lf�a�let�a�til�txsppiie�by F,en�et as toilows: ; ,
<br /> �: .` F�,Q.to the matitye insur�am�u11a bt t�Ci:b�:�ieatite�tbr�riaSeQe[u9 orw t5cmaaWly cUute bY tha Sazetsry► •� �,: � --
<br /> '�• � , iastaid at tba oaomthl�►n�ati+�+�fbsttt�und!?A�t��ta]tstAonmRer p�dd the eadr�e mo�i�p[auium�ben this • ,,. �-_
<br /> �����' �r+�'pq{�'::"k�oirl�rbmts or gamd nmt+.and fue.lfooct mdo�heir ha�d Inwtanoe ` .,_•`
<br /> �• �h �':'`�•;,%.�+..-_-.
<br /> � " �W�duC audls thk NoiioC ` � • . � • _ - _ -
<br /> ' f •Ilii.w.
<br /> ,� ._..�"` - � �TH tOimQI�IOA•OC��E`Q�B�Q�ttlCNO�Cs • . •-__
<br /> °:�:if;';�� �,.� �,�{► .m.�trcf�u�es daeu„da tbe NaG � .. ' . _--
<br /> ,. *,, ..`
<br />. ';:}'��'�� �.Fiti FNM�i OliierH�snl I�ca Bamo�va shaD insnteall improveweats on tha Pcopaty.�rUUethu noM in adsteaoe . . _
<br /> ' ,-,r ,�=',v�"�'a � -
<br /> . �=�"r or sobsequeaUy aaxod.�Wiast aa9l�a�cds�c�sutiBes.wd con�.in�l�di�f fue.tor�rhlch i.eada reqnires towranoe.
<br /> ���a ����� This insnraooe�h�D be�ntsined in the�maunta atK1 tor tde paiods th�t Lender roquira.Baro�rer sba11 atso inwre tU ...
<br /> ' imprpvemeats on the Property.whether now ia adsteace or aubscqaeatiy aocted.apinst toss by floods to tHeaaeat rcQaired by : '�
<br /> �:'y:� • '�" . tbe Soc�et�7►.AIt iosuraooe s6ai1 be carried witb comWnia�pproved by t.eader.Tde insur�nae policies and aay rene+vats sh�l! �:. ,;__.
<br /> �`:`:?�i; �e t�d b�r i.ender snd sbW Inciude loss psy�bb clnasa ia fitvor ot,aad in a tonn aa�eptabk to.i.ender. . --_
<br /> ;�r.•,:. Ia the e�mt of los+.Borrower ahW�ive Lenderimmedi�teaoticebY mW.LeadermiYmateVroo[of loss if not made vro�uPt- ��.�v:
<br /> ,...: � , . _
<br /> �:i;:t:.,::,- �s •
<br /> ;„`,'."'�': -� ' lY�ryr 8ocra�r.F.ach inwnace comD�y�onoerned IS liaebY auilwtlzdd iladdirected to mltice p1�Y�t fos such loss dlrtetlY f0 . �
<br />; ;',���,: . -t = I.ender,�ceaa ot to aorrower aaa eo�enacr�au�tty.AU ocsv�p�tt of t6e auutanoe praoxds msY bo sPP1kd b!►I.ender.u its : .,_�' ,
<br /> �,r�.:, -
<br />�t•'<'(��'���� ' oyGloa.either{y to the rcducdon a!the indebtMness�m�t�ie Note aad t6ts SaenciL�Tastrummb tirat to any delitKluent �` . • •^
<br />._7:,;;:;F,� •_.�:
<br />,.{,��;';�;;:Fi; �nts spplied in the order in Pua�caph 3.aad tben to yrtpsyment oi priqa�l.es GbA to tho rastoation or repair ot the � ' . -
<br />. ::�s,,r�',, ! d�myed OroDa�Y•�+Y�PPliradoa ot tht D�to the�nclD�ah#D rtat.exreact i�r i7��ae the due Mte ot the monthtyr '�.;.°
<br /> 1 t,h
<br /> � }„ , „"�p.;: � p�ymeats�acr�elerred to ln Psraganh�ca chanse the amwiat ot s�'s 17�T'���exces.+insurana praeoads over�n . ��
<br /> ° i x.c�,r , +mwat reqnit�+di�D�►S►�1 1 oatswn d in�i n d e b tedttess unQer ihe Note itnd thls 5��L�.�e�t shill 6e paid to the entity kpt- • : • _
<br /> :..�..r:.. 1Sre�tietadt6e:e�s;`•' : . � ; .. ' � f . :_�
<br /> ; � , , _ ,__
<br /> • ,, -
<br /> t�`.�;'e:,, ��zi rJic ev�at.vs���os�:•r m���Secudty tnstrument or other tr�a�fer oft��;tks L'ropaty thst eati�uishes the ln- , _
<br /> "��;. deFrtetla�;s�.r�;i€tk aad in'erese of 8orr�wer In aad to insmu�a poUcies in fotge�aA qss co t6e pnrchiser. � � '�''
<br /> •!,,�.;�,.;,{ � . . , . ; , ; . . , K .. .. . -
<br />��t,i:%,':�,'i:'j�� S .�wi M��t�c�.�•Bonra��atJ IIo�wmmit wsste or destroy.d�m�e or � , ',
<br /> ;,,.�,•,.:,�� ���, . �'b�s'stir",�y s�aA�e We Pra�Y or altova'i�a�ropeny tv deserbate.r�'�v�c�r+sad teu exceptod.Lsnder msY inspcce �;
<br /> �.t";'• .:_-�,?. t1x y�tolperty it the D�operty a5 varaat os a�3�:�d vr tht tcam.0 in Qefs�;f:i��es��t�ke reuonabk action to protat and ,
<br />� ,• .,' prte�xve auch vicsnt or a6�nda�r'J DroDert�'.Tf cPas Securcr�Lm�,Tament is ca a 3�se�ald.C�„-�trower sh�11 complY with tLepsovi- �. (
<br /> ert�r
<br /> • '� ' '" •x�-'��' siuns ot fbe laae.lt Borrowei�cyu9rcs fc�u:�,e ta the Praperty.the IeaSdza�,3�xad ta titte sha11 aoe be mer�ed unicss Lender �
<br /> :.�� '"•:��..�;,,,��,. aRastoihema�erinwrltlna. � � ' . �, . ' ,
<br /> .� :�r��.'.i•�' ,y �
<br /> � �,CirpseolkecswaaM teaiei�li�eMoO'II�mieiPs Ri�b i�tlie rn/erty�l�acrower shsJ{isu:�a11 gRr*emsmeaw or mtuaiclp�l ��
<br /> -- cbar�a.Ma�i�posti�ns�+t are not u�c:tcdcd in Parasraph 2.Borrowtr shaU pay t7�'e�a�as�s�t fitne d1re�3y.r.a the �.
<br /> ��,;� . entity wWch is os�tho • �::lf faiiure to piy wuuld adversety altect Lender'a intere�in�:r Pc'apt:tY.upaa l.ea�v''s ro- � , .
<br /> .��;:';. queat Sorrower s�4�ramy�ip��i.raisM to l.ender recelpcs evidancins t6ese�aymmcr� .. �;. ''.
<br /> �:-. ��
<br /> -s=- • tf Hortawer fsiJa�ic�malce these p�yments or tt�.e�ymeets tequlred by Par�gratpb Z�arEaa�vipeif�rtt�atilother wvm�ats mtd j :
<br /> �reppests�ius1 in this SecutltY Iastrunser�t.r ar thera is a lepl pro�di.n8 r.t�crt.�."��F.iflcuuty,etl`c�Lteder's ti�ts in
<br /> the:�opeetg(uw�as s procadiaa ln banicn�i4y:tor condemnuion or ta eaf�e Ua��i�tarions),-tt��r Ltadar may do and �
<br /> ps},wb�tever i�neces.wY to pmeect thavalue b!the Property snd Lendee°s•ri�ktsiFss iR�i�relY+inriudlna psymeae o[�rixes. .
<br /> - � -� haard bnsuranx and other item�menUoaed�n Puaaraph�. •.. . . � i
<br /> - �..� Secu�rdty t�astntmenl Th bamounts att�il btar int�ere�st from t�he Qate o Qhbutsemeet�tt�e Note ram,anda t 1lietopNae ot �
<br /> .- - _ - �--- - - l.eader.shti!be immedi�tely due aad paYahte� -- , i .
<br /> �'' Z GN�Wn.The proceeds o!anyr award or ciaim for damue��dlccce or consequentlal,in connect�an wieh any conQe�n- '
<br /> nation ar ofher takle�ot�ey part of the Ptoperty,or toe caaveyiace ia pltee Of condwn�dan,ue hereby usi jned aad shall be .
<br /> • �� . ,, p�id to l,eader to We auem of the tWl imouat of the iedebtedea�that�emains unDaid unQer�he Note and this 5ecurtiy Instrn-
<br /> � � mmt,LeeQershW apply�us6 pracecd�to the reduction of the iadebtedees�uader the Nata aad th1�Securltyr lnstrument.tisst ta
<br /> ' .� � aey ddiequent amauab�pplied in the order provided in Puap�ph 3,and thm to prep�nnene of prindpal.My appl�tion o! .
<br /> .. ths proeeed�to the pNndp�dl s�ll aet extend or postpone the due due ot the moethlY psyments.which are referred to ia ,
<br />-__ - •�_ _- ,- _-- d�eb�t�nda�h�Nae�nd thL�a5ecurity�nsau�men h�p d t�e eedty le�1y ent Ued�here o�all a�eu�ndln�[ia- � . . _-...�_�...__-
<br /> .. : '�
<br /> • • ' ' ' �.Fta.LeaQer msy colket tee�aed chu�a zuthalired by ttie Sccretuy.
<br /> _ . •. ; . -- . _ . . �a�� . . _ _
<br /> . � _• i ..• .: . �
<br />